Federal Benefits
The Federal Employees’ Group
Life Insurance Program (FEGLI)
* What is FEGLI? FEGLI provides
term life insurance at group rates with
payroll deductions available through
your Federal agency. Benefits are paid
if you or a family member die or if you
become dismembered while insured.
It’s important protection to help you
plan for the future financial needs of
your family and loved ones.
* What types of coverage are
available? There are two types of
FEGLI life insurance: Basic and
Basic: Equals your salary rounded up
to the next even $1,000, plus $2,000;
includes Accidental Death and
Dismemberment coverage at no
additional cost; plus “Extra Benefit”
coverage for enrollees under age 45.
The Extra Benefit doubles the amount
payable for Basic if you are age 35 or
younger when you die. This extra
amount decreases each year by 10%
until there is no “extra” coverage
payable if you die at age 45 or older.
Optional: There are three types of
Optional insurance: Option A-Standard
($10,000 of life insurance), Option B-
Additional (you choose from 1 to 5
times your salary), and Option C–
Family (coverage on your spouse and
eligible dependent children).
* Am I eligible? Most Federal
employees are eligible. If you are
employed in a “FEGLI-eligible” position,
you are automatically covered the first
day you are in a pay and duty status
with your employing agency for basic
You may also purchase additional
coverage, or elect to cover your spouse
and eligible dependent children under
this Program.
If you elect to waive basic coverage,
you may not elect optional
* How much do I pay? For Basic
insurance, you pay $.15 biweekly for
each $1,000 of your coverage. The
Federal Government pays the
remaining 1/3
of the cost of Basic
insurance. (Basic is free for U.S. Postal
Service employees).
For Optional insurance, you pay the full
cost, which varies depending on the
option(s) you elect, your salary, and
your age. Optional insurance
premiums increase based on five-year
bands. Premiums are available at
* When can I enroll? Newly hired
and newly eligible employees are
automatically enrolled in Basic
insurance on their first day in pay and
duty status.
If you want Optional insurance, you
must elect coverage within 60 days
after becoming eligible.
You have a few other opportunities to
enroll in Basic insurance or increase
coverage after your opportunity as a
new employee ends:
); or
If you experience a FEGLI-
specific qualifying life event
(QLE), you may elect Basic and
all optional coverage (Option A,
Option B, and Option C) or
increase Option B and/or Option
C up to the maximum of five
o marriage
o divorce
o spouse’s death
o acquisition of an eligible
By providing satisfactory medical
information (SF 2822
During rare FEGLI Open Seasons
(the FEGLI Program does not
participate in the annual Federal
Benefits Open Season).
* How do I enroll? Complete a
Standard Form (SF 2817) “Life
Insurance Election” form and submit it
to your servicing Human Resources
(HR) office. Some agencies allow
electronic elections. Contact your HR
office to see if this applies to you.
* Can I continue my coverage
after I leave government or retire?
You cannot continue FEGLI
coverage if you leave the
government, but you get 31 days
of free coverage after you
separate and you have the right
to convert your FEGLI coverage
to an individual (non-FEGLI)
You can continue FEGLI coverage
as a retiree if you meet certain
eligibility and enrollment
* Who receives the FEGLI
benefits after I die?
You can designate the recipient of
the insurance benefits by completing
an (SF 2823) “Designation of
Beneficiary”. If you don’t specify,
benefits are paid in a particular
order, with your spouse first. If no
spouse, then benefits are paid to
your child(ren) and if no children,
then to your parent(s), etc. For
more information on this payment
order go to
You should submit your completed
“Designation of Beneficiary” form to
your agency Human Resources
office. As an employee, your HR
office maintains all of your FEGLI
* Where can I go for more
details or additional
information? You can find these
resources on our website at
FEGLI Booklet for Federal
FEGLI Booklet for Postal