0018-9162/01/$17.00 © 2001 IEEE40 Computer
he relational data model, which was intro-
duced by E.F. Codd in 1970 and earned him
the Turing award a decade later, served as the
foundation of today’s multibillion-dollar
database industry. During the past decade,
the multidimensional data model emerged for use
when the objective is to analyze data rather than to
perform online transactions. Multidimensional data-
base technology is a key factor in the interactive analy-
sis of large amounts of data for decision-making
purposes. In contrast to previous technologies, these
databases view data as multidimensional cubes that
are particularly well suited for data analysis.
Multidimensional models categorize data either as
facts with associated numerical measures or as textual
dimensions that characterize the facts. In the case of a
retail business, a purchase would be a fact and the pur-
chase amount and price would be measures; the type
of product being bought and the purchase time and
location would be dimensions. Queries aggregate mea-
sure values over a range of dimension values to provide
results such as total sales per month of a given prod-
uct. Multidimensional data models have three impor-
tant application areas within data analysis.
Data warehouses are large repositories that inte-
grate data from several sources in an enterprise
for analysis.
Online analytical processing (OLAP) systems pro-
vide fast answers for queries that aggregate large
amounts of detail data to find overall trends.
Data mining applications seek to discover knowl-
edge by searching semiautomatically for previ-
ously unknown patterns and relationships in mul-
tidimensional databases.
Academic researchers have proposed formal math-
ematical models of multidimensional databases, while
industry has implicitly specified proposals via the con-
crete software tools that implement them.
“Multidimensional Database History” sidebar de-
scribes the evolution of the multidimensional data
model and how it has benefited from the use of seman-
tic as well as scientific and statistical data models.
A spreadsheet such as that shown in Table 1 is a use-
ful tool for analyzing sales data such as product sold,
number of purchases, and city of sale. A pivot table is
a two-dimensional spreadsheet with associated subto-
tals and totals that supports viewing more complex
data by nesting several dimensions on the x- or y-axis
and displaying data on multiple pages. Pivot tables
generally support interactively selecting data subsets
and changing the displayed level of detail.
Spreadsheets are an inadequate tool for managing
and storing multidimensional data because they tie data
storage too tightly to the presentation—they do not
separate the structural information from the desired
views of the information. Thus, adding a third dimen-
sion such as time or grouping the data into higher-level
product types requires a considerably more complex
setup. The obvious solution is to use a separate spread-
sheet for each dimension, but this will work only to a
limited extent because analyzing the additional values
of the extra dimension quickly becomes unwieldy.
Multidimensional databases model data as either facts, dimensions, or
numerical measures for use in the interactive analysis of large amounts
of data for decision-making purposes.
Torben Bach
Christian S.
Aalborg University
Using a Structured Query Language database man-
agement system offers considerable flexibility in struc-
turing data. However, formulating many desirable
computations such as cumulative aggregates (sales in
year to date), combining totals and subtotals, or deter-
mining rankings such as the top 10 selling products is
difficult if not impossible in standard SQL. Also, trans-
posing rows and columns requires manually specify-
ing and combining multiple views. Although SQL
extensions such as the data cube operator
and query
will remedy some of these problems, the
SQL-based relational model does not handle hierar-
chical dimensions satisfactorily.
Spreadsheets and relational databases provide ade-
quate support for a small volume of data that has only
a few nonhierarchical dimensions, but they do not
fully support the requirements for advanced data
analysis. The only robust solution is to use database
technology that offers inherent support for the full
range of multidimensional data modeling.
Multidimensional databases view data as cubes that
generalize spreadsheets to any number of dimensions.
In addition, cubes support hierarchies in dimensions
and formulas without duplicating their definitions. A
collection of related cubes comprises a multidimen-
sional database or data warehouse.
Because dimensions in a cube are first-class, built-
in concepts with associated domains, cubes can easily
manage the addition of new dimension values.
Although the term implies three dimensions, a cube
can theoretically have any number of dimensions; in
fact, most real-world cubes have four to 12 dimen-
Current tools often experience performance
problems when a so-called hypercube contains more
than 10 to 15 dimensions.
Combinations of dimension values define a cube’s
cells. Depending on the specific application, the cells
in a cube range from sparse to dense. Cubes tend to
become sparser as dimensionality increases and as the
dimension values’ granularities become finer.
Figure 1 shows a cube capturing the sales for the
two Danish cities in Table 1 with the additional
dimension of time. The corresponding cells store the
number of sales. The example has a fact—a nonempty
cell that contains a number of associated numerical
measures—for each combination of time, product,
and city where at least one sale was made. The cells
store numerical values associated with a fact—in this
case, the number of sales is the only measure.
Generally, a cube supports viewing only two or three
dimensions simultaneously, but it can show up to four
low-cardinality dimensions by nesting one dimension
within another on the axes. Thus, cube dimensional-
ity is reduced at query time by projecting it down to
December 2001 41
Table 1. Sample sales spreadsheet.
Product Number of purchases by city
Aalborg Copenhagen Los Angeles New York City
Milk 123 555 145 5,001
Bread 102 250 54 2,010
Jeans 20 89 32 345
Light bulbs 22 213 32 9,450
2000 2001
123 127
57 45
Figure 1. Sample cube capturing sales data. Data cubes support viewing of up to four
low-cardinality dimensions simultaneously. In this case, the cube generalizes the
spreadsheet from Table 1 to three dimensions.
Multidimensional Database History
Multidimensional databases do not have their origin in database tech-
nology but stem from multidimensional matrix algebra, which has been
used for manual data analysis since the late nineteenth century.
During the late 1960s, IRI Software and Comshare independently
began developing what later became multidimensional database sys-
tems. IRI Express, a popular tool for marketing analysis in the late 1970s
and early 1980s, became a market-leading online analytical processing
tool and was acquired by Oracle. Concurrently, the Comshare system
developed into System W, which saw heavy use for financial planning,
analysis, and reporting during the 1980s.
In 1991, Arbor Software, now Hyperion Solutions, was formed with
the specific purpose of creating a multiuser, multidimensional database
server, which resulted in the Essbase system. Arbor later licensed a basic
version of Essbase to IBM for integration into DB2.
In 1993, E.F. Codd coined the term OLAP.
Another significant devel-
opment in the early 1990s was the advent of large data warehouses,
which are typically based on relational star or snowflake schemas, an
approach that uses relational database technology to implement multi-
dimensional databases.
In 1998, Microsoft shipped its MS OLAP Server, the first multidi-
mensional system aimed at the mass market, and now multidimensional
systems are becoming commodity products, shipped at no extra cost
together with leading relational database systems.
1. E.F. Codd, S.B. Codd, and C.T. Salley, “Providing OLAP (On-Line Analyt-
ical Processing) to User-Analysts: An IT Mandate,” http://www.hyperion.
com/solutions/whitepapers.cfm (current Nov. 2001).
42 Computer
2D or 3D by aggregating the measure values in the pro-
jected-out dimensions, resulting in higher-level mea-
sure values for the desired data view. For example, to
view sales by city and time, we aggregate over the entire
product dimension for each combination of city and
time. Thus, in Figure 1, adding 127 and 211 yields the
total sales for Copenhagen in 2001.
Dimensions are an essential and distinguishing con-
cept in multidimensional databases. An important
goal of multidimensional modeling is to use dimen-
sions to provide as much context as possible for facts.
In contrast to relational databases, controlled redun-
dancy is generally considered appropriate in multidi-
mensional databases if it increases the data’s in-
formation value. Because multidimensional cube data
is often derived from other sources—for example, a
transactional relational system—rather than being
“born” in the multidimensional cube, the redundancy
problems related to updates can be managed more
There is usually no redundancy in the facts,
only in the dimensions.
Dimensions are used for selecting and aggregating
data at the desired level of detail. A dimension is orga-
nized into a containment-like hierarchy composed of
numerous levels, each representing a level of detail
required by the desired analyses. Each instance of the
dimension, or dimension value, belongs to a particu-
lar level.
It is sometimes advantageous for multidimensional
models to define multiple hierarchies for a dimen-
sion—for example, the model can define time as both
fiscal year and calendar year. Multiple hierarchies
share one or more common lowest levels—for exam-
ple, day and month—and the model groups them into
multiple levels higher up—fiscal quarter and calendar
quarter—to allow easy reference to several ways of
grouping. To avoid duplicating definitions, the cube
or multidimensional database metadata defines the
dimension hierarchy.
Figure 2 shows the schema and instances of a sam-
ple location dimension for the sales data in Table 1. Of
the location dimension’s three levels, City is the lowest.
City-level values are grouped into country-level val-
ues—for example, Aalborg and Copenhagen are in
Denmark. The T level represents all of a dimension.
In some multidimensional models, a level has a
number of associated properties that hold simple, non-
hierarchical information. For example, the package
size can be a level property in the product dimension.
A package-size dimension could also capture this
information. Using the level property does not increase
the cube’s dimensionality.
Unlike the linear spaces used in matrix algebra, mul-
tidimensional models typically do not include order-
ing or distance metrics for the dimension values.
Rather, the only ordering is that higher-level values
contain lower-level values. However, for some dimen-
sions such as time, an ordering of the dimension val-
ues is used to calculate cumulative information such
as total sales to date. Most models require dimension
hierarchies to form balanced trees—the hierarchy
must have uniform height everywhere, and each non-
top value has precisely one parent.
Facts represent the subject—the interesting pattern
or event in the enterprise that must be analyzed to
understand its behavior. In most multidimensional
data models, facts are implicitly defined by their com-
bination of dimension values; a fact exists only if there
is a nonempty cell for a particular combination of val-
ues. However, some models treat facts as first-class
objects with a separate identity. Most multidimen-
sional models also require mapping each fact to one
value at the lowest level in each dimension, but some
models relax this mapping requirement.
Each fact has a certain granularity determined by the
levels from which its combination of dimension values
is drawn—for example, the fact granularity of the cube
in Figure 1 is year by product by city. Granularities con-
sisting of higher- or lower-level dimension values than a
given granularity—such as year by type by city and day
by product by city—are coarser or finer, respectively.
Data warehouses commonly include three types of
Events, at least at the finest granularity, typically
model real-world events, with one fact repre-
senting the same instance of an underlying phe-
nomenon. Examples include sales, clicks on a
Web page, or movement of goods in and out of
a warehouse.
Snapshots model an entity’s state at a given point
in time, such as store and warehouse inventory
levels and the number of Web site users. The same
New York
Aalborg CopenhagenLos Angeles
Figure 2. Sample schema and instances of the location
dimension. Every dimension value is part of the T value.
instance of the underlying real-world phenome-
non—such as a specific can of beans on a shelf—
may occur in several facts at different points in
Cumulative snapshots handle information about
activity up to a certain moment. For example, the
total sales up to and including the current month
this year can be easily compared to the figure for
the corresponding month last year.
Because they support complementary classes of analy-
ses, a given data warehouse often contains all three
types of facts. Indeed, the same base data—for exam-
ple, the movement of goods in a warehouse—can be
included in three different types of cubes: warehouse
flow, inventory, and flow in year to date.
A measure consists of two components:
a fact’s numerical property, such as the sales price
or profit; and
a formula, usually a simple aggregation function
such as sum, that can combine several measure
values into one.
In a multidimensional database, measures generally
represent the properties of the fact that the user wants
to optimize. Measures then take on different values
for various dimension combinations. The property
and formula are chosen to provide a meaningful value
for all combinations of aggregation levels. Because the
metadata defines the formula, the data is not repli-
cated as in a spreadsheet. Most multidimensional data
models have measures, but some rely on using dimen-
sion values to make computations at the expense of
user friendliness.
Three classes of measures behave quite differently
in computations:
Additive measures can be meaningfully combined
along any dimension. For example, it makes
sense to add total sales for the product, location,
and time because this causes no overlap among
the real-world phenomena that generated the
individual values.
Semiadditive measures cannot be combined along
one or more dimensions. For example, summing
inventory across products and warehouses is
meaningful, but summing inventory levels across
time does not make sense because the same phys-
ical phenomenon could be counted several times.
Nonadditive measures cannot be combined along
any dimension, usually because the chosen for-
mula prevents combining lower-level averages
into higher-level averages.
Additive and nonadditive measures can occur
for any kind of fact, while semiadditive mea-
sures generally occur for snapshot or cumula-
tive snapshot facts.
A multidimensional database naturally lends
itself to certain types of queries:
Slice-and-dice queries make selections to
reduce a cube. For example, we can slice
the cube in Figure 1 by considering only
those cells that concern bread, then further
reduce this slice by considering only the cells for
the year 2000. Selecting a single dimension value
reduces the cube’s dimensionality, but more gen-
eral selections are also possible.
Drill-down and roll-up queries are inverse
operations that use dimension hierarchies and
measures to perform aggregations. Rolling up
to its top value corresponds with omitting the
dimension. For example, rolling from City to
Country in Figure 2 aggregates the values for
Aalborg and Copenhagen into a single value—
Drill-across queries combine cubes that share one
or more dimensions. In relational algebraic
terms, this operation performs a join.
Ranking or top n/bottom n queries
can return
only those cells that appear at the top or bottom
of the specified order—for example, the 10 best-
selling products in Copenhagen in 2000.
• Rotating a cube allows users to see the data
grouped by other dimensions.
Drill-down and roll-up queries can be combined with
slice-and-dice queries.
Multidimensional database implementations take
two basic forms:
Multidimensional online analytical processing
stores data on disks in specialized multidimen-
sional structures. MOLAP systems typically
include provisions for handling sparse arrays and
apply advanced indexing and hashing to locate
the data when performing queries.
Relational OLAP (ROLAP) systems
use rela-
tional database technology for storing data, and
they also employ specialized index structures,
such as bit-mapped indices, to achieve good
query performance.
MOLAP systems generally provide more space-effi-
cient storage as well as faster query response times.
December 2001 43
In a
database, measures
take on different
values for
various dimension
44 Computer
The “Achieving Fast Query Response Time” sidebar
outlines some of the techniques used to accomplish
this. ROLAP systems typically scale better in the num-
ber of facts they can store (although some MOLAP
tools are now becoming just as scalable), are more
flexible with respect to cube redefinitions, and pro-
vide better support for frequent updates. The virtues
of the two approaches are combined in the hybrid
OLAP approach, which uses MOLAP technology to
store higher-level summary data and ROLAP systems
to store the detail data.
ROLAP implementations typically employ star or
snowflake schemas,
both of which store data in fact
tables and dimension tables. A fact table holds one
row for each fact in the cube. It has a column for each
measure, containing the measure value for the partic-
ular fact, as well as a column for each dimension that
contains a foreign key referencing a dimension table
for the particular dimension.
Star and snowflake schemas differ in how they han-
dle dimensions, and choosing between them largely
depends on the desired properties of the system being
developed. As Figure 3 shows, a star schema has one
table for each dimension. The dimension table con-
tains a key column, one column for each dimension
level containing textual descriptions of that level’s val-
ues, and one column for each level property in the
The star schema’s fact table holds the sales price for
one particular sale and its related dimension values.
It has a foreign key column for each of the three
dimensions: product, location, and time. The dimen-
sion tables have corresponding key columns and one
column for each dimension level—for example,
LocID, City, and Country. No column is necessary for
the T level, which will always hold the same value. The
dimension table’s key column is typically a dummy
integer key without any semantics. This prevents mis-
use of keys, offers better storage use, and provides
more support for dimension updates than informa-
tion-bearing keys from the source systems.
Redundancy will occur in higher-level data. For
example, because May 2001 has 31 day values, the
year value “2001” will be repeated 30 times. Because
dimensions typically only take up one to five percent
of a cube’s total required storage, however, redun-
dancy is not a storage problem. Also, the central han-
dling of dimension updates ensures consistency. Thus,
using denormalized dimension tables, which support
a simpler formulation of better-performing queries, is
often beneficial.
Snowflake schemas contain one table for each
dimension level to avoid redundancy, which may be
advantageous in some situations. The dimension
tables each contain a key, a column holding textual
descriptions of the level values, and possibly columns
for level properties. Tables for lower levels also con-
tain a foreign key to the containing level. For exam-
ple, the day table in Figure 4 contains an integer key,
the date, and a foreign key to the month table.
Traditional multidimensional data models and
implementation techniques assume that
all facts map directly to the lowest-level dimen-
sion values and only to one value in each dimen-
sion, and
dimension hierarchies are balanced trees.
When these assumptions fail, however, standard mod-
els and systems do not adequately support the desired
applications. Complex multidimensional data is espe-
cially problematic because it is not summarizable
higher-level aggregate results cannot be derived from
lower-level aggregate results. Queries on lower-level
results will provide the wrong results or precomput-
ing, storing, and subsequently reusing lower-level
results to compute higher-level results is no longer pos-
sible. Aggregates must instead be calculated directly
from base data, which considerably increases com-
putational costs.
Summarizability requires distributive aggregate
functions and dimension hierarchy values.
formally, a dimension hierarchy is strict if no dimen-
sion value has more than one direct parent, onto if the
Achieving Fast Query Response Time
The most essential performance-enhancing techniques in multidi-
mensional databases are precomputation and its more specialized
cousin, preaggregation, which enable response times to queries involv-
ing potentially huge amounts of data to be fast enough to allow inter-
active data analysis.
Computing and storing, or materializing, a product’s total sales by
country and month is one application of preaggregation. This enables
fast answers to queries that ask for the total sales—for example, by
month alone, by country alone, or by quarter and country in combina-
tion. These answers can be derived entirely from the precomputed results
without needing to access bulks of data in the data warehouse.
The latest versions of commercial relational database products, as
well as dedicated multidimensional systems, offer query optimization
based on precomputed aggregates and automatic maintenance of stored
aggregates during updating of base data.
Full preaggregation—materializing all combinations of aggregates—
is infeasible because it takes too much storage and initial computation
time. Instead, modern OLAP systems adopt the practical preaggrega-
tion approach of materializing only select combinations of aggregates
and then reusing these to efficiently compute other aggregates.
aggregates requires a well-behaved multidimensional data structure.
1. R. Winter, “Databases: Back in the OLAP Game,” Intelligent Enterprise
Magazine, vol. 1, no. 4, 1998, pp. 60-64.
2. E. Thomsen, G. Spofford, and D. Chase, Microsoft OLAP Solutions, John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999.
hierarchy is balanced, and covering if no containment
path skips a level. Intuitively, this means that dimen-
sion hierarchies must be balanced trees. As Figure 5
shows, in the case of irregular dimensions, some
lower-level values will be either double-counted or not
counted when reusing intermediate query results.
Irregular dimension hierarchies occur in many con-
texts, including organization hierarchies,
diagnosis hierarchies,
and concept hierarchies for
Web portals such as Yahoo! (http://www.yahoo.com).
One solution is to normalize irregular hierarchies, a
process that pads non-onto and noncovering hierar-
chies with dummy dimension values to make them
onto and covering, and fuses sets of parents to remedy
the problems with nonstrict hierarchies. This trans-
formation can be accomplished transparently to the
ultidimensional database technology has
come a long way since its inception more than
30 years ago. It has recently begun to reach
the mass market, with major vendors now delivering
multidimensional engines along with their relational
database offerings, often at no extra cost. Multi-
dimensional technology has also made significant
gains in scalability and maturity.
Several exciting trends lie ahead. Data that must
be analyzed is becoming increasingly distributed—
for example, it is often desirable to perform analy-
ses using Extensible Markup Language data from
certain Web sites. The increasing distribution of data
in turn calls for techniques that easily integrate new
data into multidimensional databases, thus easing
the daunting task of building an integrated data
warehouse. Examples include the automatic gener-
ation of dimensions and cubes from new data
sources and methods for easy, on-the-fly data clean-
Multidimensional database technology is also
being applied to new types of data that current tech-
nology often cannot adequately analyze. For exam-
ple, classic techniques such as preaggregation cannot
ensure fast query response times when data—such as
from sensors or moving objects such as Global-
Positioning-System-equipped vehicles—is continu-
ously changing.
Finally, multidimensional database technology will
increasingly be applied where analysis results are fed
directly into other systems, thereby eliminating
humans from the loop. When coupled with the need
for continuous updates, this context poses stringent
performance requirements not met by current tech-
December 2001 45
Sale (fact table)
Figure 3. Star schema for sample sales cube. Information from all levels in a dimen-
sion is stored in one dimension table—for example, product names and product types
are both stored in the Product table.
Sale (fact table)
Figure 4. Snowflake schema for sample sales cube. Information from different levels in
a dimension is stored in different tables—for example, product names and product
types are stored in the Product and Type tables, respectively.
New York
New York Aalborg Copenhagen
Los Angeles
Logistics Research
Figure 5. Irregular dimensions. The location hierarchy to the left is noncovering
because Denmark has no states. The hierarchy to the right is nonstrict as Finance and
Logistics share the TestCenter.
1. T.B. Pedersen, C.S. Jensen, and C.E. Dyreson, “A Foun-
dation for Capturing and Querying Complex Multidi-
mensional Data,” Information Systems, vol. 26, no. 5,
2001, pp. 383-423.
2. P. Vassiliadis and T.K. Sellis, “A Survey of Logical Mod-
els for OLAP Databases,” ACM SIGMOD Record, vol.
28, no. 4, 1999, pp. 64-69.
3. J. Gray et al., “Data Cube: A Relational Aggregation
Operator Generalizing Group-By, Cross-Tab and Sub-
Totals,” Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, vol. 1,
no. 1, 1997, pp. 29-54.
4. A. Eisenberg and J. Melton, “SQL Standardization: The
Next Steps,” ACM SIGMOD Record, vol. 29, no. 1,
2000, pp. 63-67.
5. R. Kimball, The Data Warehouse Toolkit: Practical
Techniques for Building Dimensional Data Warehouses,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996.
6. E. Thomsen, OLAP Solutions: Building Multidimen-
sional Information Systems, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1997.
7. H-J. Lenz and A. Shoshani, “Summarizability in OLAP
and Statistical Data Bases,” Proc. 9th Int’l Conf. Scien-
tific and Statistical Database Management, IEEE CS
Press, Los Alamitos, Calif., 1997, pp. 39-48.
8. T. Zurek and M. Sinnwell, “Data Warehousing Has
More Colours Than Just Black and White,” Proc. 25th
Int’l Conf. Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufmann,
San Mateo, Calif., 1999, pp. 726-729.
9. UK National Health Service, Read Codes Version 3,
Sept. 1999, http://www.cams.co.uk/readcode.htm (cur-
rent Nov. 2001).
10. T.B. Pedersen, C.S. Jensen, and C.E. Dyreson, “Extend-
ing Practical Pre-Aggregation in On-Line Analytical Pro-
cessing,” Proc. 25th Int’l Conf. Very Large Databases,
Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, Calif., 1999, pp. 663-
Torben Bach Pedersen is an associate professor of
computer science at Aalborg University, Denmark.
His research interests include multidimensional data-
bases, OLAP, data warehousing, federated databases,
and location-based services. He received a PhD in
computer science from Aalborg University. He is a
member of the IEEE, the IEEE Computer Society, and
the ACM. Contact him at [email protected].
Christian S. Jensen is a professor of computer science
at Aalborg University, Denmark. His research interests
include multidimensional databases, data warehous-
ing, temporal and spatiotemporal databases, and loca-
tion-based services. He received a PhD and a DrTechn
in computer science from Aalborg University. He is a
member of the IEEE Computer Society and the ACM
and is a senior member of the IEEE. Contact him at
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