LREC 2020 Workshop
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
11–16 May 2020
Workshop on Indian Language
Data: Resources and Evaluation
Girish Nath Jha, Kalika Bali, Sobha L, S. S. Agrawal, Atul Kr. Ojha
Proceedings of the LREC 2020
Workshop on Indian Language Data:
Resources and Evaluation
Edited by: Girish Nath Jha, Kalika Bali, Sobha L, S. S. Agrawal, Atul Kr. Ojha
ISBN: 979-10-95546-67-2
EAN: 9791095546672
For more information:
European Language Resources Association (ELRA)
9 rue des Cordelières
75013, Paris
European Language Resources Association (ELRA)
These workshop proceedings are licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
WILDRE the 5
Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and Evaluation is being organized
in Marseille, France on May 16
, 2020 under the LREC platform. India has a huge linguistic diversity
and has seen concerted efforts from the Indian government and industry towards developing language
resources. European Language Resource Association (ELRA) and its associate organizations have been
very active and successful in addressing the challenges and opportunities related to language resource
creation and evaluation. It is, therefore, a great opportunity for resource creators of Indian languages
to showcase their work on this platform and also to interact and learn from those involved in similar
initiatives all over the world.
The broader objectives of the 5
WILDRE will be
to map the status of Indian Language Resources
to investigate challenges related to creating and sharing various levels of language resources
to promote a dialogue between language resource developers and users
to provide an opportunity for researchers from India to collaborate with researchers from other
parts of the world
The call for papers received a good response from the Indian language technology community. Out of
nineteen full papers received for review, we selected one paper for oral, four for short oral and seven for
a poster presentation.
Workshops Chairs
Girish Nath Jha, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Kalika Bali, Microsoft Research India Lab, Bangalore
Sobha L, AU-KBC, Anna University
S. S. Agrawal, KIIT, Gurgaon, India
Workshop Manager
Atul Kr. Ojha, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic & Panlingua Language Processing
LLP, India
Girish Nath Jha, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Kalika Bali, Microsoft Research India Lab, Bangalore
Sobha L, AU-KBC, Anna University
S. S. Agrawal, KIIT, Gurgaon, India
Atul Kr. Ojha, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic & Panlingua Language Processing
LLP, India
Programme Committee
Adil Amin Kak, Kashmir University
Anil Kumar Singh, IIT BHU, Benaras
Anupam Basu, Director, NIIT, Durgapur
Anoop Kunchukuttan, Microsoft AI and Research, India
Arul Mozhi, University of Hyderabad
Asif Iqbal, IIT Patna, Patna
Atul Kr. Ojha, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic & Panlingua Language Processing
LLP, India
Bogdan Babych, University of Leeds, UK
Chao-Hong Liu, ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland
Claudia Soria, CNR-ILC, Italy
Dafydd Gibbon, Universität Bielefeld, Germany
Daan van Esch, Google, USA
Dan Zeman, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Delyth Prys, Bangor University, UK
Dipti Mishra Sharma, IIIT, Hyderabad
Diwakr Mishra, Amazon-Banglore, India
Dorothee Beermann, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Elizabeth Sherley, IITM-Kerala, Trivandrum
Esha Banerjee, Google, USA
Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
Georg Rehm, DFKI, Germany
Girish Nath Jha, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Jan Odijk, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Jolanta Bachan, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Joseph Mariani, LIMSI-CNRS, France
Jyoti D. Pawar, Goa University
Kalika Bali, MSRI, Bangalore
Khalid Choukri, ELRA, France
Lars Hellan, NTNU, Norway
M J Warsi, Aligarh Muslim University, India
Malhar Kulkarni, IIT Bombay
Manji Bhadra, Bankura University, West Bengal
Marko Tadic, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Croatia
Massimo Monaglia, University of Florence, Italy
Monojit Choudhary, MSRI Bangalore
Narayan Choudhary, CIIL, Mysore
Nicoletta Calzolari, ILC-CNR, Pisa, Italy
Niladri Shekhar Dash, ISI Kolkata
Panchanan Mohanty, GLA, Mathura
Pinky Nainwani, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Bangalore
Pushpak Bhattacharya, Director, IIT Patna
Qun Liu, Noah’s Ark Lab, Huawei
Rajeev R R, ICFOSS, Trivandrum
Ritesh Kumar, Agra University
Shantipriya Parida, Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland
S.K. Shrivastava, Head, TDIL, MEITY, Govt of India
S.S. Agrawal, KIIT, Gurgaon, India
Sachin Kumar, EZDI, Ahmedabad
Santanu Chaudhury, Director, IIT Jodhpur
Shivaji Bandhopadhyay, Director, NIT, Silchar
Sobha L, AU-KBC Research Centre, Anna University
Stelios Piperidis, ILSP, Greece
Subhash Chandra, Delhi University
Swaran Lata, Retired Head, TDIL, MCIT, Govt of India
Virach Sornlertlamvanich, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand
Vishal Goyal, Punjabi University, Patiala
Zygmunt Vetulani, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Table of Contents
Part-of-Speech Annotation Challenges in Marathi
Gajanan Rane, Nilesh Joshi, Geetanjali Rane, Hanumant Redkar, Malhar Kulkarni and Pushpak
Bhattacharyya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
A Dataset for Troll Classification of TamilMemes
Shardul Suryawanshi, Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi, Pranav Verma, Mihael Arcan, John Philip Mc-
Crae and Paul Buitelaar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
OdiEnCorp 2.0: Odia-English Parallel Corpus for Machine Translation
Shantipriya Parida, Satya Ranjan Dash, Ond
rej Bojar, Petr Motlicek, Priyanka Pattnaik and Deba-
sish Kumar Mallick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Handling Noun-Noun Coreference in Tamil
Vijay Sundar Ram and Sobha Lalitha Devi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Malayalam Speech Corpus: Design and Development for Dravidian Language
Lekshmi K R, Jithesh V S and Elizabeth Sherly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Multilingual Neural Machine Translation involving Indian Languages
Pulkit Madaan and Fatiha Sadat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Universal Dependency Treebanks for Low-Resource Indian Languages: The Case of Bhojpuri
Atul Kr. Ojha and Daniel Zeman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
A Fully Expanded Dependency Treebank for Telugu
Sneha Nallani, Manish Shrivastava and Dipti Sharma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Determination of Idiomatic Sentences in Paragraphs Using Statement Classification and Generalization
of Grammar Rules
Naziya Shaikh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Polish Lexicon-Grammar Development Methodology as an Example for Application to other Languages
Zygmunt Vetulani and Gra
zyna Vetulani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Abstractive Text Summarization for Sanskrit Prose: A Study of Methods and Approaches
Shagun Sinha and Girish Jha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
A Deeper Study on Features for Named Entity Recognition
Malarkodi C S and Sobha Lalitha Devi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Workshop Program
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Inaugural session
Welcome by Workshop Chairs
Inaugural Address
Keynote Lecture
Paper Session
Part-of-Speech Annotation Challenges in Marathi
Gajanan Rane, Nilesh Joshi, Geetanjali Rane, Hanumant Redkar, Malhar Kulkarni
and Pushpak Bhattacharyya
A Dataset for Troll Classification of TamilMemes
Shardul Suryawanshi, Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi, Pranav Verma, Mihael Arcan,
John Philip McCrae and Paul Buitelaar
OdiEnCorp 2.0: Odia-English Parallel Corpus for Machine Translation
Shantipriya Parida, Satya Ranjan Dash, Ond
rej Bojar, Petr Motlicek, Priyanka Pat-
tnaik and Debasish Kumar Mallick
Handling Noun-Noun Coreference in Tamil
Vijay Sundar Ram and Sobha Lalitha Devi
Malayalam Speech Corpus: Design and Development for Dravidian Language
Lekshmi K R, Jithesh V S and Elizabeth Sherly
Saturday, May 16, 2020 (continued)
Poster Session
Multilingual Neural Machine Translation involving Indian Languages
Pulkit Madaan and Fatiha Sadat
Universal Dependency Treebanks for Low-Resource Indian Languages: The Case
of Bhojpuri
Atul Kr. Ojha and Daniel Zeman
A Fully Expanded Dependency Treebank for Telugu
Sneha Nallani, Manish Shrivastava and Dipti Sharma
Determination of Idiomatic Sentences in Paragraphs Using Statement Classification
and Generalization of Grammar Rules
Naziya Shaikh
Polish Lexicon-Grammar Development Methodology as an Example for Application
to other Languages
Zygmunt Vetulani and Gra
zyna Vetulani
Abstractive Text Summarization for Sanskrit Prose: A Study of Methods and Ap-
Shagun Sinha and Girish Jha
A Deeper Study on Features for Named Entity Recognition
Malarkodi C S and Sobha Lalitha Devi
Panel discussion
Saturday, May 16, 2020 (continued)
Valedictory Address
Vote of Thanks
Proceedings of the WILDRE5– 5
Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and Evaluation, pages 1–6
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020), Marseille, 11–16 May 2020
European Language Resources Association (ELRA), licensed under CC-BY-NC
Part-of-Speech Annotation Challenges in Marathi
Gajanan Rane, Nilesh Joshi, Geetanjali Rane, Hanumant Redkar,
Malhar Kulkarni and Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Center For Indian Language Technology
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
{gkrane45, joshinilesh60, geetanjaleerane, hanumantredkar,
malharku and pushpakbh}
Part of Speech (POS) annotation is a significant challenge in natural language processing. The paper discusses issues and
challenges faced in the process of POS annotation of the Marathi data from four domains viz., tourism, health, entertainment
and agriculture. During POS annotation, a lot of issues were encountered. Some of the major ones are discussed in detail in
this paper. Also, the two approaches viz., the lexical (L approach) and the functional (F approach) of POS tagging have been
discussed and presented with examples. Further, some ambiguous cases in POS annotation are presented in the paper.
Keywords: Marathi, POS Annotation, POS Tagging, Lexical, Functional, Marathi POS Tagset, ILCI
1 Introduction
In any natural language, Part of Speech (POS) such as
noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, demonstrative,
etc., forms an integral building block of a sentence struc-
ture. POS tagging
is one of the major activities in Natural
Language Processing (NLP). In corpus linguistics, POS
tagging is the process of marking/annotating a word in a
text/corpus which corresponds to a particular POS. The
annotation is done based on its definition and its context
i.e., its relationship with adjacent and related words in a
phrase, sentence, or paragraph. A simplified form of this
is commonly taught to school-age children, in the identifi-
cation of words as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc.
The term ‘Part-of-Speech Tagging’ is also known as POS
tagging, POST, POS annotation, grammatical tagging or
word-category disambiguation.
In this paper, the challenges and issues in POS tagging
with special reference to Marathi
have been presented.
The Marathi language is one of the major languages of
India. It belongs to the Indo-Aryan Language family with
about 71,936,894 users
. It is predominantly spoken in the
state of Maharashtra in Western India (Chaudhari et. al.,
2017). In recent years many research institutions and or-
ganizations are involved in developing the lexical re-
sources for Marathi for NLP activities. Marathi Wordnet
is one such lexical resource developed at IIT Bombay
(Popale and Bhattacharyya, 2017).
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces
POS annotation; section 3 provides information on Mara-
thi annotated corpora; section 4 describes Marathi tag set;
section 5 explains tagging approaches, section 6 presents
ambiguous behaviors of the Marathi words, section 7
presents a discussion on special cases, and section 8 con-
cludes the paper with future work.
2 Parts-Of-Speech Annotation
In NLP pipeline POS tagging is an important activity
which forms the base of various language processing ap-
plications. Annotating a text with POS tags is a standard
low-level text pre-processing step before moving to higher
levels in the pipeline like chunking, dependency parsing,
etc. (Bhattacharyya, 2015). Identification of the parts of
speech such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs for each
word (token) of the sentence helps in analyzing the role of
each word in a sentence (Jurafsky D. et. al., 2016). It
represents a token level annotation wherein it assigns a
token with POS category.
3 Marathi Annotated Corpora
Aim of POS tagging is to create a large annotated corpora
for natural language processing, speech recognition and
other related applications. Annotated corpora serve as an
important resource in NLP activities. It proves to be a ba-
sic building block for constructing statistical models for
the automatic processing of natural languages. The signi-
ficance of large annotated corpora is widely appreciated
by researchers and application developers. Various re-
search institutes in India viz., IIT Bombay
, IIIT Hydera-
, JNU New Delhi
, and other institutes have devel-
oped a large corpus of POS tagged data. In Marathi, there
is around 100k annotated data developed as a part of In-
dian Languages Corpora Initiative (ILCI)
project funded
by MeitY
, New Delhi. This ILCI corpus consists of four
domains viz., Tourism, Health, Agriculture, and Enter-
tainment. This tagged data (Tourism - 25K, Health - 25K,
Agriculture - 10K, Entertainment - 10K, General 30K)
is used for various applications like chunking, dependency
tree banking, word sense disambiguation, etc. This ILCI
annotated data forms a baseline for Marathi POS tagging
and is available for download at TDIL portal
4 The Marathi POS Tag-Set
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
has come up with
a standard set of tags for annotating data for Indian lan-
guages. This tag-set is prepared for Hindi under the guid-
ance of BIS. The BIS tag-set aims to ensure standardiza-
tion in the POS tagging across the Indian languages. The
tag sets of all Indian languages have been drafted by Dept.
of Information Technology, MeitY and presented as Uni-
fied POS standard in Indian languages
. Marathi POS
tag-set has been prepared at IIT Bombay referring to the
standard BIS POS Tag-set, IIIT Hyderabad guideline doc-
ument (Bharati et al, 2006) and Konkani Tag-set (Vaz et.
al., 2012). This Marathi POS Tag-set can be seen in Ap-
pendix A.
5 Lexical and Functional POS Tagging:
Challenges and Discussions
Lexical POS tagging (Lexical or L approach) deals with
tagging of a word at a token level. Functional POS tag-
ging (Functional or F approach) deals with tagging of a
word as a syntactic function of a word in a sentence. In
other words, a word can have two roles viz., grammatical
role (lexical POS w.r.t. a dictionary entry) and functional
role (contextual POS)
. For example, in the phrase ‘golf
stick’, the POS tag of the word ‘golf’ could be determined
as follows:
Lexically it is a noun as per lexicon.
Functionally it is an adjective as it is a modifier of
succeeding noun.
In the initial stage of ILCI data annotation, POS tagging
was conducted using the lexical approach. However, over
a while, POS tagging was done using the functional ap-
proach only. The reason is that, by using the lexical ap-
proach we do a general tagging, i.e., tagging at a surface
level or token level and by using the functional approach
we do a specific tagging, i.e., tagging at a semantic level.
This eases the annotation process of chunking and parsing
in the NLP pipeline.
While performing POS annotation, many issues and chal-
lenges were encountered, some of which are discussed be-
low. Table 1 lists the occurrences of discussed words in
the ILCI corpus.
5.1 Subordinators which act as Adverbs
There are three basic types of adverbs. They are time
(N_NST), place (N_NST) and manner (RB). Traditional-
ly, adverbs should be tagged as RB. Subordinators are
conjunctions which are tagged as CCS.
However, there are some subordinators in Marathi which
act as adverbs. For example, ामाणे (jyApramANe, like-
11 POS Tag stan-
wise), ामाणे (tyApramANe, like that), ामाणे (hyA-
pramANe, like this), जेा (jevhA, when) and ते (tevhA,
then). ामाणे (jyApramANe) and ामाणे (tyApramANe)
are generated from pronominal stems viz., ा (jyA) and
ा (hyA) hence they are lexically qualified as pronouns,
however, they function as adverbs; hence to be functional-
ly tagged as RB at the individual level. However, when
these words appear as part of the clause then they should
be functionally tagged as CCS.
This distinction was also observed by noted Marathi
grammarian, Damle
(Damle, 1965) [p. 206-07].
5.2 Words with Suffixes
There are suffixes like (muLe, because of; due to),
साठी (sAThI, for), बरोबर, (barobara, along with), etc.
When these suffixes are attached to pronouns they func-
tion as adverbs or conjunctions at a syntactic level. For
example, words ामुळ (tyAmuLe, because of that), यामुळ
(yAmuLe, because of this), यासाठी (yAsAThI, for this),
ामुळ (hyAmuLe, because of this), ाामुळ (hyAchyA-
muLe, because of it/him), याामुळ (yAMchyAmuLe, be-
cause of them), ाचबरोबर (=तसेच) (tyAchabarobara
(=tasecha), further) are formed by attaching the above
suffixes to pronouns. These words which are formed are
lexically tagged as PRP. However, functionally these
words act as conjunctions at the sentence level; therefore,
they should be tagged as CCD. Also, consider the words
ावेळी (tyAveLI, at that time), ावेळी (hyAveLI, at this
time), ानंतर (hyAnaMtara, after this), ानंतर (tyAnaMta-
ra, after that). Here, wherever the first string/morpheme
appears as ा (tyA) and (hyA), the tag should be given
as PRP, lexically. But functionally, all these words shall
be tagged as N_NST (time adverb).
5.3 Words which are Adjectives
Adjectives are tagged as JJ. Consider the example below:
ाामे ही कला परपरागत चालत आली आहे (tyAchyAmadhye
hI kalA paraMparAgata chAlataAlIAhe, this art has come
to him by tradition). Lexically, the word परपरागत (pa-
raMparAgata, traditional) is an adjective, but, in the
above sentence, it qualifies the verb चालत येणे (chAla-
tayeNe, to be practiced). Hence functionally, the word
परपरागत (paraMparAgata) should be tagged as an RB.
Similarly, a word ाईट (vAITa, bad) has a lexical POS as
an adjective (Date-Karve, 1932). But in the sentence मला
वाईट ाटत (malA vAITa vATate, I am feeling bad), it func-
tions as an adverb, as it is qualifying the verb and not pre-
ceding the pronoun मला (malA, I; me). Therefore, func-
tionally word ाईट (vAITa) acts as adverb hence should be
tagged as RB.
5.4 Adnominal Suffixes Attached to Verbs
The adnominal suffix जोगं (jogaM) and all its forms (जोगा,
जोगी, जोगे, जोा; jogA, jogI, joge, jogyA) are always at-
tached to verbs. For example, word कराजोा (karaNyA-
jogyA, doable) is lexically tagged as a verb. However,
word कर (karaNyA) is a Kridanta form of a verb रणे
(karaNe, to do) and suffix जोगं (jogaM) is an adnominal
suffix attached to Kridanta form; hence, a verb with all the
forms of ोग (jogaM) should functionally be treated as ad-
jectives. Therefore verbs with adnominal suffix should be
tagged as JJ.
5.5 Words जसे (jase) तस (tase)
As per Damle (1956), words जसे (jase, like this) and तसे
(tase, like that) are tagged as adverbs. However, if they
appear with nouns in a sentence, they are influenced by
the inflection and gender property of that nominal stem.
For example, words जसे (jase, like this) and तसे (tase, like
that) have inflected forms like जसा (jasA, like him), जशी
(jashI, like her), तसा (tasA, like this), शी (tashI, like this),
तसे (tase, like this), etc. All these words function as a rela-
tive pronoun in a sentence. Hence, the words and their
variations should be functionally tagged as PRL.
5.6 Word तर (tasetara)
A word तसेतर (tasetara, as it is seen) is the same as तसे
पािहले तर (tase pAhile tara, as it is seen). Lexically, it can
be tagged as a particle (RPD) but since it has a function of
conjunction; it should be tagged as CCD. For example, in
a sentence तसेतर तणावामुळ काळी वलय येतात (tasetara ta-
NAvAmuLehI kALI valaya yetAta, as it is seen that black
circles appear because of stress as well), word तसेतर (tase-
tara) functions as conjunction and hence should be tagged
as CCD instead of tagging it as RPD.
5.7 Word अथा (anyathA)
The standard dictionaries give POS of the word अथा
(anyathA, otherwise; else; or) as an adverb/indeclinable.
For example, consider a sentence अथा तो येणार नाह (any-
athA to yeNAra nAhI, Otherwise, he will not come). Here,
while annotating अथा (anyathA) there is a possibility
that annotator can directly tag this word as an adverb at a
lexical level. However, it behaves like conjunction at the
sentence level and hence it should be tagged as CCD.
5.8 Different Forms of कसा (kasA)
As per BIS Tag-set, words कसा, कशी, कसे (kasA, kashI,
kase; how) shall be tagged as PRQ. However, the PRQ tag
is only for pronoun category and the word कसा (kasA) is
not a pronoun; it can behave as an adverb or as a modifier.
Consider the examples below:
1. तो ाण कसा आहे ााशी बोलावरच कळ
(to mANUsa kasA Ahe he tyAchyAshI bolalyA-
varacha kaLela, we will come to know about him
only after talking to him) [adnominal]
2. सरकारी ठरावाने कायाचे कलम कसे र होणार
(sarakArI TharAvAne kAyadyAche kalama kase
radda hoNAra, How can this clause of law be
prohibited by Government Resolution?) [adver-
In the 1st case, word कसा (kasA, how) functionally acts
as a pronoun, hence to be tagged as PRQ. While, in the
2nd case, it acts as an adverb, hence to be functionally
tagged as RB.
5.9 Word मा (mAtra)
A word मा (mAtra) is very ambiguous in its various
usages; it is difficult to functionally identify the POS of
this word at a sentence level. Various meanings of word
मा (mAtra) are given in Data-Karve dictionary
. Some
of the different senses of ा (mAtra) are discussed here:
When the word मा (mAtra) conveys the mean-
ing of ही, ील, सु (hI, dekhIla, suddhA; also)
then it should be tagged as RB functionally.
When a word is related to the preceding word ेथे
(tethe, there) and its function is an emphatic
marker (cha) then it should be tagged as RPD
When word मा (mAtra) appears in the form of
conjunction then it should be marked as CC
If the word is modifying the succeeding noun,
then it should be tagged as JJ functionally.
If the word is modifying the preceding word,
then the tag will be RPD as a particle functional-
Therefore, it is noticed that the word मा (mAtra) does not
have one single POS tag functionally and it depends upon
the appearance in a sentence. Hence, should be tagged as
per the usage.
Token Lexical Functional
Pronoun Adverb 94
Pronoun Adverb 180
Pronoun Adverb 8
Subordinator Time adverb 1496
Subordinator Time adverb 1577
Particle Conjunction 8
Wh-word Adverb 269
Pronoun Conjunction 530
Pronoun Conjunction 424
Pronoun Conjunction 8
Pronoun Time adverb 244
Pronoun Time adverb 33
Pronoun Time adverb 71
Pronoun Time adverb 298
Adjective Adverb 104
Adjective Adverb 246
Adverb Conjunction 24
Relative pronoun Adverb 1007
Relative pronoun Adverb 511
Verb Adjective 97
Table 1: Occurrences of discussed words and lexical v/s
functional tags assigned to these words
6 POS Ambiguity: Challenges and Discus-
Ambiguity is a major open problem in NLP. Several POS
level ambiguity issues were faced by annotators while an-
notating the Marathi corpus. Following are some POS
specific ambiguity problems encountered while annotat-
6.1 Ambiguous POS: Adjective or Noun?
Examples: वयर (vayaskara, the aged)
ुंबा यर सदांनी मतदान ले (kuTuM-
bAchyA vayaskara sadasyAMnI matadAnakele,
all the aged members of the family voted).
सव यरांनी तदान ले (sarva vayaskarAMnI
matadAna kele, all the aged people voted).
In the above examples, the word यर (vayaskarAMnI)
lexically acts as an adjective as well as a noun. However,
at the syntactic level, in the first example, it is functioning
as adjective hence to be tagged as JJ, while in the second
example it is functioning as a noun hence to be tagged as
N_NN. This is one of the challenges while annotating ad-
jectives appearing in nominal form. Annotators usually
fail to disambiguate these types of words at the lexical
level; therefore such words should be disambiguated at
syntactic level. Hence, annotators need to take special
care while annotating such cases.
6.2 Ambiguous POS: Demonstrators
While annotating demonstrators such as हा, , , , ती, ते
((hA, hI, he), this), (to, tI, te), that) annotators often get
confused whether to tag them as DMD or DMR. Simple
guideline can be followed is, if the demonstrator is direct-
ly following noun, then tag it as DMD, otherwise tag it as
DMR i.e., if the demonstrator is referring to previous
6.3 Ambiguous POS: Noun and Conjunction
Example: word कारण (kAraNa, reason; because). At se-
mantic level, the word कारण (kAraNa) has two meanings,
one is ‘a reason’ which acts as a noun and another is ‘be-
cause’ which acts as a conjunction. Annotators have to
pay special attention while tagging such cases.
6.4 Ambiguous Words: ते (te) and तेही (tehI)
The word ते (te) has different grammatical categories like
pronoun (they), demonstrator (that) and conjunction (to).
३० ते ४० (30 te 40, 30 to 40)
The word (te) lexically and functionally acts as
conjunction, hence to be tagged as CCD.
ते णाले (te mhaNAle, they said)
Here word ते (te) acts as personal pronoun, hence
to be tagged as PR_PRP
ते आहेत? (te kuThe Aheta?, where are they?)
Here word ते (te) acts as relative demonstrator,
hence to be tagged as DM_DMR
राक पोलीसांन फोन ला आिण ते ोी चोर पकडले
गेले (rAkeshane polIsAMnA phona kelA ANi te
donhI chora pakaDale gele, Rakesh called police
and those two thieves got caught).
Here, word ते (te) is modifying its succeeding
noun चोर (chora, thief) so it is Deictic demonstra-
tor, hence to be tagged as DM_DMD.
ांना हे धीच पसंत न, ांा मुलाने संगीत िशकावे
आिण तेही नृ (tyAMnA he kadhIchapasaMtanav-
hate, tyAMchyAmulAnesaMgItashikAveANite-
hInRRitya, He never wanted his son to learn mu-
sic and that too the dance form)
Here, the word तेह (tehI) is an ambiguous word. It is mod-
ifying succeeding noun or previous context. Here, ही (hI)
is a bound morpheme and conveys the meaning also’.
Therefore word तेही (tehI) should be tagged as DM_DMR.
6.5 Ambiguous word: उलटा (ulaTA)
उलट टांग सुकवले जाते (ulaTe TAMgUna sukavale
jAte). Here, उल (ulaTe, upside down is behav-
ing as manner, not a noun, hence to be tagged as
उलट भांड ुलटे कर (ulaTe bhAMDe sulaTe kara).
Here उलटे (ulaTe) it is modifying succeeding
noun, hence it is an adjective, hence to be tagged
as JJ.
In the above examples, annotator should identify word
behavior in the sentence and tag accordingly.
6.6 Ambiguous words: िकतीही (kitIhI), ना का
(nA kA) and असू ना का (asU de nA kA)
संगणक हा िकतीही गत िक वा चत सू ना का, तो
वळ तेच काम क शकतो ाची िवधी (पत)
आपाला त: मािहआहे. (saMgaNaka hA kitIhI
pragata kiMvA chatura asU de nA kA, to kevaLa
techa kAma karU shakato jyAchI vidhI (paddha-
ta) ApalyAlA svata: mAhita Ahe¸ The computer
how much ever may be advanced and clever, it
only does that work whose method we only
know). Here, िकतीही (kitIhI, how much) is a
quantifier, hence to be tagged as QTF.
In the phrase अस (asU de nA kA), the to-
ken ना (nA) is a part of verb असू (asU de, let it
be) and should be tagged as VM, hence the
phrase should be tagged as VM, while the token
का (kA) is acting as a particle in this phrase and
not as a question marker, therefore का (kA)
should be tagged as RPD.
िकती माणसे जेवायला ोती? (kitI mANase jevAyalA
hotI, how many people were there for a meal?).
Here, िकती (kitI, how many) is a question so it
should be tagged as DMQ.
6.7 Ambiguous word: तर (tara)
Conjunction: जर मी वेळीच गेलो नसतो तर हा ाचला
नसता (jara mI veLIcha gelo nasato tara hA vA-
chalA nasatA, if I had not gone on time he would
have not survived).
Particle: 'हो! ता मी जातो तर!' = 'म अिजबात जाणार
नाही’('ho! AtA mI jAto tara!' = 'mI ajibAta jANA-
ra nAhI, yes! now I am leaving then’ = ‘I am
not at all leaving’).
In the above sentences, the word तर (tara) is used as a
supplementary or stressable word so somewhat spe-
cial as to give meaning in the sentence. (Date-Karve,
1932). Hence it should be treated as CCD.
तुी तर लाख पये मागतां तर वळ गरीब पडलो
(tumhI tara lAkha rupaye mAgatAM va mI tara
kevaLa garIba paDalo, you are asking for lakh
rupees and I am a poor person). In this sentence,
the word तर (tara) indicates opposition with re-
spect to meaning between two connected sen-
tences. (Date-Karve, 1932). Hence, it should be
treated as a RPD.
7 Discussions on Some Special Cases
Words आयु (Amlayukta), मलईरिहत (malaI-
rahita), मेदरिहत (medarahita), ाळ (duSh-
kALagrasta) are combinations of noun plus ad-
jective suffix such as यु (yukta),  (grasta)
and िहत (rahita). In such cases, even though
noun is a head string and adjective part is a suf-
fix, the whole word shall be tagged as JJ.
Before tagging अभंग (abhaMga, verses), ा
(ovyA, stanzas), का (kAvya, poetry), etc., anno-
tator shall first read between the lines; under-
stand the meaning which it conveys and then de-
cide upon the grammatical categories of each to-
ken. For example, in sentence ळावे तयासी कळ
अंतरीचे कारण ते साचे साच अंगी (kaLAve tayAsI kale
aMtarIche kAraNa te sAche sAcha aMgI) the
POS tagging should be done as साचे\V_VM
साच\N_NN अंगी\N_NN, etc.
Doubtful cases of word कोणता (koNatA)
o कोणता मुलगा शार आह (koNatA mulagA hu-
shAra Ahe)?
o वाहतुकीा रान कोणतीही ानी झालेली ाही
(vAhatukIchyA daramyAna koNatIhI hAnI
jhAlelI nAhI).
o ाा बोलाचा माावर कोणताह परणाम झाला
नाही (hyAMchyA bolaNyAchA mAjhyAvara
koNatAhI pariNAma jhAlA nAhI).
o तकयास कोणाह वष पााची कमतरता
भासणार नाही (shetakaryAsa koNatyAhI var-
ShI pANyAchI kamataratA bhAsaNAra nA-
Here, in the 1st example, the word कोणता (koNa-
tA, which one) undoubtedly is DMQ. In rest of
the examples ोणतीही (koNatAhI, whichever,
whomever), कोणताह (koNatAhI, whichever,
whomever), कोणाही (koNatyAhI, whichever,
whomever) are DM adjective (DMD).
8 Conclusion and Future Work
Marathi POS tagging is an important activity for NLP tasks.
While tagging, several challenges and issues were encoun-
tered. In this paper, Marathi BIS tag-set has been discussed.
Lexical and functional tagging approaches were discussed
with examples. Further, various challenges, experiences,
and special cases have been presented. The issues discussed
here will be helpful for annotators, researchers, language
learners, etc. of Marathi and other languages.
In future, more issues such as tagging for words having
multiple senses; words having multiple functional tags will
be discussed. Also, tagset comparison of close languages
will be done. Further, the evaluation of lexical and func-
tional tagging using statistical analysis will be done.
Akshar Bharati, Dipti Misra Sharma, Lakshmi Bai, Rajeev
Sangal. (2006). AnnCorra : Annotating Corpora Guide-
lines For POS And Chunk Annotation For Indian Lan-
guages. Language Technologies Research Centre, IIIT,
Chitra V. Chaudhari, Ashwini V. Khaire, Rashmi R. Mur-
tadak, Komal S. Sirsulla. (2017). Sentiment Analysis in
Marathi using Marathi WordNet. Imperial Journal of
Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-4, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362.
Damle, Moro Keshav. (1965). Shastriya Marathi Vyakran.
A scientific grammar of Marathi, 3
edition. Pune, In-
dia: RD Yande.
Daniel Jurafsky & James H. Martin. (2016). Speech and
Language Processing.
Edna Vaz, Shantaram V. Walawalikar, Dr. Jyoti Pawar, Dr.
Madhavi Sardesai. (2012). BIS Annotation Standards
With Reference to Konkani Language. 24
tional Conference on Computational Linguistics (COL-
ING 2012), Mumbai.
Lata Popale and Pushpak Bhattacharyya. (2017). Creating
Marathi WordNet. The WordNet in Indian Languages.
Springer, Singapore, 2017. 147-166.
Pushpak Bhattacharyya, (2015). Machine Translation,
Book published by CRC Press, Taylor and Francis
Group, USA.
Yashwant Ramkrishna Date, Chintman Ganesh Karve,
Aba Chandorkar, Chintaman Shankar Datar. (1932).
Maharashtra Shabdakosh. Published by H. A. Bhave,
Varada Books, Senapati Bapat Marg, Pune.
Appendix A
Marathi Parts of Speech Tag-Set with Examples
Category Label
Top level &
Noun (
Common (जातीवाचक
गाय\N_NN गोात\N_NN राहते.
1.2 Proper (ीवाचक
नाम) NNP N_NNP रामाने\N_NNP रावणाल\N_NNP मारले.
Nloc (थल-काल)
2. ाने
खाली\N_NST वली
Pronoun (सवनाम)
2.1 Personal (ष
2.2 Reflexive (आ
Relative (बंधी)
ाने\PR_PRL हे
2.4 Reciprocal (पाररक) PRC PR_PRC
Wh-word (ाथक)
2.6 Indefinite (अिनित) PRI PR_PRI
काय\PR_PRI आहे
3 Demonstrative (दशक)
3.1 Deictic DMD DM_DMD
ही\DM_DMD मुलगी सुंदरआहे
जेथे\DM_DMD राम
तेथे\DM_DMD तो
3.2 Relative DMR DM_DMR
3.3 Wh-word DMQ DM_DMQ
Verb (ियापद)
Main (मु
4.2 Auxiliary (सहाक
V_VAUX राम
5 Adjective (िवशषण) JJ
सुंदर\JJ मुलगी
Adverb (ियािवशेषण)
हळहळ \RB चाल.
Conjunction (उभयायी
7.1 Coordinator CCD CC_CCD
7.2 Subordinator CCS CC_CCS
\CC_CCS ाने
7.2.1 Quotative UT
असे\CC_CCS_UT णून\C_CCS_UT तो
8 Particles RP RP
8.1 Default RPD RP_RPD
Interjection (उार
अर\RP_INJ ! सिचनची
8.3 Intensifier (ती
वाचक) INTF RP_INTF राम खूप\RP_INTF चांगला
Negation (नकाराक)
9.1 General QTF QT_QTF
9.2 Cardinals QTC QT_QTC
9.3 Ordinals QTO QT_QTO
\QT_QTO मा
Residuals (उवरत) RD RD
10.1 Foreign word RDF RD_RDF
10.2 Symbol SYM RD_SYE $, &, *, (, ),
10.3 Punctuation
. (period), ,(comma), ;(semi-colon), !(exclama-
tion),? (question), : (colon), etc.
10.4 Unknown UNK RD_UNK Not able to identify the Tag.
10.5 Echo-words ECH RD_ECH
Proceedings of the WILDRE5– 5
Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and Evaluation, pages 7–13
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020), Marseille, 11–16 May 2020
European Language Resources Association (ELRA), licensed under CC-BY-NC
A Dataset for Troll Classification of TamilMemes
Shardul Suryawanshi
, Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi
, Pranav Varma
Mihael Arcan
, John P. McCrae
and Paul Buitelaar
Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics
Data Science Institute, National University of Ireland Galway
National University of Ireland Galway
{shardul.suryawanshi, bharathi.raja}
Social media are interactive platforms that facilitate the creation or sharing of information, ideas or other forms of expression among
people. This exchange is not free from offensive, trolling or malicious contents targeting users or communities. One way of trolling is
by making memes, which in most cases combines an image with a concept or catchphrase. The challenge of dealing with memes is
that they are region-specific and their meaning is often obscured in humour or sarcasm. To facilitate the computational modelling of
trolling in the memes for Indian languages, we created a meme dataset for Tamil (TamilMemes). We annotated and released the dataset
containing suspected trolls and not-troll memes. In this paper, we use the a image classification to address the difficulties involved in the
classification of troll memes with the existing methods. We found that the identification of a troll meme with such an image classifier is
not feasible which has been corroborated with precision, recall and F1-score.
Keywords: Tamil dataset, memes classification, trolling, Indian language data
1. Introduction
Traditional media content distribution channels such as
television, radio or newspapers are monitored and scruti-
nized for their content. Nevertheless, social media plat-
forms on the Internet opened the door for people to con-
tribute, leave a comment on existing content without any
moderation. Although most of the time, the internet
users are harmless, some produce offensive content due to
anonymity and freedom provided by social networks. Due
to this freedom, people are becoming creative in their jokes
by making memes. Although memes are meant to be hu-
morous, sometimes it becomes threatening and offensive to
specific people or community.
On the Internet, a troll is a person who upsets or starts a
hatred towards people or community. Trolling is the activ-
ity of posting a message via social media that is intended
to be offensive, provocative, or menacing to distract which
often has a digressive or off-topic content with the intent of
provoking the audience (Bishop, 2013; Bishop, 2014; Mo-
jica de la Vega and Ng, 2018; Suryawanshi et al., 2020).
Despite this growing body of research in natural language
processing, identifying trolling in memes has yet to be in-
vestigated. One way to understand how meme varies from
other image posts was studied by Wang and Wen (2015).
According to the authors, memes combine two images or
are a combination of an image and a witty, catchy or sar-
castic text. In this work, we treat this task as an image
classification problem.
Due to the large population in India, the issue has emerged
in the context of recent events. There have been several
threats towards people or communities from memes. This
is a serious threat which shames people or spreads hatred
towards people or a particular community (Kumar et al.,
2018; Rani et al., 2020; Suryawanshi et al., 2020). There
have been several studies on moderating trolling, however,
for a social media administrator memes are hard to monitor
as they are region-specific. Furthermore, their meaning is
often obscure due to fused image-text representation. The
content in Indian memes might be written in English, in a
native language (native or foreign script), or in a mixture
of languages and scripts (Ranjan et al., 2016; Chakravarthi
et al., 2018; Jose et al., 2020; Priyadharshini et al., 2020;
Chakravarthi et al., 2020a; Chakravarthi et al., 2020b). This
adds another challenge to the meme classification problem.
(a) Example 1
(b) Example 2
Figure 1: Examples of Indian memes.
In Figure 1, Example 1 is written in Tamil with two im-
ages and Example 2 is written in English and Tamil (Roman
Script) with two images. In the first example, the meme is
trolling about the “Vim dis-washer” soap. The informa-
tion in Example 1 can be translated into English as “the
price of a lemon is five Rupees”, whereby the image be-
low shows a crying person. Just after the crying person the
text says “The price of a Vim bar with the power of 100
Lemon is just 10 Rupees”. This is an example of opinion
manipulation with trolling as it influences the user opin-
ion about products, companies and politics. This kind of
memes might be effective in two ways. On the one hand, it
is easy for companies and political parties to gain popular-
ity. On the other hand, the trolls can damage the reputation
of the company name or political party name. Example 2
shows a funny meme; it shows that a guy is talking to a
poor lady while the girl in the car is looking at them. The
image below includes a popular Tamil comedy actor with a
short text written beneath “We also talk nicely to ladies to
get into a relationship”.
Even though there is a widespread culture of memes on the
Internet, the research on the classification of memes is not
studied well. There are no systematic studies on classify-
ing memes in a troll or not-troll category. In this work,
we describe a dataset for classifying memes in such cat-
egories. To do this, we have collected a set of original
memes from volunteers. We present baseline results using
convolutional neural network (CNN) approaches for image
classification. We report our findings in precision, recall
and F-score and publish the code for this work at https:
2. Troll Meme
A troll meme is an implicit image that intents to demean or
offend an individual on the Internet. Based on the defini-
tion “Trolling is the activity of posting a message via social
media that tend to be offensive, provocative, or menacing
(Bishop, 2013; Bishop, 2014; Mojica de la Vega and Ng,
2018)”. Their main function is to distract the audience with
the intent of provoking them. We define troll memes as
a meme, which contains offensive text and non-offensive
images, offensive images with non-offensive text, sarcasti-
cally offensive text with non-offensive images, or sarcastic
images with offensive text to provoke, distract, and has a
digressive or off-topic content with intend to demean or of-
fend particular people, group or race.
Figure 2 shows examples of trolling memes, Example 3 is
trolling the potato chip brand called Lays. The translation
of the text is “If you buy one packet of air, then 5 chips
free”, with its intention to damage the company’s reputa-
tion. Figure 2 illustrates examples of not-troll memes. The
translation of Example 4 would be “Sorry my friend (girl)”.
As this example does not contain any provoking or offen-
sive content and is even funny, it should be listed in the
not-troll category.
As a troll meme is directed towards someone, it is easy to
find such content in the comments section or group chat of
social media. For our work, we collected memes from vol-
unteers who sent them through WhatsApp, a social media
for chatting and creating a group chat. The suspected troll
(a) Example 3
(b) Example 4
Figure 2: Examples of troll and not-troll memes.
memes then have been verified and annotated manually by
the annotators. As the users who sent these troll memes be-
long to the Tamil speaking population, all the troll memes
are in Tamil. The general format of the meme is the image
and Tamil text embedded within the image.
Most of the troll memes comes from the state of Tamil
Nadu, in India. The Tamil language, which has 75 mil-
lion speakers,
belongs to the Dravidian language family
(Rao and Lalitha Devi, 2013; Chakravarthi et al., 2019a;
Chakravarthi et al., 2019b; Chakravarthi et al., 2019c) and
is one of the 22 scheduled languages of India (Dash et al.,
2015). As these troll memes can have a negative psycholog-
ical effect on an individual, a constraint has to be in place
for such a conversation. In this work, we are attempting to
identify such troll memes by providing a dataset and image
classifier to identify these memes.
3. Related Work
Trolling in social media for text has been studied exten-
sively (Bishop, 2013; Bishop, 2014; Mojica de la Vega
and Ng, 2018; Malmasi and Zampieri, 2017; Kumar et al.,
2018; Kumar, 2019). Opinion manipulation trolling (Mi-
haylov et al., 2015b; Mihaylov et al., 2015a), troll com-
ments in News Community (Mihaylov and Nakov, 2016),
and the role of political trolls (Atanasov et al., 2019) have
been studied. All these considered the trolling on text-only
media. However, meme consist of images or images with
A related research area is on offensive content detection.
Various works in the recent years have investigated Offen-
sive and Aggression content in text (Clarke and Grieve,
2017; Mathur et al., 2018; Nogueira dos Santos et al.,
2018; Galery et al., 2018). For images, Gandhi et al.
(2019) deals with offensive images and non-compliant lo-
gos. They have developed a computer-vision driven of-
fensive and non-compliant image detection algorithm that
identifies the offensive content in the image. They have
categorized images as offensive if it has nudity, sexually
explicit content, abusive text, objects used to promote vio-
lence or racially inappropriate content. The classifier takes
advantage of a pre-trained object detector to identify the
type of object in the image and then sends the image to
the unit which specializes in detecting objects in the image.
The majority of memes do not contain nudity or explicit
sexual content due to the moderation of social media on
nudity. Hence unlike their research, we are trying to iden-
tify troll memes by using image features derived by use of
a convolutional neural network.
Hate speech is a subset of offensive language and datasets
associated with hate speech have been collected from so-
cial media such as Twitter (Xiang et al., 2012), Instagram
(Hosseinmardi et al., 2015), Yahoo (Nobata et al., 2016),
YouTube (Dinakar et al., 2012). In all of these works, only
text corpora have been used to detect trolling, offensive, ag-
gression and hate speech. Nevertheless, for memes, there is
no such dataset. For Indian language memes, it is not avail-
able as to our knowledge. We are the first to develop a
meme dataset for Tamil, with troll or not-troll annotation.
4. Dataset
4.1. Ethics
For our study, people provided memes voluntarily for our
research. Additionally, all personal identifiable informa-
tion such as usernames are deleted from this dataset. The
annotators were warned about the trolling content before
viewing the meme, and our instructions informed them that
they could quit the annotation campaign anytime if they felt
4.2. Data collection
To retrieve high-quality meme data that would likely to in-
clude trolling, we asked the volunteers to provide us with
memes that they get in their social media platforms, like
WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. The data
was collected between November 1, 2019, until January
15, 2019, from sixteen volunteers. We are not disclosing
any personal information of the volunteers such as gender
as per their will. Figure 3 shows an example of the collected
memes. We removed duplicate memes, however, we kept
memes that uses the same image but different text. This
was a challenging task since the same meme could have
different file names. Hence the same meme could be an-
notated by different annotators. Due to this, we checked
manually and removed such duplicates before sending them
to annotators. An example is shown in Figure 3, where the
same image with different text is used. Example 5 describes
the image as “can not understand what you are saying”,
whereby Example 6 describes image as “I am confused”.
(a) Example 5
(b) Example 6
Figure 3: Examples on same image with different text.
4.3. Annotation
After we obtained the memes, we presented this data to the
annotators using Google Forms. To not over-burden the
annotators, we provided ten memes per page and hundred
memes per form. For each form, the annotators are asked to
decide if a given meme is of category troll or not-troll. As a
part of annotation guidelines, we gave multiple examples of
troll memes and not-troll memes to the annotators. The an-
notation for these examples has been done by the an anno-
tator who is considered as a expert as well as a native Tamil
speaker. Each meme is assigned to two different annota-
tors, a male and a female annotator. To ensure the quality
of the annotations and due to the region-specific nature of
the annotation task, only native speakers from Tamil Nadu,
India were recruited as annotators. Although we are not
disclosing the gender demographics of volunteers who pro-
vided memes, we have gender-balanced annotation since
each meme has been annotated by a male and a female.A
meme is considered as troll only when both of the annota-
tors label it as a troll.
4.4. Inter-Annotator Agreement
In order to evaluate the reliability of the annotation and
their robustness across experiments, we analyzed the inter-
annotator agreement using Cohen’s kappa (Cohen, 1960).
It compares the probability of two annotators agreeing by
chance with the observed agreement. It measures agree-
ment expected by chance by modelling each annotator with
separate distribution governing their likelihood of assigning
a particular category. Mathematically,
K =
p(A) p(E)
1 p(E)
where K is the kappa value, p(A) is the probability of
the actual outcome and p(E) is the probability of the ex-
pected outcome as predicted by chance (Bloodgood and
Grothendieck, 2013). We got a kappa value of 0.62 be-
tween two annotators (gender balance male and female an-
notators). Based on Landis and Koch (1977) and given the
inherent obscure nature of memes, we got fair agreement
amongst the annotators.
4.5. Data Statistics
We collected 2,969 memes, of which most are images with
text embedded on them. After the annotation, we learned
that the majority (1,951) of these were annotated as troll
memes, and 1,018 as not-troll memes. Furthermore, we
observed that memes, which have more than one image
have a high probability of being a troll, whereas those with
only one image are likely to be not-troll. We included
images (Young et al., 2014) to the not-troll cat-
egory to address the class imbalance. Flickr30K is only
added to training, while the test set is randomly chosen
from our dataset. In all our experiments the test set remains
the same.
5. Methodology
To demonstrate how the given dataset can be used to clas-
sify troll memes, we defined two experiments with four
variations of each. We measured the performance of the
proposed baselines by using precision, recall and F1-score
for each class, i.e. “troll and not-troll”. We used ResNet
(He et al., 2016) and MobileNet (Howard et al., 2017) as a
baseline to perform the experiments. We give insights into
their architecture and design choices in the sections below.
ResNet has won the ImageNet ILSVRC 2015 (Rus-
sakovsky et al., 2015) classification task. It is still a popu-
lar method for classifying images and uses residual learn-
ing which connects low-level and high-level representation
directly by skipping the connections in-between. This im-
proves the performance of ResNet by diminishing the prob-
lem of vanishing gradient descent. It assumes that a deeper
network should not produce higher training error than a
shallow network. In this experiment, we used the ResNet
architecture with 176 layers. As it was trained on the
ImageNet task, we removed the classification (last) layer
and used GlobalAveragePooling in place of fully connected
layer to save the computational cost. Later, we added
four fully connected layers with the classification layer
which has a sigmoid activation function.This architecture
is trained with or without pre-trained ImageNet weights.
We trained MobileNet with and without ImageNet weights.
The model has a depth multiplier of 1.4, and an input di-
mension of 224×224 pixels. This provides a 1, 280×1.4 =
2 entities
1, 792 -dimensional representation of an image, which is
then passed through a single hidden layer of a dimensional-
ity of 1, 024 with ReLU activation, before being passed to
a hidden layer with input dimension of (512,None) without
any activation to provide the final representation h
. The
main purpose of MobileNet is to optimize convolutional
neural networks for mobile and embedded vision applica-
tions. It is less complex than ResNet in terms of number of
hyperparameters and operations. It uses a different convo-
lutional layer for each channel, this allows parallel compu-
tation on each channel which is Depthwise Separable Con-
volution. Later on the features extracted from these layers
have been combined using the pointwise convolution layer.
We used MobileNet to reduce the computational cost and
compare it with the computationally intensive ResNet.
6. Experiments
We experimented with ResNet and MobileNet. The varia-
tion in experiments comes in terms of the data on which the
models have been trained on, while the test set (300 memes)
remained the same for all experiments. In the first variation,
TamilMemes in Table 1, we trained the ResNet and Mo-
bileNet models on our Tamil meme dataset(2,669 memes).
The second variation, i.e. TamilMemes + ImageNet uses
pre-trained ImageNet weights on the Tamil memes dataset.
To address the class imbalance, we added 1,000 images
from the Flickr30k dataset to the training set in the third
variation i.e. TamilMemes + ImageNet + Flickr1k. As
a result, the third variation has 3,969 images (1,951 trolls
and 2,018 not-trolls). In the last variation, TamilMemes +
ImageNet + Flickr30k, we added 30,000 images from the
Flickr30k dataset to not-troll category. Flickr dataset has
images and the captions which describes the image. We
used these images as a not-troll category because they do
not convey trollings without the context of the text. Except
for the TamilMemes baseline, we are using pre-trained Im-
ageNet weights for all other variations. Images from the
Flickr30k dataset are used to balance the not-troll class in
the TamilMemes + ImageNet + Flickr1k variation. On the
one hand, the use of all the samples from the Flickr30k
dataset as not-troll in the fourth variation introduces the
class imbalance by significantly increasing the number of
not-troll samples compared to the troll one. On the other
hand, in the first variation, a higher number of troll meme
samples again introduces a class imbalance.
7. Result and Discussion
In the ResNet variations, we observed that there is no
change in the macro averaged precision, recall and F1-score
except for TamilMemes + ImageNet + Flickr1k variation.
This variation has relatively poor results when compared
with the other three variations in ResNet. While preci-
sion at identifying the troll class for the ResNet baseline
does not vary much, we get better precision at classify-
ing troll memes in the TamilMemes variation. This shows
that the ResNet model trained on just Tamil memes has
a better chance at identifying troll memes. The scenario
is different in the case of the MobileNet variations. On
the one hand, we observed less precision at identifying
the troll class for the TamilMemes variation. On the other
Variations TamilMemes TamilMemes + ImageNet
Precision Recall f1-score count Precision Recall f1-score count
troll 0.37 0.33 0.35 100 0.36 0.35 0.35 100
not-troll 0.68 0.71 0.70 200 0.68 0.69 0.68 200
macro-avg 0.52 0.52 0.52 300 0.52 0.52 0.52 300
weighted-avg 0.58 0.59 0.58 300 0.57 0.57 0.57 300
Variations TamilMemes + ImageNet + Flickr1k TamilMemes + ImageNet + Flickr30k
troll 0.30 0.34 0.32 100 0.36 0.35 0.35 100
not-troll 0.64 0.59 0.62 200 0.68 0.69 0.68 200
macro-avg 0.47 0.47 0.47 300 0.52 0.52 0.52 300
weighted-avg 0.53 0.51 0.52 300 0.57 0.57 0.57 300
Variations TamilMemes TamilMemes + ImageNet
troll 0.28 0.27 0.28 100 0.34 0.43 0.38 100
not-troll 0.64 0.66 0.65 200 0.67 0.58 0.62 200
macro-avg 0.46 0.46 0.46 300 0.50 0.51 0.50 300
weighted-avg 0.52 0.53 0.52 300 0.56 0.53 0.54 300
Variations TamilMemes + ImageNet + Flickr1k TamilMemes + ImageNet + Flickr30k
troll 0.33 0.55 0.41 100 0.31 0.34 0.33 100
not-troll 0.66 0.45 0.53 200 0.65 0.62 0.64 200
macro-avg 0.50 0.50 0.47 300 0.48 0.48 0.48 300
weighted-avg 0.55 0.48 0.49 300 0.54 0.53 0.53 300
Table 1: Precision, recall, F1-score and count for ResNet, MobileNet and their variations.
hand, we see improvement in precision at detecting trolls
in the TamilMeme + ImageNet variation. This shows that
MobileNet can leverage transfer learning to improve re-
sults. The relatively poor performance of MobileNet on
the TamilMeme variation shows that it can not learn com-
plex features like ResNet does to identify troll memes. For
ResNet, the trend in the macro averaged score can be seen
increasing in TamilMemes + ImageNet and TamilMemes
+ ImageNet + Flickr1k variations when compared to the
TamilMemes variation. The TamilMemes + ImageNet +
Flickr30k variation shows a lower macro averaged score
than that of the TamilMemes + ImageNet + Flickr1k vari-
ation in both MobileNet and ResNet. Overall the preci-
sion for troll class identification lies in the range of 0.28
and 0.37, which is rather less than that of the not-troll
class which lies in the range of 0.64 and 0.68. When
we train ResNet in class imbalanced data in TamilMemes
and TamilMemes + ImageNet + Flickr30k variations, re-
sults shows that the macro-averaged score of these varia-
tions are not hampered by the class imbalance issue. While
for same variations MobileNet shows poor macro-averaged
precision and recall score when compared with other vari-
ations. This shows that MobileNet is more susceptible to
class imbalance issue than ResNet.
8. Conclusions and Future work
As shown in the Table 1 the classification model performs
poorly at identifying of troll memes. We observed that
this stems from the problem characteristics of memes. The
meme dataset is unbalanced and memes have both im-
age and text embedded to it with code-mixing in different
forms. Therefore, it is inherently more challenging to train
a classifier using just images. Further, the same image can
be used with different text to mean different things, poten-
tially making the task more complicated.
To reduce the burden placed on annotators, we plan to use a
semi-supervised approach to the size of the dataset. Semi-
supervised approaches have been proven to be of good use
to increase the size of the datasets for under-resourced sce-
narios. We plan to use optical character recognizer (OCR)
followed by a manual evaluation to obtain the text in the im-
ages. Since Tamil memes have code-mixing phenomenon,
we plan to tackle the problem accordingly. With text iden-
tification using OCR, we will be able to approach the prob-
lem in a multi-modal way. We have created a meme dataset
only for Tamil, but we plan to extend this to other languages
as well.
This publication has emanated from research supported in
part by a research grant from Science Foundation Ireland
(SFI) under Grant Number SFI/12/RC/2289 P2, co-funded
by the European Regional Development Fund, as well as
by the H2020 project Pr
a-LLOD under Grant Agreement
number 825182.
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OdiEnCorp 2.0: Odia-English Parallel Corpus for Machine Translation
Shantipriya Parida
Satya Ranjan Dash
rej Bojar
Petr Motl
Priyanka Pattnaik
Debasish Kumar Mallick
Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland
{shantipriya.parida, petr.motlicek}
KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
The preparation of parallel corpora is a challenging task, particularly for languages that suffer from under-representation in the digital
world. In a multi-lingual country like India, the need for such parallel corpora is stringent for several low-resource languages. In this work,
we provide an extended English-Odia parallel corpus, OdiEnCorp 2.0, aiming particularly at Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems
which will help translate English
Odia. OdiEnCorp 2.0 includes existing English-Odia corpora and we extended the collection by
several other methods of data acquisition: parallel data scraping from many websites, including Odia Wikipedia, but also optical character
recognition (OCR) to extract parallel data from scanned images. Our OCR-based data extraction approach for building a parallel corpus is
suitable for other low resource languages that lack in online content. The resulting OdiEnCorp 2.0 contains 98,302 sentences and 1.69
million English and 1.47 million Odia tokens. To the best of our knowledge, OdiEnCorp 2.0 is the largest Odia-English parallel corpus
covering different domains and available freely for non-commercial and research purposes.
Keywords: Parallel Corpus, Machine Translation (MT), Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
1. Introduction
Odia (also called Oriya) is an Indian language belonging
to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European language
family. It is the predominant language of the Indian state
of Odisha. Odia is one of the 22 official languages and 14
regional languages of India. Odia is the sixth Indian lan-
guage to be designated a Classical Language in India based
on having a long literary history and not having borrowed
extensively from other languages.
Odia is written in Odia
script, which is a Brahmic script. Odia has its origins pinned
to the 10th century. In the 16th and 17th centuries, as in the
case of other Indian languages, Odia too suffered changes
due to the influence of Sanskrit.
Odia is nowadays spo-
ken by 50 million speakers.
It is heavily influenced by the
Dravidian languages as well as Arabic, Persian, English.
Odias inflectional morphology is rich with a three-tier tense
system. The prototypical word order is subject-object-verb
In today’s digital world, there has been a demand for ma-
chine translation systems for English
Odia translation for a
long time which couldn’t have been fulfilled due to the lack
of Odia resources, particularly a parallel corpus. Parallel
corpora are of great importance in language studies, teach-
ing and many natural language processing applications such
as machine translation, cross-language information retrieval,
* Corresponding author
word sense disambiguation, bilingual terminology extrac-
tion as well as induction of tools across languages. The Odia
language is not available in many machine translation sys-
tems. Several researchers explored these goals, developing
Odia resources and prototype machine translation systems
but these are not available online and benefitting users (Das
et al., 2018; Balabantaray and Sahoo, 2013; Rautaray et al.,
We have analysed the available English-Odia parallel cor-
pora (OdiEnCorp 1.0, PMIndia) and their performance
(BLEU score) for machine translation (Parida et al., 2020;
Haddow and Kirefu, 2020). OdiEnCorp 1.0 contains Odia-
English parallel and monolingual data. The statistics of
OdiEnCorp 1.0 are shown in Table 1. In OdiEnCorp 1.0, the
parallel sentences are mostly derived from the English-Odia
parallel Bible and the size of the parallel corpus (29K) is
not sufficient for neural machine translation (NMT) as docu-
mented by the baseline results (Parida et al., 2020) as well
as attempts at improving them using NMT techniques such
as transfer learning (Kocmi and Bojar, 2019).
The recently released PMIndia corpus (Haddow and Kirefu,
2020) contains 38K English-Odia parallel sentences but
it is mostly collected from the prime minister of India’s
official portal
containing text about government policies in
13 official languages of India.
These points motivate us for building OdiEnCorp 2.0 with
more data, covering various domains suitable for various
tasks of language processing, but particularly for the build-
ing of an English
Odia machine translation system which
will be useful for the research community as well as general
users for non-commercial purposes.
Figure 1: Block diagram of the Corpus building process. The parallel data collected from various sources (online/offline)
and processed using both automatic and manual processing to build the final Corpus OdiEnCorp 2.0.
Source Sentences Tokens
(Parallel) English Odia
English-Odia Parallel Bible 29069 756861 640157
Odisha Government Portal 122 1044 930
Odisha Govt Home Department Portal 82 367 327
Odia Digital Library (Odia Bibhaba) 393 7524 6233
Odia Digital Library (Odia Virtual Academy) 31 453 378
Total 29697 766249 648025
Table 1: Statistics of OdiEnCorp 1.0.
2. Data Sources
As there is a very limited number of online Odia resources
available, we have explored several possible ways to collect
Odia-English parallel data. Although these methods need
a considerable amount of manual processing, we opted for
them, to achieve the largest possible data size. In sum, we
used these sources:
Data extracted using OCR,
Data extracted from Odia Wikipedia,
Data extracted from other online resources,
Data reused from existing corpora.
The overall process of the OdiEnCorp 2.0 is shown in Fig-
ure 1.
2.1. OCR-Based Text Extraction
Many books are translated in more than one language and
they could serve as a reliable source to obtain parallel sen-
tences, but they are unfortunately not digitized (Bakliwal
et al., 2016; Premjith et al., 2016). OCR technology has
improved substantially, which has allowed for large-scale
digitization of textual resources such as books, old newspa-
pers, ancient hand-written documents (Dhondt et al., 2017).
That said, it should be kept in mind that there are often
mistakes in the scanned texts as OCR system occasionally
misrecognizes letters or falsely identifies text regions, lead-
ing to misspellings and linguistics errors in the output text
(Afli et al., 2016).
Odia language has a rich literary heritage and many books
are available in printed form. We have explored books hav-
ing either English and Odia parallel text together or books
having both versions (English and Odia). We have used
the study, translation, grammar, literature, and motivational
books for this purpose, obtaining the source images either
from the web, or directly scanning them ourselves.
We start with the image containing the Odia language text
represented in the RGB color space. For the Odia text recog-
nition, we use the “Tesseract OCR engine” (Smith, 2007)
with several improvements in the pre-processing phase.
First, we move from the traditional method which converts
RGB to grayscale by taking the simple average of the three
channels. We convert the RGB image into a grayscale image
(a) Sample scanned image of parallel
(English-Odia) data.
(b) Extracted parallel data.
Figure 2: An illustration of the scanned image containing parallel English-Odia data and extracted data.
Figure 3: Dilation
by applying the luminosity method which also averages the
values, but it takes a weighted average to account for human
perception (Joshi, 2019):
Grayscale = 0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B (1)
is the amount of red,
green and
blue color in
a pixel.
To change the image further to black and white only, “Tesser-
act” uses the traditional binarization algorithm called “Otsu”.
We use instead the “Niblack and Sauvola threshold algo-
rithm” which we found to give better results. The advantage
of the Niblack algorithm is that it slides a rectangular win-
dow through the image (Smith, 2007). The center pixel
is derived from the mean
and variance
values inside the window.
T = m + k · s, (2)
where k is a constant set to 0.8.
“Niblack” can create noise in some areas of the image, so
we further improve it by including the “Sauvola” algorithm.
Thus the modified formula is:
T = m ·
1 k · (1
, (3)
is the dynamics of standard deviation, a constant
set to 128.
This formula will not detect all the images of documents.
So the normalized formula we have implemented is:
T = m k · (1
) · (m M ), (4)
Figure 4: Erosion
is the maximum standard deviation of all the
windows and M is the gray level of the current image.
However, some black pixels vanish during these processes
which may lead to erroneous character recognition, so we
use Dilation (Gaikwad and Mahender, 2016) to join areas
which got accidentally disconnected, see Figure 3 for an
Because dilation sometimes produces too many black pixels,
we further apply “Erosion” (Alginahi, 2010) as illustrated
in Figure 4.
Finally, Figure 2 illustrates a sample of the scanned image
containing parallel Odia-English data and the extracted text.
2.2. Odia Wikipedia
The Odia Wikipedia started in 2002 and serves as a good
source for Odia-English parallel data. The following steps
were performed to obtain parallel sentences from Odia
Wikipedia, with more details provided in the sections below:
Collect Wikipedia dump (20th October 2019) for the
language pair Odia-English.
Clean the text by removing references, URLs, instruc-
tions, or any unnecessary contents.
Segment articles into sentences, relying on En-
glish/Odia full stop mark.
4. Align sentences between Odia and English.
Source Sentences Tokens Book Name and Author
English Odia (Parallel)
Wikipedia Dump 5796 38249 37944 -
Glosbe Website 6222 40143 38248 -
Odisha District Website 761 15227 13132 -
TamilCube Website 4434 7180 6776 -
OCR (Book 1) 356 4825 3909 A Tiger at Twilight by Manoj Dash
OCR (Book 2) 9499 117454 102279 Yajnaseni by Prativa Ray
OCR (Book 3) 775 13936 12068 Wings of Fire by APJ Abdul Kalam with Arun Tiwari
OCR (Book 4) 1211 1688 1652 Word Book by Shibashis Kar and Shreenath Chaterjee
OCR (Book 5) 293 1492 1471 Spoken English by Partha Sarathi Panda and Prakhita Padhi
Odia Virtual Academy (OVA) 1021 4297 3653 Sarala (Tribhasi) Bhasa Sikhana Petika
PMIndia 38588 690634 607611 -
OdiEnCorp 1.0 29346 756967 648025 -
Total 98302 1692092 1476768
Table 2: OdiEnCorp 2.0 parallel corpus details. Training, dev and test sets together.
2.3. Additional Online Resources
Finding potential parallel texts in a collection of web doc-
uments is a challenging task, see e.g. (Antonova and
Misyurev, 2011; K
udela et al., 2017; Schwenk, 2018;
Artetxe and Schwenk, 2019).
We have explored websites and prepared a list of such web-
sites which are potential for us to collect Odia-English par-
allel data. The websites were then crawled with a simple
Python script.
We found Odisha’s government portals of each district (e.g.
Nayagarh district
) of Odisha containing general informa-
tion about the district in both English and Odia version.
Analyzing extracted text, we found a few cases where En-
glish was repeated in both sides of the website. We have
aligned the extracted text manually to obtain the parallel
We also extracted parallel data from the Odia digital library
“Odia Virtual Academy”,
an Odisha government-initiated
portal to store treasures of Odia language and literature for
seamless access to Odia people staying across the globe.
The web page provides tri-lingual books (tribal dictionary
containing common words and their translations in English
and Odia) and we extracted the English-Odia sentence pairs
from it.
2.4. Reusing Available Corpora
Finally, we included parallel data from OdiEnCorp 1.0 and
PMIndia (Parida et al., 2020; Haddow and Kirefu, 2020).
Both corpora contain pre-processed English-Odia parallel
sentences. The statistics of these corpora are available in
Table 2.
3. Data Processing
The data collected from different sources were processed to
achieve a unified format.
3.1. Extraction of Plain Text
When utilizing online resources, we used a Python script to
scrape plain text from HTML pages.
3.2. Manual Processing
After analyzing the raw data extracted using the OCR-based
approach, we found a few errors such as unnecessary charac-
ters and symbols, missing words, etc. One of the reasons of
poor OCR performance was the fact that some images were
taken using mobile phones. In later processing, we always
used a proper scanner.
We decided for manual correction of such entries by volun-
teers whose mother tongue is Odia. Although this task is
time-consuming and tedious, the result should be of consid-
erably better quality and much more suitable for machine
translation and other NLP tasks.
Four volunteers worked part-time (2-3 hours daily) for four
months on scanning of books, extracting data from the
scanned images using OCR techniques, collecting data from
online as well as offline sources, and post-editing all the
data collected from different sources.
3.3. Sentence Segmentation
All sources that come in paragraphs (e.g. Wikipedia articles
or books) had to be segmented into sentences. We consid-
ered full stop (
) as of the end of the sentence for English and
Odia Danda or Purnaviram (
) as of the end of the sentence
for Odia language.
3.4. Sentence Alignment
For some sources, the alignment between English and Odia
sentences was straightforward. Sources like Odia Wikipedia
posed a bigger challenge, because the texts in the two lan-
guages are often created or edited independently of each
To achieve the best possible parallel corpus, we relied on
manual sentence alignment. In this process, we had to trun-
cate or remove several few sentences in either of the lan-
guages in order to reach exactly 1-1 aligned English-Odia
sentence pairs.
3.5. Domain Coverage
The resulting corpus OdiEnCorp 2.0 covers a wide variety
of domains, esp. compared to similar corpora. Our corpus
covers the bible, literature, government policies, daily usage,
learning, general domain (Wikipedia).
Dataset #Sentences EN OD
Train 2.0 69260 1340371 1164636
Dev 2.0 13429 157951 140384
Test 2.0 14163 185957 164532
Table 3: OdiEnCorp 2.0 processed for NMT experiments.
1 2 3 4
Training Steps
Dev 2.0
Test 2.0
Figure 5: Learning curve (ENOD)
4. Final Data Sizes
The composition of OdiEnCorp 2.0 with statistics for indi-
vidual sources is provided in Table 2.
The release designates which parts of the corpus should be
used for training, which for development and which for final
testing. This division of OdiEnCorp 2.0 respects the dev and
test sets of OdiEnCorp 1.0, so that models trained on v.2.0
training set can be directly tested on the older v.1.0 dev and
test sets.
5. Baseline Neural Machine Translation
For future reference, we provide a very baseline experiment
with neural machine translation using OdiEnCorp 2.0 data.
5.1. Dataset Description
For the purpose of NMT training, we removed duplicated
sentence pairs and shuffled the segments The training, dev
and test set sizes after this processing are shown in Table 3.
5.2. Neural Machine Translation Setup
We used the Transformer model (Vaswani et al., 2018) as
implemented in OpenNMT-py (Klein et al., 2017).
word units were constructed using the word pieces algorithm
(Johnson et al., 2017). Tokenization is handled automatically
as part of the pre-processing pipeline of word pieces.
We generated the vocabulary of 32k sub-word types jointly
for both the source and target languages, sharing it between
the encoder and decoder. To train the model, we used a
single GPU and followed the standard “Noam” learning rate
see (Vaswani et al., 2017) or (Popel and Bojar, 2018)
for more details. Our starting learning rate was 0.2 and we
used 8000 warm-up steps. The learning curves are shown in
Figure 5 and Figure 6,
1 2 3 4
Training Steps
Dev 2.0
Test 2.0
Figure 6: Learning curve (ODEN)
Training Corpus Task Dev 2.0 Test 2.0
OdiEnCorp 2.0 EN-OD 5.4 5.2
OdiEnCorp 2.0 OD-EN 9.2 8.6
Table 4: Results for baseline NMT on Dev and Test sets for
OdiEnCorp 2.0.
5.3. Results
We use sacreBLEU
10, 11
for estimating translation quality.
Based on the Dev 2.0 best score, we select the model at
iteration 40k for EN
OD and at 30k for OD
EN to obtain
the final test set scores.
Table 4 reports the performance on the Dev and Test sets of
OdiEnCorp 2.0. Table 5 uses the Dev and Test sets belonging
to OdiEnCorp 1.0. The results in Table 5 thus allow us to
observe the gains compared to the scores reported in Parida
et al. (2020).
6. Availability
OdiEnCorp 2.0 is available for research and non-
commercial use under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, CC-BY-NC-SA
7. Conclusion and Future Work
We presented OdiEnCorp 2.0, an updated version of Odia-
English parallel corpus aimed for linguistic research and
applications in natural language processing, primarily ma-
chine translation.
The corpus will be used for low resource machine translation
shared tasks. The first such task is WAT 2020
Indic shared
task on OdiaEnglish machine translation.
Our plans for future include:
Extending OdiEnCorp 2.0 with more parallel data,
again by finding various new sources.
Building an English
Odia translation system utiliz-
ing the developed OdiEnCorp 2.0 corpus and other
techniques (back translation, domain adaptation) and
releasing it to users for non-commercial purposes.
Signature: BLEU+c.mixed+#.1+s.exp+tok.13a+v.1.4.3
Training Corpus Task Dev 1.0 Test 1.0
OdiEnCorp 1.0 EN-OD 4.3 4.1
OdiEnCorp 2.0 EN-OD 4.9 4.0
OdiEnCorp 1.0 OD-EN 9.4 8.6
OdiEnCorp 2.0 OD-EN 12.0 9.3
Table 5: Scores on Dev and Test sets of OdiEnCorp 1.0
for the baseline NMT models trained on OdiEnCorp 1.0 vs.
OdiEnCorp 2.0.
Promoting the corpus in other reputed machine transla-
tion campaigns focusing on low resource languages.
8. Acknowledgements
The work was supported by an innovation project (under an Inno-
Suisse grant) oriented to improve the automatic speech recognition
and natural language understanding technologies for German (Ti-
tle: SM2: Extracting Semantic Meaning from Spoken Material
funding application no. 29814.1 IP-ICT). In part, it was also sup-
ported by the EU H2020 project “Real-time network, text, and
speaker analytics for combating organized crime” (ROXANNE,
grant agreement: 833635) and by the grant 18-24210S of the Czech
Science Foundation.
This work has been using language resources and tools stored
and distributed by the LINDAT/CLARIN project of the Min-
istry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
(projects LM2015071 and OP VVV VI CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16
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Handling Noun-Noun Coreference in Tamil
Vijay Sundar Ram and Sobha Lalitha Devi
AU-KBC Research Centre
MIT Campus of Anna University
Chromepet, Chennai, India
Natural language understanding by automatic tools is the vital requirement for document processing tools. To achieve it, automatic
system has to understand the coherence in the text. Co-reference chains bring coherence to the text. The commonly occurring reference
markers which bring cohesiveness are Pronominal, Reflexives, Reciprocals, Distributives, One-anaphors, Noun–noun reference. Here
in this paper, we deal with noun-noun reference in Tamil. We present the methodology to resolve these noun-noun anaphors and also
present the challenges in handling the noun-noun anaphoric relations in Tamil.
Keywords: Tamil, noun-noun anaphors, Error analysis
1. Introduction
The major challenge in automatic processing of text is
making the computer understand the cohesiveness of the
text. Cohesion in text is brought by various phenomena in
languages namely, Reference, Substitution, Ellipsis,
Conjunction and Lexical cohesion (Halliday & Hasan
1976). The commonly occurring reference markers which
bring cohesiveness are Pronominal, Reflexives,
Reciprocals, Distributives, One-anaphors, Nounnoun
reference. The coreference chains are formed using them.
Coreference chains are formed by grouping various
anaphoric expressions referring to the same entity. These
coreference chains are vital in understanding the text. It is
required in building sophisticated Natural Language
Understanding (NLU) applications. In the present work, we
focus on resolution of noun-noun anaphors, which is one of
the most frequently occurring reference entities. A noun
phrase can be referred by a shorten noun phrases or an
acronym, alias or by a synonym words. We describe our
machine learning technique based approach on noun-noun
anaphora resolution in Tamil text and discussed the
challenges in the handling the different types of noun-noun
anaphora relations. We have explained noun-noun
anaphora relation with the example below.
Ex 1. a
taktar apthul kalam oru vinvezi
Dr(N) Abdul(N) Kalam(N) one(QC) aerospace(N)
(Dr. Abdul Kalam was an aerospace scientist.)
Ex 1. b
kalam em.i.ti-yil padiththavar.
Kalam(N) M.I.T(N)+loc study(V)+past+3sh
(Kalam studied in MIT.)
Consider the discourse in Ex.1, ‘taktar apthul kalam (Dr.
Abdul Kalam) in sentence Ex.1.a is mentioned as ‘kalaam
(Kalam) in Ex.1.b.
One of the early works was by Soon et. al. (2001) where
they have used Decision tree, a machine learning based
approach for co-reference resolution. They have performed
as pair-wise approach using Distance, String Match,
Definite Noun phrase, Demonstrative noun phrase, both
proper nouns, Appositives as features in the machine
learning technique to resolve the noun-noun anaphors. Ng
& Cardie (2002) extended Soon et. al. (2001) work by
including lexical, grammatical, semantic, and PoS features.
Culcotta et al. (2007) has performed first order probabilistic
model for generating co-reference chain, where they have
used WordNet, substring match as features to resolve the
noun-noun relation. Bengston & Roth (2008) has presented
an analysis using refined feature set for pair-wise
classification. Rahman & Ng (2009) has proposed a
cluster-ranking based approach. Raghunathan et. al (2010)
has used multiple sieve based approach. Niton et al (2018)
has used a deep neural network based approach. In the
following section we have presented in the characteristics
of Tamil, which make Noun-Noun anaphora resolution in
Tamil a challenging task.
2. Characteristics of Tamil
Tamil belongs to the South Dravidian family of languages.
It is a verb final language and allows scrambling. It has
post-positions, the genitive precedes the head noun in the
genitive phrase and the complementizer follows the
embedded clause. Adjective, participial adjectives and free
relatives precede the head noun. It is a nominative-
accusative language like the other Dravidian languages.
The subject of a Tamil sentence is mostly nominative,
although there are constructions with certain verbs that
require dative subjects. Tamil has Person, Number and
Gender (PNG) agreement.
Tamil is a relatively free word order language, but when it
comes to noun phrases and clausal constructions it behaves
as a fixed word order language. As in other languages,
Tamil also has optional and obligatory parts in the noun
phrase. Head noun is obligatory and all other constituents
that precede the head noun are optional. Clausal
constructions are introduced by non-finite verbs. Other
characteristics of Tamil are copula drop, accusative drop,
genitive drop, and PRO drop (subject drop). Clausal
inversion is one of the characteristics of Tamil.
2.1 Copula Drop
Copula is the verb that links the subject and the object
nouns usually in existential sentences. Consider the
following example 2.
Ex 2: athu pazaiya maram. NULL
It(PN) old(ADJ) tree(N) (Coupla verb)
(It is an old tree).
The above example sentence (Ex.2.) does not have a finite
verb. The copula verb ‘aakum (is+ past + 3rd person
neuter), which is the finite verb for that sentence, is dropped
in that sentence.
2.2 Accusative Case Drop
Tamil is a nominative-accusative language. Subject nouns
occur with nominative case and the direct object nouns
occur with accusative case marker. In certain sentence
structures accusative case markers are dropped. Consider
the following sentences in exaple.3
raman pazam caappittaan.
Raman(N) fruit(N)+(acc) eat(V)+past+3sm
(Raman ate fruits.)
In Ex.3, ‘ramanis the subject, ‘pazaththai (fruit,N+Acc)
is the direct object and eat is the finite verb. In example
Ex.3, the accusative marker is dropped in the object noun
2.3 Genitive Drop
Genitive drop can be defined as a phenomenon where the
genitive case can be dropped from a sentence and the
meaning of the sentence remains the same. This
phenomenon is common in Tamil. Consider the following
example 4.
Ex 4.
ithu raaman viitu.
(It)PN Raman(N) house(N).
(It is Raman’s house.)
In Ex.4, the genitive marker is dropped, in the noun phrase
‘raamanutiya viitu and raaman viitu represents
‘raamanutiya viitu(Raaman’s house).
2.4 PRO Drop (Zero Pronouns)
In certain languages, the pronouns are dropped when they
are grammatically and pragmatically inferable. This
phenomenon of pronoun drop is also mentioned as ‘zero
pronoun’, ‘null or zero anaphors’, ‘Null subject’.
These pose a greater challenge in proper identification of
chunk boundaries.
3. Our Approach
Noun-Noun Anaphora resolution is the task of identifying
the referent of the noun which has occurred earlier in the
document. In a text, a noun phrase may be repeated as a full
noun phrase, partial noun phrase, acronym, or semantically
close concepts such as synonyms or superordinates. These
noun phrases mostly include named entity such as
Individuals, place names, organisations, temporal
expression, abbreviation such as ‘juun (Jun), ‘nav’(Nov)
etc., acronyms such as ‘ (U.N), etc., demonstrative
noun phrases such as ‘intha puththakam(this book), ‘antha
kuuttam(that meeting) etc., and definite descriptions such
as denoting phrases. The engine to resolve the noun
anaphora is built using Conditional Random Fields (Taku
Kudo, 2005) technique.
As a first step we pre-process the text with sentence splitter
and tokenizer followed by processing with shallow parsing
modules, namely, morphological analyser, Part of Speech
tagger, Chunker, and Clause boundary identifier. Following
this we enrich the text with Name Entities tagging using
Named Entity Recognizer.
We have used a morphological analyser built using rule
based and paradigm approach (Sobha et al. 2013). PoS
tagger was built using a hybrid approach where the output
from Conditional Random Fields technique was
smoothened with rules. (Sobha et al. 2016). Clause
boundary identifier was built using Conditional Random
Fields technique with grammatical rules as features (Ram
et al. 2012). Named Entity built using CRFs with post
processing rules is used (Malarkodi and Sobha, 2012).
Table1 show the precision and recall of these processing
Preprocessing Modules
Precision (%)
Recall (%)
Morphological Analyser
Part of Speech tagger
Named Entity Recogniser
Clause Boundary Identifier
Table 1: Statistics of the Corpus.
We consider the noun anaphor as NP
and the possible
antecedent as NP
. Unlike pronominal resolution, Noun-
Noun anaphora resolution requires features such as
similarity between NP
and NP
. We consider word, head of
the noun phrase, named entity tag and definite description
tag, gender, sentence position of the NPs and the distance
between the sentences with NP
and NP
as features.
Features used in Noun-Noun Anaphora Resolution are
discussed below.
3.1 Features used for ML
The features used in the CRFs techniques are presented
below. The features are divided into two types.
3.1.1 Individual Features
Single Word: Is NPi a single word; Is NPj a single
Multiple Words: Number of Words in NPi; Number of
Words in NPj
PoS Tags: PoS tags of both NPi and NPj.
Case Marker: Case marker of both NPi and NPj.
Presence of Demonstrative Pronoun: Check for
presence of Demonstrative pronoun in NPi and NPj.
3.1.2 Comparison Features
Full String Match: Check the root words of both the
noun phrase NP
and NP
are same.
Partial String Match: In multi world NPs, calculate the
percentage of commonality between the root words of
and NP
First Word Match: Check for the root word of the first
word of both the NP
and NP
are same.
Last Word Match: Check for the root word of last word
of both the NP
and NP
are same.
Last Word Match with first Word is a demonstrator: If
the root word of the last word is same and if there is a
demonstrative pronoun as the first word.
Acronym of Other: Check NP
is an acronym of NP
and vice-versa.
4. Experiment, Results and
We have collected 1,000 News articles from Tamil News
dailies online versions. The text were scrapped from from
the web pages, and fed into sentence splitter, followed by a
tokerniser. The sentence splitted and tokenised text is pre-
processed with syntactic processing tools namely
morphanalyser, POS tagger, chunker, pruner clause
boundary identifier. After processing with shallow parsing
modules we feed it to Named entity recogniser and the
Named entities are identified. The News articles are from
Sports, Disaster and General News.
We used a graphical tool, PAlinkA, a highly customisable
tool for Discourse Annotation (Orasan, 2003) for
annotating the noun-noun anaphors. We have used two tags
MARKABLEs and COREF. The basic statistics of the
corpus is given in table 2.
Details of Corpus
Number of Web Articles annotated
Number of Sentences
Number of Tokens
Number of Words
Table 2: Statistics of the Corpus.
Noun-Noun Anaphora
Table 3: Performance of Noun-Noun Anaphora Resolution
The performance scores obtained are presented in table 3.
The engine works with good precision and poor recall. On
analysing the output, we could understand two types of
errors,1, errors introduced by the pre-processing modules
and the intrinsic errors introduced by the Noun-noun
anaphora engine. This is presented in table 4.
Table 4: Details of errors
The poor recall is due to engine unable to pick certain
anaphoric noun phrase such as definite noun phrases. In
table 5, we have given the percentage of error introduced
by different pre-processing tasks. We have considered the
7.38% error as a whole and given the percentage of
contribution of each of the pre-processing tasks.
In noun-noun anaphora resolution, we consider Named
entities, proper nouns, demonstrative nouns, abbreviations,
acronyms, and try to identify their antecedents.
Percentage of error contributed by Each Preprocessing module
Analyser (%)
Named Entity
Table 5: Errors introduced by different pre-processing
This task requires high accuracy of noun phrase chunker
and PoS tagger. The errors in chunking and PoS tagging
percolates badly, as correct NP boundaries are required for
identifying the NP head and correct PoS tags are required
for identifying the proper nouns. Errors in chunk
boundaries introduce errors in chunk head which results in
erroneous noun- noun pairs and correct noun-noun pairs
may not be identified. The recall is affected due to the
errors in identification of proper noun and NER.
aruN vijay kapilukku pathilaaka
Arun(N) vijay(N) Kapli(N)+dat instead
(Instead of Kapil, Arun Vijay is selected)
vijay muthalil kalam iRangkuvaar.
He(PN) first(N)+loc groud(N) enter(V)+future+3sh
(He will be the opener.)
Ex.5.b has proper noun vijay as the subject of the
sentences and it refers to ‘aruN vijay (Arun Vijay), the
subject of the sentence Ex.5.a. In Ex.5.a, chunker has
tagged ‘aruN’, ‘vijay kapilukku’ as two NPs instead of
‘aruN vijayand ‘kapilukku’. Pronominal resolution engine
has identifies ‘aruN’ as the referent of ‘avar instead of
‘aruN vijay in Ex.5.a. This is partially correct and full
chunk is not identified due to the chunking error.
Noun-Noun anaphora resolution engine fails to handle
definite NPs, as in Tamil we do not have definiteness
marker, these NPs occur as common noun. Consider the
following discourse.
maaNavarkaL pooRattam katarkaraiyil
Student(N)+Pl demonstration(N) beach(N)+Loc
(The students did demonstartions in the beach.)
kavalarkaL maaNavarkaLai kalainthu_cella
Police(N)+Pl students(N) disperse(V)+INF
(The police made the students to disperse.)
Consider the discourse Ex.6. Here in both the sentences
‘maaNavarkaL’ (students) has occurred referring to the
same entity. But these plural NPs occur as a common nouns
Intrinsic Errors
of the anaphoric
modules (%)
Total Percentage (%)
of Error introduced by
Preprocessing modules
and the definiteness is not signalled with any markers. So
we have not handled these kinds of definite NPs which
occur as common nouns.
Popular names and nicknames pose a challenge in noun-
noun anaphora resolution. Consider the following
examples; ‘Gandhi’ was popularly called as ‘Mahatma’,
‘Baapuji’ etc. Similarly ‘Subhas Chandra bose’ was
popularly called as ‘Netaji’, ‘Vallabhbhai Patel’ was
known as ‘Iron man of India’. These types of popular
names and nick names occur in the text without any prior
mention. These popular names, nick names can be inferred
by world knowledge or deeper analysis of the context of the
current and preceding sentence. Similarly shortening of
names such as place names namely ‘thanjaavur’
(Thanajavur) is called as ‘thanjai’ (Tanjai), ‘nagarkovil’
(Nagarkovil) is called as ‘nellai’ (Nellai), ‘thamil naadu’
(Tamil Nadu) is called as ‘Thamilagam’ (Tamilagam) etc
introduce challenge in noun-noun anaphora identification.
These shortened names are introduced in the text without
prior mention. The other challenge is usage of anglicized
words without prior mention in the text. Few examples for
anglicized words are as follows, ‘thiruccirappalli’
(Thirucharapalli) is anglicized as ‘Tirchy’,
‘thiruvananthapuram’ (Thiuvananthapuram) is anglicized
as ‘trivandrum’, ‘uthakamandalam’ is anglicized as ‘ooty’.
Spell variation is one of the challenges in noun-noun
anaphora resolution. In News articles, the spell variations
are very high, even within the same article. Person name
such as ‘raaja’ (Raja) is also written as ‘raaca’. Similarly
the place name ‘caththiram’ (lodge) is also written as
‘cathram’. In written Tamil, there is a practice of writing
words without using letters with Sanskrit phonemes. This
creates a major reason for bigger number of spell variation
in Tamil. Consider the words such as ‘jagan’ (Jagan),
‘shanmugam’ (Shanmugam), and ‘krishna’ (Krishna),
these words will also be written as ‘cagan’, ‘canmugam’
and ‘kiruccanan’. These spell variations need to be
normalised with spell normalisation module before pre-
processing the text.
Spelling variation, Anglicization, Spelling error in NEs
lead to errors in correct resolution of noun anaphors.
Consider the following example, same entity ‘raaja’ (Raja)
will be written as ‘raaja’ and ‘raaca’.
Due to incorrect chunking, the entities required to form the
co-refernce chains are partially identified. Consider
example 7.
netharlaanthu aNi, netharlaanthu, netharlaanthu aNi
Netherland Team, Netherland, Netherland Team
Consider Ex.7, the same entities as occurred as both
‘netharlaanthu aNi’ (Netherland Team) and ‘netharlaanthu’
(Netherland) in the News article. The chunker has wrongly
tagged ‘netharlaanthu’ (Netherland) and ‘aNi’ (team) as
two different chunks. The resultant co-reference chain was
‘netharlaanthu’, ‘netharlaanthu’ and ‘netharlaanthu’. ‘aNi’
in both NPs are missed out but to the chunker error.
Similarly in News articles, the place name entities are
mentioned as place name or a description referring to the
place name. Consider the following examples Ex.8.a, and
mumbai, inthiyaavin varththaka thalainakaram
Mumbai, India’s Economic Capital
kaaci, punitha nakaram
Kasi, the holy city
In Ex.8.a and Ex.8.b, there are two entities each in both and
the NPs refer to the same entity. These kinds of entites are
not handled by the Noun-Noun anaphora resolution engine
and these entities are missed, while forming the co-
reference chain. There are errors in identifying
synonymous NP entities as presented in following
discourse 9.
makkaL muuththa kaavalthuRaiyinarootu
People(N) senior(Adj) police(N)+soc
(People argued with the senior police officer.)
antha athikaariyin pathiLai eeRRu
That(Det) officer(N)+gen answer(N) accept(V)+vbp
(Accepting the officer’s answer they left.)
Consider Ex.9.a and Ex.6.9.b, ‘muuththa
kaavalthuRaiyinarootu’ (Senior police person) in Ex.9.a
and ‘athikaari’ (officer) in Ex.9.b refer to the same entity.
For robust Identification of these kinds of synonyms NPs
we require synonym dictionaries.
Thus these kinds of noun phrases pose a challenge in
resolving noun noun anaphors.
5. Conclusion
We have discussed development of noun-noun anaphor
resolution in Tamil using Conditional Random Fields, a
machine learning technique. We have presented in detail,
the characteristics of Tamil, which pose challenges in
resolving these noun-noun anaphors. We have presented an
in-depth error analysis describing the intrinsic errors in the
resolution and the errors introduced by the pre-processing
6. Bibliographical References
Bengtson, E. & Roth, D. (2008). Understanding the value of
features for coreference resolution. In Proceedings of
EMNLP, pp. 294-303.
Culotta, A. Wick, M. Hall, R. & McCallum, A. (2007). First-
order probabilistic models for coreference resolution. In
Proceedings of HLT/NAACL, pp. 81-88.
Halliday, M.A.K. and Hasan, R. (1976). Cohesion in English.
Longman Publishers, London.
Malarkodi, CS. Pattabhi RK Rao & Sobha Lalitha Devi
(2012). Tamil NER Coping with Real Time Challenges.
In Proceedings of Workshop on Machine Translation and
Parsing in Indian Languages, COLING 2012, Mumbai,
Ng, V & Cardie, C ( 2002). Improving machine learning
approaches to coreference resolution. In proceedings of the
40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, pp. 104-111.
Bartłomiej Niton, Paw Morawiecki, and Maciej
Ogrodniczuk. (2018). Deep Neural Networks for
Coreference Resolution for Polish. In Proceedings of the
Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources
and Evaluation (LREC) 2018, pp. 395-400.
Raghunathan, K. Lee, H. Rangarajan, S. Chambers, N.
Surdeanu, M. Jurafsky, D. & Manning, C. (2010). A multi-
pass sieve for coreference resolution. In Proceedings of
EMNLP, pp. 492-501.
Rahman, A. & Ng, V. ( 2009). Supervised Models for
Coreference Resolution. In Proceedings of the Conference
on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pp.
Ram, RVS. Bakiyavathi, T. Sindhujagopalan, Amudha, K. &
Sobha, L. (2012). Tamil Clause Boundary Identification:
Annotation and Evaluation. In the Proceedings of 1st
Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and
Evaluation, Istanbul.
Orasan, C. (2003). PALinkA: A highly customisable tool for
discourse annotation. In Proceedings of the 4th SIGdial
Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, ACL’03. pp. 39-43.
Sobha Lalitha Devi, Marimuthu, K. Vijay Sundar Ram, R.
Bakiyavathi, T. & Amudha, K (2013). Morpheme
Extraction in Tamil using Finite State Machines. In
Proceedings of Morpheme Extraction Task at FIRE.
Sobha Lalitha Devi, Pattabhi RK Rao & Vijay Sundar Ram,
R (2016). AUKBC Tamil Part-of-Speech Tagger
(AUKBC-TamilPoSTagger 2016v1). Web Download.
Computational Linguistics Research Group, AU-KBC
Research Centre, Chennai, India
Soon WH Ng & Lim, D (2001). A machine learning approach
to coreference resolution of noun phrases. Computational
Linguistics, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 521-544.
Taku Kudo (2005). CRF++, an open source toolkit for CRF,
Proceedings of the WILDRE5– 5
Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and Evaluation, pages 25–28
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020), Marseille, 11–16 May 2020
European Language Resources Association (ELRA), licensed under CC-BY-NC
Malayalam Speech Corpus: Design and Development for Dravidian Language
Lekshmi.K.R, Jithesh V S, Elizabeth Sherly
Research Scholar, Senior Linguist, Senior Professor
Bharathiar University, IIITM-K, IIITM-K
To overpass the disparity between theory and applications in language-related technology in the text as well as speech and several other
areas, a well-designed and well-developed corpus is essential. Several problems and issues encountered while developing a corpus,
especially for low resource languages. The Malayalam Speech Corpus (MSC) is one of the first open speech corpora for Automatic
Speech Recognition (ASR) research to the best of our knowledge. It consists of 250 hours of Agricultural speech data. We are providing
a transcription file, lexicon and annotated speech along with the audio segment. It is available in future for public use upon request at
“ speechcorpus”. This paper details the development and collection process in the domain of agricul-
tural speech corpora in the Malayalam Language.
Keywords: Malayalam, ASR, Agricultural Speech corpus, Narrational and Interview Speech Corpora
1. Introduction
Malayalam is the official language of Kerala, Lakshad-
weep, and Mahe. From 1330 million people in India,
37 million people speak Malayalam ie; 2.88% of Indians.
(Wikipedia contributors, 2020). Malayalam is the youngest
of all languages in the Dravidian family. Four or ve
decades were taken for Malayalam to emerge from Tamil.
The development of Malayalam is greatly influenced by
Sanskrit also.
In the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) area many
works are progressing in highly and low-resourced lan-
guages. The present speech recognition system has
achieved a ‘Natural’ degree of accuracy mainly in Standard
American English (Xiong et al., 2016). The accurate recog-
nition of speech exists only for highly resourced languages.
But it is still lagging for “non-native” speakers. To increase
the accuracy of such an ASR system the speech data for
low- resource language like Malayalam is to be increased.
To encourage the research on speech technology and its
related applications in Malayalam, a collection of speech
corpus is commissioned and named as Malayalam Speech
Corpus (MSC). The corpus consists of the following parts.
200 hours of Narrational Speech named NS and
50 hours of Interview Speech named IS
The raw speech data is collected from “Kissan Kr-
ishideepam” an agriculture-based program in Malayalam
by the Department of Agriculture, Government of Kerala.
The NS is created by making a script during the post-
production stage and dubbed with the help of people in dif-
ferent age groups and gender but they are amateur dubbing
artists. The speech data is thoughtfully designed - for var-
ious applications like code mixed language analysis, Auto-
matic Speech Recognition (ASR) related research, speaker
recognition – by considering sociolinguistic variables.
This paper represents the development of Narrational and
Interview Speech corpora (NS and IS) collected from na-
tive Malayalam speakers. The literature survey of different
speech corpora creation is detailed in section 2. Section 3
describes the design and demographics of speech data. The
section 4 continues with transcription and section 5 deals
with lexicon of the speech data and paper concludes with
section 6.
2. Literature Survey
Many languages have developed speech corpus and they
are open source too. The English read speech corpus is
freely available to download for research purposes (Koh et
al., 2019) (Panayotov et al., 2015). Similarly, a database
is made available with the collection of TED talks in the
English language (Hernandez et al., 2018). Databases are
available for Indian languages on free download and a pay-
ment basis also. For the Malayalam language-based emo-
tion recognition, a database is available (Rajan et al., 2019).
The corpus collection of low resourced languages is a good
initiative in the area of ASR. One of such work is done on
Latvian language (Pinnis et al., 2014). They created 100
hours of orthographically transcribed audio data and anno-
tated corpus also. In addition to that a four hours of phonet-
ically transcribed audio data is also available. The authors
presented the statistics of speech corpus along with criteria
for design of speech corpus.
South Africa has eleven official languages. An attempt is
made for the creation of speech corpora on these under re-
sourced languages (Barnard et al., 2014). A collection of
more than 50 hours of speech in each language is made
available. They validated the corpora by building acoustic
and language model using KALDI.
Similarly speech corpora for North-East Indian low-
resourced languages is also created (Hernandez et al.,
2018). The authors collected speech and text corpora on
Assamese, Bengali and Nepali. They conducted a statisti-
cal study of the corpora also.
3. The Speech Corpora
A recording studio is setup at our visual media lab with
a quiet and sound proof room. A standing microphone
is used for recording NS corpora. IS corpora is collected
directly from the farmers using recording portable Mic at
their place. Hundred speakers are involved in the recording
of NS and IS corpora.
3.1. Narrational and Interview Speech Corpora
The written agricultural script, which is phonetically bal-
anced and phonetically rich (up to triphone model), was
given to the speakers to record the Narrational Speech.
Scripts were different in content. An example script is pro-
vided in Fig:1. They were given enough time to record the
data. If any recording issues happened, after rectification
by the recording assistant it was rerecorded.
Figure 1: Example of script file for dubbing
The Narrational Speech is less expensive than Interview
Speech because it is difficult to get data for the ASR system.
The IS data is collected in a face-to-face interview style.
The literacy and the way to communicate information flu-
ently have given less focus. The interviewee with enough
experience in his field of cultivation is asked to speak about
his cultivation and its features. The interviewer should be
preferably a subject expert in the area of cultivation. Both
of them are given separate microphones for this purpose.
Few challenges were faced during the recording of the
speech corpus. There were lot of background noise like
sounds of vehicles, animals, birds, irrigation motor and
wind. Another main issue that happened during post pro-
duction is the difference in pronunciation styles in the In-
terview Speech corpora collection. This caused difficulty
during validation of the corpus. The recording used to ex-
tend up to 5-6 hours depending on speakers. The recorded
data is then given for post-production to clean unwanted
information from that.
3.2. Speaker Criteria
We have set a few criteria for recording the Narrational
Speech data.
The speakers are at minimum age of 18
They are citizens of India
Speakers are residents of Kerala
The mother tongue of the speaker should be Malay-
alam without any specific accents
3.3. Recording Specifications
Speech data is collected with two different microphones for
NS and IS. For Narrational Speech, Shure SM58-LC car-
dioid vocal microphone without cable is used. For IS, we
utilized Sennheiser XSW 1-ME2-wireless presentation mi-
crophone of range 548-572 MHz Steinberg Nuendo and Pro
Tools are used for the audio post-production process.
The audio is recorded in 48 kHz sampling frequency and
16 bit sampling rate for broadcasting and the same is down
sampled to 16 kHz sampling frequency and 16 bit sampling
rate for speech-related research purposes. The recordings
of speech corpora are saved in WAV files.
3.4. Demographics
MSC aims to present a good quality audio recording for
speech related research. The NS and IS corpus have both
male and female speakers. In NS, the male and female
speakers are made up with 75% and 25% respectively. IS
have more male speakers than females with 82% and 18%
of total speakers.The other demographics available from
the collected data are Community, Place of Cultivation and
Type of Cultivation.
Category NS (%) IS (%)
Hindu 85 51
Christian 10 35
Muslim 05 14
Total 100 100
Table 1: Demographic details of speakers by community
Table 2 and 3 contains the details of the place of cultivation
and the type of cultivation in Kerala.
Place of Cultivation (District wise) IS(%)
Thiruvananthapuram 26
Kollam 21
Pathanamthitta 02
Ernakulam 07
Alappuzha 08
Kottayam 08
Idukki 09
Thrissur 12
Wayanad 03
Kozhikode 02
Kannur 02
Total 100
Table 2: Demographic details of speakers by place of culti-
Type of Cultivation IS (%)
Animal Husbandry 10
Apiculture 11
Diary 16
Fish and crab farming 05
Floriculture 07
Fruits and vegetables 22
Horticulture 04
Mixed farming 07
Organic farming 08
Poultry 07
Terrace farming 03
Total 100
Table 3: Demographic details of speakers by type of culti-
4. Transcription
The NS and IS corpora are transcribed orthographically into
Malayalam text. The transcribers are provided with the au-
dio segments that the speaker read. Their task is to tran-
scribe the content of the audio into Malayalam and into
phonetic text. A sample of three transcribed data with de-
mographic details is shown below and the annotated speech
of first two sentences is depicted in Fig 2.
Figure 2: An example of Annotated Speech Corpora
Sample 1: Record Entry No : 180220 01 01
In the first sample a Narrational Speech is detailed. The
narrator is about 45 years old and he is describing the de-
tails about Palakkad a district in Kerala and a mango estate
there. Few sentences are displayed below.
Sentence 1:
<Without saying we can understand that it is Palakkad>
Sentence 2:
< Kerala’s Castle door>
Sentence 3:
<Selam dharmapuri and krishnagiri are the birthplaces of
Sample 2: Record Entry 2: 180220 02 01
The sample shown below is an Interview Speech. The in-
terviewer is an agriculture officer of age 50 and interviewee
is the owner of farm about 55 years old.
Sentence 1:
<Do you think you could fulfill what you have wished
or envisioned from the desert, here in your homeland,
Sentence 2:
<Definitely we could. What we have planted here by our-
selves blossomed, bore fruit, relished it and shared it with
our dear ones>
5. Lexicon
The pronunciation dictionary, called Lexicon contains a
collection of unique 4925 words. The audio collection pro-
cess is still going on which will increase the lexicon size.
The lexicon consists of word and its corresponding phone-
mic and syllabic representation as in the example shown in
Fig 3.
Figure 3: Example of the lexicon
6. Conclusion
Speech is the primary and natural mode of communication
than writing. It is possible to extract more linguistic in-
formation from speech than text like emotions and accent.
Speech related applications are more useful for illiterate
and old people. The articulatory and acoustic information
can be obtained from a good audio recording environment.
One of the important features of speech data is that, there
is less interference from a second party compared to textual
To encourage the academic research in speech related appli-
cations, a good number of multilingual and multipurpose
speech corpora for Indian languages is required. The re-
sponsibility to develop such corpora still lies on the shoul-
der of the concerned researcher. Also the role of language
corpora is very significant to preserve and maintain the lin-
guistic heritage of our country.
The release of MSC will be one of the first speech cor-
pora of Malayalam, contributing 200 hours of Narrational
Speech and 50 hours of Interview Speech data for public
use. The lexicon and annotated speech is also made avail-
able with the data. Future work includes creation of corpora
related to tourism and entertainment domains and enhance-
ment of quality of speech by building an ASR using KALDI
toolkit. The updates on corpus will be accessible through
“ speechcorpus”.
This research is supported by the Kerala State Council for
Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE). I thank
KSCSTE for funding the project under the Back-to-lab
scheme. I also thank Agri team, Indian Institute of Informa-
tion Technology and Management-Kerala, Kissan Project
for collecting the audio data.
Bibliographical References
Barnard, E., Davel, M. H., van Heerden, C., De Wet, F., and
Badenhorst, J. (2014). The nchlt speech corpus of the
south african languages. In Workshop Spoken Language
Technologies for Under-resourced Languages (SLTU).
Hernandez, F., Nguyen, V., Ghannay, S., Tomashenko, N.,
and Est
eve, Y. (2018). Ted-lium 3: twice as much data
and corpus repartition for experiments on speaker adap-
tation. In International Conference on Speech and Com-
puter, pages 198–208. Springer.
Koh, J. X., Mislan, A., Khoo, K., Ang, B., Ang, W., Ng, C.,
and Tan, Y.-Y. (2019). Building the singapore english
national speech corpus. Malay, 20(25.0):19–3.
Panayotov, V., Chen, G., Povey, D., and Khudanpur, S.
(2015). Librispeech: an asr corpus based on public do-
main audio books. In 2015 IEEE International Con-
ference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
(ICASSP), pages 5206–5210. IEEE.
Pinnis, M., Auzina, I., and Goba, K. (2014). Designing
the latvian speech recognition corpus. In LREC, pages
Rajan, R., Haritha, U., Sujitha, A., and Rejisha, T. (2019).
Design and development of a multi-lingual speech cor-
pora (tamar-emodb) for emotion analysis. Proc. Inter-
speech 2019, pages 3267–3271.
Wikipedia contributors. (2020). Malayalam — Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia. [Online; accessed 21-February-
Xiong, W., Droppo, J., Huang, X., Seide, F., Seltzer, M.,
Stolcke, A., Yu, D., and Zweig, G. (2016). Achiev-
ing human parity in conversational speech recognition.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.05256.
Proceedings of the WILDRE5– 5
Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and Evaluation, pages 29–32
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020), Marseille, 11–16 May 2020
European Language Resources Association (ELRA), licensed under CC-BY-NC
Multilingual Neural Machine Translation involving Indian Languages
Pulkit Madaan, Fatiha Sadat
Delhi India, Montreal Canada
Neural Machine Translations (NMT) models are capable of translating a single bilingual pair and require a new model for each new
language pair. Multilingual Neural Machine Translation models are capable of translating multiple language pairs, even pairs which
it hasn’t seen before in training. Availability of parallel sentences is a known problem in machine translation. Multilingual NMT
model leverages information from all the languages to improve itself and performs better. We propose a data augmentation technique
that further improves this model profoundly. The technique helps achieve a jump of more than 15 points in BLEU score from the
Multilingual NMT Model. A BLEU score of 36.2 was achieved for Sindhi–English translation, which is higher than any score on the
leaderboard of the LoResMT SharedTask at MT Summit 2019, which provided the data for the experiments.
Keywords: Neural Machine Translation, Low Resource Languages, Multilingual Transformer, Deep Learning, End-to-end Learning,
Data Augmentation, Transfer Learning
1. Introduction
A lot of the models for end-to-end NMT are trained for
single language pairs. Google’s Multilingual NMT (John-
son et al., 2017) is a single model capable of translat-
ing to and from many languages. The model is fed a to-
ken identifying a target language uniquely along with the
source language sentence. This allows the model to trans-
late between pairs for which the model hasn’t seen paral-
lel data, essentially zero-shot translations. The model is
also able to improve upon individual translation qualities
too by the help of other languages. NMT suffers from
the lack of data. And as Arivazhagan et al.(2019b) and
Koehn et al.(2017) too recognize, lack of data makes NMT
a non-trivial challenge for low-resource languages. Multi-
lingual NMT is a step towrds solving this problem which
leverages data from other language pairs and does an im-
plicit transfer learning. We propose to improve this qual-
ity further with a data-augmentation technique that was
able to improve the BLEU scores two fold in our exper-
iments. The technique is simple and can work with any
model. We show that increasing the amount of data avail-
able for training artificially with our technique in a way as
simple as just swapping the source with target sentences
and using the same sentence as source and target can im-
prove the BLEU scores significantly. Also, we show that
since all language pairs share the same encoder and the
same decoder, in a case of transfer learning, the model is
able to leverage data from rich resource language pairs for
learning better translations for low-resource pairs. Using
Hindi–English data in training improved the BLEU scores
for {Bhojpuri, Sindhi, Magahi}<>English. The structure
of the present paper is described as follows: Section 2
presents the state of the art. Section 3 presents our pro-
posed methodology. Section 4 describes the corpora used in
this research. In section 5, we put forward our experiments
and evaluations, perform an ablative analysis and compare
our system’s performance with other Google’s Neural Ma-
chine Translation(Johnson et al., 2017). Section 6, com-
pares our results with other methods that participated in the
LoResMT Shared Task(Karakanta et al., 2019) at the MT
Summit 2019. Finally in Section 7, we state our conclu-
sions and perspectives for future research.
2. Related Work
Significant progress has been made in end-to-end NMT
(Cho et al., 2014; Sutskeveret al., 2014; Bahdanau et al.,
2015) and some work has been done to adapt it to a mul-
tilingual setting. But, before the mulitilingual approach of
Johnson et al., 2017, none of the approaches have a sin-
gle model capable of dealing with multiple language pairs
in a many-to-many setting. Dong et al.(2015) use different
decoders and attention layers for different target languages.
Firat et al.(2016) use a shared attention layer but an encoder
per source language and a decoder per target language. Lee
et al.(2017) use a single model with the whole model shared
across all pairs but it can only be used for a single tar-
get language. The model proposed by Johnson et al.(2017)
has a single model for a many-to-many task and is able to
perform in zero-shot setting too wher it can translate sen-
tences between pairs whose parallel data wasn’t seen by the
model during training. Arivazhagan et al.(2019a) also pro-
pose a model for zero-shot translation that improves upon
Google’s Multilingual NMT Model (Johnson et al., 2017)
and achieves results on par with pivoting. They propose
English as the pivot language and feed the target language
token to the decoder instead of the encoder. In order to im-
prove the independence of encoder on source language they
maximise the similarity between all sentence vectors and
their English parallel sentence embeddings and minimize
the translation cross-entropy loss. They use a discriminator
and train the encoder adversarially for similarity maximisa-
tion. Artetxe et al.(2018) and Yang et al.(2018) also train
the encoder adversarially to learn a shared latent space.
There has been a lot of work done to improve NMT mod-
els using data augmentation. Sennrich et al (2016a) pro-
posed automatic back-translation to augment the dataset.
But, as mentioned in SwitchOut (Wang et al., 2018) faces
challenges in initial models. Fadaee et al.(2017) propose
Figure 1: An example of different augments. Here the low resource pair of languages is English–Hindi, and the high
resource pair language set is English–French
a data augmentation technique where they synthesise new
data by replacing a common word in the source sentence
with a rare word and the corresponding word in the target
sentence with its translation. And to maintain the syntac-
tic validity of the sentence, they use an LSTM language
model. Zhu et al.(2019) propose a method in which they
obtain parallel sentences from multilingual websites. They
scrape the websites to get monolingual data on which they
learn word embeddings. These embeddings are used to in-
duce a bilingual lexicon and then use a trained model to
identify parallel sentences. Ours is a much simpler way,
which does not require an additional model, is end-to-ed
trainable and is still at par with some Statistical Machine
Translation methods submitted at the SharedTask.
3. The Proposed Methodology
The technique we propose is simple consists of four com-
ponents named Forward, Backward, Self and High. For-
ward augmentation is the given data itself. Backward aug-
mentation is generated by switching the source and target
label in the Forward Data, so the source sentence becomes
the target sentence and vice versa in parallel sentence pair.
Self augmentation is generated by using only the required
language from the parallel sentences and cloning them as
their own target sentences, so the source and target sentence
are the same. An example of the augmentations is shown
in Figure 1. We know that translation models improve with
increase in data and since we also have the same encoder
for every language, we can use a language pair that is sim-
ilar to the language pairs of the task and is a high resource
pair to further improve the encoder in encoding source in-
dependent embeddings, for transfer learning through the
Multilingual architecture of Johnson et al.(2017) . So we
propose Multilingual+ which uses the above mentioned
three augmentations (Forward, Backward, Self) along with
High augmentation; High augmentation consists of high-
resource language pairs, like Hindi–English parallel data,
in Forward, Backward and Self augmentations. This helps
in improving the translation models of low resource pairs;
{Bhojpuri, Sindhi, Magahi}<>English.
4. Dataset
Parallel data from four different language pairs are used in
the experiments. Following are the language pairs along
with the number of parallel sentences of each pair:
1. Sindhi–English (29,014)
2. Magahi–English (3,710)
3. Bhojpuri–English (28,999)
4. Hindi–English (1,561,840)
Data for pairs 1–3 were made available at the Shared Task at
MT Summit 2019. While data for pair 4 was obtained from
the IIT Bombay English–Hindi Corpus (Kunchukuttan et
al., 2018). The Train-Val-Test splits were used as given by
the respective data providers.
5. Experiments
We performed experiments on the Multingual+ model and
showed how the addition of each of augmentations we pro-
posed improves the performance by an ablative analysis.
After augmentation, the source sentences get a target lan-
guage token prepended. Joint Byte-Pair Encoding is learnt
for subword segmentation (Sennrich et al., 2016b) to ad-
dress the problem of rare words. Byte-Pair encoding was
learnt over the training data and was used to segment sub-
words for both the training and the test data. A Joint dic-
tionary was learnt over all the languages. This is the only
pre-processing that we do besides the augmentation. The
basic architecture is the same as in Johnson et al.(2017). A
single encoder and decoder shared over all the languages.
Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015) optimizer was use, with ini-
tial beta values of 0.9 and 0.98 along with label smooth-
ing and dropout(0.3). Following are the augmentations in-
cluded in Multinlingual+
Sindhi-to-English, Bhojpuri-to-English, Magahi-to-
English-to-Sindhi, English-to-Bhojpuri, English-to-
Sindhi-to-Sindhi, Bhojpuri-to-Bhojpuri, Magahi-to-
Magahi, English-to-English
Hindi-to-English, English-to-Hindi, Hindi-to-Hindi
Sin-to-Eng Eng-to-Sin Bho-to-Eng Eng-to-Bho Mag-to-Eng Eng-to-Mag
Base 15.74
Base + Back 18.09
0.2 2.55
Base + Back + Self 30.77
0.6 4.61
Multilingual+ 36.2 28.8 15.6 3.7 13.3 3.5
Table 1: BLEU scores of different language pairs and directions in the different experiments.
Results on test data evaluated by the Shared Task at MT Summit 2019 committee.
Not submitted for the SharedTask
To understand how each augmentation improves the BLEU
score, we create 4 methods:
This is the standard model as used in (Johnson et al.,
2017), hence it uses only Forward and forms our
Base + Back
We add Backward augmentation to the baseline
Base + Back + Self
We add Self & Backward augmentation to the base-
This uses all the augmentations:High along with For-
ward, Backward & Self.
Parameters and training procedures are set as in Johnson et
al.(2017). PyTorch Sequence-to-Sequence library, fairseq
(Ott et al., 2019), was used to run the experiments. Table
1 shows that Multilingual+ consistently outperforms the
others. The table also confirms that the more augmenta-
tions you add to the Multilingual NMT model (Johnson et
al., 2017), the more it improves. Adding Backward, then
Self and then a new language pair improved the results at
each level. All the BLEU scores reported, except star (
marked, are calculated using SacreBLEU (Post, 2018) on
the development set provided.
6. Comparisons
We compared our results with other models submitted at
the LoResMT Shared Task at the MT Summit 2019. The
submission to the Shared Task followed a naming conven-
tion to distinguish between different types of corpora used,
which we will follow too. The different types of corpora
and their abbreviations are as follows:
Only the provided parallel corpora [-a]
Only the provided parallel and monolingual corpora
Using these abbreviations the methods were named in the
following manner”
Our Team Code was L19T3 and we submitted
Base (as Method 1), Base+Back (as Method 2) and
Base+Back+Self (as Method 3) all under -a category.
Multilingual+ was developed later. Table 2 shows the
top 3 performers in different translation directions along
with Multilingual+. Method3-b from team L19T2 is
a Phrase Based Statistical Machine Translation model.
While their Method2-a is an NMT model that uses a
sequence-to-sequence approach along with self-attention.
pbmt-a model from team L19T5 is again a Phrase Based
Statistical Machine Translation model. While their xform-a
model is an NMT model. Both of the NMT models of the
other teams train a different model for different language
pairs, one for each, while ours is a one for all model.
Multilingual+ is the best performer in Sin-to-Eng and
Mag-to-Eng task, second best performer in Eng-to-Sin and
Bho-to-Eng tasks. These results show the superiority of
our simple approach. Our data augmentation technique is
comparable or better than the best of the methods on the
leaderboard of the SharedTask.
In Eng-to-Sin task L19T2-Eng2Sin-Method3-b scores the
best while the second best is Multinlingual+. This could
be because the former is a Statistical Machine Translation
Model. Though, it surpasses the L19T2’s NMT model. For
Bho-to-Eng it is able to surpass pbmt-a of team L19T5 it
still lags behind their NMT model. This can be explained
as we have more data for Sindhi than Bhojpuri and though
we were able to improve the performance by augmenting
data, it still remains behind statistical machine translation
approach of L19T2. The success of our simple approach
can be attributed to its conjunction with Multilingual NMT.
Multilingual NMT is able to use data of all langugaes to
improve them all together, and by even further increasing
this data, we improve the model greatly.
7. Conclusion and Future Work
We have presented a simple data augmentation technique
coupled with a multilingual transformer that gives a jump
of 15 points in BLEU score without any new data and 20
points in BLEU score if a rich resource language pair is in-
troduced, over a standard multilingual transformer. It per-
forms at par or better than best models submitted at the
Shared Task. This demonstrates that a multilingual trans-
former is sensitive to the amount of data used and a simple
augmentation technique like ours can provide a significant
boost in BLEU scores. Back-translation (Sennrich et al.,
2016a) can be coupled with our approach to experiment and
analyse the effectiveness of this amalgam.
Rank Sin-to-Eng Eng-to-Sin
1 L19T2-Sin2Eng-Method3-b 31.32 L19T2-Eng2Sin-Method3-b 37.58
2 Base+Back+Self 30.77 L19T2-Eng2Sin-Method2-a 25.17
3 L19T5-sin2eng-xform-a 28.85 Base+Back+Self 18.98
Multilingual+ 36.2 Multilingual+ 28.8
Rank Bho-to-Eng Mag-to-Eng
1 L19T2-Bho2Eng-Method3-b 17.03 L19T2-Mag2Eng-Method3-b 9.71
2 L19T5-bho2eng-xform-a 15.19 L19T5-mag2eng-pbmt-a 5.64
3 L19T5-bho2eng-pbmt-a 14.2 Base+Back+Self 4.61
Multilingual+ 15.6 Multilingual+ 13.3
Table 2: Top 3 performers in LoResMT Shared Task in different translation directions along with Multilingual+
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Universal Dependency Treebanks for Low-Resource Indian
Languages: The Case of Bhojpuri
Atul Kr. Ojha, Daniel Zeman
Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics
This paper presents the rst dependency treebank for Bhojpuri, a resource-poor language that belongs to the Indo-Aryan
language family. The objective behind the Bhojpuri Treebank (BHTB) project is to create a substantial, syntactically
annotated treebank which not only acts as a valuable resource in building language technological tools, also helps in
cross-lingual learning and typological research. Currently, the treebank consists of 4,881 annotated tokens in accordance
with the annotation scheme of Universal Dependencies (UD). A Bhojpuri tagger and parser were created using machine
learning approach. The accuracy of the model is 57.49% UAS, 45.50% LAS, 79.69% UPOS accuracy and 77.64% XPOS
accuracy. The paper describes the details of the project including a discussion on linguistic analysis and annotation process
of the Bhojpuri UD treebank.
Keywords: Bhojpuri, Indian languages, parser, low-resource languages, Universal Dependencies, UDPipe
1. Introduction
Bhojpuri is an Indian language that belongs to the
Indo-Aryan language group. It is spoken in the west-
ern part of Bihar, north-western part of Jharkhand,
and the Purvanchal region of Uttar Pradesh. The
number of speakers according to the present Census
of India
is considerably large at 50,579,447. It should
be noted that Bhojpuri is spoken not just in India but
also in other countries such as Nepal, Trinidad, Mauri-
tius, Guyana, Suriname, and Fiji (Verma, 2003; Ojha,
2019). Since Bhojpuri was considered a dialect of Hindi
for a long time, it did not attract much attention from
linguists and hence remains among the many lesser
known and less-resourced languages of India.
With the rise in language technology for Indian lan-
guages, signicant developments have been achieved in
major Indian languages but contributions towards re-
search in the lesser-known/low-resourced languages re-
main minimal. Most parsers and treebanks have been
developed for the scheduled (ocial) languages; the
non-scheduled and lesser known languages still have a
long way to go. In its endevour to ll this gap, the
present paper discusses the creation and development
of Bhojpuri Universal Dependency (UD) treebank and
parser. UD has been acknowledged as an emerging
framework for cross-linguistically consistent grammat-
ical annotation. There is an open community with
over 300 contributors, who have produced 157 tree-
banks in 90 languages to date (as per the latest release
of UD–v2.5
(Zeman et al., 2019). The primary aim
of this project is to facilitate multilingual parser devel-
opment. The system will also take into account cross-
lingual learning and perform parsing research from the
perspective of language typology. The syntactic part
of the annotation scheme can be seen as an evolution
of (universal) Stanford dependencies (De Marnee et
al., 2006; De Marnee and Manning, 2008; De Marn-
ee et al., 2014), while the lexical and morphological
part builds on the Google universal part-of-speech tags
(Petrov et al., 2012), and the Interset Interlingua (Ze-
man, 2008
) for morpho-syntactic tagsets.
Section 2. discusses the language resources that have
been created so far for the Bhojpuri language. While
Bhojpuri has some considerable eorts in progress, it
has no dependency treebank and parser. Section 3.
discusses methodology to develop the Bhojpuri tree-
bank. Section 4. presents a linguistic study and an-
notation of the Bhojpuri Dependency treebank while
Sections 5. and 6. discuss the development of the Bho-
jpuri parser and evaluate its results. The nal section
ends with concluding remarks and future work.
2. Literature Review
In 2013, a consortium was formed under the leader-
ship of IIIT Hyderabad to start a project sponsored by
TDIL, Government of India, and called The Develop-
ment of Dependency Treebank for Indian Languages.
The fundamental objective of this project was to resur-
rect annotation work towards monolingual and parallel
treebanks for languages such as Hindi, Marathi, Ben-
gali, Kannada, and Malayalam. To accomplish this
treebank model, the Pāṇinian Kāraka Dependency an-
notation scheme was followed (Bharati et al., 2006).
The annotation scheme was previously also utilized to
annotate data in Telugu, Urdu, and Kashmiri (Begum
et al., 2008; Husain et al., 2010; Bhat, 2017).
Within the Universal Dependencies framework, as of
UD release 2.5, treebanks and parsers are available
for Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Tamil, and Tel-
ugu (Zeman et al., 2019; Ravishankar, 2017; Straka
and Straková, 2019).
NLP research in Bhojpuri has led to the development
of a statistical POS tagger (Ojha et al., 2015; Singh
and Jha, 2015), a machine-readable dictionary (Ojha,
2016), a language identication tool (Kumar et al.,
), a Sanskrit-Bhojpuri machine translation sys-
tem (Sinha and Jha, 2018), and more recently an
English-Bhojpuri machine translation system (Ojha,
2019). Nevertheless, there is no prior work on Bho-
jpuri treebanking and parsing.
3. Data and Methodology
The data for the treebank has been extracted from the
Bhojpuri Language Technological Resources (BHLTR)
(Ojha, 2019). The data has been selected from
the news and non-ction domains. For this project, we
use 5000 sentences (105,174 tokens) which were pre-
viously annotated with part-of-speech tags now used
for language-specic tags representation in the XPOS.
Out of 5000 sentences and 105,174 tokens, 254 sen-
tences and 4881 tokens have been manually annotated
at present, and released in UD 2.5.
The Bhojpuri Treebank (BHTB)
follows the annota-
tion guidelines of Universal Dependencies for part-of-
speech categories, morphological features, and depen-
dency relations. Since Bhojpuri is closely related to
Hindi and there is already a Hindi treebank in UD, we
followed the Hindi tagset wherever possible. Besides,
the universal part-of-speech tagset (UPOS), UD also
permits a secondary tagset (XPOS), which is language-
specic and typically follows an established pre-UD
practice. We use the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
POS tagset
here. This is a generic tagset for anno-
tating Indian languages. The XPOS tags were already
present in our input data and we obtained the UPOS
tags through automatic conversion from XPOS. In ad-
dition to UPOS, we use 16 lexical and inectional fea-
tures dened in UD. The details of used morphological
features, UPOS tags and UD relations and their statis-
tics are demonstrated in Tables 1, 2 and 3.
4. Linguistic Analysis of Bhojpuri
Dependency Treebank
As discussed earlier, we followed UD v2 guidelines to
annotate BHTB. We mention below some Bhojpuri
constructions and their linguistics analysis under UD.
Nominal Predicate with Copula
Figure 1 is an example of a nominal predicate with
a copula. In the example, the copula हऽ (ha) is
preceded by the nominal predicate
(deśa). In
accordance with UD, the nominal
is the root of
the sentence and the verbal copula हऽ is attached
to it via the relation cop, as shown in the gure.
Morph. Features Description Count
AdpType Adposition type 726
Aspect Aspect 242
Case Case 3007
Echo Echo word or a reduplicative 9
Foreign Foreign word 5
Gender Gender 2916
Mood Mood 37
Number Number 3144
NumType Numeral type 84
Person Person 2485
Polite Politeness 103
Poss Possessive 1
PronType Pronominal type 163
VerbForm Form of verb or deverbative 293
Voice Voice 231
Table 1: Statistics of morphological features used in
the BHTB
UPOS Tags Description Count
ADJ Adjective 183
ADP Adposition 720
ADV Adverb 18
AUX Auxiliary 256
CCONJ Coordinating conjunction 112
DET Determiner 256
INTJ Interjection 4
NOUN Noun 1361
NUM Numeral 110
PART Particle 135
PRON Pronoun 230
PROPN Proper noun 352
PUNCT Punctuation 504
SCONJ Subordinating conjunction 86
VERB Verb 553
X Other 1
Table 2: Statistics of UPOS tags used in the BHTB
Verbal Predicates
We discuss three types of verbal predicates in this
section: a simple verb construction, a conjunct
verb construction and a compound verb construc-
tion. A simple verb or a verb with auxiliary is
called simple verb construction. An example is
given in Figure 2 where a verb गइल (gaila) is com-
bined with an auxiliary रहन (rahana). In UD,
the verb is tagged as the root of the sentence
and the auxiliary is related to it via the relation
aux. In Figure 3, the sentence has both a conjunct
verb and a compound verb. The conjunct verb is
formed by combining a noun नजर (najara) with
the compound verb चल गइल (cali gaila). More-
over, the compound verb is formed by combining
UD Relations Description Count
acl Clausal modier of noun 82
advcl Adverbial clausal modier 57
advmod Adverbial modier 11
amod Adjectival modier of noun 160
aux Auxiliary verb 224
case Case marker 661
cc Coordinating conjunction 15
ccomp Clausal complement 46
clf Classier 3
compound Compound 1191
conj Non-rst conjunct 96
cop Copula 2
csubj Clausal subject 9
dep Unspecied dependency 11
det Determiner 118
discourse Discourse element 7
xed Non-rst word of xed expression 9
at Non-rst word of at structure 1
goeswith Non-rst part of broken word 1
iobj Indirect object 18
list List item 10
mark Subordinating marker 89
nmod Nominal modier of noun 678
nsubj Nominal subject 192
nummod Numeric modier 41
obj Direct object 93
obl Oblique nominal 245
punct Punctuation 504
root Root 254
xcomp Open clausal complement 55
Table 3: UD relations used in BHTB. Out of 37 re-
lations dened in the UD guidelines, we currently use
the main verb चल (cali) with the light verb गइल
(gaila). In UD, the main verb चल is marked as
root and the noun नजर is related to it via the
compound relation. The light verb गइल, on the
other hand, is related to the main verb via the
relation aux.
Figure 4 illustrates an example of a coordi-
nate construction. The conjuncts आई
and सपरवार आई
(saparivāra āīṁ) are conjoined
through the conjunction (ā). In UD, the rst
conjunct serves as the technical head and the sec-
ond conjunct is attached to it via the relation
conj. The coordinating conjunction is related
to the following conjunct via the relation cc.
Types of Clauses
In UD, subordinate clauses are sub-categorised
in ve types: clausal subject (csubj), clausal
complement (ccomp), open clausal complement
(xcomp), adverbial clausal modier (advcl),
clausal modier of noun (acl). We found all ve
types of clauses in Bhojpuri. We demonstrate here
an example of a clausal modier of noun. In Fig-
ure 5, the clause जवना सभे आनद लहल (javanā
ke sabhe ānanda lihala) is a modier of the noun
गवनई (gavanaī) which is shown by the tag acl. In-
terestingly, the clausal modier is displaced from
its base position and right adjoined to the verb.
This is a common property of many Indo-Aryan
िबआह धान
ī deśa biāha pradhāna deśa ha
िववाह धान
yaha deśa vivāha pradhāna deśa hai
this country marriage oriented country is
amod cop
“This country is a marriage-oriented country.
Figure 1: A parallel copular sentence in Bhojpuri (lines
2–3) and Hindi (lines 4–5).
जापान गइल रहन
ū jāpāna gaila rahana .
वह जापान गया था
vaha jāpāna ga thā .
he Japan gone was .
“He went to Japan.
Figure 2: A parallel sentence with simple verb con-
struction in Bhojpuri (lines 2–3) and Hindi (lines 4–5)
5. Development of a Bhojpuri Parser
Initially, we conducted an experiment where the parser
was trained on the Hindi UD treebank (HDTB) and
applied to Bhojpuri. While the parsing quality suers
from the dierences between the two languages, this
is partially counterbalanced by the fact that the Hindi
treebank is large: there are 16,647 training sentences
(351,704 tokens). This experiment was evaluated on
the rst 50 manually annotated sentences (650 tokens)
in Bhojpuri. We found that the Hindi parser gives only
56.77% UAS, 45.61% LAS, and 52.35% UPOS tagging
accuracy, respectively (as shown in Table 4). Along
with this, the tokenization accuracy of the Hindi model
is only 89.15%.
एगो जापानी नागरक पर नजर चल गइल रह
ego jāpānī nāgarika ke o para najara cali gaila rahe .
एक जापानी नागरक क उस पर नजर गई
eka jāpānī nāgarika usa para najara gaī .
a Japanese resident ’s him on eye went .
case compound
“A Japanese resident spotted him”
Figure 3: A parallel sentence with compound verb construction in Bhojpuri (lines 2–3) and Hindi (lines 4–5)
सपरवार आई
āīṁ ā saparivāra āīṁ .
और सपरवार आय
āyeṁ aura saparivāra āyeṁ .
come and with family come .
“Please come and come with your family.
Figure 4: A parallel sentence with coordination in Bho-
jpuri (lines 2–3) and Hindi (lines 4–5)
Since accuracy was very low, to improve it, we con-
ducted three experiments solely based on Bhojpuri
data to build a Bhojpuri parser. In all the three exper-
iments, we used the UDPipe open source tool (Straka
and Straková, 2017). In all the cases, we used cross-
validation 90:10 average. We used UDPipe’s default
epoch size and learning rate, while the other hyperpa-
rameters were randomized.
However, the three experiments dier in the data size:
rst experiment was conducted on 1000 tokens, the
second experiment was conducted on 1500 tokens, and
the third experiment was conducted on 4880 tokens.
The results are discussed below in the evaluation sec-
Tokenization F
89.15% 52.35% 56.77% 45.61%
Table 4: Accuracy of a UDPipe model trained on the
Hindi UD treebank (HDTB) and applied to the rst
50 Bhojpuri sentences.
6. Evaluation
The results of the three experiments with the Bho-
jpuri parser are shown in Table 5 and in Figure 6. In
terms of labeled attachment score, the results show
that the third experiment, which was trained on 4880
tokens, produced slightly better result in comparison
to the previous two experiments. The third experi-
ment also performed better in comparison to the result
of the Hindi parser that was used to tag the Bhojpuri
data. This result is interesting. Even though Hindi
is a closely related language and its parser is trained
on a large amount of data (351,704 tokens), the Hindi
parser couldn’t perform any better on the Bhojpuri
data. This shows that the same parser should not be
used on two dierent languages even when they are
closely related. We need to develop a separate and
robust parser.
Experiment 1 66.67% 69.86% 39.73% 31.96%
Experiment 2 66.95% 60.17% 45.76% 35.59%
Experiment 3 77.64% 79.69% 57.49% 45.50%
Table 5: UDPipe accuracy of the conducted experi-
7. Conclusion and Future Work
This paper reports the development of the very rst de-
pendency treebank for Bhojpuri language using the an-
notation scheme of Universal Dependency (UD). The
primary aim behind undertaking this project is to fa-
cilitate dependency treebank for Bhojpuri which is one
of the low-resourced Indian languages. Currently, the
Bhojpuri treebank consists of 4,881 tokens. This paper
discussed the annotation guidelines used, the annota-
tion process, and statistics of the used tags/UD rela-
tions. It also presented the linguistic analysis of the
Bhojpuri treebank using examples from the language.
Additionally, this paper presented a Bhojpuri parser
which has been trained on UDPipe tool. The accuracy
of the developed model is 57.49% UAS, 45.50% LAS,
79.69% UPOS and 77.64% XPOS.
In the near future, we plan to extend BHTB up to
5,000 sentences and develop a parallel Bhojpuri-Hindi
treebank. Along with this we will improve and develop
a robust Bhojpuri parser using a neural model.
िम ओमकाश भोजपुरी गवनई परोसले जवना सभे आनद लहल
kāryakram meṁ shaileṁdra miśra ā omprakāśa bhojpuri gavnaī parosale javanā ke sabhe ānanda lihala
िम और ओमकाश ने भोजपुरी गीत गाया जसका सभी ने आनद लया
kāryakram meṁ shaileṁdra miśra aura omprakāśa ne bhojpuri gīta gāyā jisakā sabhī ne ānanda liyā
program in Shailendra Mishra and Omprakash Bhojpuri song sang which everyone enjoyed
case compound
amod obj case
nmod nsubj
“Shailendra Mishra and Omprakash sang Bhojpuri songs in the program, which everyone enjoyed”
Figure 5: A parallel sentence with clauses in Bhojpuri (lines 2–3) and Hindi (lines 4–5)
Figure 6: Learning curve of the Bhojpuri models.
8. Acknowledgements
This work has been supported by LINDAT/CLA-
RIAH-CZ and Khresmoi, the grants no. LM2018101
and 7E11042 of the Ministry of Education, Youth and
Sports of the Czech Republic, and FP7-ICT-2010-6-
257528 of the European Union.
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European Language Resources Association (ELRA), licensed under CC-BY-NC
A Fully Expanded Dependency Treebank for Telugu
Sneha Nallani, Manish Shrivastava, Dipti Misra Sharma
Kohli Center on Intelligent Systems (KCIS),
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H)
Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana-500032, India
[email protected], {m.shrivastava, dipti}
Treebanks are an essential resource for syntactic parsing. The available Paninian dependency treebank(s) for Telugu is annotated only
with inter-chunk dependency relations and not all words of a sentence are part of the parse tree. In this paper, we automatically annotate
the intra-chunk dependencies in the treebank using a Shift-Reduce parser based on Context Free Grammar rules for Telugu chunks.
We also propose a few additional intra-chunk dependency relations for Telugu apart from the ones used in Hindi treebank. Annotating
intra-chunk dependencies finally provides a complete parse tree for every sentence in the treebank. Having a fully expanded treebank is
crucial for developing end to end parsers which produce complete trees. We present a fully expanded dependency treebank for Telugu
consisting of 3220 sentences. In this paper, we also convert the treebank annotated with Anncorra part-of-speech tagset to the latest
BIS tagset. The BIS tagset is a hierarchical tagset adopted as a unified part-of-speech standard across all Indian Languages. The final
treebank is made publicly available.
Keywords: Dependency Treebank, Intra-chunk dependencies, Low resource Language, Telugu
1. Introduction
Treebanks play a crucial role in developing parsers as well
as investigating other linguistic phenomena. Which is why
there has been a targeted effort to create treebanks in several
languages. Some such notable efforts include the Penn tree-
bank (Marcus et al., 1993), the Prague Dependency tree-
bank (Haji
a, 1998). A treebank is annotated with a
grammar. The grammars used for annotating treebanks can
be broadly categorized into two types, Context Free Gram-
mars and dependency grammars. A Context Free Gram-
mar consists of a set of rules that determine how the words
and symbols of a language can be grouped together and
a lexicon consisting of words and symbols. Dependency
grammars on the other hand model the syntactic relation-
ship between the words of a sentence directly using head-
dependent relations. Dependency grammars are useful in
modeling free word order languages. Indian languages are
primarily free word order languages. There are few differ-
ent dependency formalisms that have been developed for
different languages. In recent years, Universal dependen-
cies(Nivre et al., 2016) have been developed to arrive at a
common dependency formalism for all languages. Paninian
dependency grammar(Bharati et al., 1995) is specifically
developed for Indian languages which are morphologically
rich and free word order languages. Case markers and post-
positions play crucial roles in these languages and word or-
der is considered only at a surface level when required.
Most Indian languages are also low resource languages.
ICON-2009 and 2010 tools contests made available the ini-
tial dependency treebanks for Hindi, Telugu and Bangla.
These treebanks are small in size and are annotated using
the Paninian dependency grammar. Further efforts are be-
ing taken to build dependency annotated treebanks for In-
dian languages. Hindi and Urdu multi-layered and multi-
representational (Bhatt et al., 2009) treebanks have been
developed. Treebanks are also being developed for Ben-
gali, Kannada, Hindi, Malayalam and Marathi as part of
the Indian Language Treebanking project. These treebanks
are annotated in Shakti Standard Format(SSF)(Bharati et
al., 2007). Each sentence is annotated at word level with
part of speech tags, at morphological level with root, gen-
der, number, person, TAM, vibhakti and case features and
the dependency relations are annotated at a chunk level.
The dependency relations within a chunk are left unanno-
tated. Intra-chunk dependency annotation has been done
on Hindi(Kosaraju et al., 2012) and Urdu(Bhat, 2017) tree-
banks previously. Annotating intra-chunk dependencies
leads to a complete parse tree for every sentence in the tree-
bank. Having completely annotated parse trees is essential
for building robust end to end dependency parsers or mak-
ing the treebanks available in CoNLL (Buchholz and Marsi,
2006) format and thereby making use of readily available
parsers. In this paper, we extend one of those approaches
for the Telugu treebank to annotate intra-chunk dependency
relations. Telugu is a highly inflected morphologically rich
language and has a few constructions like classifiers etc that
do not occur in Hindi which makes the expansion task chal-
lenging. The fully expanded Telugu treebank is made pub-
licly available
The part-of-speech and chunk annotation of the Telugu
treebank is done following the Anncorra (Bharati et al.,
2009b) tagset developed for Indian languages. In the recent
years, there has been a co-ordinated effort to develop a Uni-
fied Parts-of-Speech (POS) Standard that can be adopted
across all Indian Languages. This tagset is commonly re-
ferred to as the BIS
(Bureau of Indian standards) tagset.
All the latest annotation of part of speech tagging of Indian
languages is done using the BIS tagset. In this paper, we
convert the existing Telugu treebank from Anncorra to BIS
standard. BIS tagset is a fine grained hierarchical tagset
The BIS tagset is made available at http://tdil-dc.
and many Anncorra tags diverge into finer grained BIS cat-
egories. This makes the conversion task challenging.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. In section
2, we describe the Telugu Dependency Treebank, section
3 describes the part of speech conversion from Anncorra
to BIS standard, section 4 describes the intra-chunk depen-
dency relations annotation for the Telugu and we conclude
the paper in section 5.
2. Telugu Treebank
An initial Telugu treebank consisting of around 1600 sen-
tences is made available in ICON 2009 tools contest. This
treebank is combined with HCU Telugu treebank contain-
ing approximately 2000 sentences similarly annotated and
another 200 sentences annotated at IIIT Hyderabad. We
clean up the treebank by removing sentences with wrong
format or incomplete parse trees etc. The final treebank
consists of 3220 sentences. Details about the treebank are
listed in Table 1.
No. of sentences 3222
Avg. sent length 5.5 words
Avg. no of chunks in sent 4.2
Avg. length of a chunk 1.3 words
Table 1: Telugu treebank stats
The treebank is annotated using Paninian dependency
grammar(Bharati et al., 1995). The paninian dependency
relations are created around the notion of karakas, various
participants in an action. These dependency relations are
syntacto-semantic in nature. There are 40 different depen-
dency labels specified in the panianian dependency gram-
mar. These relations are hierarchical and certain relations
can be under-specified in cases where a finer analysis is not
required or when in certain cases the decision making is
more difficult for the annotators(Bharati et al., 2009b). Be-
gum et al. (2008) describe the guidelines for annotating de-
pendency relations for Indian languages using paninian de-
pendencies. The treebank is annotated with part-of-speech
tags and morphological information like root, gender, num-
ber, person, TAM, vibhakti or case markers etc at word
level. The dependency relations are annotated at chunk
level. The treebank is made available in SSF format(Bharati
et al., 2007). An example is shown in Figure 1. The depen-
dency tree for the sentence is shown in Figure 2.
In the example sentence, the intra-chunk dependencies, i.e
dependency labels for cAlA (many) and I (this) are not an-
notated. Only the chunk heads, xeSAllo (countries-in) and
parisWiwi (situation) are annotated as the children of lexu
The dependency treebanks are manually annotated and it
is a time consuming process. In AnnCorra formalism for
Indian languages, a chunk is defined as a minimal, non re-
cursive phrase consisting of correlated, inseparable words
or entities (Bharati et al., 2009a). Since the dependen-
cies within a chunk can be easily and accurately identified
based on a few rules specific to a language, these depen-
dencies have not been annotated in the initial phase. But
Figure 1: Inter-chunk dependency annotation in SSF format
Figure 2: Inter-chunk dependency tree.
inter-chunk annotation alone does not provide a fully con-
structed parse tree for the sentence. Hence it is important
to determine and annotate intra-chunk relations accurately.
In this paper, we expand the Telugu treebank by annotating
the intra-chunk dependency relations.
3. Part-of-Speech Conversion
The newly annotated 200 sentences in the treebank are an-
notated with the BIS tagset while the rest are annotated us-
ing Anncorra tagset. We convert the sentences with An-
ncorra POS tags to BIS tags so that the treebank is uni-
formly annotated and adheres to the latest standards.
Anncorra tagset Bharati et al. (2009a) propose the POS
standard for annotating Indian Languages. This standard
has been developed as part of the guidelines for annotating
corpora in Indian Languages for the Indian Language Ma-
chine Translation (ILMT) project and is commonly referred
to as Anncorra POS tagset. The tagset consists of a total of
26 tags.
BIS tagset The BIS (Bureau of Indian standards) tagset
is a unified POS Standard in Indian Languages developed
to standardize the POS tagging of all the Indian Languages.
This tagset is hierarchical and at the top most level consists
of 11 POS categories. Most of these categories are fur-
ther divided into several fine-grained POS tags. The anno-
tators can choose the level of coarseness required. They can
use the highest level tags for a coarse grained tagset or go
deeper down the hierarchy for more fine-grained tags. The
fine-grained tags automatically contain the information of
the parent tags. For example, the tag V VM VF specifies
that the word is a verb (V), a main verb(V VM) and a finite
main verb (V VM VF).
3.1. Converting Anncorra to BIS
For most tags present in the the Anncorra tagset, there is
a direct one on one mapping to a BIS tag. However, there
are a few tags in Anncorra which diverge in to many fine-
grained BIS categories. Those tags are shown in Table 2.
It should be noted that one to many mapping exists only
with fine grained tags. There is still a one to one mapping
between the Anncorra tag and the corresponding parent BIS
tag in all cases except question words.
Anncorra POS tag BIS POS tag
DEM (Demonstrative) DM DMD, DM DMR,
VM (Main verb) V VM VF, V VM VNF,
CC (Conjunct) CC CCD, CC CCS
WQ (Question word) DM DMQ, PR PRQ
RDP (Reduplicative) -
*C (Compound) -
Table 2: Fine grained BIS tags corresponding to Anncorra
During conversion, we aim to annotate with the most fine
grained BIS tag. When the fine-grained tag cannot be de-
termined we go the parent tag. We use a tagset converter
that maps various tags in Anncorra schema to the tags in
BIS schema. In case of tags having multiple possibilities, a
list based approach is used. Most Anncorra tags diverging
into fine grained BIS tags are for function words which are
limited in number. Separate lists consisting of words be-
longing to fine grained BIS categories are created. A word
is annotated with fine grained BIS tag if it is present in the
corresponding tag word list, otherwise it is annotated with
the parent tag.
Pronouns One of the main distinctions between the two
tagsets is in the annotation of pronouns. In Anncorra, all
pronouns are annotated with a single tag, PRP. BIS schema
contains separate tags for annotating personal (PR PRP)
pronouns, reflexive (PR PRF), relative (PR PRL), recip-
rocal (PR PRC) pronouns and question words (PR PRQ).
Pronouns in a language are generally limited in number. In
Telugu however, pronouns can be inflected with case mark-
ers and there can be a huge number of them. When a pro-
noun is not found in any word list it is annotated with the
parent tag PR.
Demonstratives In Anncorra, there is a single tag for an-
notating demonstratives where as BIS tagset distinguishes
between diectic, relative and question-word demonstra-
tives. Demonstratives are limited in number and the same
list based approach used for pronouns is applied here.
Symbols Symbols are separated into symbols and punc-
Question words They are separated into pronoun ques-
tion words and demonstrative question words in BIS tagset.
Demonstrative question words are always followed by a
noun. While resolving question words (WQ), if the word
is followed by a noun it is marked as DM DMQ, else it is
marked as PR PRQ.
Verbs Another distinction between the two tagsets lies in
the annotation of verb finiteness. In Anncorra, it is anno-
tated only at chunk level. In BIS schema, the finiteness can
be annotated at word level. While resolving Verbs (V VM),
we look at the verb chunk. There is a one to one map-
ping between Anncorra chunk types and the fine-grained
BIS verb categories.
Compounds and reduplicatives In Anncorra schema,
there are separate tags for identifying reduplicatives(RDP)
and part of compounds(*C). For example a noun compound
consisting of two words is tagged as NNC and NN. Exam-
ples of reduplicative and noun compound constructions in
Telugu are shown below.
Anncorra: maMci (good) JJ maMci (good) RDP cIralu
(sarees) NN
BIS: maMci JJ maMci JJ cIralu N NN
Anncorra: boVppAyi (papaya) NNC kAya (fruit) NN
BIS: boVppAyi N NN kAya N NN
These two tags are done away with in the BIS schema.
Reduplicatives (RDP) are marked with POS tag of the word
preceding it and Compounds(*C) are marked with the POS
tag of the word following it.
4. Annotating Intra-chunk Dependencies
The intra-chunk annotation in SSF format for the sentence
in Figure 1 is shown in Figure 4 and the fully expanded
dependency tree is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Intra-chunk dependency tree.
It can be seen that, in this case, unlike in Figure 2, cAlA
(many) is attached to its chunk head, xeSAllo (countries-in)
and I (this) is attached its chunk head parisWiwi (situation).
The parse tree for the sentence is now complete. Com-
plete parse trees are useful for creating end to end parsers
which do not require intermediate pipeline tools like POS
taggers, morphological analyzers and shallow parsers. This
is a huge advantage, especially for low resource languages
like Telugu.
Kosaraju et al. (2012) first proposed the guidelines for an-
notating intra-chunk dependency relations in SSF format
for Hindi. They propose a total of 12 intra-chunk depen-
dency labels mentioned in Table 2. lwg refers to local word
group and pof refers to part of.
They also propose two approaches, one rule based and an-
other statistical for automatically annotating intra-chunk
dependencies in Hindi. In the rule based approach sev-
eral rules are created constrained upon the POS, chunk
name or type and the position of the chunk head with re-
spect to the child node. The intra-chunk dependencies are
Figure 4: Intra-chunk dependency annotation in SSF format.
marked based on these rules. In the statistical approach
Malt Parser(Nivre et al., 2006) is used to identify the intra-
chunk dependencies. A model is trained on a few manually
annotated chunks with Malt parser and the same model is
used to predict the intra-chunk dependencies for the rest of
the treebank.
nmod adj adjectives modifying nouns or pronouns
lwg psp post-positions
lwg neg negation
lwg vaux verb auxiliaries
lwg rp particles
lwg uh interjection
lwg cont continuation
pof redup reduplication
pof cn compound nouns
pof cv compound verbs
jjmod intf adjectival intensifier
rsym symbols
Table 3: Intra-chunk dependencies proposed for Hindi
Bhat (2017) propose a different approach for annotating
intra-chunk dependencies for Hindi and Urdu by combin-
ing both rule based and statistical approaches. Instead of
a completely rule based system, they create a Context Free
Grammar(CFG) for identifying intra-chunk dependencies.
The dependencies within a chunk are annotated based on
the CFG using a shift reduce parser.
4.1. Intra-chunk dependency annotation for
Telugu treebank
In addition to the twelve dependency labels proposed
for Hindi, we also introduce a few more labels, nmod,
nmod wq, adv and intf for annotating intra-chunk depen-
dencies for Telugu treebank. nmod and adv are already
present in the inter-chunk dependency labels (Bharati et al.,
nmod This dependency relation is used when demon-
stratives, proper nouns, pronouns and quantifiers modify a
noun or pronoun.
intf Intensifiers (RP INTF) can modify both adjectives
and adverbs. So we replace the jjmod intf with intf and
use the same dependency label when an intensifier modi-
fies an adverb or adjective.
nmod wq This dependency relation is used when ques-
tion words modify nouns inside a chunk.
adv This dependency relation is used when adverbs mod-
ify a verb inside a chunk.
pof cv Compound verbs are combined together in Tel-
ugu. So this dependency relation is not seen in Telugu. An
example of compound verb is kOsEswAnu. It is a com-
pound of kOsi and vEs-wAnu. In cases like ceyyAlsi vac-
cindi, vaccindi is annotated as an auxiliary verb.
lwg rp This dependency label is used to annotate par-
ticles like gAru, kUdA etc. It is also used for classifiers.
Telugu contains classifiers and a commonly used classifier
is maMxi. It specifies that the noun following maMxi is hu-
man. Sometimes the following noun can be dropped and in
those cases maMxi is treated as a noun. Classifiers are cat-
egorized under particles. So, maMxi is marked as a child of
koVMwa using label lwg rp in the above example.
lwg psp In Telugu most post-positions occur as in-
flections of content words. But few of them also occur
separately. The ones occurring separately are marked as
lwg psp. Sometimes, spatio-temporal nouns (N NST)
also act as post-positions when occurring alongside nouns.
In these cases, they are annotated as lwg psp.
In this paper, we follow the approach proposed by Bhat
(2017) that makes use of a Context Free Grammar (CFG)
and a shift-reduce parser for automatically annotating intra-
chunk dependencies. We use the treebank expander code
made available by Bhat (2017)
and write the Context Free
Grammar for Telugu. The Context Free Grammar is gen-
erated using the POS tags and creates a mapping between
head and child POS tags and dependency labels.
The intra-chunk annotation is done using a shift-reduce
parser which internally uses the Arc-Standard(Nivre, 2004)
transition system. The parser predicts a sequence of tran-
sitions starting from an initial configuration to a terminal
configuration, and annotate the chunk dependencies in the
process. A configuration consists of a stack, a buffer, and
a set of dependency arcs. In the initial configuration, the
stack is empty, buffer contains all the words in the chunk
and intra-chunk dependencies are empty. In the terminal
configuration, buffer is empty and stack contains only one
element, the chunk head, and the chunk sub-tree is given
by the set of dependency arcs. The next transition is pre-
dicted based on the Context Free Grammar and the current
4.1.1. Results
We evaluate intra-chunk dependency relations annotated by
the parser for 106 sentences. The test set evaluation results
are shown in Table 4.
Test sentences LAS UAS
106 93.7 95.8
Table 4: Intra-chunk dependency annotation accuracies.
Almost all of the wrongly annotated chunks are because of
POS errors or chunk boundary errors. Since the Context
Free Grammar rules are written using POS tags, errors in
annotation of POS tags automatically lead to errors in intra-
chunk dependency annotation. The dependency relations
are annotated within the chunk boundaries. So any errors
in the chunk boundary identification also lead to errors in
intra-chunk dependency annotation.
Telugu is an agglutinative language and the chunk size
rarely exceeds three words. The CFG grammar based ap-
proach works accurately provided there are no errors in
POS or chunk annotation.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we automatically annotate the Telugu depen-
dency treebank with intra-chunk dependency relations thus
finally providing complete parse trees for every sentence
in the treebank. We also convert the Telugu treebank from
AnnCorra part-of-speech tagset to the latest BIS tagset. We
make the fully expanded Telugu treebank publicly available
to facilitate further research.
6. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank Himanshu Sharma for making the
Hindi tagset converter code available and Parameshwari Kr-
ishnamurthy and Pruthwik Mishra for providing relevant
input. We also thank all the reviewers for their insightful
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European Language Resources Association (ELRA), licensed under CC-BY-NC
Determination of Idiomatic Sentences in Paragraphs Using Statement
Classification and Generalization of Grammar Rules
Naziya Mahamdul Shaikh
Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Quepem-Goa, India
The translation systems are often not able to determine the presence of an idiom in a given paragraph. Due to this many systems tend
to return the word-for-word translation of such statements leading to loss in the flavor of the idioms in the paragraph. This paper
suggests a novel approach to efficiently determine probability of any statement in a given English paragraph to be an idiom. This
approach combines the rule-based generalization of idioms in English language and classification of statements based on the context to
determine the idioms in the sentence. The context based classification method can be used further for determination of idioms in
regional Indian languages such as Marathi, Konkani and Hindi as the difference in the semantic context of the proverb as compared to
the context in a paragraph is also evident in these languages.
Keywords: idioms, rule-based generalization, classification
1. Introduction
Most translation systems are able to reasonably translate
one language to another. But many fail when it comes to
translation of the idioms in a language. Idioms are multi
word expressions and the correct translation of such
expression requires usage of completely different
semantic context in a different language which is difficult
to achieve using direct translation method. For translating
idioms, system must first determine that the given
sentence in a paragraph is an idiom and once identified,
search for it from a large corpus storing the proverbs
which requires a lot of processing. Therefore most
systems prefer to treat idioms like any other general
language sentence and provide literal meaning instead of a
semantically equivalent statement in target language that
would actually provide the flavor of the idiom to the given
paragraph. Certain other systems would simply carry out
search through a large corpus of stored idioms which is
also very time-consuming. A new method is needed
towards finding idioms in a paragraph efficiently. Further
after determining idioms, processing is required to search
for translation of such idioms with the correct words
denoting semantic translation of the same in the target
language. A new method of storage that can reduce the
amount of time required for the search would greatly
enhance the translation process of the idiomatic sentences.
2. Related Work
Various types of studies have been done on the structural
compositions of the proverbs in different languages. One
of the theories treats the proverbs as a species of
metaphors (Coinnigh, 2013). Other anthropological,
folkloric, and performance-based studies were carried out
over the use of various proverbs in different cultural
settings (Bradbury, 2002).
For finding the proverb in the given paragraph, certain
methods have been used in the recent years. In one
method, each statement in the paragraph is taken, all the
inflections in the statement are removed and the statement
is compared with the entire exhaustive list of stored
proverbs for a match (Pisharoty et al., 2012). But this
method does not provide an optimized approach. As the
size of the input paragraph gets larger, the processing
required for this method also increases greatly. In another
study, idioms are treated as any other statement to be
parsed into parts of speech tags until a pattern is
recognized based on the threshold. Based on the activation
achieved using grammar based parsing, a new additional
process is added for the idioms (Stock, 1989). One of the
methods uses a proverb translation system in which
source language text are searched and their equivalents in
target language are produced using single word
information.( Brahmaleen et al., 2010) In this method,
input is split into single word units and saved in one
dimensional array. Proverb is also split into single word
units and saved as a row in two dimensional array. The
two arrays are compared to determine whether the
statement is a proverb. A linguistic characteristic called
verb-object collocations used to determine the asymmetry
in the semantics between a verb in the statement and the
corresponding object in the same statement is used in the
determination of the idiomatic statements (Tapanainen et
al., 1998). Yet another method used for determination of
proverbs (Coinnigh, 2013) focuses on the metaphors
present in the statements likely to be a proverb. This study
analyzed the frequency, nature and form of metaphor in
Irish-language proverbs. This study claimed metaphors
could be secondary proverbial markers. For the translation
of the proverbs, current method either uses direct storage
of list of proverbs along with their translation to be
searched with sequential accesses (Pisharoty et al., 2012)
or uses complete ignorance of the proverb and does word-
for-word literal translation for the proverb. Yet another
method (Goyal and Sharma, 2011) uses a simple relational
data approach after extracting the static part of the Hindi
language proverb from the sentence, handled by using
regular expression. The commonalities in the methods
used in translation of proverb in Indian languages like
Marathi were also studied and the methods used for
translation were generalized into common strategies
(Dash, 2016).
3. Proposed Work
This paper presents an idea to determine the idioms in a
given paragraph using certain generalized rules related to
the grammar which are common for most of the idiom
statements in that language. The results of this method can
then be combined with classification based method to
improve the probability of a given statement being an
3.1 Determination of Statement as an Idiom
3.1.1 Classification Method
The classification method includes classifying a given
statement into a general category. Idioms in a paragraph
generally tend to belong to a different context as
compared to the actual paragraph content. Using this fact,
the category of the entire paragraph is compared with the
category of the statement. The difference between the two
categories is measured. The higher the difference more is
the probability of any given sentence being an idiom. The
same concept can be enhanced and further developed
cross linguistically for regional languages like Hindi,
Marathi and Konkani because the proverbs in most
languages generally consist of a completely different
semantic context as compared to the context of the
remaining paragraph.
3.1.2 Generalized Rules Method
Certain rules of the English language usually apply for
most of the idioms in a paragraph. After observation of
several proverbs in the language, we can assume in
general, that the rules include facts like - most of the
idioms tend to be in present tense, idioms are usually said
in active voices, an idiom statement usually does not
contain a personal pronoun unless the pronoun is placed at
start of the statement along with a subject pronoun in the
same sentence. For example, consider a statement like:
He will fail as he has not planned properly versus an
idiomatic statement like “he who is failing to plan, is
planning to fail”. In the first statement, personal pronoun
„He‟ is not followed by a subject pronoun. Whereas in
second statement, a subject pronoun „who‟ follows.
Also presence of a clause is very common whenever a
sentence includes an idiom. Consider for example the
phrases in the paragraph like: But you know what they
say, don‟t judge a book by its cover” or “It has been
rightly said that whenever there is a will, there will always
be a way”. In such cases, there is high amount of usage of
certain limited set of words such as „realized, told,
said, knew, say and few more. All these rules can be
generalized and used as criterias to indicate the presence
of an idiom in a sentence. An algorithm can be written to
check for these rules in each statement and accordingly
assign weightage to each criteria for that statement. The
higher the scoring for each criteria, more is the probability
of the statement being an idiom.
3.2 Development of POS Tags Based Data
Structure for Better Access of the Proverb
To provide the translation of proverbs, we need to store
the proverbs and their corresponding semantically
translated meaning in target languages. But due to the
large number of idioms, which are required to be stored, a
direct storage can cause processing issues during search
operations. Therefore instead we can use a different
approach for storage of these proverbs in the data
structure. Ontology can be prepared which contains major
adjectives and nouns in the idioms as the beginning of the
access search. As the nouns and adjectives are not very
common throughout the idioms, the search list can be
easily filtered and the amount of search comparisons
required can be lowered. When a proverb is identified in
a paragraph, the proverb statement will be POS tagged
and various nouns and adjectives in the proverb would be
identified. Based on the nouns and adjectives in the
proverb, ontology prepared as mentioned before can be
searched to find the proverb and then display the
corresponding semantic translation meaning.
4. Implementation
4.1.1 Classification Method
For implementation of the classification method, we find
the categories of the sentence and the rest of the paragraph
without that sentence. In this implementation, Application
Programming Interface (API) provided by IBM Watson
has been used for testing the categories. The model was
not trained for any specific requirement, only the general
version was used for this implementation. The general
version of this API provided classification into already
specified sets of categories by IBM Watson including
„style and fashion‟, „law and politics‟, „science‟,
„spirituality‟, „parenting‟, etc. Member sets were created
with various categories available in the classifier in such a
way that categories that are semantically closer in context
are placed into same member set. Each member set was
arranged according to the similarities between the
categories within it in order to determine the proximity of
the categories for member sets. Based on these member
sets, the difference between the categories of the given
statement and the categories of the paragraphs excluding
that given statement was determined. In this
implementation, for simplicity, only the following grading
of the category classes has been considered based on the
difference determination using member sets:
Completely not matching - 4.5
Matching to some extent - 3.5
Matching well - 2
Complete match - 1.5
The following paragraph is used as sample to demonstrate
the method for finding the idioms. Similarly other
paragraphs were checked using the same method and the
similar grading was obtained for those other paragraphs.
There is this boy in my neighborhood. He is Very
strangely dressed and remains quite aloof. He has tattoos
all over his body. But you know what they say, don‟t
judge a book by its cover. So I went ahead and tried to
converse with this boy. And I was right, this boy was
indeed had a very interesting nature. He was just a
teenager in his growing phase. That is when I realized to
understand others we need to put ourselves in other
people‟s shoes.
The results found after analyzing the given paragraph
using the classifier are as shown in the table below. The
table shows the category of the given statement, the
category of the entire paragraph excluding the given
statement and the score which is calculated using the
grading based on the difference of the categories of the
sentence and the remaining paragraph.
Sentence Category
There is
this boy in
(real estate / low
income housing)-0.77
(/ home and garden /
gardening and
landscaping / yard and
patio)- 0.25
(/ food and drink / food
and grocery retailers /
(/ style and
fashion /
footwear /
(/ style and
fashion /
body art)-
He is very
dressed and
quite aloof.
(/ law, govt and politics
/ politics)-0.43
(/ pets / cats)-0.36
(/ business and
industrial / company /
merger and
(/ style and
fashion /
footwear /
(/ style and
fashion /
body art)-
He has
tattoos all
over his
(/ style and fashion /
beauty / tattoos)-1.00
(/ style and fashion /
body art
/ hobbies and interests)
(/ style and
fashion /
footwear /
But you
know what
say, don‟t
judge a
book by its
(/ art and entertainment
/ books and literature)-
(/ law, govt and politics
/ government / courts
and judiciary)-0.05
(/ business and
industrial / company /
(/ style and
fashion /
footwear /
/ style and
fashion /
body art
So I went
ahead and
tried to
with this
(/ style and fashion /
footwear / sneakers)-
(/ style and fashion /
footwear / shoes)-0.02
(/ shopping / retail /
outlet stores)
(/ style and
fashion /
footwear /
shoes)- 0.96
(/ style and
fashion /
body art)-
And I was
right, this
boy indeed
had a very
(/ science)-0.54
(/ law, govt and politics
/ politics)-0.48
(/ religion and
(/ style and
fashion /
footwear /
shoes)- 0.96
(/ style and
fashion /
body art)-
He was just
a teenager
in his
(/ family and parenting /
parenting teens)-0.96
(/ family and parenting /
(/ family and
(/ style and
fashion /
footwear /
(/ style and
fashion /
body art)-
That is
when I
(/ style and fashion /
footwear / shoes)-1.00
(/ style and
fashion /
realized to
others we
need to put
ourselves in
(/ style and fashion /
footwear / sneakers
/ style and fashion /
footwear /
(/ style and
fashion /
body art)-
Table 1: Analysis of the paragraph using the classifier
4.1.2 Generalized Rules Method
In the implementation of this method, we first generate
tense of the sentence using Stanford POS Tagger
(Toutanova and Manning, 2000) which provides the parts
of speech tags for each word in the sentence. If the tense
is any form of present tense, we assign a score based on
this criterion. In this implementation, we have assigned a
comparative score of 2.5 for the statement to be in present
tense as this rule applies for most of the English proverbs.
We further evaluate the statement to check whether the
statement contains a clause and a score is assigned based
on this criterion. If there are words like realized, told, etc.
present along with the clause, then some more points are
given to the criterion as the clauses containing these
words are very common in the idiomatic statements in the
paragraphs. This is followed by determination of
Active/Passive voice of the sentence using Dependencies
of the sentence provided by Stanford Core NLP package
(Toutanova et al., 2003). After this, using the POS tags of
the sentence generated before, a personal pronoun (such
as he/she) is searched in the sentence. If a personal
pronoun is found, we further search for a subject pronoun
(such as who) in the same sentence. We also check the
position of the personal pronoun in the sentence. After
observation of different pronouns in the language, the rule
has been generalized stating that if only a personal
pronoun is present, sentence is usually not found to be an
idiom. Therefore we decrement the score in this case.
Whereas if personal pronoun is present and also subject
pronoun is present and the personal pronoun is placed
before the subject pronoun, then the statement may be an
idiom. So we add to the score based on this criterion.
A general algorithm has been written using Java packages
to check for the tense, clauses (if found each clause is
processed separately), personal pronouns such as He/She,
subject pronouns(such as who) and certain words which
are used often while using proverbs in the paragraph for
example: (realized, said, told, etc). According to the
various possibilities of the languages and probabilities of
the rules, a certain grade is assigned to each criteria and
sentences are evaluated accordingly.
The following three tables describe the evaluation of the
sample paragraph using the rule generalization method for
idiom detection.
Tense Score
Present = 2.5
There is this boy in my
Simple Present
He is Very strangely
dressed and remains quite
He has tattoos all over his
Simple Present
But you know what they
say, don‟t judge a book by
its cover.
Simple Present
I went ahead and tried to
converse with this boy.
And I was right, this boy
indeed had a very
interesting nature.
Simple Past
He was just a teenager in
his growing phase.
Past Continuos
That is when I realized, to
understand others we need
to put ourselves in other
people‟s shoes.
Simple Present
Table 2: Evaluation of sample paragraph using the tense
rule and clause rule generalization method
Table 2 checks each statement in the paragraph for the
presence of a clause and the tense of the statement. The
scoring of the criteria is currently done manually on the 5
point scale depending on how much a rule can actually
determine the presence of a proverb. The presence of
clause is given the score of 0.5 because, simply presence
of clause is very common in a paragraph and in itself is
not a very good indication of the statement being a
proverb. Whereas, if a statement is in present tense,
possibility of statement being a proverb is increased,
therefore a score of 2.5 is given if the statement is in
present tense. Similarly the scores have been assigned for
each criterion according to the capacity of the given
criteria to determine the statement as a proverb. Table 3
checks each statement for the presence of a clause along
with presence of certain words common in the idiomatic
sentences. It also checks presence of the personal pronoun
(PP) and the subject pronoun (SP) and adds or decreases
the score according to the rule.
+ that
say -
- 0
PP +
There is this
boy in my
He is Very
dressed and
remains quite
He has tattoos
all over his
But you know
what they
say, don‟t judge
a book by its
I went ahead
and tried to
converse with
this boy.
And I was right,
this boy indeed
had a very
He was just a
teenager in his
growing phase.
That is when I
realized, to
others we need
to put ourselves
in other
people‟s shoes.
Table 3: Evaluation of sample paragraph using the active
passive voice and pronouns rules
Total Score
There is this boy in my neighborhood.
He is Very strangely dressed and remains
quite aloof
He has tattoos all over his body.
But you know what they say, don‟t judge
a book by its cover.
I went ahead and tried to converse with
this boy.
And I was right, this boy indeed had a
very interesting nature.
He was just a teenager in his growing
That is when I realized, to understand
others we need to put ourselves in other
people‟s shoes.
Table 4: Evaluation of sample paragraph using the rule
generalization method- final total of all rule criterions
After the analysis using the generalized rules method, we
have rated the sentences based on whether they follow
various grammar rules usually followed by most of the
idiomatic sentences. Using the classification method, we
have further analyzed and rated the same statement based
on the difference in its semantic context with the context
of the entire paragraph. Therefore a statement getting a
highest score using these two methods can be assumed to
have higher probability of being an idiomatic statement.
Based on the analysis of the rule based and classification
method, the total score was calculated as the combination
score of the grading assigned by the two methods as
shown in the following table.
There is this boy in
my neighborhood.
He is Very strangely
dressed and remains
quite aloof
He has tattoos all
over his body.
But you know what
they say, dont
judge a book by its
I went ahead and
tried to converse
with this boy.
And I was right, this
boy indeed had a
very interesting
He was just a
teenager in his
growing phase.
That is when I
realized, to
understand others
we need to put
ourselves in other
peoples shoes.
Table 5: Total score calculated by the combination score
of the two methods
As we can see, the two idioms in the paragraph got
detected with the highest score. A data set consisting
paragraphs from different domains was tested using the
similar method of implementation as mentioned above
with the sample paragraph.
5. Results
Various paragraphs containing an idiomatic statement
were tested based on the method specified in the
implementation section. The sample data contained
paragraphs of various lengths. First the classification
method was applied on every statement of the paragraph
and scores were assigned based on difference in
categories. This was followed by the grammar rule
generalization method used to test all the sentences in the
same paragraph. A score was assigned based on the
number and weightage of criterions that the statement
It was observed that most of the proverbs were detected
with the highest scoring in the analysis. While for few of
the paragraphs, the above method failed to detect idioms
correctly. It was also observed that as the number of
idioms in a paragraph grew higher, the algorithm failed to
work. But considering the fact that usually number of
idioms in a paragraph is usually limited, this algorithm
can be assumed to work in general for most of the cases.
6. Conclusion
This paper proposed the idea of using categorization and
generalization based on rules in order to detect idioms in a
given paragraph with more efficiency. The classification
method included comparing the category of the entire
paragraph with the category of the statement and
determining the highest difference between the categories.
The generalization method included algorithm to
determine whether a sentence follows certain common
POS based rules followed by most sentences which are
idioms. This paper also proposed the use of POS tags
based ontology for the storage of idioms and their
corresponding translations with similar meaning in other
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Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020), Marseille, 11–16 May 2020
European Language Resources Association (ELRA), licensed under CC-BY-NC
Polish Lexicon-Grammar Development Methodology as an Example for
Application to other Languages
Zygmunt Vetulani
, Grażyna Vetulani
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
ul. Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 4, 61-614, Poznań, Poland
Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures
al. Niepodległości 4, 61-874, Poznań, Poland
{vetulani, gravet}
In the paper we present our methodology with the intention to propose it as a reference for creating lexicon-grammars. We share our
long-term experience gained during research projects (past and on-going) concerning the description of Polish using this approach. The
above-mentioned methodology, linking semantics and syntax, has revealed useful for various IT applications. Among other, we address
this paper to researchers working on “less or “middle-resourced” Indo-European languages as a proposal of a long term academic
cooperation in the field. We believe that the confrontation of our lexicon-grammar methodology with other languages Indo-European,
but also Non-Indo-European languages of India, Ugro-Finish or Turkic languages in Eurasia will allow for better understanding of the
level of versatility of our approach and, last but not least, will create opportunities to intensify comparative studies. The reason of
presenting some our works on language resources within the Wildre workshop is the intention not only to take up the challenge thrown
down in the CFP of this workshop which is: “To provide opportunity for researchers from India to collaborate with researchers from
other parts of the world”, but also to generalize this challenge to other languages.
Keywords: language resources, lexicon-grammar, wordnet, Indian languages, non-Indoeuropean languages
1. Introduction
In the linguistic tradition a crucial role in language
description was typically given to dictionaries and
grammars. The oldest preserved dictionaries were in form
of cuneiform tablets with Sumerian-Akkadian word-pairs
and are dated 2300 BC. Grammars are “younger”. Among
the first were grammars for Sanskrit attributed to Yaska
(6th century BC) and ini (6-5th century BC). In Europe
the oldest known grammars and dictionaries date from the
Hellenic period. The first one was Art of Grammar by
Dyonisus Thrax (170-90 BCE), in use in Greek schools still
some 1,500 years later. Until recently, these tools were
used for the same purposes as before - teaching and
translation, and ipso facto were supposed to be interpreted
by humans. The formal rigor was considered of secondary
importance. The situation changed recently with
development of computer-based information technologies.
For machine language processing (as machine translation,
text and speech understanding, etc.) it appeared crucial to
adapt language description methodology to the technology-
imposed needs of precision. Being human-readable was not
enough, new technological age required from grammars
and dictionaries to become machine-readable. New
concepts of organization of language description for better
facing technological challenges emerged. One among them
was the concept of lexicon-grammar.
This paper addresses two cases. First languages with a
rich linguistic tradition and valuable preexisting language
resources, for which the methods described in this paper
will be easily applicable and may bring interesting results.
We do not believe that basic linguistic research is
avoidable on the base of technological solutions only. (See
the historical statement addressed by Euclid of Alexandria
Among Indian languages this will be the case of Sanskrit,
Hindi and many other. On the other hand, a multitude of
languages in use on the Indian subcontinent do not dispose
of such a privileged starting position. In this case, in order
to benefit from the methodology we describe in this paper,
an effort must first be done to complete existing gaps. This
is a hard work, and the paper, we hope will give some idea
on the priorities on this way. Still, an important basic
research effort will be necessary
2. Why Lexicon-Grammars?
Development of computational linguistics and resulting
language technologies made possible passage from the
fundamental research to the development of real-scale
applications. At this stage availability of rigorous,
exhaustive and easy to implement language models and
descriptions appeared necessary. The concept of lexicon-
grammar answers to these needs. Its main idea is to link an
important amount of grammatical (syntactic and semantic)
information directly to respective words. Within this
approach, it is natural to keep syntactic and semantic
information stored as a part of lexicon entries together with
other kinds of information (e.g. pragmatic). This principle
applies first of all to verbs, but also to other words which
"open" syntactic positions in a sentence, as e.g. certain
nouns, adjectives and adverbs. Within this approach, we
include into the lexicon-grammar all predicative words (i.e.
words that represent the predicate in the sentence and
which open the corresponding argument positions).
(365 BC 270 BC) to Ptolemy I (367 BC 282 BC): “Sir,
there is no royal road to geometry”.)
The idea of lexicon-grammar is to link predicative words
with possibly complete grammatical information related to
these words. It was first systematically explored by
Maurice Gross (Gross 1975, 1994), initially for French,
then for other languages. Gross was also to the best of our
knowledge the first to use the term lexicon-grammar (fr.
3. GENELEX project (1990-1994)
was a European initiative to
realize the idea of lexicon-grammar in form of a generic
model for lexicons and to propose software tools for
lexicons management (Antoni-Lay et al., 1994). Anoni-Lay
presents two reasons to build large-size lexicons as follows.
“The first reason is that Natural Language applications
keep on moving from research environments to the real
world of practical applications. Since real world
applications invariably require larger linguistic coverage,
the number of entries in electronic dictionaries inevitably
increases. The second reason lies in the tendency to insert
an increasing amount of linguistic information into a
lexicon. (…) In the eighties, new attempts were made with
an emphasis on grammars, but an engineering problem
arose: how to manage a huge set of more or less
interdependent rules. The recent tendency is to organize the
rules independently, to call them syntactic/semantic
properties, and to store this information in the lexicon. A
great part of the grammatical knowledge is put in the
lexicon (…). This leads to systems with fewer rules and
more complex lexicons.” (ibid.).
The genericity of the GENELEX model is assured by:
- “theory
welcoming”, what means openness of the GENELEX
formalism to various linguistic theories (respecting the
principle that its practical application will refer to some,
well defined linguistic theories as a basis of the
GENELEX was followed by several other EU projects,
such as LE-PAROLE (1996-1998), LE-SIMPLE (1998-
2000) and GRAAL (1992-1996).
The GENELEX creators make a clear distinction between
independence with respect to language theory, and the
necessity for any particular application to be covered by
some language theory compatible with the GENELEX
model (this is in order to organize correctly the
lexicographer’s work).
Polish, like all other Slavic languages, Latin and, in some
respect, also Germanic languages, has a developed
inflection system. Inflectional categories are case and
number for nouns, gender, mood, number, person tense,
and voice for verbs, case, gender, number and degree for
adjectives, degree alone for adverbs, etc. Examples of
descriptive categories are gender for nouns and aspect for
verbs. The verbal inflection system (called conjugation) is
simpler than in most Romance or Germanic languages but
still complex enough to precisely situate action or narration
on the temporal axis. The second of the two main
paradigms (called declension) is the nominal one. It is
based on the case and number oppositions. The declension
lexicographer’s research workshop). It should allow
encoding phenomena described in different ways by
different theories
- possibility to generate various application-oriented
- capacity of generation of lexicons apt to serve
applications demanding a huge linguistic coverage.
The second important property of GENELEX besides
genericity was the requirement of high precision and clarity
of GENELEX-compatible lexicon-grammars.
GENELEX was first dedicated to a number of West-
European languages, among other French, English,
German, Italian. Although Polish
was not directly
addressed by GENELEX, it was covered together with
Czech and Hungarian by two EU projects (COPERNICUS
projects CEGLEX COPERNICUS 1032 (1995-1996)
and GRAMLEX COPERNICUS 621 (1995-1998))
whose objective was testing the potential of the extension
of the novel GENELEX-based LT solutions to highly
inflectional (as Polish) and agglutinative (as Hungarian)
languages. Positive results obtained within this project
demonstrated potential usefulness of the lexicon-grammar
approach for so far less-resourced languages, Indo-
European or not. In particular, the case of Polish
demonstrated the need to take into account, within the
lexicon-grammar approach, the specificity of highly
inflected languages, like Lain or Sanskrit, with complex
verbal and nominal morphology.
4. Lexicon-Grammar of Polish
Already in our early works on question-understanding-and-
answering systems (Vetulani, Z. 1988, 1997) we
capitalized the advantages of the lexicon-grammar
approach. In addition to information typically provided in
system of Polish strongly marks Polish syntax; as the
declension case endings characterize the function of the
word within the sentence, therefore the word order is more
free than in, e.g., Romance or Germanic languages where
the position of the word in a sentence is meaningful. Main
representatives of the Polish declension system are nouns,
but also adjectives, numerals, pronouns and participles.
Polish inflected forms are created by combining various
grammatical morphemes with stems. These morphemes are
mainly prefixes and suffixes (endings). Endings are
considered as the typical inflection markers and traditional
classifications into inflection classes are based on ending
configurations. Endings may fulfil various syntactic and
semantic functions at the same time. A large variety of
inflectional categories for most of parts of speech is the
reason why inflection paradigms are complex and long in
Polish. For example, the nominal paradigm has 14
positions, the length of the verbal paradigm is 37 and the
length of the adjectival one is 84 (Vetulani, G. 2000).
Some of the outcomes of these project are described in
(Vetulani, G. 2000).
dictionaries we managed to explore structural, as well as
morpho-syntactic-and-semantic information directly stored
with predicative words, i.e. words which are surface
manifestation of sentence predicates. In Polish, as in many
(all?) Indo-European languages, these are typically verbs,
but also nouns, adjectives, participles and adverbs. The
content of lexicon-grammar entries informs about the
structure of minimal complete elementary sentences
supported by the predictive words, both simple and
compound. This information may be precious in order to
substantially speed-up sentence processing
(see e.g.
Vetulani, Z. 1997). Taking this into account, the text
processing stage requires a new kind of language resource
which is electronic lexicon-grammar. In opposition to
small text processing demo systems developed so far, this
requirement appears demanding when starting to build real
size applications within the concept of predicate-argument
approach to syntax of elementary sentences that we applied
in our rule-based text analyzers and generators. The rule-
based approach dominating still at the turn of the centuries
remains important in all cases where high processing
precision is essential.
Concerning digital language resources Polish was clearly
under-resourced at those days, however with a good
starting position due to well-developed traditional language
descriptions. For example, since 1990s the high quality
lexicon-grammar in the form of Generative Syntactic
Dictionary of Polish Verbs (Polański 1980-1982) was to
our disposal. This impressive resource of 7,000 most
widely used Polish simple verbs, being addressed first of
all to human users, was hardly computer-readable. As
simplified example of an entry we propose the description
of the polysemic predicative verb POLECIEĆ (meaning to
fly). One of its meanings is represented by the following
entry (lines a d):
(a) POLECIEĆ (English: FLY)
(b) NP
(c) NP
[human]; NP
[flying object];
[location]; NP
(d) Examples:
..., Ja(NP
z Warszawy (NP
) do Francji (NP
POLECĘ samolotem (NPI),…
…, I (NP
) WILL FLY from Warsaw(NP
) to
) by plane(NP
)),... ,
E.g. in heuristic parsing in order to limit the grammar
search space explored by the parser (Vetulani, Z. 1997).
"We do not claim that the set of semantic features we
propose is exhaustive and final. Besides features
commonly accepted we considered necessary to introduce
such distinction words as nouns designing plants, elements,
information etc.", cf. (Polański 1992).
"We do not claim that the set of semantic features we
propose is exhaustive and final. Besides features
commonly accepted we considered necessary to introduce
such distinction words as nouns designing plants, elements,
information etc.", cf. (Polański 1992).
(a) is the entry identifier (verb in infinitive)
(b) is the sentential scheme showing the syntactic structure
and syntactic requirements of the verb with respect to
obligatory and facultative (in brackets) arguments (it may
be considered as a simple sentence pattern)
(c) is the specification of semantic requirements of the verb
for obligatory and facultative arguments (ontology
concepts in brackets)
(d) provides some use examples
The formalism ignores details of the surface realization of
meaning, such as case, gender, number, etc. of words. The
pioneering and revelatory work of Polański was limited to
simple verbs but both method and formalism perfectly
support compound constructions. What follows is an
example of an entry for a verb-noun collocation composed
of a predicatively empty support verb (light verb in the
terminology used by Fillmore (2002) together with a
predicative noun which plays the function of compound
verb in the sentence Orliński and Kubiak odbyli lot z
Warszawy do Tokio samolotem in a Breguet 19 w roku
1926 (In 1926, Oliński flew/made a flight from Warsaw to
Tokyo in a Breguet 19).
The dictionary entry for ODBYĆ LOT in the above format
will be:
(a’) ODBYĆ LOT (English: FLY)
(b’) NP
(c’) NP
[human]; NP
[flying object]; NP
[location]; DATE [year].
Information contained in lexicon-grammar entries
appeared very useful in various NLP tasks. For example, an
important part of information useful for simple sentence
understanding may be easily accessed through basic forms
of words identified in the sentence. Parts (b) and (c) of the
dictionary entries for the identified predicative word will
help to make precise hypotheses
about the syntactic-
semantic pattern of the sentence.
Despite their merits, the traditional syntactic lexicons, as is
the above presented Syntactic Generative Dictionary, are
not sufficient to supply all necessary linguistic information
to solve all language processing problems. The case of
highly inflected Polish (but also other Slavonic languages,
Latin, German etc.) demonstrates the need of precise and
complete description of morphology. For Polish we
delivered within the project POLEX (1994-1996) a large
The concept of syntactic hypothesis is crucial for our
methods of heuristic parsing making a right choice of
hypothesis about the sentence structure may considerably
reduce the parsing cost (in time and space). With good
heuristics, in some cases it is possible to reduce the
grammatical search space considerably and as a result
turning the nondeterministic parser into a de facto
deterministic one. We explored this idea with very good
effects in our rule-based question-answering systems
POLINT (see e.g. section Preanalysis in (Vetulani, Z.
electronic dictionary (Vetulani, Z. et al. 1998 ; Vetulani, Z.
2000) of over 120,000 entries.
This resource is easily
machine treatable and was used as Polish Lexicon-
Grammar complement.
5. Citing « PolNet Polish Wordnet » as
lexical ontology
Within our real-size application projects
we extensively
used a lexical ontology to represent meaning of text
messages. Absence on the market of ontologies reflecting
the world conceptualization typical of Polish speakers
pushed us to build from scratch PolNet Polish Wordnet,
lexical database of the type of Princeton WordNet
. In
Princeton WordNet like systems basic entities are classes
of synonyms (synsets) related by some relations of which
the most important are hyponymy and hyperonymy.
Synsets may be considered as ontology concepts with the
advantage of being direcly linked to words.
We started the PolNet project in 2006
at the Department
of Computer Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence of
Adam Mickiewicz University and its progress continues.
The resource development procedure was based on the
exploration of good traditional dictionaries of Polish and
the use of available language corpora (e.g. IPI PAN
Corpus; cf. Przepiórkowski, 2004) in order to select the
most important vocabulary, for the purpose of the
application expanded with the application specific
. Development of PolNet was organized in an
incremental way, starting with general and frequently used
. By 2008, the initial PolNet version based on
noun synsets related by hyponymy/hyperonymy relations
was already rich enough to serve as core lexical ontology
for real-size application developed in the project (POLINT-
112-SMS system cf. Vetulani, Z. et al. 2010). Further
extension with verbs and collocations, operated after the
2009, contributed to transform PolNet into a lexicon-
grammar intended to ease implementation of AI systems
with natural language competence and other NLP-
related tasks.
<DEF>instytucja zajmująca się kształceniem; educational institution </DEF>
<LITERAL lnote="U1" sense="1">szkoła</LITERAL> % szkoła=school
<LITERAL lnote="U1" sense="5">buda</LITERAL>
<LITERAL lnote="U1" sense="1">szkółka</LITERAL>
<USAGE>Skończyć szkołę</USAGE>
<USAGE>Kierownik szkoły</USAGE>
<ILR type="hypernym" link="POL-2141701467">instytucja oświatowa:1</ILR>
<RILR type="hypernym" link="POL-2141575802">uczelnia:1,szkoła wyższa:1,wszechnica:1</RILR>
<RILR type="hypernym" link="POL-2141603029">szkoła średnia:1</RILR
<STAMP>Weronika 2007-07-15 12:07:38</STAMP>
<CREATED>Weronika 2007-07-15 12:07:38</CREATED>
Fig. 1. The PolNet v.0.1 entry for (school szkoła) (the sysnset{szkoła:1,buda:5, szkółka:1,….}; indices 1, 5,
refer to the particular sense of the word szkoła) (Vetulani, Z. 2012)
POLEX dictionary is distributed through ELDA
( under ISLRN 147-211-031-223-4.
For detailed description of language resources and tools
used to develop POLINT-112-SMS system (2006-2010)
and the specification of its language competence see
(Vetulani, Z. et al., 2010).
Princeton WordNet (Miller et al., 1990) was (and
continue to be) widely used as a formal ontology to design
and implement systems with language understanding
functionality. In order to respect specific Polish
conceptualization of world, we decided to build PolNet
from scratch rather than merely translate Princeton
WordNet into Polish. Building from scratch is more costly,
but the reward we get in return was an ontology well
corresponding to the conceptualization reflected in the
language. We do not recommend “translation-based
construction of a wordnet for languages socio-culturally
remote with respect to the source wordnet language, in
particular for language pairs spoken by socio-culturally
different communities.
Another large wordnet-like lexical database for Polish
started at about the same time at the Technical University
in Wrocław (Piasecki et al. 2009). It was however based on
different methodological approach.
Lack of appropriate terminological dictionaries forced us
to collect experimental corpora and extract missing
terminology manually (Walkowska, 2009; Vetulani, Z. et
al. 2010).
See (Vetulani, Z. et al., 2007) for the PolNet development
6. From PolNet to a Lexicon-Grammar for
6.1 First step simple verbs
Integration of the lexicon-grammar approach to syntax with
the word-based approach to ontology was the idea behind
the evolution from the PolNet 1.0 (2011) to the PolNet 3.0
(and further). This idea was implemented through
expansion of the initial PolNet of nouns with other parts of
speech, first of all with simple verbs, second by predicative
multi-word constructions.
The first step was extension of PolNet with simple verbs.
This extension was operated relatively fast due to high
quality of the Polański’s Generative Dictionary. However,
as a machine-readable version of this dictionary did not
exist, the work of building verb synsets was to be done fully
manually by experienced lexicographers.
In (Vetulani, Z. & Vetulani, G., 2014) we presented the
concept of a verb synset as follows: “In opposition to
nouns, where the focus is on the relations between concepts
(represented by synsets), and in particular on
hyperonymy/hyponymy relations, for verbs the main
interest is in relating verbal synsets (representing
predicative concepts) to noun synsets (representing general
concepts) in order to show what connectivity constraints
corresponding to the particular argument positions are. (…)
Synonymous will be only such verb+meaning pairs in
which the same semantic roles
take the same concepts as
value (necessary but not sufficient). In particular, the
valency structure of a verb is one of indices of meaning
(members of a sysnset share the valency structure).”
Synsets for simple verbs appeared already in the first public
release of PolNet in 2011 (PolNet 1.0) (Vetulani, Z. et al.
2016). (See Fig. 2, below). Already this first extension
steps in turning PolNet into a lexicon-grammar permitted
us to make a smart use of PolNet enriched with lexicon-
grammar features to control parsing execution by
in order to speed-up parsing due to additional
information gathered at the pre-parsing stage. The effect of
substantially reducing the processing time was due to the
reduction of search space.
6.2 Next step compound verbs
The next steps consisting in expanding the initial PolNet-
based lexicon-grammar with compound verbs were more
For Polish, construction of PolNet entries for simple
nouns and verbs was relatively easy because of availability
of good quality dictionaries, however for many of the so
called less-resourced languages this task will be
See (Palmer 2009).
A well-constructed heuristic permits on the basis of
morphological and valency information combined with the
switch technique of Vetulani, Z. (1994) to reduce the
demanding. The first reason for that was scarcity of
dictionaries of compound words (phrasemes, or special
multi-word constructions like collocations), both for
general vocabulary and for domain-specific terminology
(with exception of some domains). Another problem for
almost all languages is insufficiency of serious research
concerning syntax, semantics and pragmatics for
compound words. These two problem remain to be solved
by the concerned teams.
6.2.1 Lexicographical basic research on verb-noun
Systematic studies
of Polish verb-noun collocations were
initiated in the 1990s by Grażyna Vetulani. In the first
phase they consisted in "manual" examination of over
40,000 of Polish nouns on "Słownik Języka Polskiego
PWN" (Szymczak, 1995). This operation resulted with
selection of over 7,500 abstract nouns liable to predicative
use. Among them, a subset of over 2850 typical predicative
nouns was identified as of primary importance to start
extending a verbs-only initial lexicon-grammar with verb-
nouns collocation (Vetulani, G. 2000). This class is the
most important, but also the most heterogeneous, thereby
hard to processing.
It is composed of names of activities
and behavior, names of actions, techniques, methods,
operations, states, processes, human activities, nature of
objects of various kinds, etc. All these predicative nouns
select their (predicatively empty) support verbs, simple or
compound, and arguments. It is typical of this class that
predicative nous accept more than one (sometimes many)
support verbs to form compound verbs (verb-noun
collocations) with the valency structure of the noun. In
most cases these collocations will be synonyms and
therefore will belong to the same synset. However, the
difference between collocations due to the selection of
different support verbs will be visible at the pragmatic
The initial step consisting in dictionary-based acquisition
of collocations was concluded by the publication of the first
version of Verb-Noun Collocation Dictionary (Vetulani, G.
2000) of over 5,400 entries. The main efforts have been
made to retrieve collocations from the traditional
dictionary, to elaborate a human-and-machine processible
format of entries and to produce dictionary entries.
What follows is an example of a dictionary entry in the
format described in (Vetulani, G. 2000) :
complexity of parsing down to linear in an important
number of cases.
Cf. (Vetulani, G. and Vetulani, Z. 2012) for this
Other identified classes of predicative nouns are: feature
names (over 2,800), names of frequent diseases (over 250),
names of occupations or popular professions (over 1,400),
and other (e.g. nouns supported by event verbs); notice that
particular nouns may be polysemic and may belong to more
than one class (Vetulani, G. 2000).
aluzja, f/ (allusion)
czynić(Acc,pl)/N1do(Gen), (to make ~s to sth)
robić(Acc,sing)/N1do(Gen), (to make an ~ to sth)
pozwalać sobie na(Acc,pl)/N1do(Gen) (to dare to
make ~s to sth)
where Acc and Gen stand respectively for declension
cases of respectively accusativus and genitivus.
The second step was operated between 2000 and 2012. Its
starting point was the dictionary of some 5,400 entries for
more than 2850 predicative nouns (in what follows we call
it basic resource; BR). Its main objective was a substantial
improvement of the earlier results on the basis of large text
corpus of Polish and appropriate processing tools. Analysis
of the results obtained by the year 2000 brought to evidence
insufficiency of methods used so far, as traditional
dictionaries were not sufficiently large to contain all
frequently used collocations. To obtain a satisfactory
balanced coverage it was necessary to make use of corpora.
Machine-assisted investigation of the text IPI PAN corpus
(Przepiórkowski 2004) permitted to triple the number of
collocation entries for the same basis of slightly more than
2,800 predicative words. To get this result we first
proposed an algorithm for computer-assisted corpus-based
acquisition of new collocations (Vetulani, G. et al., 2008),
where by new” collocations we mean those attested in a
corpus, but absent in the BR. The main idea of this
algorithm is to transform the rough corpus data in a way to
substantially reduce the collocation-retrieval time with
respect to fully manual retrieval procedure.
The input resources for the algorithm were:
1) Basic Resource of 2878 predicative noun entries
(Vetulani, G. 2000).
2) The public available part of the IPI PAN corpus
(Przepiórkowski, 2004) without morphological (and any
other kind of) annotations.
The algorithm was organized into four parts:
- preparatory steps on the input data (preparation of search
- the main part which is a concordances generator to
retrieve fragments of texts which match the patterns,
- clustering of text fragments obtained from the
concordancer part with respect to predicative nouns (BR)
and returning "support-verb candidates" (SVC) to be
identified or refused as support verbs.
- manually processing (cleaning) support-verbs-candidates
(SVC) in order to eliminate worthless selections (large
This algorithm was further improved by the same team
(Vetulani, G. et al. 2008; Vetulani, G. 2010) and applied to
the input data. This modified algorithm is composed of the
following five steps (to be run consecutively).
Step 1. Extraction from the corpus of contexts with high
probability to contain verb-noun collocations and detection
of verbs-candidates to be qualified as support verbs
Step 2. Manual analysis by lexicographers of the list of
verbs-candidates obtained in the Step 1 in order to
eliminate apparently bad choices.
Step 3. Automatic extraction of contexts in form of
concordances containing verb-noun pairs (selected through
steps 1-3) as concordance centers.
Step 4. Reading of the concordances by lexicographers,
qualification of verb-noun pairs as collocations and their
morpho-syntactic descriptions (manual).
Step 5. Verification and final formatting.
The method we used permitted to reduce (~ 100 times)
the processing cost (estimation on a 5% sample).
As result of the application of this algorithm we obtained
an electronic dictionary of over 14,600 entries for over
2,878 predicative nouns.
6.2.2 Introduction of verb-noun collocations to
During the period from 2009 (PolNet 0.1) to 2011(PolNet
1.0) PolNet grew as a result of addition of some 1,500
synsets for 900 simple verbs corresponding to
approximately 2,900 word+meaning pairs (Vetulani, Z.
and Vetulani, G. 2014). Further extension from PolNet 1.0
to PolNet 2.0 consisted in addition of 1,200 new collocation
synsets corresponding to 600 predicative nouns
POS: v ID: 3441
Synonyms: {pomóc:1, pomagać:1, udzielić pomocy:1, udzielać pomocy:1} (to help)
Definition: "to participate in sb's work in order to help him/her"
Agent(N)_Benef(D) Action('w'+NA(L))
Agent(N)_Benef(D) Manner
Agent(N)_Benef(D) Action('w'+NA(L)) Manner
Usage: Agent(N)_Benef(D); "Pomogłam jej." (I helped her)
Usage: Agent(N)_Benef(D) Action('w'+NA(L)); "Pomogłam jej w robieniu lekcji." (I helped her in doing
Usage: Agent(N)_Benef(D) Manner Action('w'+NA(L));
"Chętnie udzieliłam jej pomocy w lekcjach." (I helped her willingly doing her homework)
Notice that the number of collocations is higher than the
number of predicative nouns, this is due to the fact that the
same predicative noun may be supported by several support
Usage: Agent(N)_Benef(D) Manner;
"Chętnie jej pomagałam." (I used to help her willingly)
Semantic_role: [Agent] {człowiek:1, homo sapiens:1, istota ludzka:1, …} ({man:1,...,human being:1,...})
Semantic_role: [Benef] {człowiek:1, homo sapiens:1, istota ludzka:1, …} ({man:1,...,human being:1,...})
Semantic_role: [Action] {czynność:1} ({activity:1})
Semantic_role: [Manner] {CECHA_ADVERB_JAKOŚĆ:1} (qualitative adverbial)
Fig. 2. Simplified DEBVisDic
presentation of a PolNet synset {pomóc:1, pomagać:1, udzielić pomocy:1,
udzielać pomocy:1} containing both simple verbs (pomóc) and collocations (udzielić pomocy) (Vetulani, Z.
and Kochanowski, 2014).
Fig. 2. presents the way PolNet makes use of the idea of
semantics adapted after Filmore (1977) and Palmer (2009),
and shows the semantic roles Agent, Beneficient, Action,
Manner together with their values being noun synsets.
The passage to PolNet 2.0 opened up new application
opportunities but also pushed us to re-consider the
fundamental problem of synonymy for predicative words
and to base it on the concept of valency structure. As
valency structure of a verb is one of the formal indices of
meaning, it should be considered as an attribute of a synset,
i.e. all synset’s members should share the valency structure.
Strict application of this principle results in relatively fine
granularity of the verb section of the PolNet (Vetulani, Z.,
Vetulani, G. 2015).
PolNet 3.0 is the last documented version of the resource.
In order to obtain this new version, PolNet 2.0 was
submitted to refining and cleaning operations. For the
refinement operation it was assumed that the category of
language register is a part of the meaning. The totality of
PolNet 2.0 synsets was revised in order to split these
synsets into register-uniform sub-synsets. Inclusion of
register related information, up to our best knowledge until
now not practiced in other wordnets, opens new application
possibilities e.g. for refinement of text generation quality.
The version PolNet 3.0 has already been user-tested as a
resource for modeling semantic similarity between words
(Kubis, 2015).
PolNet 0.1 (2009)
PolNet 1.0 (2011)
PolNet 2.0 (2013)
PolNet 3.0 (2016)
Simple verbs
Table. 1. Growth of the PolNet’s main parts (in numer of synsets) (Vetulani, Z. et al. 2016). Notice: This table
does not represent the effort invested in the development of PolNet as an important deal of work was engaged in
the wordnet cleaning operations.
7. Conclusion and further work
Undoubtedly English constitutes an absolute reference
point for languages classification in terms of adaptation of
their description to technological needs as well as in terms
of richness of tools and language resources necessary for
industries to develop language technologies. At the very
bottom of the hierarchy we find a significant number of
languages for which it is not needed (or realistic) to develop
such technologies. In the middle we locate quite a big
number of languages set down as “less-resourced”. Until
recently the Polish language was categorized within this
group. Currently we locate there some European minority
languages as well as some languages from countries, by the
way highly technologically developed, such as India for
instance. Among other, we address this paper to researchers
working on “less” or “middle-resourced Indo-European
languages as a proposal of a long term academic
cooperation in the field, within which we will share
experience with our partners in the area explored in this
article. We believe that the confrontation of our
methodology with other languages, also non-Indo-
European languages of India, Ugro-Finish or Turkic in
Europe and Asia, will allow for better understanding of the
DEBVisDic is a tool we used for edition and maintenance of PolNet entries (Pala, K. et al.).
level of versatility of our solutions and, last but not least,
will create conditions for a close cooperation.
The PolNet enlargement with verbal components required
an important investment of lexicographers’ work. Lexicon-
Grammar for Polish is still in progress, but what has been
done until now is largely sufficient to give a good insight
in the nature of linguistic and engineering problems to be
done by the project executors or by people aiming to
undertake similar tasks for other languages. In the course
of the above-mentioned works on Lexicon-Grammar for
Polish we have identified a range of factors that appeared
necessary to be taken into account in order to realize our
project. At the beginning of our works we could dispose
only of the following resources:
- traditional or in some cases electronic language
resources such as: dictionaries, thesauri, lexicons
- representative and large texts corpora,
- traditional or formalized grammatical descriptions,
- IT tools for processing the above-mentioned
In the lack of adequate resources the project began with
building-up the lexical database of wordnet type, initially
from nouns only, through inclusion in the next phase
simple predicative verbs, and finally verb-noun
collocations (with a predicative noun).
The enlargement of the initial, noun-based version of the
PolNet database consisted in introducing predicative
elements by, inter alia:
- identifying predicative simple and complex words:
description of the predicate-valency structure for
simple and complex predicative expressions and
proposing a format for predicative synsets,
- generating predicative synsets and linking with
respective arguments (noun synsets).
Problems to be solved / elaborated are as follow:
- synonymy, granularity,
- aspects,
- meaning shift, diachrony,
- other relations:
o hyponymia/hyperonmy
o meronymy
o passive and active verb opposition
- morphology,
- pragmatic issues:
o language registers,
o regionalisms.
Another hot issue for existing lexicon-grammar systems of
different languages is to align them with each other. It is a
demanding task, often hardly feasible due to different
conceptualization of the world in various communities, and
reflected in respective languages.
The reason of presenting some our works on language
resources within the Wildre workshop is the intention to
encourage taking up the challenge thrown in the CFP of this
workshop which is: “To provide opportunity for
researchers from India to collaborate with researchers from
other parts of the world”.
8. Acknowledgements
The succesful achievement of projects reported in this
overview would be impossible without the collaboration of
numerous institutions and notable individuals. We would
like to express our gratitude to the many academic
collaborators, student volunteers, and colleagues across
Academia and various partner, who generously invested
their time and expertise to make this research possible.
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Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020), Marseille, 11–16 May 2020
European Language Resources Association (ELRA), licensed under CC-BY-NC
Abstractive Text Summarization for Sanskrit Prose: A Study of
Methods and Approaches
Shagun Sinha, Girish Nath Jha
School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
{shagunsinha5, girishjha}
The authors present a work-in-progress in the eld of Abstractive Text Summarization (ATS) for Sanskrit Prose – a
rst attempt at ATS for Sanskrit (SATS). We will evaluate recent approaches and methods used for ATS and argue for
the ones to be adopted for Sanskrit prose considering the unique properties of the language. There are three goals of
SATS - to make manuscript summaries, to enrich the semantic processing of Sanskrit, and to improve the information
retrieval systems in the language. While Extractive Text Summarization (ETS) is an important method, the summaries it
generates are not always coherent. For qualitative coherent summaries, ATS is considered a better option by scholars. This
paper reviews various ATS/ETS approaches for Sanskrit and other Indian Languages done till date. In the preliminary
overview, authors conclude that of the two available approaches - structure-based and semantics-based - the latter would
be viable owing to the rich morphology of Sanskrit. Moreover, a graph-based method may also be suitable. The second
suggested method is the supervised-learning method. The authors also suggest attempting cross-lingual summarization
as an extension to this work in future.
Keywords: Abstractive Text Summarization, Sanskrit Prose, Computational Linguistics
1. Introduction
Text Summarization (TS) is a core area of study un-
der Computational Linguistics (CL) and Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP) for generation of coherent text
summaries. One of the earliest works was by Luhn
(1958) from IBM where he proposed to create sum-
maries of the abstracts of scientic papers. TS has
also been developed for a number of Indian Languages
(ILs). Extractive text summarization (ETS) and ab-
stractive text summarization (ATS) are two primary
approaches that focus on summarizing IL internet con-
tent, newspaper articles, research papers, ocial doc-
uments etc (Sankar et al., 2011; Embar et al., 2013;
Talukder et al., 2019; Gupta & Lehal, 2011; so on).
Sanskrit is studied in various forms today mostly as a
compositional language preserving several million texts
of great intellectual value. The issues of text availabil-
ity, readability and the need to access the knowledge
in it have presented a huge requirement for ATS and
related research for Sanskrit. The capacity of Sanskrit
to innitely condense an expression with recurrent us-
age of concatenating techniques like euphonic combi-
nations (sandhi), compounding (samasa), scrambling,
verb elision for prosody etc make it dicult to arrive
at the structural or collocational meaning of the ex-
pression. When creating summaries, it is important
that the semantics is processed well. Doing a good
ATS for Sanskrit thus becomes extremely challenging.
Summarization can be categorized dierently on dif-
ferent bases: Single versus multi-document (based on
the number of documents (Jones, 1999), textual ver-
sus multimedia (based on the mode of document), ex-
tractive versus abstractive (based on the mode of the
output (Afantenos et al, 2005; Moawad & Aref, 2012).
This paper is the description of an ongoing work on
Sanskrit ATS (SATS) by the authors. The main con-
tribution of this paper lies in its surveying the exist-
ing approaches to TS done for Sanskrit till date and
to look at some challenges in processing Sanskrit for
ATS. The paper proposes a semantic approach for any
deeper processing of the texts in the language. The
authors focus on single document summarization only
because a multi-document ATS may be more complex
due to various factors like semantic relatedness, diver-
sity of subject matter, size etc.
2. Motivation for Sanskrit ATS
The origin and development of TS was inspired by the
need to turn long English scientic texts into shorter
ones (Luhn, 1958). Currently, most ideas around
TS techniques under Natural Language Processing are
based on the growth of the internet and the need to
condense information therein (Sunitha et. al., 2016).
In this backdrop, it is important to make one obser-
vation. While Sanskrit prose content on the net needs
to be summarized as well, there are two key objectives
of SATS which are dierent from those of TS in any
other language of the present day:
A large body of scientic literature is available
in Sanskrit and a lot of it is in the manuscript
(MS) form. The study of an MS is a far more
complex and tedious process which involves edit-
ing and re-editing a historical document till the
authentic content is achieved.
SATS will require semantic analysis. This could
pave the way for better semantic processing of
Sanskrit. Since ATS works on the principle of
‘key essence’ of the text rather than extracting
the suitable sentences, it could help enhance algo-
rithms for processing the relative meaning of the
3. Literature Survey
Sanskrit TS so far has explored the extractive as-
pect only. Barve (2015) use three TS ap-
proaches to obtain text summary for Sanskrit based on
a query given by the user - Average Term Frequency-
Inverse Sentence Frequency (tf-isf), Vector Space
Model (VSM), and Graph-Based Approach. They con-
cluded that the VSM produced the best summary with
80% accuracy. ETS is a good approach for prose that
has a high frequency of the query-word, as is seen in
Barve et. al (2015). However, not all prose may yield
such results. In most cases, the keyword is not always
repeated but is indicated through pronouns. While
query-directed extraction can be highly successful in
the former, it may not be so for the latter. Besides,
the ETS also faces the incoherence disadvantage as
mentioned by Mishra & Gayen (2018). Abstractive
approach, on the other hand, is more likely to resolve
this. It ‘abstracts’ the essence from the text to be sum-
marized. This leads to complexity in language process-
ing but once successful, can result in enhanced sum-
mary quality with natural text generation. Scholars
suggest that non-extractive methods generate better
summaries because they reduce the information loss
(Mishra & Gayen, 2018). ATS has also been found
better than ETS in other work (Giuseppe & Jackie,
3.1. Major ATS approaches for Indian
Scholars have dierent bases for organizing the types
of TS. Most of them can come under one or more of
these categories:
1. Structure vs Semantic approach (Sunitha C et al.,
2. Machine Learning (ML) based methods (Anh &
Trang, 2019; Talukder et al., 2019) , and
3. Corpora based approach (Hasler et al., 2003)
Sunitha C et. al. (2016) present a survey of the cur-
rent techniques in ATS for ILs. Key approaches to ATS
in ILs can be divided into two categories: Structure-
based and Semantics based. Some notable works in
ILs include Rich Semantic Graph approach for Hindi
(Subramaniam & Dalal, 2015), Malayalam (Kabeer &
Idicula, 2014), ATS through an extractive approach for
Kannada (Kallimani et. el, 2014).
Structure-based approaches require the source text
sentences to be collected in a predened structure
(Sunitha et al, 2016). The types of structures men-
tioned are Tree-based, Ontology-based, Lead and
Phrase structure based, Rule based and Template-
based. Each of these methods aims to collect the sen-
tences from the source text and then generate a sum-
mary later.
In the Semantics based approach, there are three
phases that lead to the summary- document input, se-
mantic review and representation and then nally sum-
mary based on this semantic representation through
Natural Language Generation (Sunitha et al., 2016).
Multimodal semantic, Information Item-based and Se-
mantic Graph (Moawad & Aref, 2012) are the methods
which focus primarily on the semantic representation
of the source text. It is important to note that abstrac-
tion will need semantic representation at some stage.
and that ATS requires two major components always
- meaning extraction and summary generation in nat-
ural language.
A closer look reveals that the ILs popularly use :
the graph-, the POS-NER-, and textual position-based
Of the given types, one common method is the ontol-
ogy based method. Ontology refers to the ‘theory of
existence’ or a list of all the things that exist (Russell
& Norvig, 2019). A number of such summarization
tools have been developed for a eld-specic summa-
rization. For example, Texminer is a tool that summa-
rizes papers of Port and Coastal Engineering (Hipola
et al, 2014); or it may be related to a particular sci-
entic eld (Luhn, 1958). We nd it noteworthy that
ontology is important in areas where a nite set of vo-
cabulary pertaining to the eld can be enlisted.
However, in extraction techniques in NLP, a method
of ontology extraction does exist (Russell & Norvig,
2019). This may be a possible approach to get some
ontology out of a general document, but its reliability
for summarization purposes may have to be tested.
This brings us to the next possible approach to Indian
languages text summarization which is graph-based
summarization. Graphs are created out of the text
document with its words as vertices and the links be-
tween them as edges (Subramaniam & Dalal, 2015).
This method can be used for languages with easy to-
kenization availability. An additional use of WordNet
is also required here.
Advanced work in graph-based methods includes ‘Re-
duced Semantic Graph’ (RSG) methods where an even
more simplied version of a text’s graph is gener-
ated using ontology for word-sense instantiation, con-
cept validation and sentence-ranking (Moawad & Aref,
2012). RSG methods have been deployed for Hindi
(Subramaniam & Dalal, 2015) and Malayalam (Kabeer
& Idicula, 2014). The results for Hindi are reported to
be up to the mark (Subramaniam & Dalal, 2015).
Due to the rich morphology of Sanskrit, a standard
word-order may not be followed even in current prose.
Semantic representation thus becomes an essential ele-
ment. This indicates that perhaps semantic approach
would yield better results.
3.1.2. Machine Learning Approaches:
One other way of classifying the TS types is the ML
based approach: supervised and unsupervised methods
(Majid & Fizi-Derakashi, 2015). Supervised methods
require texts with their labeled summaries for training.
Unsupervised methods include graph-based, VSM,
text-based. Graph-based method can be grouped with
the semantic graph approach mentioned earlier. It cre-
ates a graph with concepts as vertices and the rela-
tion between them as edges (Majod, & Fizi-Derakhshi,
VSM technique creates vectors of the units of text and
then the most important units are extracted with the
help of a semantic analysis technique (Maji & Fizi-
Derakhshi, 2015).
A neural-network based application of the Memansa
principle is used by Sakhare and Kumar (2016). Al-
though they use it for English through neural nets, the
approach for information extraction is taken from Mi-
mamsa which makes it relevant to our discussion.
A pointer-generator method based on pre-trained
word-embedding for ATS has been performed for En-
glish by Anh & Trang (2019). The application for
Sanskrit will need to be tested though they had the
prepared CNN/Dailymail dataset for training already.
Another eort in IL ATS has been by Talukder et al.
(2019) where the model used is sequence to sequence
RNN. They report the loss of training error to 0.008.
The text-based method is classied as the third
method. This is the corpus-based method deployed
by others (Hasler et al, 2003; Edmundson, 1969) dis-
cussed in the next section.
Apart from graph-based methods, POS-NER based
methods have also been deployed. Embar et al (2013)
presents sArAmsha, an abstractive summarizer for
Kannada. According to them, tools like POS tagging
and NER implementation are used in the initial pro-
cessing of documents and then an abstraction scheme
is applied. This may also be classied under the corpus
based approach.
3.1.3. Corpus based approach:
Under this, Corpus is annotated with relevant anno-
tation schemes like POS, NER, discourse annotation
tools like the Rhetorical-Structure Theory (Mann &
Thompson, 1988; Jones, 1999; Zahri et al., 2015) etc,
which helps in extracting meaning at a later stage.
Corpus type has also been used as an important basis
for developing TS (Hasler et al., 2003). Annotation
of corpora to indicate meaningful units in a text is a
viable method. The works suggest that semantic ab-
straction becomes easier with this annotated corpora.
However, Oya T. et al. (2014) use template-based ab-
stractive summarization which they report has reduced
dependence on annotated corpora.
At this point, it is important to mention the
extraction-based abstraction approach to TS one of
which is the Information Extraction(IE) ATS (Kalli-
mani et al, 2011). IE techniques are deployed in the
initial stages in order to identify the important word
units in the document. Abstraction is done from these
extracted units (Kallimani et al, 2011; Afantenos et
al., 2005).
Edmundson(1969) used a proper corpus divided into
training and testing for summarization and evaluation.
The method used is feature based only and he sug-
gested that it was important to consider syntactic and
semantic features in summarization. It may be noted
that the ‘abstracting’ referred to in his article is fo-
cused on generating abstracts of articles based on ex-
tracted sentences. He terms this process as ‘abstract-
ing’ (Edmundson & Wylls, 1961), though it is dierent
from abstraction as we know it today.
Other than ATS, some prominent works in ETS for
Indian Languages have been covered by Dhanya &
Jathavedan (2013). The latter includes the thematic
and positional score based method for Bengali (Sarkar,
2012); statistical features like cue phrase, title key-
word, and similar features based extraction method
for Punjabi (Gupta & Lehal, 2011); the graph- based
text ranking method for Tamil (Sankar et al, 2011)
performs extractive summary without any annotated
corpora or supervised learning method.
Patel et al. (2007) and D’Silva & Sharma (2019) look
at multilingual translation problems with language in-
dependent TS being one option (Patel et al., 2007).
There are two reasons why it may not be useful to us.
First, their approach is statistical and not semantic.
It has been suggested by Edmundson (1969) that syn-
tactic and semantic factors as well as context of a text
(Jones, 1999) in TS be considered for better quality.
We too believe that semantic representation is impor-
tant for ATS. Two, their approach is mostly extractive.
The other option, that of cross lingual TS using Ma-
chine Translation (MT) (D’Silva & Sharma, 2019) is a
good option to be explored.
A key point to be observed in these and general text
summarization tools is the type and source of data.
There are two primary domains of data on which most
tools are based: Scientic articles and newspaper ar-
ticles. Tools for the summary of these two types of
texts are usually developed more. While extractive is
a dominant approach for these domains, abstractive
has also a good presence.
However, to begin a process in Sanskrit ATS, we have
focused our study on contemporary prose consisting of
mainly newspaper articles and Sanskrit blogs.
Observations regarding methods:
1. Scholars use TS methods in a mixed manner.
For e.g., a semantic graph may require ontol-
ogy deployment for better semantic representation
(Moawad & Aref, 2012); abstractive summarizer
may rst extract relevant information before ap-
plying abstraction (Kalimanni et al, 2011).
2. Supervised methods will need label summaries
along with the texts. Thus, newspaper articles
with their headlines are usually taken as the stan-
dard training corpus where the headline serves as
the summary of the respective text. This is a fea-
sible approach for a beginner-level work.
4. Sanskrit ATS
Some features of the Sanskrit writings and their chal-
lenges can be stated as following:
Sanskrit prose is strictly based on the principles
of grammar which inspires its word-formation and
usage. Owing to the Paninian model of Grammar,
the language is rich in morphology. The principle
of economy and precision have been important for
Sanskrit prose(Kiparsky, 1991). As a result, while
the prose in Sanskrit in general is appreciated for
its economy, it becomes dicult for any man/ma-
chine processing, and more so for the ATS.
Compounds and Sandhis: Sanskrit prose is
constituted on the samhita (continuous text) prin-
ciple thereby using Compounds and Sandhis (eu-
phonic combination) heavily. For instance, mul-
tiple words combined after removing their inec-
tions is an example of a compound. Space does
not act as a delimiter largely here. This along
with potentially recursive sandhi and complex
morphology make preprocessing a critical task for
Sanskrit texts.
Word Signicance: Most Sanskrit literary
works, especially poetry, tend to be indirect in
their intended meanings - abhidha(literal), lak-
shana(metaphor), vyanjana(euphemism). Poetry
usually expresses meanings more than one but the
same can go for most prose creations in literature
also. The availability of lexical resources like the
Amarakosha bear testimony to this fact, so does
the long tradition of language analysis including
the philosophy of Mimamsa (interpretation) and
Nyaya (logic).
Diversity of verb usage: While lakaras (tense)
are used to denote time, some suxes are also
used to indicate past and present tense. Thus, for
the same verb, dierent forms of it can be used
to suggest the same meaning. For each such us-
age, meaning will have to be considered well before
generating a summary of any type.
5. Preliminary Study
To perform a preliminary data study, a total of 1310
sentences have been extracted from online sources and
stored as data les. Current prose like the news articles
from the All India Radio, DD News and other sources
have been considered at this stage. The following may
be observed about the data:
1. Sentences are usually short, with not more than 7
words per sentence on an average.
2. Owing to the fact that most digital sources in San-
skrit found so far exist as a way to teach prospec-
tive learners, there is no variety in content found
3. News articles oer a good standard of sentences in
Sanskrit while at the same time reducing the com-
plexity of verbs. There are a few standard usages
which ensure ease of meaning comprehension.
The short length of sentences indicates that with some
basic preprocessing only, a TS method may be ap-
plied on the text. After going through the preliminary
data, this has led us to conclude that we may start
our work with focus on two approaches: rst, a graph-
based method. Owing to short sentences in the current
prose, generating a graph and the prospective relations
among words may be quicker and ecient.
Second, supervised method where news articles and
their headlines are taken as corpora for training. This
would be on the lines of the ATS developed on English
and other languages using the CNN/Dailymail dataset
(Mishra & Gayen, 2018).
Preprocessing of the text is a necessary stage in the
approach (Barve et. al, 2015). This would ensure cre-
ation of words for ease of processing the text further.
Contemporary simple prose that contains direct mean-
ings instead of oblique ones should be used like Barve
et al (2015) use Sanskrit Wikipedia articles to test their
approaches (VSM, Graph and tf-isf).
A work on these two methods will suggest further
course of action. Annotation may be required if the
results so indicate.
6. Conclusion
This paper presents a preliminary attempt to develop
a Sanskrit abstractive text summarizer for current
prose. It surveyed the top abstractive summarization
approaches to Indian languages, in general, with a view
to zeroing in on one approach for the current work on
Sanskrit ATS. Since there has not been any attempt at
Sanskrit ATS so far, a beginning is being made for cur-
rent Sanskrit prose mostly news articles. While sum-
marization would not suit literary poetry, we could
utilize dependency parsers to build semantic graphs
for any verse in scientic texts. Prose in these texts
could be further summarized if this work is advanced
further from current prose to other prose styles. Af-
ter surveying the available literature for ATS in ILs
the authors propose that semantic approach would be
better suited for the inherent complexities that San-
skrit is known for. Owing to rich morphology of the
language, pre-dened structures may not result in a co-
herent or usable summary. Thus, a semantic approach
would assist in arriving at a better analyzed summary.
In the semantic approach, a graph-based method shall
be a good start. Secondly, a supervised method for the
available prose from the news article-headline combine
may be emulated for Sanskrit too.
The possibility of annotation should be considered af-
ter this, if required.
The language of the output summary is one dimension
of SATS which is out of the scope of this paper. For
any other language, the abstracted summary is pro-
duced in the same language as the text. However, it
could be explored if the abstractions of Sanskrit prose
could be carried out in both Sanskrit as well as Hindi
or English with the help of an existing Machine Trans-
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A Deeper Study on Features for Named Entity Recognition
Malarkodi C. S. and Sobha Lalitha Devi
AU-KBC Research Centre
MIT Campus of Anna University
Chromepet, Chennai, India
This paper deals with the various features used for the identification of named entities. The performance of the machine learning system
heavily depends on the feature selection criteria. The intention to trace the essential features required for the development of named
entity system across languages motivated us to conduct this study. The linguistic analysis was done to find out the part of speech patterns
surrounding the context of named entities and from the observation linguistic oriented features are identified for both Indian and
European languages. The Indian languages belongs to Dravidian language family such as Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Indo-Aryan
language family such as Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali and Marathi, European languages such as English, Spanish, Dutch, German and
Hungarian are used in this work. The machine learning technique CRFs was used for the system development. The experiments were
conducted using the linguistic features and the results obtained for each languages are comparable with state-of-art systems.
Keywords: features, ner, CRFs, POS patterns, named entities
1. Related Work
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is defined as the process
of automatic identification of proper nouns and classifies
the identified entities into predefined categories such as
person, location, organization, facilities, products,
temporal or numeric expressions etc. Even though named
entity recognition is a well-established research filed and
lot of research works are available for various languages,
to the best of our language no work was found on the deeper
analysis of features required for named entity system across
Initially the term NER was defined in Message
Understanding Conference (MUC), when the structured
information about company and defense related activities
needed to be extracted from the unstructured text. It was
noticed that the main information units to be extracted are
named entities (Grishman et al. 1996). The very first
research work in NER was done by Lisa F. Rau, who
developed the system to recognize company names using
hand-crafted rules. In MUC-7, five out of eight systems
were generated using rule based method (Chinchor 1998).
Nadeau et al. (2007) has reported fifteen years of research
carried out in the field of entity recognition.
Gutiérrez et al. (2015) developed a Spanish NE system
using CRF. The dataset was obtained from CONLL 2002
shared task. Ekbal et al. (2008) worked on a Bengali named
entity recognition using CRF. Ekbal et al. (2009)
contributed NER systems for Hindi & Bengali using CRF
framework. Kaur et al. (2012) built an NE system for
Punjabi language. Bindu & Sumam Mary (2012) used CRF
based approach for identifying named entities in
Malayalam text.
Khanam (2016) has worked on the Named Entity
Identification for Telugu Language using hybrid approach.
Sobha et al. (2007) developed a multilingual named entity
system to identify the place names using Finite State
Automaton (FSA). Vijayakrishna & Sobha (2008) focused
on the Tamil NER for tourism domain which consists of
nested tagging of named entities. Malarkodi & Sobha
(2012a) built a NE system for Indian languages like Tamil,
Telugu, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi and Bengali using CRF.
Malarkodi et al. (2012b) discussed the various challenges,
while developing the NE system in Tamil language. Sobha
et al. (2013) has participated in ICON NLP tool contest and
submitted the test runs for 5 Indian languages and English.
Patil et al. (2016) reported a work on NER for Marathi
using HMM. Jaspreet et al. (2015) contributed Punjabi
NER using 2 machine learning approaches namely HMM
and MEMM. Antony (2014) constructed the NE
system for Tamil Biomedical documents using SVM
classifier. Lakshmi (2016) has worked on the
Malayalam NER using Fuzzy-SVM and it is based on the
semantic features and linguistic grammar rules. Jiljo
(2016) used TnT and Maximum Entropy Markov model for
NE identification in Malayalam data. The proposed
methodology yields 82.5% accuracy.
Bojórquez et al. (2015) worked on improving the Spanish
NER used in the Text Dialog System (TDS) by using semi-
supervised technique. Zea (2016) developed a semi-
supervised NE system for Spanish language. Athavale et al.
(2016) described a Neural Network model for NER based
on the Bi Directional RNN-LSTM. In order to identify the
mentions of medications, Adverse Drug Event (ADE) and
symptoms of the diseases in the clinical notes (Florez et al.
2018) proposed the character-level word representation
methods which can be used as an input feature to neural
network model called LSTM.
The various shared tasks conducted for Named Entity
Recognition are discussed in this section. In 2002, CONLL
shared task about NER was focused on Spanish and Dutch
(Tjong et al. 2002). The CONLL 2003 offered dataset for
English and German (Tjong et al. 2003). The NERSSEAL
shared task of IJCNLP-2008 was organized for 5 Indian
Languages namely Hindi, Bengali, Oriya, Telugu and Urdu
(Singh, 2008). In 2013 AU-KBC has organized NER
shared task as part of Forum for Information Retrieval for
Evaluation (FIRE), to create a benchmark data for Indian
Languages. The dataset was released for 4 Indian
Languages like Bengali, Hindi, Malayalam, and Tamil and
also for English. The various techniques used by the
participants are CRF, rule based approach and list based
search (Pattabhi & Sobha 2013). The 2nd edition of NER
track for IL has organized as part of FIRE 2014 for English
and 3 IL namely Hindi, Malayalam, and Tamil. The main
focus of this track is nested entity identification. The
participants have used CRF and SVM for system
development (Pattabhi et al. 2014).
2. Language Families Used
The Indian languages belong to different language families;
most of the Indian languages come under Indo-Aryan and
Dravidian language families. Indo Aryan language family
is a sub-branch of Indo-Iranian family which itself is a sub-
family of Indo-European language family. Mainly the
Indian languages like Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Punjabi
comes under Indo-Aryan family and Indian languages like
Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada belongs to a
Dravidian language family. The European languages also
have several language families. The languages like
German, Dutch and English belong to Germanic families,
Spanish language constitutes a Romance language family
and Hungarian comes under Uralic language family.
Figure 1 : Language Families Used in this work
3. Corpus Statistics
In this section, we discuss the corpus we have used for the
study. The corpus for Tamil, Malayalam, and English was
collected using an automated crawler program. The dataset
developed as part of FIRE 2013 NER shared task and
national level projects such as Cross Lingual Information
Access (CLIA) are used for English, Tamil, Hindi,
Malayalam, Bengali, Marathi and Punjabi. The corpus
statistics of the Dravidian Languages are given in Table 1.
The Tamil dataset consists of 13k sentences, 200K tokens
and 27k named entities. The Malayalam corpus consists of
64,345 tokens, 5k sentences and 11k named entities. The
Telugu corpus has 2K sentences, 43,062 tokens and 9,104
named entities.
Table 1: Corpus statistics (Indian Languages)
The NE corpus used for Spanish and Dutch languages is
obtained from CONLL 2003 NER shared task. The Spanish
and Dutch corpus contains person, location, organization
and miscellaneous NE tags. For German language, the
GERMEVAL NER shared task data has been utilized. The
German NE corpus has 12 NE tags and mainly has four
classes. The number of tokens and named entities in the
English dataset are 200K and 25K respectively. The
Spanish and Dutch corpus consists of 300K and 200K
tokens. The numbers of named entities in Spanish and
Dutch dataset are 23,148 and 27,390. The German dataset
consists of 500K tokens, 31K sentences and 33,399 NEs.
The Hungarian corpus has 400K tokens and 7,068 named
Table 2: Corpus statistics (European Languages)
The details of the POS tagset are explained in this section.
The BIS POS tagset was used for Indian Languages. The
Tamil POS tagger developed by Sobha et al. (2016) works
with an accuracy of 95.16% (Sobha et al., 2016). The Brills
POS tagger (Brill et al., 1992) is used for this task. The
dataset used for German are preprocessed with Stanford
POS tagger (Manning et al., 2014). The Spanish and Dutch
dataset are obtained from the CONLL shared task are
already tagged with POS information.
4. Features used for Named Entity
The part of speech patterns frequently occurred in the
context of named entities are analyzed for each language
and the results are discussed in this section. We analyze the
corpus to arrive at the most suitable word level features for
identifying the NE which can be used for machine learning
purposes. We have taken a window of three words and
identified the most frequent grammatical and typographical
feature that occurs. The distribution of each feature in each
language is given in detail below.
4.1 Analysis of common Linguistic features
In Tamil corpus, the named entities occurred at the
beginning of the sentence in 3,776 instances and in 2,056
instances named entities occurred at the end of the
sentence, punctuations preceded the NE in 6,222 times and
4,596 times punctuations succeed the NE, common nouns
preceded the NE in 6,274 times and succeeded the NE in
9,038 times, proper nouns occurred before NE in 2,250
instances and after NE in 2,868 instances. The
postpositions occurred before NE in 999 instances,
adjectives occurred before NE in 1418 instances and
conjunction occurred before NE in 384 times. The verbal
participle preceding the named entities in 716 instances and
the relative participle verbs preceded the NE in 1,007 times.
The finite verbs succeed the NE in 998 instances,
postpositions, adverb, and adjectives occurred at 1131, 980
and 878 instances respectively.
The Malayalam corpus has the following distribution. The
named entities occurred at the beginning of the sentence in
1,062 instances and in 72 instances named entities occurred
at the end of the sentence, punctuations preceded the NE in
818 times and 751 times punctuations succeed the NE,
common nouns preceded the NE in 1,281 times and
succeeded the NE in 1,794 times, proper nouns occurred
before NE in 774 instances and after NE in 939 instances.
The postpositions occurred before NE in 209 instances,
adjectives occurred before NE in 201 instances and
conjunction occurred before NE in 85 times. The verbal
participle preceding the named entities in 82 instances and
the relative participle verbs preceded the NE in 238 times.
The finite verbs succeed the NE in 628 instances,
postpositions, adverb, and adjectives occurred at 192, 173
and 273 instances respectively.
In Telugu corpus, the named entities occurred at the
beginning of the sentence in 776 instances and in 17
instances named entities occurred at the end of the
sentence, punctuations preceded the NE in 588 times and
610 times punctuations succeed the NE, common nouns
preceded the NE in 3722 times and succeeded the NE in
4641 times, proper nouns occurred before NE in 540
instances and after NE in 615 instances. The postpositions
occurred before NE in 450 instances, adjectives occurred
before NE in 315 instances and conjunction occurred
before NE in 153 times. The verbs preceding the named
entities in 1541 instances and the relative participle verbs
preceded the NE in 78 times. The verbs succeed the NE in
1307 instances, postpositions, adverb and adjectives
occurred at 665, 263 and 256 instances respectively.
The Hindi corpus has the following distribution. The
named entities occurred at the beginning of the sentence in
5,290 instances and in 1,201 instances named entities
occurred at the end of the sentence, punctuations preceded
the NE in 2281 times and 2070 times punctuations succeed
the NE, common nouns preceded the NE in 1862 times and
succeeded the NE in 1307 times, proper nouns occurred
before NE in 1055 instances and after NE in 753 instances.
The postpositions occurred before NE in 3536 instances,
adjectives occurred before NE in 611 instances and
conjunction occurred before NE in 1844 times. The verbs
preceding the named entities in 349 instances and the
relative participle verbs preceded the NE in 412 times. The
verbs succeed the NE in 876 instances, postpositions,
adverb and adjectives occurred at 915, 536 and 436
instances respectively.
In Punjabi corpus, the named entities occurred at the
beginning of the sentence in 1267 instances and in 831
instances named entities occurred at the end of the
sentence, punctuations preceded the NE in 499 times and
475 times punctuations succeed the NE, common nouns
preceded the NE in 1,119 times and succeeded the NE in
684 times, proper nouns occurred before NE in 304
instances and after NE in 304 instances. The postpositions
occurred before NE in 1363 instances, adjectives occurred
before NE in 553 instances and conjunction occurred
before NE in 227 times. The verbs preceding the named
entities in 99 instances and the relative participle verbs
preceded the NE in 176 times. The verbs succeed the NE in
361 instances, postpositions, adverb and adjectives
occurred at 3,211, 136 and 158 instances respectively.
In Bengali corpus, the NE distribution is as discussed here.
The named entities occurred at the beginning of the
sentence in 630 instances and in 312 instances named
entities occurred at the end of the sentence, punctuations
preceded the NE in 288 times and 204 times punctuations
succeed the NE, common nouns preceded the NE in 561
times and succeeded the NE in 908 times, proper nouns
occurred before NE in 197 instances and after NE in 199
instances. The postpositions occurred before NE in 120
instances, adjectives occurred before NE in 148 instances
and conjunction occurred before NE in 239 times. The
verbs preceding the named entities in 208 instances and the
relative participle verbs preceded the NE in 25 times. The
verbs succeed the NE in 290 instances, postpositions,
adverb and adjectives occurred at 159, 280 and 238
instances respectively.
The Marathi corpus has the following distribution. The
named entities occurred at the beginning of the sentence is
967 instances and in 488 instances named entities occurred
at the end of the sentence, punctuations preceded the NE in
609 times and 566 times punctuations succeed the NE,
common nouns preceded the NE in 1956 times and
succeeded the NE in 1879 times, proper nouns occurred
before NE in 348 instances and after NE in 219 instances.
The postpositions occurred before NE in 14 instances,
adjectives occurred before NE in 114 instances and
conjunction occurred before NE in 466 times. The verbs
preceding the named entities in 475 instances and the
relative participle verbs preceded the NE in 38 times. The
verbs succeed the NE in 419 instances, postpositions,
adverb and adjectives occurred at 212, 253 and 392
instances respectively.
In English corpus, the NE distribution is as discussed here.
The named entities occurred at the beginning of the
sentence in 1,014 instances and in 2,078 instances named
entities occurred at the end of the sentence, punctuations
preceded the NE in 1549 times and 2078 times
punctuations succeed the NE, common nouns preceded the
NE in 1239 times and succeeded the NE in 1289 times,
proper nouns occurred before NE in 745 instances and after
NE in 823 instances. The prepositions occurred before NE
in 2794 instances. The determiners preceding the named
entities in 1425 instances. The verbal participle preceding
the named entities in 156 instances. The finite verbs
succeed the NE in 680 instances, prepositions and
conjunctions occurred at 1195 and 774 instances
The Spanish corpus has the following distribution. The
named entities occurred at the beginning of the sentence in
2046 instances and in 2,131 instances named entities
occurred at the end of the sentence, punctuations preceded
the NE in 2404 times and 7010 times punctuations succeed
the NE, nouns preceded the NE in 1123 times and
succeeded the NE in 204 times. The prepositions occurred
before NE in 7231 instances. The determiners preceding
the named entities in 3993 instances. The verbs succeed the
NE in 2060 instances, prepositions and conjunctions
occurred at 2116 and 1648 instances respectively.
In Dutch corpus, the NE distribution is as discussed here.
The named entities occurred at the beginning of the
sentence in 5605 instances and in 2787 instances named
entities occurred at the end of the sentence, punctuations
preceded the NE in 4142 times and 10321 times
punctuations succeed the NE, nouns preceded the NE in
2627 times and succeeded the NE in 3174 times. The
prepositions occurred before NE in 5146 instances. The
determiners preceding the named entities in 4142 instances.
The verbs succeed the NE in 4657 instances, prepositions
and conjunctions occurred at 2062 and 1411 instances
The German corpus has the following distribution. The
named entities occurred at the beginning of the sentence in
2033 instances and in 128 instances named entities
occurred at the end of the sentence, punctuations preceded
the NE in 966 times and 2535 times punctuations succeed
the NE, common nouns preceded the NE in 5012 times and
succeeded the NE in 3886 times, proper nouns occurred
before NE in 321 instances and after NE in 608 instances.
The prepositions occurred before NE in 5869 instances.
The determiners preceding the named entities in 7166
instances. The finite verbs succeed the NE in 3140
instances, prepositions and conjunctions occurred at 3075
and 2059 instances respectively.
In Hungarian corpus, the NE distribution is as discussed
here. The named entities occurred at the beginning of the
sentence is 2175 instances and in 26 instances named
entities occurred at the end of the sentence, punctuations
preceded the NE in 878 times and 1861 times punctuations
succeed the NE, nouns preceded the NE in 845 times and
succeeded the NE in 2053 times. The postpositions
occurred before NE in 148 instances. The determiners
preceding the named entities in 1788 instances. The finite
verbs succeed the NE in 751 instances, prepositions and
conjunctions occurred at 220 and 439 instances
We have analysed the corpus for the various part of speech
which is associated with the named entities. In the window
of three, the following are the grammatical features that
occurred. Also, the Typographical features also arrive
through the analysis. From the above analysis, we arrived
at the following points
In Dravidian languages Tamil, Telugu and
Malayalam the most commonly occurring pattern
for NE are
Grammatical patterns
RP verbs precede and follow
Common noun precedes or follows
Occurring after the verb
Postpositions precede the NEs
Verbs succeed the NEs
Postpositions, adjectives or adverbs
follow the NEs
Typological patterns are
NEs at the beginning of the sentence
NEs at the end of the sentence
Punctuations followed NEs
NEs Occurring after punctuations
In Indo Aryan Languages Hindi, Bengali,
Marathi, and Punjabi the most commonly
occurring pattern for NE are
The common nouns, pronouns or
conjunctions precedes the NEs
Verbs precede in Bengali and Marathi
The postpositions precede the NEs in
Hindi and Punjabi
NEs following by postposition, verbs,
conjunctions or adjectives
Occurring at the beginning of the
Typological patterns are
NEs at the beginning of the sentence
NEs at the end of the sentence
Punctuations followed NEs
NEs Occurring after punctuations
In European Languages English, Hungarian,
Spanish, Dutch, and German the most commonly
occurring pattern for NE are
Follows by verbs, common nouns or
Prepositions, determiners or
punctuations precedes
Verbs or adjectives precede the NEs in
Hungarian, Dutch and German.
Occurring at the beginning of the
Typological patterns are
NEs at the beginning of the sentence
NEs at the end of the sentence
Punctuations followed NEs
NEs Occurring after punctuations
5. Experiments & Results
In this section, the results obtained by each feature
combinations are discussed in detail. The experiments are
conducted for each language is given in the table. The
machine learning technique CRFs was used for the system
Table 3: Results for Dravidian Languages
Table 4: Results for Indo-Aryan Languages
Table 5: Results for European Languages
The linguistic feature yielded the precision and recall of
80.12% and 83.1% for Tamil, 70.63% precision and
74.82% recall for Malayalam and 69.40% precision score
and 57.25% recall value for Telugu. The f-score obtained
by Dravidian languages are 81% for Tamil, 72% for
Malayalam and 62.74% in Telugu.
The results obtained Indo-Aryan languages using linguistic
feature are discussed in this section. The precision and
recall achieved for Hindi is 80.12% and 83.1%
respectively. Bengali has obtained the f-score of 85%.
Punjabi scored the precision of 80.54% and recall of
83.45%. Marathi has achieved the f- measure of 82.57%.
The results obtained European languages using linguistic
feature are discussed in this section. The precision and
recall achieved for English is 84% and 80% respectively.
Spanish has obtained the f-score of 85%. Dutch scored the
precision of 90.3% and recall of 92.23%. Hungarian has
achieved the f- measure of 84.57%. German has obtained
the precision of 81%, recall of 72% and f-measure of 76%
The different feature combinations shown in Table 3-5
clearly show that all the linguistic features used in the
present system have the capability to improve the system's
performance. The results show that the feature
combinations presented in this work yields reasonable
results not only for Indian Languages but also for European
languages. By using linguistic features alone, we have
achieved reasonable scores for languages belong to
different language families.
Gayen et al.
Abinaya et al.
CRF for
SVM for
Ekbal et al.
Hindi (LI)
Florian et al.
Our system
Table 6: Comparison with existing works
Though the present work is about multilingual named
entities, we have compared our work with the existing
multilingual NER works. Gayen et al. (2014) has
participated in ICON NER shared task and built a named
entity system for English and 6 Indian languages using
HMM. In comparison with the performance reported by
Gayen et al. (2014), except Bengali we have achieved the
highest f-score for all the Indian languages. Abinaya et al.
(2014) has participated in FIRE 2014 shared task and
developed a NE system for English and 3 Indian
Languages. As reported in FIRE 2014 NER task overview
paper (Pattabhi et al., 2014), the results given in table 6 are
obtained by Abinaya et al. for maximal entities. They have
implemented CRFs for English and SVM for other
languages. The present system achieved the better scores
than Abinaya et al. The language Independent (LI) NE
system has developed for Hindi and Bengali using CRFs by
Ekbal et al. (2009). The results attained by the present work
in Bengali and Hindi languages are higher than Ekbal et al.
(2009). But the NE system developed using language
specific features by Ekbal et al. (2009) are performing
better than the present system. Florian et al. (2003)
participated in CONLL 2002 NER shared task and obtained
79.05% for Spanish and 74.99% for Dutch. The present
system obtained 85% and 91% f-measure for Spanish and
Dutch respectively.
6. Conclusion
The different kinds of features used for the named entity
recognition are discussed in this work. The linguistic
analysis of POS patterns precedes and following the named
entities are analyzed for each language and from the
observation linguistic features for the POS patterns are
identified in the proximity of NE. This helps the system to
learn the structure of named entities by providing the
linguistic information. The experiments are conducted for
both Indian and European languages. The results shown
that the linguistic features obtained state-of-art results for
both Indian and European languages.
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Author Index
Arcan, Mihael, 7
Bhattacharyya, Pushpak, 1
Bojar, Ond
rej, 14
Buitelaar, Paul, 7
C S, Malarkodi, 66
Chakravarthi, Bharathi Raja, 7
Dash, Satya Ranjan, 14
Jha, Girish, 60
Joshi, Nilesh, 1
K R, Lekshmi, 25
Kulkarni, Malhar, 1
Lalitha Devi, Sobha, 20, 66
Madaan, Pulkit, 29
Mallick, Debasish Kumar, 14
McCrae, John Philip, 7
Motlicek, Petr, 14
Nallani, Sneha, 39
Ojha, Atul Kr., 33
Parida, Shantipriya, 14
Pattnaik, Priyanka, 14
Rane, Gajanan, 1
Rane, Geetanjali, 1
Redkar, Hanumant, 1
Sadat, Fatiha, 29
Shaikh, Naziya, 45
Sharma, Dipti, 39
Sherly, Elizabeth, 25
Shrivastava, Manish, 39
Sinha, Shagun, 60
Sundar Ram, Vijay, 20
Suryawanshi, Shardul, 7
V S, Jithesh, 25
Verma, Pranav, 7
Vetulani, Gra
zyna, 51
Vetulani, Zygmunt, 51
Zeman, Daniel, 33