The President
The White House
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President:
It is my privilege to present to you the 2008 annual report of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
At the White House in February, I joined President Bush and Mrs. Bush to launch the largest
and most ambitious nationwide initiative in NEH’s history: Picturing America, the newest element
of our We the People program. Through Picturing America, NEH is distributing forty reproductions
of American art masterpieces to schools and public libraries nationwide—where they will help stu-
dents of all ages connect with the people, places, events, and ideas that have shaped our country.
The selected works of art represent a broad range of American history and artistic achieve-
ment, including Emanuel Leutze’s painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware; Mary Cassatt’s The
Boating Party; the Chrysler Building in New York City; Norman Rockwell’s iconic Freedom of Speech;
and James Karales’s stunning photo of the Selma-to-Montgomery March for Voting Rights in 1965.
Accompanying the reproductions are a teacher’s guide and a dynamic website with ideas for using
the images in the study of American history, literature, civics, and other subjects.
During the first round of applications for Picturing America awards in the spring of 2008, nearly
one-fifth of all the schools and public libraries in America applied for the program. In the fall, the
first Picturing America sets arrived at more than 26,000 institutions nationwide, and we opened a
second application window for Picturing America awards that will be distributed in 2009. Working
in concert with other federal agencies, the NEH was also able to bring Picturing America to all
20,000 Head Start learning centers nationwide, Department of Defense schools at home and abroad,
and select National Park Service sites.
While Picturing America was a focal point of attention this year, the NEH continued its work
to promote excellent humanities scholarship, education, and public programming through its core
programs. As the Endowment’s efforts in the digital realm matured, we announced the transforma-
tion of our Digital Humanities Initiative into a permanent Office of Digital Humanities, or ODH.
Among its many accomplishments in 2008, ODH inaugurated new collaborative grant programs
with peer agencies in the United Kingdom and Germany, and launched a new initiative to explore
how supercomputers can be used for humanities research.
All of NEH’s widely varied initiatives and grant programs are united by a single, overarching
purpose: to democratize the humanities and make their insights available to every American citizen.
The humanities are not mere luxuries, or amusements for idle moments. They are ever-renewing
gifts that enlighten and enrich the lives of every citizen—and the wisdom they offer is essential to the
health of our democracy. Through its good work, the NEH continues to make a vital contribution to
our national life, to our quest for truth, and to the great conversation of our civilization.
Chairman, National Endowment for the Humanities
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3
Jefferson Lecture ............................................................................................................ 4
National Humanities Medalists ....................................................................................... 6
Division of Education Programs ..................................................................................... 8
Division of Preservation and Access ................................................................................ 14
Division of Public Programs ........................................................................................... 26
Division of Research ...................................................................................................... 31
Office of Challenge Grants.............................................................................................. 39
Office of Digital Humanities ........................................................................................... 43
Office of Federal/State Partnership ................................................................................. 46
Miscellaneous Grants ..................................................................................................... 54
Panelists......................................................................................................................... 55
National Council on the Humanities ............................................................................... 70
Senior Staff .................................................................................................................... 71
Budget Appropriation ..................................................................................................... 72
In order “to promote progress and scholarship in the humanities and the arts in the United States,
Congress enacted the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965. This act
established the National Endowment for the Humanities as an independent grant-making agency of
the federal government to support research, education, and public programs in the humanities. In
fiscal year 2008, grants were made through the Federal/State Partnership, four divisions (Education
Programs, Preservation and Access, Public Programs, and Research Programs) the Office of
Challenge Grants, and the Office of Digital Humanities.
The act that established the National Endowment for the Humanities says, “The term ‘humani-
ties’ includes, but is not limited to, the study of the following: language, both modern and classical;
linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics;
the history, criticism, and theory of the arts; those aspects of social sciences which have humanistic
content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application of the humanities to the
human environment with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage, traditions, and his-
tory and to the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of national life.”
The National Endowment for the Humanities supports exemplary work to advance and dis-
seminate knowledge in all the disciplines of the humanities. Endowment support is intended to
complement and assist private and local efforts and to serve as a catalyst to increase nonfederal
support for projects of high quality. To date, NEH matching grants have helped generate approxi-
mately $2.03 billion in gift funds. Each application to the Endowment is assessed by knowledgeable
persons outside the agency who are asked for their judgments about the quality and significance
of the proposed project. Seven hundred and thirteen scholars, professionals in the humanities, and
other experts served on 161 panels throughout the year.
On May 22, 2008, writer John Updike presented the 37
annual Jefferson Lecture in the
Humanities at the Warner Theatre in Washington, DC. His topic, “The Clarity of Things: What
Is American about American Art?” wove a thread of ideas through the works of American artists
from John Singleton Copley to Jackson Pollock. “Two centuries after Jonathan Edwards sought
a link with the divine in the beautiful clarity of things,” said Updike, “William Carlos Williams
wrote in introducing his long poem Paterson that ‘for the poet there are no ideas but in things.’
No ideas but in things.” He continued, “The American artist, first born into a continent without
museums and art schools, took Nature as his only instructor, and things as his principal study. A
bias toward the empirical, toward the evidential object in the numinous fullness of its being, leads
to a certain lininess, as the artist intently maps the visible in a New World that feels surrounded by
chaos and emptiness.”
His pen rarely at rest, John Updike has been publishing fiction, essays, and poetry since the
mid-fifties, when he was a staff writer at the New Yorker. “Of all modern American writers,”
writes Adam Gopnik in Humanities magazine, “Updike comes closest to meeting Virginia Woolf’s
demand that a writer’s only job is to get himself, or herself, expressed without impediments.”
Updike has had a sustained interest in art, beginning in childhood when he had his first draw-
ing lessons. At Harvard he took art classes with Hyman Bloom, a painter who was associated with
a style known as Boston Expressionism. Then a Knox Fellowship gave Updike the wherewithal to
study for a year at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art in Oxford, England. Painting had
taught him, he once said, “how difficult it is to see things exactly as they are, and that the painting
is ‘there’ as a book is not.”
In Just Looking, 1989, and Still Looking, 2005, Updike gathered the impressions he’s been
making over a lifetime of observing painting and sculpture. In an essay in the former he captures
in limpid prose Vermeer’s achievement in paint in View of Delft: “an instant of flux forever held.”
And in the latter, in a chapter on Jackson Pollock, Updike glimpses, and so we do, too, the essence
of what Pollock’s drip-painting could accomplish—“an image, in dots and lines and little curdled
clouds of dull color, of the cosmos.”
About his fiction Updike has said, “My only duty was to describe reality as it had come to
me—to give the mundane its beautiful due.” When considering the entire scope of his work,
readers of American fiction are most often put in mind of Harry Angstrom, the character from
the Rabbit saga with whom Updike seemed for many years to be on closest, if often contentious,
terms. Living in Ipswich, Massachusetts, from roughly 1957 to 1970, he published some of his
best-known novels: The Poorhouse Fair, Rabbit Run, Pigeon Feathers, The Centaur, and Bech: A Book,
introducing readers to his irreverent alter ego, Henry Bech.
In the half century Updike has been writing he has garnered many literary prizes, awards, and
honors, including the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, and the National Book Critics Circle
Award, twice each; the Pen Faulkner Award for Fiction, the Rea Award for the Short Story; and a
Guggenheim Fellowship. He is among a select few to have received both the National Humanities
Medal and the National Medal of Arts. Albright College in Reading (the fictional Brewer readers
first encountered in Rabbit Run) bestowed upon him an honorary Litt.D. degree in 1982.
Updike is known to many as an author of short stories, with dozens having graced the pages
of the New Yorker before being published in collections. He is also an accomplished literary critic,
whose reviews and essays frequently appear in The New York Review of Books. He received his
second National Book Critics Circle Award in 1983 for Hugging the Shore, including such gems as
the micro-essay “A Mild ‘Complaint,’” which skewers the misuses and ‘misusers’ of ‘scare quotes.’
He has also applied his habile wit to poetry, composing early on a collection called The Carpentered
Hen in 1954. Three more tomes of verse followed.
Updike holds a deep appreciation of the reading life in general and a love of the book in par-
ticular. He has alluded to an imagined reader of his work: a teenage boy who happens upon one
of his books on the dusty shelves of some library one afternoon looking for literary adventure. In a
speech two years ago at the American Booksellers Association convention, he encouraged belea-
guered booksellers to “defend [their] lonely forts. . . . For some of us, books are intrinsic to our
human identity.”
—adapted from an essay by Steve Moyer
President George W. Bush awarded the 2008 National Humanities Medals during a ceremony held
in the White House East Room in November. Nine distinguished Americans, one museum, and a
philanthropic foundation were honored for their exemplary contributions to the humanities.
The National Humanities Medal, first awarded in 1989 as the Charles Frankel Prize, honors
individuals or groups whose work has deepened the nations understanding of the humani-
ties, broadened our citizens’ engagement with the humanities, or helped preserve and expand
Americans’ access to important resources in the humanities.
Medal recipients do not compete for this award but are selected by the president for their lifelong
achievements in their diverse areas of expertise. Their achievements were cited at the ceremony:
GABOR S. BORITT, scholar and Civil War historian, recognized “for a distinguished career of
scholarship on Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War era. His life’s work and his life’s story stand as
testaments to our nations precious legacy of liberty.”
RICHARD BROOKHISER, biographer and historian, recognized “for helping reintroduce Americans
to the personalities, eccentricities, and noble ideals of our Founding Fathers. His works of biogra-
phy and history have rendered vivid and accessible portraits of the early days of the Republic.
HAROLD HOLZER, scholar and Civil War historian, recognized “for engaging scholarship on that
crucible of our history, the American Civil War. His work has brought new understanding of the
many facets of Abraham Lincoln and his era through the study of image, word, and deed.”
MYRON MAGNET, journalist and author, recognized “for scholarship and visionary influence in
renewing our national culture of compassion. He has combined literary and cultural history with a
profound understanding of contemporary urban life to examine new ways of relieving poverty and
renewing civic institutions.
ALBERT MARRIN, childrens book author, recognized “for opening young minds to the glorious
pageant of history. His books have made the lessons of the past come alive with rich detail and
energy for a new generation.
MILTON J. ROSENBERG, radio show host and scholar, recognized “for bringing the world of ideas
to millions of listeners. Combining a scholar’s understanding and a teacher’s openness, he has made
a home in radio for elevated conversation and profound thought.
THOMAS A. SAUNDERS III and JORDAN HORNER SAUNDERS, philanthropists, recognized “for
their wise leadership and philanthropy on behalf of higher education, the study of art, and greater
understanding of American history. They have enriched our culture and ensured a lasting legacy for
future generations.”
ROBERT H. SMITH, philanthropist, recognized “for his profoundly wise stewardship and gener-
ous support of our nations premiere institutions of historical, artistic, and cultural heritage. He has
been a farsighted benefactor and a civic leader for all seasons.”
JOHN TEMPLETON FOUNDATION recognized “for opening new frontiers in the pursuit of answers
to mankind’s oldest questions. The Templeton Foundation has been the catalyst of groundbreaking
work in scientific, religious, and philosophical exploration of the deepest concerns of the humani-
ties and the human race.”
NORMAN ROCKWELL MUSEUM recognized “for studying and honoring the life, work, and ideals
of an icon of American art. The museum has been the careful curator of the archives, illustrations,
and benevolent spirit Norman Rockwell bequeathed to the nation.”
Through the Division of Education Programs, NEH provides national
support for faculty development and teaching resources in the humanities.
These resources are developed with rigorous scholarship to meet the
needs of America’s classrooms. The division’s programs address needs
at all grade levels, from elementary through graduate school, and help
instructors bring humanities scholarship into their teaching.
*Federal Matching Funds **Emergency Grant
Humanities Initiatives for
Grants strengthen and enrich humanities educa-
tion and scholarship in higher education.
California State Los Angeles University
Auxiliary Services, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA Scott Wells
$75,000 A faculty workshop series on religious
pluralism in Los Angeles, leading to the
eventual creation of a religious studies program
at California State University, Los Angeles.
CUNY Research Foundation, John Jay College
New York City, NY Allison Pease
$29,926 A yearlong faculty development
seminar series in the field of law and literature.
CUNY Research Foundation,
NYC College of Technology
Brooklyn, NY Richard Hanley
$29,959 A one-year seminar series for
sixteen faculty members, along with a
public symposium, on the natural and
cultural history of Brooklyn’s waterfront.
Fort Peck Community College
Poplar, MT Margarett Campbell
$30,000 A series of professional
development activities for Montana
schoolteachers on the history and culture
of the Nakona and Dakota people.
Northwest Indian College
Bellingham, WA Sharon Kinley
$30,000 Lummi video curriculum project.
Virginia State University
Petersburg, VA Christina Proenza-Coles
$74,322 A one-year project to create a research
center, a website, and a graduate history
curriculum on the history of Petersburg,
Virginia’s, African-American community.
Teaching and Learning
Resources and Curriculum
Grants focus on classroom resources and
material development, and also help educators
marshal resources to launch broadly based
curricular efforts of national significance.
Asia Society
New York, NY Elizabeth Anne Cole
$200,000 A website on Afghanistans his-
tory, human geography, culture, and art that
would include digitized images and primary
sources, as well as teaching materials.
Bill of Rights Institute
Arlington, VA Claire M. Griffin
$200,000 The development of a two-volume
print resource and a website for high
school teachers on issues of the consti-
tutional powers and responsibilities that
pertain to the American presidency.
Brown University
Providence, RI Elizabeth A. Bakewell
$119,630 The addition of two Aztec primary
documents and related teaching materials to
an existing website on Mesoamerican history.
Chicago Metro History Education Center
Chicago, IL Lisa Oppenheim
$30,000 A yearlong workshop series for
twelve elementary and secondary school
teachers on social, political, literary, and
artistic developments in Chicago’s African-
American community from 1934 to 1954.
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY Karen Woodard Brazell
$10,000* The development of multimedia
resources for understanding the culture
and history of Japanese performing arts,
including the theater experience of Japan
in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries,
major creative figures, and the major genres
of noh, bunraku, kabuki, and kyogen.
CUNY Research Foundation, John Jay College
New York City, NY Elisabeth Gitter
$194,471 The creation of ten portable educa-
tional audio guides to objects in New York City
museums, historic buildings, and urban neigh-
borhoods to be used in undergraduate teaching.
Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture
Dallas, TX Claudia Allums
$13,900** Summer institute for
teachers anniversary forum.
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL Jeffrey Scott Morton
$30,000** A nation of immigrants: American
democracy and civics education.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Washington, DC Michael LoMonico
$68,845 Two regional one-week workshops,
serving thirty teachers in Lincoln, Nebraska,
and another thirty in the greater Atlanta
area, coupling performance-based and
primary-source approaches to the teaching
of two plays of Shakespeare, A Midsummer
Night’s Dream and Romeo and Juliet.
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA T. Mills Kelly
$10,000* The development of a website for
teaching about 1989 and the fall of commu-
nism in Eastern Europe through a collection
of primary source documents, materials
on how historians use documents to create
historical narratives, and teaching modules.
Historical Society
Boston, MA Donald A. Yerxa
$30,000** Strategic planning for the
future of the historical society.
Inland Northwest Community Access Network
Spokane, WA Elisha Durrant
$69,791 An eighteen-month workshop
series for twenty secondary school teach-
ers on the history of the women’s suffrage
movement in Washington State.
Knox College
Galesburg, IL Douglas L. Wilson
$17,250** The 23rd Annual Lincoln
Colloquium: Commemorating the 150th
anniversary of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates.
Massachusetts Historical Society
Boston, MA Jayne K. Gordon
$13,408* A materials development project to
create an educational website on the coming
of the American Revolution, 1764–1776.
National History Day
College Park, MD Cathy Gorn
$30,000** To support a teachers guide,
Abraham Lincoln: Unfinished Legacy.
National Humanities Center
Research Triangle Park, NC
Richard Robert Schramm
$200,000 The creation of an educational
“toolbox” for schoolteachers on American
history, culture, and modernity, 1918–1929.
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Washington, DC Frank Milligan
$30,000 A workshop series for twenty
Washington, DC, area schoolteachers
on Abraham Lincoln’s exercise of presi-
dential power during the Civil War.
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ Jeffrey B. Downard
$199,603 The development of a guide, to
be hosted in a wiki-based digital format to
encourage collaboration, that uses the Socratic
method to help undergraduates understand
the main arguments of the classic texts in
introductory ethics and political philosophy.
*Federal Matching Funds **Emergency Grant
Partners Achieving Success, CDC
Mitchellville, MD Mabel Phifer
$25,000** 105 Voices of History—
HBCU National Student Choir.
San Diego State University Foundation
San Diego, CA Elsie Begler
$29,982 A series of workshops for fifteen
schoolteachers (6th through 12th grade) in
San Diego school districts on the complex
role that religion has played in shaping
the causes and conduct of war, as well as
in laying the foundations for peace.
Stanford University
Stanford, CA Clayborne Carson
$8,909* The development of a website of
historical materials and related teaching
resources on Martin Luther King Jr., and
the modern Civil Rights Movement.
Stanford University
Stanford, CA Rega Wood
$6,615* The development of online and
print tools for teaching intermediate Latin
through medieval texts, introducing stu-
dents to paleography and engaging them
in the history of Western thought, par-
ticularly medieval natural philosophy.
Theatre for a New Audience
New York, NY Joseph Giardina
$75,000 A two-week summer workshop
for forty New York City classroom teach-
ers (grades 5–12) and four teaching artists,
with two follow-up weekend sessions, on
Shakespeare’s language and dramatic art
through study of the theme of love in three
plays by the Bard of Stratford-upon-Avon.
Trinity Forum, Inc.
Washington, DC Peter Edman
$30,000** Beyond the frame:
Transcendence and the visual arts.
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA Diane G. Favro
$10,000* The development and testing of
a web-based, three-dimensional model,
and related learning materials of the
ancient Egyptian temple site of Karnak.
University of Colorado, Boulder
Boulder, CO Lynn S. Parisi
$98,875 A five-day workshop and follow-up
activities for thirty teachers from a seven-state
region to study the emergence of modern
Japan from the late Tokugawa period
through the Meiji period (1853 to 1911).
University of Texas, Austin
Austin, TX Paul E. Resta
$30,000 A four-day workshop for twenty-five
social studies teachers to examine materials
documenting the historical and political contexts
in which U.S. presidents made crucial decisions.
Washington University
St. Louis, MO Gerald Early
$73,627 A workshop series for twenty
St. Louis-area high school and middle
school teachers on the history and cultural
significance of jazz in America.
Landmarks of American
History and Culture
Grants support a series of one-week residence-
based workshops at historic sites for teachers.
Amherst College
Amherst, MA Cynthia S. Dickinson
$137,702 Emily Dickinson:
Person, poetry, and place.
Bill of Rights Institute
Arlington, VA Jason Ross
$150,000 Shaping the Constitution: A
view from Mt. Vernon 1783–1789.
Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Birmingham, AL Martha Jones Bouyer
$170,000 “Stony the Road We Trod
. . .”: Alabama’s role in the Modern
Civil Rights Movement.
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, MA Marc K. Landy
$160,224 Encountering John
Adams: Boston and Braintree.
Chicago Architecture Foundation
Chicago, IL Jean Linsner
$143,792 The American Skyscraper:
Transforming Chicago and the nation.
Community College Humanities Association
Newark, NJ Carole N. Lester
$170,399 Remembering the Alamo.
Community College Humanities Association
Newark, NJ Sterling Delano
$25,000 Workshops for Community
College Faculty Concord, Massachusetts:
A center of Transcendentalism and social
reform in the nineteenth century.
Converse College
Spartanburg, SC Melissa Walker
$149,590 Partisans and Redcoats: The American
Revolution in the Southern backcountry.
Delta State University
Cleveland, MS Luther Brown
$149,975 Place as text in the most
Southern place on earth.
East-West Center
Honolulu, HI Namji Steinemann
$150,000 Pearl Harbor: History,
memory, memorial.
Florida Humanities Council
St. Petersburg, FL Ann S. Schoenacher
$159,465 Jump at the Sun: Zora Neale
Hurston and her Eastonville roots.
Henry Ford, The
Dearborn, MI Paula Gangopadhyay
$163,461 America’s Industrial
Revolution at The Henry Ford.
Jackson State University
Jackson, MS Leslie B. McLemore
$25,000 Landmarks of American
Democracy: From Freedom Summer to the
Memphis Sanitation Workers’ Strike.
Mark Twain House
Hartford, CT Craig Hotchkiss
$141,894 Huckleberry Finn in
post-Reconstruction America: Mark
Twains Hartford Years, 1871–1891.
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN Robert Hunt
$160,368 Traveller’s Rest, occupied
Nashville, and the Civil War and
Emancipation in the Upper South.
National Constitution Center
Philadelphia, PA Steve M. Frank
$148,701 A revolution in government:
Philadelphia, American Independence,
and the Constitution, 1765–1791.
Niagara University
Niagara Falls, NY Thomas A. Chambers
$149,415 Crossroads of empire:
Old Fort Niagara.
Northeastern University
Boston, MA Richard A. Katula
$25,000 The American Lyceum: The rhetoric
of idealism, opportunity, and abolition.
Pennsylvania State University, Main Campus
University Park, PA George W. Boudreau
$175,000 A rising people: Benjamin
Franklin and the Americans.
Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center
Fremont, OH Steven L. Culbertson
$25,000 Progress and poverty: The Gilded Age
in American politics and literature, 1877–1901.
Save Ellis Island
Mt. Olive, NJ Dorothy W. Hartman
$181,900 Ellis Island, public health and
the American workforce, 1891–1924.
Southern Illinois University
Edwardsville, IL Caroline Pryor
$6,476 Two one-week workshops for
100 schoolteachers on Abraham Lincoln
and his role in American history, using
sites in and near Springfield, Illinois.
Southern Illinois University
Edwardsville, IL Caroline Pryor
$151,137 Abraham Lincoln and the
forging of modern America.
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Lowell, MA Beryl Rosenthal
$224,998 Inventing America: Lowell
and the Industrial Revolution.
University of West Florida
Pensacola, FL Matthew J. Clavin
$147,192 Aiming for Pensacola: Riding the
Underground Railroad in the Deep South.
Western Reserve Historical Society
Cleveland, OH John J. Grabowski
$25,000 Passages: Community memory
and the landmarks of migration.
Wyoming Humanities Council
Laramie, WY Marcia Britton
$160,791 Women’s suffrage
on the western frontier.
Seminars and Institutes
Grants support national summer seminars and
institutes in humanities subjects for teachers.
Andrews University
Berrien Springs, MI Rhonda G. Root
$173,170 A four-week summer insti-
tute for thirty schoolteachers on daily
life in the ancient Middle East.
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ Monica H. Green
$146,607 A five-week seminar for fifteen
college and university faculty to study the
connections between Western medieval
medical history and the social and cultural
implications of health, disease, and disability.
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ Dan Shilling
$169,927 A four-week institute for twenty-five
college and university faculty on the envi-
ronmental ethics of Aldo Leopold.
Binghamton University
Binghamton, NY Salvador J. Fajardo
$127,171 A six-week seminar for fifteen
schoolteachers focusing on multiple read-
ings of Cervantes’s Don Quixote.
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, MA Alan Wolfe
$191,736 A six-week summer seminar for fifteen
college and university teachers to explore the
philosophical, historical, sociological, and legal
dimensions of American religious diversity.
Boston University
Boston, MA Peter Gibbon
$174,040 A three-week summer institute
for twenty-six schoolteachers on George
Washingtons character, career, and legacy.
Calvin College
Grand Rapids, MI Karin Yvonne Maag
$118,116 A three-week institute for twenty-five
schoolteachers on the Reformation.
Center for Civic Education
Calabasas, CA William F. Harris, II
$176,103 A three-week institute for
twenty-five schoolteachers on American
political and constitutional thought.
China Institute in America, Inc.
New York, NY Hsin-Mei Agnes Hsu
$223,424 A five-week summer institute in
Xi’an, China, for twenty-five schoolteach-
ers on China’s formative history in the Wei
River Valley of southern Shaanxi Province.
Claremont Graduate University
Claremont, CA Michael Uhlmann
$76,772 An Inquiry into the Constitutional
principles and practices that have shaped
our understanding of the war powers.
College of the Holy Cross
Worcester, MA Todd Lewis
$161,106 A three-week interdisciplinary institute
for twenty-five college and university teachers on
Buddhist texts and practices in Tibet and Nepal.
DePaul University
Chicago, IL Eric Selinger
$89,321 A four-week summer seminar
for fifteen K-12 teachers to investigate
poetry from multiple perspectives.
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, PA Albert C. Labriola
$113,839 A five-week seminar for fifteen
schoolteachers on Paradise Lost.
Eastern Illinois University
Charleston, IL David Raybin
$7,590 A four-week summer seminar
for fifteen schoolteachers on Geoffrey
Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, to be held in
England in London and in Canterbury.
Henderson State University
Arkadelphia, AR Clinton P. Atchley
$114,564 A five-week seminar in Britain
for fifteen schoolteachers to explore the
cultural, literary, and linguistic diversity
of the Isle of Man in the Middle Ages.
Illinois College
Jacksonville, IL James Davis
$98,395 A five-week seminar for fifteen
schoolteachers on the development of the
U.S. frontier in the greater Illinois region.
Indiana University, Bloomington
Bloomington, IN Christoph Irmscher
$182,700 A four-week institute that gives
twenty-five high school teachers of history,
literature, and art an opportunity to study
Audubons art and literary works in context.
Italian Cultural Society of Washington, DC
Bethesda, MD Roberto Severino
$198,860 The art of teaching Italian
through Italian art in Italy.
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD Ben Vinson
$200,000 A five-week summer institute for
twenty-five college and university teachers to
study issues of slavery and rebellion in the
Atlantic world during the age of revolution.
Library Company of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA Cathy D. Matson
$92,353 A four-week summer seminar for
fifteen schoolteachers on Philadelphia’s
economic development during the era
of the American Revolution and in the
context of the Atlantic economy.
Medieval Academy of America
Cambridge, MA Christopher Kleinhenz
$153,051 A four-week seminar for fifteen
college and university faculty to travel to
Prato, Italy, and study Dante’s Divine Comedy
through close reading, research, and site visits.
National History Center
Washington, DC Maureen Nutting
$178,023 A four-week summer institute
for twenty-five college and university
teachers to examine American immigra-
tion from the 1880s to the 1980s.
New York Public Library
New York, NY Edward Kasinec
$145,796 A three-week summer institute
for college and university teachers to
examine cultural interactions between
the United States and Russia in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL James R. Akerman
$103,401 A three-week summer seminar
for fifteen schoolteachers on learning to
“read” historical and contemporary maps.
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL Carla Zecher
$116,699 A four-week seminar for fifteen
college and university faculty to examine
music books produced in Europe between
1500 and 1700 and their connections with
broader cultural and historical patterns.
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC Mary Ann Frese Witt
$108,277 A four-week seminar for fifteen
schoolteachers on major French contempo-
rary dramas by Sartre, Genet, Ionesco, and
Beckett, to be held in Avignon, France.
Ohio State University Research Foundation
Columbus, OH James K. Bracken
$198,669 A five-week seminar for fifteen college
and university teachers in Antwerp, Belgium,
and Oxford, England, on the advent of printing
and its effects on the Protestant Reformation
and the Counter (or Catholic) Reformation.
Rhode Island Historical Society
Providence, RI Joanne Melish
$132,339 A two-week institute for thirty
schoolteachers on economic development,
slavery, and antislavery in New England during
the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
Salem State College
Salem, MA Patricia A. Johnston
$199,800 A four-week institute for
twenty-five schoolteachers on interpret-
ing and teaching American art.
San Diego State University Foundation
San Diego, CA Kathleen B. Jones
$145,271 A six-week seminar for fifteen
schoolteachers to study three major works
by political theorist Hannah Arendt, which
provide philosophical lenses to consider
the problem of evil, the uses of terror,
and the origins of totalitarianism.
San Jose State University Foundation
San Jose, CA Susan Shillinglaw
$138,671 A two-week institute for high school
history and English teachers that studies John
Steinbeck’s works in the contexts of their
literary, historical, and ecological frames.
Shakespeare and Company
Lenox, MA Kevin G. Coleman
$191,665 A four-week institute for twenty-six
secondary school teachers to study two
plays by William Shakespeare in the context
of performance and the conditions and
circumstances of Elizabethan staging.
Stanford University
Stanford, CA Russell Berman
$185,497 A six-week seminar for fifteen college
and university faculty on the cultural experience
and contributions of German artists, writers,
and musicians who fled Nazi Germany to
settle in Los Angeles in the 1930s and 1940s.
SUNY Research Foundation,
College at Geneseo
Geneseo, NY William Cook
$140,414 A six-week summer seminar,
convening in Siena and Assisi, Italy, for fifteen
schoolteachers to study the life, works, and
representations of St. Francis of Assisi.
Texas A & M Research Foundation
College Station, TX Richard J. Golsan
$147,646 A five-week seminar for fifteen
schoolteachers to study the legacy and memory
of World War II in France through literary
texts, films, historical sites, and public debates
that have to do with that epoch, to be held
in Paris, Lyon, Vichy, and Caen, France.
Texas A & M University, Commerce
Commerce, TX Robin Anne Reid
$175,395 A five-week institute for twenty-five
high school teachers on Tolkien’s The Lord of the
Rings, its genesis, its historicity, and its role in
modern conceptualizations of the Middle Ages.
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ Katherine G. Morrissey
$199,288 A four-week institute for twenty-five
college and university faculty on the cultural
and environmental history of Arizona,
New Mexico, and Sonora, Mexico.
University of Arkansas, Monticello
Monticello, AR Richard A. Corby
$196,210 A six-week summer institute for
twenty-five schoolteachers, to be held at
Cape Town and other locations throughout
South Africa, on that country’s geography,
history, and social institutions.
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA Joseph E. Bristow
$136,830 A five-week seminar on the “deca-
dent” literary culture of England that breaks
with its Victorian antecedents, giving fifteen
college and university faculty access to an
extensive turn-of-the-century archive in the
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA Edmund Burke, III
$119,986 A four-week summer seminar
for fifteen schoolteachers examining the
history of trade in several important com-
modities from the mid-fifteenth through
the mid-twentieth centuries.
University of Delaware
Newark, DE Leslie Reidel
$138,315 A five-week seminar for fifteen
schoolteachers on Shakespeare and perfor-
mance, to be conducted at the University of
Delaware and in Stratford-upon-Avon, England.
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
North Dartmouth, MA Gerard M. Koot
$162,029 A five-week summer seminar for
fifteen schoolteachers, to be held in Great
Britain and the Netherlands, on the evolution
of modern economic systems in Europe.
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
North Dartmouth, MA Arlene Black Mollo
$168,805 A four-week institute for twenty-five
teachers using Winslow Homer’s paint-
ings to explore maritime culture in the
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
University of New England
Biddeford, ME Cathrine O. Frank
$164,169 A five-week summer institute
for twenty-five college and university
faculty in American jurisprudence from
a humanities perspective.
University of Northern Colorado
Greeley, CO Christiane Olivo
$88,681 A four-week seminar in Germany for
fifteen schoolteachers on the background of the
dissident movements leading to the peaceful
revolution in East-Central Europe in 1989.
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN Christopher B. Fox
$139,301 A five-week summer seminar
for fifteen college and university teachers
on the social, cultural, political, and literary
contexts of Anglo-Irish identities in the
early modern period.
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT Ronald Jerry Mallon
$182,448 A four-week institute for
twenty-four college and university teachers
designed to open up new lines of inquiry
by bringing empirical work to bear on
traditional philosophical concerns.
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT William A. Stephany
$174,902 A six-week seminar for fifteen school-
teachers on Dante’s Commedia in Siena, Italy.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA E. Michael Gerli
$118,644 A five-week seminar to engage
fifteen college and university faculty in a
close reading of the late fifteenth-century
Spanish novel, Celestina, in relation to a wide
range of historical and literary contexts.
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
Charlottesville, VA Joseph Miller
$167,517 A six-week seminar for fifteen
college and university teachers on Africa and
the transatlantic slave trade before c.1800.
Washington University
St. Louis, MO John F. Heil
$156,403 A six-week seminar for fifteen
college and university teachers on philosophi-
cal questions about the nature of the mind.
Through the Division of Preservation and Access, NEH combats the
physical deterioration of humanities collections in America’s libraries,
museums, archives, and historical organizations, ensuring access to
these collections for research, education, and public programming.
*Federal Matching Funds **Emergency Grant
Preservation and Access
Grants assist in the care of humanities collections
and in the availability for use by the public.
African American Heritage
Foundation of Iowa
Cedar Rapids, IA Susan E. Kuecker
$20,000** Flood assistance for the
African American Museum of Iowa.
Alexandria Archive Institute
San Francisco, CA Sarah Whitcher Kansa
$250,609 Creating best-practice guidelines for
the development of humanities data-sharing
software to meet user needs, as well as to
support the continued development of Open
Context, a collaborative, free, open-access
resource to facilitate online sharing of
archaeological field research among excavators,
scholars, and cultural heritage institutions.
Alice Ferguson Foundation, Inc.
Accokeek, MD Tracy Bowen
$5,000 A preservation assessment of furniture,
decorative and fine art, farm equipment,
tools, archival materials, and photographs
at the Hard Bargain Farm, a working farm
that offers educational programs about
the environment and the cultural heritage
of the Potomac River Watershed.
Allegheny College
Meadville, PA Linda G. Bills
$30,000** Ida M. Tarbell papers
digitization project.
Alutiiq Heritage Foundation
Kodiak, AK Marnie Leist
$3,528 Hiring a consultant to conduct a preser-
vation assessment and create a long-term plan
for the care of photographic collections docu-
menting the history of the Alutiiq, an Alaskan
Native people culturally related to the Eskimos.
American Film Institute
Los Angeles, CA Patricia K. Hanson
$200,000* The continuing preparation
of a descriptive catalog of 1,000 feature-
length motion pictures produced in the
United States from 1971 to 1980.
American Frontier Culture Foundation, Inc.
Staunton, VA David Puckett
$5,000 A preservation assessment of the
Frontier Culture Museum’s collection of
artifacts and archival materials that are used
at the living history museum to explore the
contributions of Indian, French, German,
English, Irish, and African settlers to life
in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.
American Institute of Afghanistan Studies
Boston, MA Hiromi L. Sakata
$68,768 Advanced training in archival manage-
ment in the United States for four Afghan
archivists currently engaged in reformatting
the audio collections of Radio Afghanistan.
American Philological Association
Philadelphia, PA Lisa D. Carson
$13,311* The preparation of two volumes of
l’Année philologique, a comprehensive bibliogra-
phy of research in all fields of classical studies.
American Philological Association
Philadelphia, PA Lisa D. Carson
$305,000 The preparation of l’Année
philologique, a comprehensive bibliography of
research in all fields of classical studies that
contains abstracts of serial publications.
American Precision Museum
Windsor, VT Ann Lawless
$5,000 A conservation assessment of historic
industrial artifacts, including machine tools,
models, firearms, and measuring and gauging
devices. The conservator would also evaluate
environmental monitoring data and train staff
in the care and handling of collection items.
American Textile History Museum
Lowell, MA Karen Herbaugh
$5,000 The purchase of cabinetry to store
costumes and accessories from a collection
that focuses on the history of textile produc-
tion and use in the United States from the
eighteenth century to the present and that also
includes textile-making tools and machinery,
household textiles, and decorative arts.
Amigos Calle del Cristo 255, Inc.
San Juan, PR Maria Teresa Arraras
$5,000 A preservation assessment of the rare
book holdings of La Casa del Libro, includ-
ing an internationally significant collection
of Spanish incunabula, early printed books,
medieval manuscripts, prints, maps, modern
fine press books, and books and prints by
notable Puerto Rican artists. In addition, a
conservator will train the museum’s staff in care
and handling procedures for the collections.
Andrew County Museum
Savannah, MO John M. Emery
$3,850 Hiring a consultant to assess
the preservation needs of photographic
prints and negatives in various formats
that document the history and culture of
Andrew County, Missouri, since 1841.
Animas Museum
Durango, CO Janet W. Postler
$5,000 The purchase of supplies, staff training,
and rehousing of historic and ethnographic
collections that document the history and
culture of the San Juan Basin, with a focus on
Durango and La Plata County, Colorado.
Anthology Film Archives
New York, NY Andrew Lampert
$5,000 Hiring a preservation consultant to
assess the environmental storage conditions of
more than 12,000 items in the archives’ film and
video collection. The consultant will prepare
a condition report and detailed plan for the
renovation of an on-site cold storage vault. The
films and videos date from the late 1800s to
contemporary works, focusing on independent
and avant-garde productions by individuals.
Antiquarian and Landmarks Society, Inc.
Hartford, CT Beverly Lucas
$5,000 Hiring a consultant to develop a plan
to rehouse and preserve the society’s collec-
tions of furniture, ceramics, textiles, artworks,
photographs, and archives related to the
eighteenth- and nineteenth-century history of
Hartford, Connecticut, and surrounding areas.
Arhoolie Foundation
El Cerrito, CA Tom Diamant
$40,406* The digitization of 10,000 45-rpm
records in the Frontera Collection of Mexican
and Mexican American Recordings, the creation
of images of the record labels and a finding aid,
and the mounting of the audio recordings on
the bilingual UCLA Digital Library website.
Arizona Department of Libraries,
Archives and Public Records
Phoenix, AZ Melanie Sturgeon
$400,000 Digitization of 100,000 pages
of Arizona newspapers, dating from
1880 to 1922, as part of the National
Digital Newspaper Program.
Atlanta-Fulton Public Library
Foundation, Inc.
Atlanta, GA Richard Cruce
$4,810 Hiring a preservation specialist to con-
duct a comprehensive needs assessment of the
1,488 photographs, books, and other items in the
Margaret Mitchell Collection and provide advice
about the purchase of supplies and display
methods. Two library staff would also attend a
course on preservation and archival techniques.
**Emergency Grant
Atwater Kent Museum
Philadelphia, PA Viki Sand
$595,970 The improvement of environ-
mental conditions and installation of fire
suppression to protect the museum’s library,
archival, and material culture collections,
which document the history of Philadelphia.
Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum
Auburn, IN Matthew Sidney Short
$5,000 A general preservation assessment of the
institution’s collection of classic automobiles.
The collection includes Auburns, Cords, and
Duesenbergs from the late 1920s; the archives
from the Auburn Automobile Company;
as well as books, photographs, and other
materials documenting automotive history.
Augusta State University
Augusta, GA Camilla Reid
$4,500 Preservation management and disaster
training workshop for staff at the university’s
Reese Library. The library’s holdings include
400 manuscript collections spanning the
colonial period through the present relat-
ing to the history, culture, economy, and
social life of Augusta, and its importance
to regional and national development.
Autonomous Municipality of Caguas
Caguas, PR Clavel Mendez-Joy
$5,000 A conservation assessment of the
collections of the Museo de Arte de Caguas,
which holds paintings, sculptures, prints, and
photographs from the 1930s to the present,
many of which are by artists from Caguas
and the surrounding Turabo Valley.
Baltimore Museum of Industry
Baltimore, MD Roland Woodward
$5,000 Purchase of flat file cabinets and
preservation supplies to rehouse blueprints,
plans, drawings, and other oversized archival
materials related to the history of shipbuilding
in Baltimore from the 1820s to the 1940s.
Barnstable Historical Society
Barnstable, MA Robert D. Stewart
$4,999 A general preservation assessment of
Barnstable Historical Society’s manuscript
collections, including documentation of
early American glassmaking, New England’s
cranberry and fishing industries, and rare
Native American land sale documents.
Beloit College
Beloit, WI Nicolette B. Meister
$4,976 The purchase of storage furniture to
rehouse 100 archaeological field maps holding
data related to Native American cultures in the
Northeast, the Southwest, and Mesoamerica.
A conservator would oversee the project and
conduct training for staff in the care and
handling of maps and other oversized materials.
Benton County Museum and Historical Society
Prosser, WA Dick Sampson
$4,994 Hiring a consultant to conduct a
preservation assessment of the museum’s col-
lections of antique radios, photographs, textiles,
and library materials related to the history
and culture of Benton County, Washington.
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, ME Richard H.F. Lindemann
$5,000 A preservation assessment of the
Susan Dwight Bliss Room and Rare Book
Collection. The Bliss Room, designed by
C. Grant LaFarge, has Italian Renaissance
furnishings and a painted ceiling and
houses 1,200 volumes of finely bound rare
books dating from the mid-sixteenth to the
mid-twentieth century, relating to the fine and
decorative arts, French and English history and
literature, and European and Asian travel.
Bridgeport Public Library
Bridgeport, CT Elizabeth Greever Van Tuyl
$3,625 A conservation assessment of the
library’s 150 World War I posters and a
sketchbook created during the Civil War by a
member of the Connecticut Eighth Volunteer
Regiment, Company A. A paper conservator
would assess each item and make recom-
mendations for conservation treatment.
Brown University
Providence, RI Kimberly S. Nusco
$5,000 Hiring a consultant to develop a treat-
ment plan for a collection of business records
from the Arnold family of Rhode Island.
Brown University
Providence, RI Jay Gaidmore
$228,454 Development of a union database
of online finding aids for archival hold-
ings on United States and state history
in various Rhode Island repositories.
California Institute of the Arts
Valencia, CA Karen Baxter
$5,000 The purchase of preservation supplies
and equipment to rehouse 2,711 items in various
formats in the institute’s moving image collec-
tion of exploratory and experimental films.
California State University,
East Bay Foundation, Inc.
Hayward, CA Nicole Howard
$4,039 A preservation assessment of the
library’s special collections, which include
materials on Marco Polo and Portuguese travel,
German-Americans in Alameda County in the
late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,
rare books on vulcanology and earthquakes,
hand-printed and fine-press books, and various
atlases and maps. Because the university
rests on the Hayward fault, the assessment
will also address disaster preparedness and
identify necessary measures to protect the
collections in the event of an earthquake.
Carbon County Museum
Rawlins, WY Carol Reed
$5,000 Online workshops and on-site train-
ing in disaster preparedness and response for
museum staff. Staffs of other museums, libraries,
and historical organizations in Wyoming
will be invited to participate. The collections
of the Carbon County Museum include
textiles, photographs, tolls and equipment,
transportation artifacts, and ranching and
mining objects that demonstrate the history
and culture of southeastern Wyoming.
Cedar Rapids Barton, Inc.
Cedar Rapids, IA Paul R. Montague
$4,000** Removal and storage of
flood-damaged Barton Theatre organ.
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
Cedar Rapids, IA Terence R. Pitts
$20,000** Clean-up of collection storage
and preparation spaces and replacement of
destroyed storage shelving and supplies.
Center for Puppetry Arts
Atlanta, GA Alan Louis
$5,000 A condition survey of 250 puppets
and related performing objects from around
the world. From its collection the center has
selected twenty-five puppets from Africa, seventy
from Europe, and 155 from North and South
America as representative of the full range of
countries, time periods, and media. These items
were used in various cultural contexts: rituals
and religious functions, social commentary,
cultural narratives, and childhood education.
Center for Southern Folklore
Memphis, TN Judith L. Peiser
$210,951 Preservation and rehousing of 7,500
photographs, 30,000 feet of film, and 100
78-rpm disks related to African-American
history and culture from the 1920s to the 1950s.
*Federal Matching Funds
Center for Wooden Boats
Seattle, WA Betsy Davis
$5,000 Consultation with a conservator to
prepare an institutional plan for conservation
policies and procedures and to train staff in
its implementation. The center maintains
a collection of wooden small boats, boat
models, boat plans, books and periodicals,
photos, and archival materials on the mari-
time history of the Pacific Northwest.
Chester County Historical Society
West Chester, PA Ellen Endslow
$5,000 Hiring preservation consultants to con-
duct a preservation assessment of the society’s
textile collections. The clothing and clothing
accessories include dresses, greatcoats, bonnets,
petticoats, shoes, shirts, bibs, aprons, shawls,
suspenders, and caps. These materials date from
the eighteenth century, and originate mainly in
Philadelphia and southeastern Pennsylvania.
Chicago Botanic Garden
Glencoe, IL Leora Siegel
$55,911 Conservation of some 10,000 books,
journals, and manuscripts related to the study
of horticulture in the U.S. since the late 1820s.
Childrens Museum of Oak Ridge, Inc.
Oak Ridge, TN Kay Palmateer
$5,000 Rehousing approximately 400 to 600
objects of the museum’s collection of artifacts,
documenting the history of Appalachia and
the community of Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Collection items include quilts, toys, furni-
ture, dolls, and coal mining artifacts. The
purchase of a light meter and environmental
monitoring equipment would also address
the storage needs of these collections.
Chippewa Valley Museum
Eau Claire, WI Susan M. McLeod
$4,965 The purchase of environmental
monitoring equipment and ultraviolet light filters
to protect a collection of documents, historic
artifacts, agricultural tools and equipment,
photographs, and ephemera documenting
rural life in northwestern Wisconsin.
City of Clayton
Clayton, MO Eric Gruenenfelder
$1,600 A general preservation assessment of
the book and manuscript collections of the
Martin Franklin Hanley House, a historic house
museum and farmstead in Clayton, Missouri.
City of Methuen
Methuen, MA Tina Touma-Conway
$4,844 A general preservation assessment
and staff training in the care and handling of
documents. The City of Methuen’s archive
of public records includes town meeting
proceedings; tax lists; police reports; voter
registrars; birth, death and marriage records;
assessor’s records; treasurer’s records; deeds;
annual reports; resolutions; atlases; school site
plans; and a set of the Massachusetts Acts and
Resolves dating from the towns inception in
1726 through the early twentieth century.
City of Philadelphia, Department of Records
Philadelphia, PA Joan Decker
$108,882 Development of an enhanced website
featuring historically significant collections at the
City of Philadelphia’s Department of Records
and the Free Library of Philadelphia and the
creation of tools to increase the level of access to
and usefulness of these collections for research-
ers, students, and members of the general public.
College of Southern Maryland, La Plata
La Plata, MD Patricia McGarry
$5,000 The purchase of archival supplies,
improvements in lighting, and training for
archives staff on proper collection care.
The collection documents the history and
culture of southern Maryland and includes
personal papers, records of businesses and
organizations, historic sites, genealogical
research files, photographs, maps, artwork,
oral histories, newspapers, and ephemera.
Columbia University
New York, NY Ehsan O. Yarshater
$76,728* Preparation of the Encyclopædia
Iranica, a multidisciplinary reference work
and research tool on Iranian history and
civilization from prehistory to the present.
Columbia University
New York, NY Roger S. Bagnall
$340,217 Enhancements to an integrated
information system of papyri collections with
access to catalog records, texts, images, and a
bibliography, a new user interface, and better
integration with related scholarly databases,
and expansion of the digital repository.
Conservation Center for Art
and Historic Artifacts
Philadelphia, PA Ingrid E. Bogel
$57,521* A regional preservation field
service program that provides preserva-
tion surveys, workshops, technical
consultations, and educational materials to
libraries, archives, museums, and historical
organizations in the Mid-Atlantic states.
Conservation Center for Art
and Historic Artifacts
Philadelphia, PA Ingrid E. Bogel
$42,479* A regional preservation field
service program that provides preserva-
tion surveys, workshops, technical
consultations, and educational materials to
libraries, archives, museums, and historical
organizations in the Mid-Atlantic states.
CUNY Research Foundation,
Graduate School and University Center
New York, NY Dee L. Clayman
$28,266* The addition of ten volumes to the
Database of Classical Bibliography, an electronic
resource containing the retrospective volumes of
l’Année philologique, the international bibliogra-
phy of record for the field of classical studies.
Dallas Museum of Art
Dallas, TX Gabriela Truly
$600,000 Renovating storage space and purchas-
ing storage furniture to rehouse collections of
more than 13,000 works of art from around
the world, as well as the museum’s archives.
Delaware Public Archives and Delaware
Division of Libraries
Dover, DE Moira Conlan
$5,000 The creation of a state-wide consor-
tium for disaster preparedness and response.
A preservation consultant would meet with
representatives of seventy-eight small and
mid-sized cultural institutions in Delaware for
workshop training and planning sessions, to be
followed by the consultant’s report with recom-
mendations for implementation by the group.
Des Moines Art Center
Des Moines, IA Rose Marie Wood
$5,000 A conservation assessment of the
center’s sculpture and tribal arts collec-
tions that would provide guidance for
treatment, storage, and care of these materials.
Sculptures in the collection include works
by Richard Serra, Lee Bontecou, Charles
Joseph Biederman, and Louise Bourgeois.
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, PA Patrick Juola
$131,465 Development and evaluation of
a prototype system for helping indexers,
including authors and publishers, produce
traditional back-of-the-book indexes.
Eiteljorg Museum of American Indiana
and Western Art
Indianapolis, IN Amy McKune
$5,000 Purchase of storage furniture
to rehouse dresses, leggings, Ghost
Dance shirts, and other objects related to
nineteenth-century Plains Indian history.
**Emergency Grant
Ella Sharp Museum
Jackson, MI Jim Zuleski
$5,000 Purchasing preservation materials to
rehouse historical clothing collections from
the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Emory University
Atlanta, GA David Eltis
$349,641 The creation of a web-based resource
on the names, cultural identification, and
migration patterns of Africans in the transat-
lantic slave trade between 1819 and 1845.
Fitchburg State College
Fitchburg, MA Robert Foley
$4,240 A general preservation assessment
of the Fitchburg State College’s archives
and manuscript collections, including the
personal papers of Robert Comier and
Robert Salvatore, noted authors of novels
for adolescents and young adults.
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL Joan E. Denman
$5,000 Hiring a preservation consultant to
assess the university’s collection of materials
related to World War II and to examine the
storage capacity and preservation needs of the
objects. One hundred items will be selected for
a more thorough conservation assessment.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Washington, DC Stephen C. Enniss
$350,000 Creation of a searchable data-
base and digital facsimiles for 10,000
items from the library’s collection of
Shakespeare and Shakespeare-era images.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Washington, DC Stephen C. Enniss
$119,598 The creation of a digital archive
of pre-1641 quarto editions of Shakespeare’s
plays with a prototype for an interactive
interface, toolset, and enhanced functionality.
Fort Des Moines Museum
and Education Center
Des Moines, IA Joseph Nolte
$7,990** Disaster recovery assistance
for the Fort Des Moines Museum.
Foundation of American Institute
for Conservation
Washington, DC Eryl P. Wentworth
$200,000 Professional development
through workshops offered around the
country for conservators responsible for
the care of humanities collections.
Franklin County Historical
and Museum Society
Malone, NY Anne Werley Smallman
$5,000 Purchase of archival preservation
materials, storage supplies, and environmental
monitoring equipment for the paper-based
collections of the society documenting the
social, economic, agricultural, and educational
history of Franklin County, New York. The
collection includes numerous Civil War records
and personal manuscript collections reflect-
ing the activities of the 16th Regiment, New
York Volunteers. Among additional holdings
are the records of the Northern New York
Institute for the Deaf-Mute, 1895–1920.
Friends of Iolani Palace
Honolulu, HI Malia Van Heukelem
$4,467 The purchase of storage furniture
and environmental monitoring equipment to
improve the care of collections at Iolani Palace.
Its holdings include furniture, paintings, decora-
tive objects, household items, and personal
furnishings of the Hawaiian royal family, who
lived there from the time it was built in 1882
until the overthrow of the monarchy in 1893.
General Lew Wallace Study and Museum
Crawfordsville, IN Cinnamon Cay Catlin-Legutko
$5,000 The purchase of equipment to monitor
environmental conditions at the General Lew
Wallace Study and Museum, a National Historic
Landmark site. The museum’s collections of lit-
erary works, memorabilia, historical objects, and
archival materials document the life of General
Lew Wallace (1827–1905), the author of
Ben-Hur, and a major general in the Union army,
a governor of the New Mexico Territory, and a
minister to Turkey.
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA Daniel J. Cohen
$300,000 Research, development, and test-
ing of tools designed to locate documents in
large digital corpora, extract information, and
analyze large-scale patterns across texts.
Georgia O’Keeffe Museum
Santa Fe, NM Barbara Buhler Lynes
$5,000 Hiring a photographic consultant
to assess the preservation needs of 1,752
photographs dating from 1910 to the
mid-1980s that were created by O’Keeffe
or that document aspects of her work.
German American Heritage Center, Inc.
Davenport, IA Scharlott Blevins
$4,966 A general preservation assess-
ment and development of a long-range
plan for the care of letters, naturalization
papers, passports, photographs, audiotapes,
books, and artifacts documenting German
immigration and settlement in the area of
Davenport, Iowa, from 1795 to the present.
Gibbes Art Gallery
Charleston, SC Sara Courtenay Arnold
$3,455 The purchase of storage supplies to
preserve a collection of more than 1,000
cellulose nitrate photographic negatives
that feature images of Charlestons archi-
tecture and landscapes of coastal South
Carolina created between 1910 and 1945.
Grambling State University
Grambling, LA Geoffrey N. Rugege
$332,112 Development of a web-based
trilingual dictionary for Kinyarwanda, Swahili,
and English. The two African languages are
widely spoken in East and Central Africa.
Online collaboration tools would facilitate
lexicographical work and allow users to propose
additions, subject to editorial approval.
Greater Southwest Historical Museum
Ardmore, OK Kristin Mravinec
$5,000 A general preservation needs assessment
of a museum holding furniture, tools, and other
artifacts, archaeological materials, textiles,
books, and archives related to the history and
cultures of Oklahoma and the Southwest from
the early 1700s to the twentieth century.
Hagley Museum and Library
Wilmington, DE Theresa R. Snyder
$450,000 Installation of a climate control
system, purchase and installation of storage
furniture, and renovations to the Hagley
Museum Hall of Records to improve condi-
tions for its artifact and library collections
on economic and business history.
Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH Stephen A. Kaufman
$25,000 Technical consultation for publishing
and maintaining an online, citation-based
dictionary of all dialects of ancient Aramaic
from the tenth century BCE to 1400 CE.
The Henry Ford
Dearborn, MI Judith E. Endelman
$121,657 Cataloging and improving preserva-
tion of the land transport serials collection held
by the Benson Ford Research Center, comprising
more than 800 titles and 51,000 individual
issues published from 1886 to the present.
**Emergency Grant
Heritage Museums and Gardens
Sandwich, MA Jennifer Yunginger Madden
$5,000 The purchase of storage cabinets
and shelving for large objects in the institu-
tion’s American history collection, including
carousel figures, carved birds, ship models,
weathervanes, furniture, and tools.
Heritage Preservation
Washington, DC Jane S. Long
$5,000** Public access to streaming
video on coping with water damage.
Hermitage, TN Kevin Michael Bartoy
$285,855 The completion of the cataloging
of 800,000 artifacts from areas occupied from
1804 to 1858 by enslaved African Americans on
Andrew Jackson’s residence and plantation.
Historical Society of Frankford
Philadelphia, PA Jack McCarthy
$5,000 Purchase of archival storage supplies
and equipment to preserve a collection of
personal papers, manuscripts, legal records,
maps and deeds, photographs, government
and military records, works of art on paper,
books, and newspapers documenting the history
of Philadelphia and the surrounding area.
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary
Jordanville, NY Vladimir V. Tsurikov
$4,783 A preservation assessment of approxi-
mately 10,000 books and 450 linear feet of
archives, including rare Russian Orthodox
theological books published before the Russian
Revolution, Russian émigré periodicals and
newspapers, and materials on Byzantine
history. The purchase of archival supplies
recommended by a preservation consultant
will be used to rehouse fragile materials.
House of Seven Gables Settlement Association
Salem, MA Alexandria M. Mason
$5,000 A risk assessment, emergency planning,
purchase of disaster recovery supplies, and
the training of staff at the House of the Seven
Gables. Disaster preparedness will help protect
the site’s six historic homes, including the
house where Nathaniel Hawthorne was born
and the Turner-Ingersoll-Mansion (1668).
Hull Lifesaving Museum
Hull, MA Victoria Catherine Stevens
$5,000 Consultation with preservation special-
ists on the preparation of a disaster preparedness
and response plan and purchase of emergency
supplies to protect rare books, photographs, and
artifacts documenting the history of maritime
lifesaving in America. The museum’s historic
structure and location make it especially
vulnerable to coastal flooding and storms.
Internet Archive
San Francisco, CA Kristin Carpenter Negulescu
$106,395 Development of tools and meth-
odologies for indexing and analyzing the
textual parts of larger digital collections,
more focused browsing of the web, and
unified access to data resources.
Ithaka Harbors, Inc.
New York, NY Eileen G. Fenton
$350,000 The development of a prototype
preservation service that will provide a
practical model for the preservation of
digitized books. Portico and Cornell University
Library will analyze electronic book data,
identify a technological infrastructure to
preserve electronic books, assess preservation
costs and recovery options, create sample
service-level agreements, and share the full
preservation model with the cultural
heritage community.
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, VA Julia Michele Merkel
$5,000 The purchase of archival supplies to
rehouse manuscript collections documenting
the history and culture of Augusta, Page,
Rockingham, and Shenandoah Counties in
Virginia. The collections, which date from the
late eighteenth century to the present, include
correspondence, diaries, deeds, wills, indentures,
and records from businesses in the Shenandoah
Valley. Purchase of a media storage cabinet
will help to stabilize items in at-risk formats,
such as microfilm and magnetic materials.
Jewish Educational Media
Brooklyn, NY Elkanah Shmotkin
$5,000 Hiring an audiovisual preservation
specialist to conduct a comprehensive assess-
ment of 1,600 sound and image recordings
in the media archives that date from 1920
to the present. The collections document
all facets of Jewish life, with an emphasis
on the Lubavitch Chasidic tradition.
Jewish Theological Seminary of America
New York, NY Naomi Steinberger
$4,800 Hiring an audiovisual preservation
specialist to conduct a comprehensive needs
assessment of the more than 10,000 sound
recordings in the collection and provide in-house
training to the library’s archivists and librarians.
The library has amassed a large and diverse
collection of sound recordings pertaining to
the history of Jewish music and performance
in the twentieth century. The recordings also
include speeches, radio broadcasts, and lectures
by prominent scholars and public figures
documenting the Jewish experience in America.
Johnson County Historical Society
Coralville, IA Shaner Magalhaes
$14,741** Flood recovery for 1876
Coralville Schoolhouse Museum.
San Mateo, CA Marilyn Lawrence
$5,000 Hiring a recorded-sound preserva-
tion specialist to conduct a comprehensive
needs assessment of more than 27,000 audio
recordings in the radio station’s jazz collection.
L.C. Bates Museum
Hinckley, ME Deborah Staber
$5,000 Hiring a consultant to conduct preserva-
tion workshops for regional museum staff and
volunteers and the purchase of preservation sup-
plies for local history collections, archaeological
artifacts, and collections related to life at an
orphanage, which operated from 1889 to 1930.
Laramie Plains Museum
Laramie, WY Connie Lindmier
$4,960 Purchasing environmental monitor-
ing equipment and supplies to preserve a
textile collection that relates to the history
and culture of south central Wyoming.
A training workshop on the appropriate
handling of textiles will include staffs of
neighboring cultural and history institutions.
Ligonier Valley Historical Society
Laughlintown, PA James Koontz
$5,000 Consultation with a conservator
to develop a long-range preservation plan
for archives related to the history of the
Ligonier Valley in Pennsylvania, during
the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Litchfield Historical Society
Litchfield, CT Linda Marie Hocking
$4,360 Hiring a consultant to conduct a
preservation assessment of manuscripts, works
of art on paper, maps, architectural draw-
ings, photographs, and posters related to the
history of Litchfield, Connecticut, from the
eighteenth through the twentieth century.
Little Compton Historical Society
Little Compton, RI Helen S. Bridge
$5,000 Purchase of storage furniture and
preservation supplies to rehouse artifacts,
textiles, books, manuscripts, and other materi-
als that document the history of Rhode Island
from the 1700s to the twentieth century.
Lower East Side Tenement Museum
New York, NY Stephen H. Long
$5,000 Purchase of storage furniture and
preservation supplies to rehouse manuscripts,
archives, photographs, and audio and
video materials that illustrate life in Lower
East Side tenement houses during the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
**Emergency Grant
Loyola University
New Orleans, LA Patricia Nugent
$5,000 A preservation assessment and purchase
of supplies for the university’s Monroe Library
collections including materials relating to
literature and the arts, public affairs, and politi-
cal movements. The holdings comprise 15,000
books and 1,835 feet of manuscript and archival
material dating from 1831 to the present.
Macalester College
St. Paul, MN Ellen Holt-Werle
$4,603 A general preservation assessment of
the library’s collection of institutional records,
manuscripts, photographs, and audio-visual
materials documenting the history of Macalaster
College and the surrounding community.
MacGregor Charitable Trust
Estes Park, CO Jane Lopez
$5,000 The purchase of storage supplies
and the training of staff and volunteers by
a conservation consultant in preparation for
rehousing photographs, business and agricul-
tural records, family papers, books, and other
materials that document the history of Estes
Park, Colorado, and the MacGregor Ranch,
a historic high mountain, working cattle
ranch, museum, and youth education center.
Maine Maritime Museum
Bath, ME Christopher Hall
$197,582 The stabilization of the water-
craft collection and construction of visible
storage for 117 historic Maine boats.
Maitland Historical Society
Maitland, FL Betty Sample
$5,000 Purchase of storage furniture to
rehouse archives, photographs, audio and
video collections that illustrate life in Maitland,
Florida, and surrounding areas during the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
McArthur Public Library
Biddeford, ME Renee L. DesRoberts
$4,330 A preservation assessment of the
library’s special collections, including
photographs of Biddeford and its environs
from the 1870s through 1960s, glass plate
and film negatives from a local photography
studio active from 1900 to 1950, and archival
materials documenting the history of this
former textile-producing area, home to one of
Maine’s largest Franco-American populations.
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI Mark L. Kornbluh
$349,980 Preserving and providing access to the
historic videotape collection and supporting pro-
duction materials from the series American Black
Journal produced by Detroit Public Television.
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI Erik Charles Nordberg
$4,797 The purchase of preservation supplies
and equipment for the Michigan Tech Archive
and the Copper County Historical Collections
documenting the social, cultural, economic and
educational history of Michigans Keweenaw
copper mining district. Holdings include
books, manuscripts, photographs, engineer-
ing drawings, and historic newspapers.
Midwest Art Conservation Center
Minneapolis, MN Colin D. Turner
$467,401 A regional preservation field service
program that provides surveys, workshops and
seminars, disaster assistance, and information
services to museums, historical organizations,
libraries, and archives in the Upper Midwest.
Minnesota Historical Society
St. Paul, MN Dennis Meissner
$176,550 Arrangement and description of the
personal papers of Walter F. Mondale, along
with selected digitization of photographs
and the creation of a dedicated web portal.
Mint Museum of Art
Charlotte, NC Jonathan Stuhlman
$5,000 A conservation assessment of the
museum’s American paintings, which include
works by Thomas Sully, Gilbert Stuart, Thomas
Cole, George Bellows, and Robert Henri.
Mohawk Valley Heritage Association
Amsterdam, NY Ann Marie Peconie
$5,000 The purchase of preservation materials
to house textiles, including hand-woven bed
sheets, quilts, Indian blankets, army blankets,
clothing, flags, and banners relating to the his-
tory and culture of New York’s Mohawk Valley.
Morris Museum, Inc.
Morristown, NJ Deborah Farrar Starker
$25,735* The purchase of cabinetry and
shelving for the visible storage of the Murtogh
D. Guinness collection of American and
European mechanical musical instruments
and automata, which date from the early
sixteenth to the twentieth century.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Mount Desert, ME Charlotte Singleton
$5,000 Purchase of storage furniture and
environmental monitoring equipment to
preserve the drawings and blueprints of
noted architect Fred L. Savage, who designed
many summer homes and public buildings
on Mount Desert Island from 1887 to 1926.
Mountain Home Public Library
Mountain Home, ID Nancy Marshall
$5,000 A preservation assessment and training
for staff of the Mountain Home Historical
Museum, which collects and maintains
agricultural, mining, and ranching artifacts as
well as maps and county records that docu-
ment the history of Idaho and the West.
Muhlenberg College
Allentown, PA Diane Koch
$5,000 A preservation assessment of the
library’s special collections, which include rare
books, early twentieth-century sheet music,
materials on the Pennsylvania Germans, and
maps of Pennsylvania and the Lehigh Valley.
Museum of the Moving Image
Astoria, NY Carl Goodman
$250,000 Cataloging of 4,028 material culture
artifacts from the silent-film era, along with
digital imaging of approximately half of these.
Naperville Heritage Society
Naperville, IL Louise Howard
$590,588 The purchase of storage furniture and
rehousing of approximately 24,000 items from
Naper Settlement’s archival and material culture
collections, which document the history of
Naperville from its pioneer days to the present.
National Book Foundation
New York, NY Harold Augenbraum
$5,000 A general preservation assessment of
the foundation’s archives documenting the
founding and development of the foundation
and its National Book Awards. The collection
includes the original letters of literary and politi-
cal figures, including W. H. Auden, Wallace
Stevens, Ralph Ellison, William Faulkner, Saul
Bellow, Susan Sontag, and Dwight Eisenhower.
National Czech and Slovak Museum
and Library
Cedar Rapids, IA David P. Muhlena
$20,000** The salvage of flood-affected
humanities-related materials from the National
Czech and Slovak Museum and Library.
National Museum of Women in the Arts
Washington, DC Jason Michael Stieber
$5,000 Purchase of storage furniture to
preserve archives documenting the history
of the museum and manuscripts related
to noted twentieth-century women artists
Frida Kahlo, Eulabee Dix, Doris Lee, Irene
Rice Pereira, Edna Reindel, and others.
National Orphan Train Complex, Inc.
Concordia, KS Stephanie Haiar
$5,000 Purchase of storage furniture and preser-
vation supplies to rehouse correspondence, vital
records, photographs, books, and other materials
that document the history of the Orphan Train
Movement in the United States, 1854 to 1930.
National Press Club Library and Archive
Washington, DC Christina Zamon
$5,000 Developing an emergency response and
preparedness plan to protect the holdings of the
National Press Club, the only archive dedicated
to the history of journalism in Washington,
D.C. Holdings include 530 linear feet of
archival materials, 15,000 photographs, 1,000
blueprints, 700 books, 400 works of art, 10,000
audio and video cassettes, the personal papers
of notable journalists, including cartoonist
Clifford Berryman, and the archives of
the Women’s National Press Club.
Navy UDT-SEAL Museum
Fort Pierce, FL Hilda Ruth McSween
$5,000 Purchase of storage furniture and preser-
vation supplies to rehouse artifacts, manuscripts,
correspondence, maps, photographs, and other
records documenting United States Naval
Special Warfare operations since World War II.
New Harmony Working Men’s Institute
New Harmony, IN Sherry Graves
$4,383 The purchase of environmental
monitoring equipment to gauge humidity in
the storage areas of the library, archives, and
museum. This institution serves as the public
library for New Harmony Township and is also
a historic site of the intellectual and communal
societies known as New Harmony (1814–27)
and Athens on the Wabash (1828–1900).
New York Public Library
New York, NY John Lundquist
$345,800 Cataloging of 1,500 volumes of
Chinese rare books of the Ming and Qing
Dynasties, with conservation treatment and
digitization of ninety-three volumes.
New York University
New York, NY Howard A. Besser
$100,000 Eighteen internships for graduate
students to gain experience in the identifica-
tion, inspection, treatment, cataloging, and
exhibition of moving images at museums,
cultural organizations, and historical societies.
New York University
New York, NY Michele D’Arcy Marincola
$245,719 Graduate education in the conserva-
tion of art and material culture collections.
New York University
New York, NY Roger Bagnall
$129,828 Development of technologies for
integrated searching, dynamic mapping, and
geographical correlation of web-based humani-
ties collections, focusing on existing and newly
digitized papyrological and epigraphic texts
related to Greek and Roman Libya and Egypt.
Norman Rockwell Museum
Stockbridge, MA Stephanie Haboush Plunkett
$225,446 Arrangement and description of the
Norman Rockwell Archival Collection, contain-
ing correspondence, business records, ephemera,
and the contents of Rockwell’s art studio.
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Andover, MA Lori Ranada Foley
$236,250 A preservation field service pro-
gram that provides surveys, workshops and
seminars, technical consultations, and disaster
assistance to institutions in the Northeast.
Oberlin College
Oberlin, OH Stephanie Wiles
$590,900 The purchase of storage furni-
ture for more than 3,800 paintings and
objects from the Allen Memorial Art
Museum’s collection of world art.
Occidental College
Los Angeles, CA Emily Anne Bergman
$5,000 Staff training in disaster preparedness
and response and in the care and handling of
the college’s special collections that include
rare books, archival papers, photographs,
and other materials covering a wide variety
of topics, such as California history and
architecture, the works of poet Robinson
Jeffers, and the history of aviation.
Ohio Historical Society
Columbus, OH Angela K. O’Neal
$353,069 Digitization of 100,000 pages
of Ohio’s microfilmed newspapers from
1880 to 1922, as part of the National
Newspaper Digital Program.
Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art
Biloxi, MS Anna Harris
$5,000 The purchase of supplies to rehouse
the museum’s collection of George E. Ohr
ceramics, which had been quickly relocated after
Hurricane Katrina and would now be placed
in archival quality enclosures. These ceramics,
dating from 1879 to 1907, are early examples
of art pottery and are known for their fragility,
paper-thin edges, and highly colored glazes.
Old Lyme-Phoebe Griffin Noyes
Library Association
Old Lyme, CT Jill Adams
$5,000 A general preservation survey of library
and archival materials and training for staff
in the care and handling of collections, which
consist of family histories, genealogies, and
church and cemetery records documenting the
history of Connecticut and New England.
Oregon Historical Society
Portland, OR MaryAnn T. Campbell
$5,000 Purchase of preservation supplies to
rehouse 150 linear feet of archival collections,
including business records, military records,
ethnographic materials, correspondence, diaries,
scrapbooks, playbills, posters, and advertising
materials dating from the mid-1800s to the
present, reflecting the history and culture of
Oregon and the greater Pacific Northwest.
Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art
Great Falls, MT Robert Anthony Durden
$5,000 A preservation assessment of the
museum’s collections, consisting primarily
of American Primitive wood sculptures and
modern and contemporary art of the Northwest
and Native-American art of the Northwest and
the Plains. Purchase of shelving, supplies, and
environmental monitoring equipment would
improve storage conditions for the collections.
Pasadena Museum of History
Pasadena, CA Laura Verlaque
$5,000 Hiring a consultant to conduct a
preservation assessment of the archives of
the Pasadena Museum of History. Holdings
include prints, negatives, slides, glass plates,
stereographs, and postcards; photo albums
and scrapbooks; special collections; manu-
scripts; maps; ephemera; books; periodicals
and newspapers; and city directories. These
materials range in date from the 1850s to
the present and relate to the history and
culture of the city of Pasadena, California.
Pennsylvania State University, Main Campus
University Park, PA Suzanne Kellerman
$393,650 Digitization of 100,000 pages of
Pennsylvania newspapers, dating from 1880
to 1922, as part of the state’s participation in
the National Digital Newspaper Program.
Pennsylvania Trolley Museum, Inc.
Washington, PA Scottt R. Becker
$4,800 The purchase of preservation sup-
plies to rehouse 20,000 images created from
1890 to the present that document the his-
tory of electric railways in Pennsylvania.
*Federal Matching Funds
People, Inc.
Williamsville, NY Lynn Beman
$5,000 Purchase of storage furniture and
preservation supplies for the care of books,
correspondence, photographs, and artifacts
related to the historical treatment of the
developmentally disabled in the United States.
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia, PA Innis Howe Shoemaker
$50,000* The purchase of storage furniture
for the museum’s 150,000 prints, drawings,
and photographs, which will be relocated
to the recently acquired Perelman Building
after its renovation and expansion.
Poe Foundation, Inc.
Richmond, VA Katarina Maria Spears
$4,992 A general preservation assessment and
purchase of environmental monitoring equip-
ment for the preservation of correspondence,
books, artifacts, and other materials related to
the life of American poet Edgar Allen Poe.
Portland Museum
Louisville, KY Nathalie Taft Andrews
$364,126 The improvement of environmental
conditions to preserve collections of historical
objects, costumes, paintings, drawings, photo-
graphs, books, documents, and oral histories that
document the history of Portland, Kentucky.
Presidio La Bahia Foundation
Goliad, TX Newton M. Warzecha
$5,000 Engaging a conservator to conduct
a general preservation assessment of a facil-
ity holding tools, ceramics, architectural
artifacts, and other archaeological objects that
reflect the Spanish Colonial era in Texas.
Quincy University
Quincy, IL Patricia Tomczak
$5,000 A preservation assessment of rare book
and archival collections, including a local history
collection of documents and photographs
on Quincy, Illinois, during the Civil War and
steamboat eras; an early collection of African-
American folklore; and a collection of books,
manuscripts, and letters on seventeenth- and
eighteenth-century Franciscan missionary work
in Mexico and the American Southwest.
RIPM Consortium Ltd.
Baltimore, MD H. Robert Cohen
$350,000 The online retrieval of the full texts
of more than 500,000 scholarly articles on
music from an online database that incorporates
eighty-nine journals in thirteen languages
and covers the period 1800 to 1950.
Rockland County Archives
Pomona, NY Peter J. Scheibner
$5,000 Purchase of preservation supplies to
rehouse two collections of archival records
documenting immigration and land use in
Rockland County, New York, from the early
1800s through the twentieth century.
Salem Art Association
Salem, OR Sara Swanborn
$4,300 Hiring a preservation consultant to
conduct a conservation assessment of the Bush
House Museum’s textile collection, reflecting
the history and culture of Salem, Oregon.
San Diego Archaeological Center
San Diego, CA Cindy T. Stankowski
$5,000 Hiring a consultant to create a disaster
preparedness plan and to conduct staff training
on the care and safety of archaeological artifacts
that document the early culture of the San
Diego region to the twentieth century. The
artifact collection includes prehistoric projectile
points, other stone tools, and ceramic vessels.
Sandusky Library
Sandusky, OH Ron Davidson
$4,884 Purchase of storage supplies, a disaster
recovery kit, and environmental monitoring
equipment to preserve the library’s archives and
special collections documenting the history of
the city of Sandusky and Erie County, Ohio.
Sewall-Belmont House and Museum
Washington, DC Mary Ann van Balgooy
$4,920 Consultation with a conservator
to plan for the storage of collections at the
Sewall-Belmont House and Museum, the head-
quarters of the historic National Womens Party
and the home of NWP’s founder, Alice Paul.
The collections document the history of wom-
en’s suffrage and equal rights campaigns from
1913 to the 1970s and include archival records,
furniture, fine and decorative arts, textiles, and
Shady Side Rural Heritage Society
Shady Side, MD Janet Harris Surrett
$4,991 Analysis of environmental monitor-
ing data and development of a plan to
improve environmental conditions in the
historic Captain Salem Avery House, where
collections and exhibitions explore the
history of a Chesapeake Bay community in
the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Sheldon Museum and Cultural Center, Inc.
Haines, AK Jerrie Clarke
$4,547 Hiring a conservator to oversee the
remounting of Tlingit blankets and other
textiles that reflect the art and culture of
an Alaskan Native community. The proj-
ect would also purchase the supplies and
materials necessary to mount the textiles,
which are part of a permanent exhibit.
South Coast Railroad Museum
Goleta, CA Gary Brian Coombs
$5,000 A conservation assessment of a
Southern Pacific Railroad caboose, which
is the most significant item in the museum’s
collection for the interpretation of the historic
Goleta Depot, built in 1901 during comple-
tion of the route between San Francisco and
Los Angeles. The assessment will form the
basis for a conservation plan for the caboose,
which is heavily used by museum visitors.
Southeastern Library Network, Inc.
Atlanta, GA Marlee Dorn Givens
$500,000 A regional preservation field
service program that provides preserva-
tion surveys, workshops, and educational
materials to libraries, archives, and histori-
cal organizations in the Southeast.
Spelman College
Atlanta, GA Taronda Spencer
$122,742 The purchase and installa-
tion of compact shelving to house the
college’s archives and special collections,
which date from the late 1880s.
St. Michael’s College
Colchester, VT Elizabeth Scott
$4,980 Hiring a photographic consultant to
assess the preservation needs of seventy-two
linear feet of photographic prints and negatives
that document the work of the Society of Saint
Edmund, a Catholic missionary order founded
in 1843, and active in the southern United
States, particularly Alabama, North Carolina,
and Louisiana, from 1937 to the present.
Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens, Inc.
Akron, OH Sylvia Schweri
$4,975 The purchase of equipment for
monitoring environmental conditions in Stan
Hywet Hall, a National Historic Landmark
Tudor Revival house, which contains 95
percent of the furniture, decorative arts,
household goods, photographs, and works
on paper that belonged to the Seiberling
family, cofounders of Goodyear Tire.
*Federal Matching Funds **Emergency Grant
State Historical Society of Missouri
Columbia, MO Seth Andrew Smith
$179,740 Digitization of 100,000 pages
of Missouri newspapers, dating from
1880 to 1922, as part of the National
Digital Newspaper Program.
Strawbery Banke Museum
Portsmouth, NH Kimberly Alexander
$4,998 The purchase of cleaning equipment
and storage materials for the museum’s textile
collections. The textile collections help to
document the early history and culture of
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and com-
munities along the Piscataqua River.
Sullivan County Historical Society, Inc.
Sullivan, IN Anthony Stringfellow
$12,975** Emergency protection of
collections after June 2008 flood.
SUNY Research Foundation,
Buffalo State College
Buffalo, NY Elizabeth S. Pena
$250,000 Graduate training for conserva-
tors specializing in the preservation of
humanities collections, including ethno-
graphic and archaeological materials, works
on paper, books, and photographs.
SUNY Research Foundation
Albany, NY Jeremy Linden
$5,000 The purchase of environmental
monitoring equipment for the State University
of New York, Fredonia Archives and Special
Collections of more than 1,600 linear feet of
institutional archives and manuscript collections
documenting the history of the university, the
Seneca Nation, and western New York State.
Texas A & M Research Foundation
College Station, TX Patricia Clabaugh
$3,436 Hiring a consultant to conduct general
preservation and management assessments of
tools, ceramics, and other ethnographic objects,
field records, photographs, and other records
associated with archaeological research sites
in the United States and around the world.
Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc.
Charlottesville, VA Jillian E. Galle
$132,832 The development of an integrated
digital archive of diverse archaeological and
historical data related to the experiences
of African slaves who labored on seven-
teenth-, eighteenth- and nineteenth-century
sugar plantations in the Caribbean.
Tudor Place Foundation, Inc.
Washington, DC Leslie Buhler
$30,000** At-risk archives at Tudor Place.
Tudor Place Foundation, Inc.
Washington, DC Leslie Buhler
$5,000 A conservation assessment of paintings
and miniatures in order to identify treatment
priorities and recommendations for rehousing.
Tudor Place was the home of Thomas Peter and
Martha Parke Custis Peter, the granddaughter
of Martha Washington, and was occupied by
six generations of one family until 1983. The
works of art to be surveyed include many early
portraits, such as a 1794 miniature in watercolor
on ivory of George Washington, which was
painted by Walter Robinson at the request of
Martha Custis Peter upon her engagement.
Tufts University
Medford, MA Gregory R. Crane
$284,999 Research on methods to generate a
dynamic lexicon for a text corpus in a digital
library. Using Greek and Latin texts, the project
would investigate processes to enumerate
possible senses for the words being defined
and provide detailed syntactic information and
statistical data about their use in a corpus.
Tufts University
Medford, MA Gregory R. Crane
$119,992 Creation of a digital collection of
fragmentary writings of Greek historians and
development of a virtual research environ-
ment for Greco-Roman antiquity using
grid technologies that would be broadly
applicable to other humanities disciplines.
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Fayetteville, AR Jesse Casana
$338,045 The creation of a digital archaeo-
logical atlas of selected sites from the greater
Near East (North Africa to Central Asia)
based on CORONA satellite images.
University of Arkansas, Monticello
Monticello, AR Mary Cleta Heady
$4,982 The purchase of archival preservation
supplies and a training workshop for the staff of
the University’s archives and special collec-
tions. The collection includes 603 linear feet
of books and periodicals and 110 linear feet
of newspaper materials in print and microfilm
documenting the history of Southeast Arkansas,
the University of Arkansas at Monticello, and
the Ashley, Drew, and Northern Railroads.
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA Charles Bailey Faulhaber
$15,000* The upgrading and enhancement
of a web-based bio-bibliographical database,
PhiloBiblon, which currently provides
access to major projects on the culture
of medieval and early modern Spain.
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA Deborah Winthrop Anderson
$40,000* Incorporation into the
Unicode standard of fifteen histori-
cal and minority language scripts.
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA James A. Matisoff
$50,000 Consultation to develop a long-term
sustainability plan for an online etymological
dictionary and thesaurus of Proto-Sino-Tibetan,
the common ancestor of languages spoken
in China, India, and Southeast Asia.
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA Willemina Z. Wendrich
$350,000 The second phase of development of
an online encyclopedia with 1,000 peer-reviewed
entries averaging 1,500 words on the history
and culture of Egypt from 5500 BCE to 641 CE.
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA Henry L. Snyder
$200,000 The creation of 17,500 full bib-
liographic records for items published from
1642 to 1701, which will complete the base
file of the English Short Title Catalog.
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA M. Patricia Fumerton
$350,000 Digitizing images of 1,500
seventeenth-century English ballads held by the
British Library, as well as illustrative woodcuts,
facsimile transcriptions, contextual essays, and
audio files of sung versions of the ballads, and
incorporating them into an electronic archive.
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL Matthew W. Stolper
$350,000 Cataloging and digitizing
administrative documents dating from 500
BCE from Persepolis, the chief imperial
residence of the Achaemenid kings in the
homeland of the ancient Persian Empire.
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL Nathan S. Tarcov
$30,000** Leo Strauss Center.
University of Colorado, Boulder
Boulder, CO Allaina Wallace
$4,978 A general preservation assessment
of archives comprised of 1,400 maps, 8,000
photographic prints, 1,400 glass plate nega-
tives, 1,600 color slides, 7,000 ice charts, and
38 cubic feet of manuscripts documenting
the history of science and exploration in cold
regions. The collections include the historical
records of the World Data Center and the
National Snow and Ice Data Center.
*Federal Matching Funds
University of Delaware
Newark, DE Debra H. Norris
$256,680 Graduate education in the con-
servation of material culture collections.
University of Denver
Denver, CO Brooke Rohde
$3,675 Hiring of a conservator to conduct
a preservation needs assessment of collec-
tions of basketry, pottery, ceramics, and
other archaeological artifacts representing a
wide range of cultures from the American
Southwest and around the world.
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL Rebecca M. M. Nagy
$226,685* The improvement of storage and
environmental conditions for the Harn Museum
of Art’s 6,200 works of African and Asian art,
modern art of Europe and the Americas, inter-
national contemporary art, and photography.
University of Georgia
Athens, GA William Kretzschmar, Jr.
$349,600 Digitization of interviews from
the Linguistic Atlas Project, including 6,400
hours of audio interviews with speakers of
American English from the 1960s to the 1990s.
University of Hawai'i, Manoa
Honolulu, HI Joan Hori
$200,000 Digitization of 25,000 pages
of Hawai'i newspapers, dating from
1880 to 1922, as part of the National
Digital Newspaper Program.
University of Illinois
Champaign, IL Laura Kozuch
$111,278 The completion of the cataloging
and rehousing of around 500 cubic feet of
materials excavated since 1920 at Cahokia, a
prehistoric site in Illinois dated 1200 to 1300 CE.
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL Ellen Swain
$4,998 The purchase of preservation supplies
and environmental monitoring equipment for
the Stewart S. Howe Collection, one of the larg-
est collections of national fraternity and sorority
materials in the United States. It contains over
350 cubic feet of records, dating from 1810 to
the present, including books, journals, newslet-
ters, clippings, correspondence, photographs,
and student files reflecting campus life at more
than 300 American colleges and universities.
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL Mary Stuart
$402,222 The cataloging of 1,100 newspaper
titles as part of Illinois’s participation in
the United States Newspaper Program.
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI Mary Lynn Heininger
$5,000 Preservation planning and environ-
mental monitoring at Fair Lane, a National
Historic Landmark, built in 1915 for Henry
and Clara Ford. The historic house museum,
with its original furnishings as well as period
and reproduction pieces, is used to examine
the Ford family’s impact on American life.
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI Nancy McGovern
$299,177 Four week-long workshops for
advanced training in the preservation of
digital materials in cultural institutions and six
shorter topical workshops, addressing selected
issues in depth. A total of 192 members of the
managerial and technical staffs of collecting
institutions would participate. In addition, an
online introductory tutorial on the basics of
digital preservation would be freely available.
University of Montana
Missoula, MT Donna E. McCrea
$5,000 Hiring a photographic preservation
consultant to assess a collection of 50,000
historic images dating from 1860 to the 1980s
and housed in the Maureen and Mike Mansfield
Library at The University of Montana-Missoula.
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE Mark Joseph Awakuni-Swetland
$348,800 The preparation of an online
dictionary of Omaha and Ponca, mutu-
ally intelligible Siouan languages spoken
in Nebraska and Oklahoma.
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC Steven M. Weiss
$138,273 The transfer to digital format of
2,350 hours of analog audio recordings
from seven collections held in the univer-
sity’s Southern Folklife Collection, which
documents the history and culture of the
region through music and oral history.
University of North Carolina
Charlotte, NC Robert A. McInnes
$3,228 Hiring an audiovisual preservation
specialist to conduct a comprehensive needs
assessment of 804 reels of historic televi-
sion news film from 1959 to 1981, produced
by Charlotte’s WBTV, the oldest television
broadcasting station in the Carolinas.
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK Sean O’Neill
$348,800 Fieldwork on the grammar, lexicon,
and storytelling traditions of the Plains Apache,
speakers of an endangered Athabaskan
language in Oklahoma. The project would
result in a database, which would be used to
produce a dictionary and a collection of texts.
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA Grant Frame
$251,046 Online publication of the offi-
cial inscriptions of the rulers of ancient
Assyria, which are preserved on clay
tablets and other artifacts. The project
would also provide transliterations, transla-
tions, and bibliographic information.
University of Southern Maine
Portland, ME Yolanda Theunissen
$466,009 The purchase of compact stor-
age systems for the Osher Map Library
and the rehousing of 100,000 rare and
semi-rare maps, atlases, globes, and explor-
ers’ accounts dating from 1475 to 1950.
University of Texas
Austin, TX Mary Ellen Cunningham-Kruppa
$504,204 The graduate education of
conservators and preservation administra-
tors in the care of library and archival
collections in the humanities.
University of Texas
Austin, TX Mary Ellen Cunningham-Kruppa
$5,225* The education of preservation admin-
istrators and conservators in the care of library
and archival collections in the humanities.
University of Texas
Austin, TX Don E. Carleton
$173,930 Conservation of ten linear feet
of diaries and other papers of Stephen F.
Austin and his family related to the creation
of the Republic of Texas, 1676 to 1873.
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada Antonette diPaolo Healey
$100,000 The preparation of entries for the
Dictionary of Old English, a historical diction-
ary based on the entire extant corpus of Old
English texts written between 650 and 1150 CE.
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada Antonette diPaolo Healey
$133,000* The preparation of entries for the
Dictionary of Old English, a historical diction-
ary based on the entire extant corpus of Old
English texts written between 650 and 1150 CE.
University of Tulsa
Tulsa, OK I. Marc Carlson
$4,500 A preservation assessment of books,
manuscripts, periodicals, maps, and post-
ers in the special collections of McFarlin
Library. Collection strengths include archival
materials on literary authors, such as James
Joyce, V. S. Naipaul, Rebecca West, and
F. Scott Fitzgerald; historical resources
on Oklahoma and Tulsa; and modernist
literature of the early twentieth century.
*Federal Matching Funds
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA Edward F. Gaynor
$49,557 Conservation treatment of four linear
feet of the John Randolph papers. Randolph
(1773–1833) was a Virginia planter, slave owner
and, later, liberator and influential congressman.
University of Wisconsin
Eau Claire, WI Colleen McFarland
$4,837 A general preservation assessment
of a collection of manuscripts, county and
municipal records, and business archives
documenting the history, culture, social life
and industry in the Chippewa Valley region.
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI Joan H. Hall
$50,000 The compilation of the fifth and
sixth volumes of the Dictionary of American
Regional English, which documents geographical
differences in the vocabulary, pronunciation,
and morphology of American English.
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI Russell Panczenko
$4,958 A conservator’s assessment of the
collections of the Chazen Museum of Art
to identify potential risks and recommend
preventative measures to protect the collections
during the construction phase of a building
expansion and renovation. The assessment
would also guide revisions to the museum’s
plan for disaster preparedness and response.
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI Sissel Schroeder
$5,000 A general preservation assessment and
the creation of a long-term preservation plan
for archaeological, ethnographic, and biological
artifacts. The collections are used for research
and teaching and include stone and bone
tools, pottery, clay figurines, basketry, textiles,
archives, maps, and photographs documenting
archaeological sites from around the world.
Ursinus College
Collegeville, PA Julie M. Choma
$5,000 A condition survey of fifty-five
modern works of outdoor sculpture held by
the college’s museum, including pieces by
Lynn Chadwick, J. Seward Johnson, G. Noble
Wagner, Steve Tobin, and Harry Bertoia.
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY Sabrina Pape
$5,000 A preservation assessment of humanities
collections held in the main library’s special
collections and in the art library and music
library. With a particular strength in English
and American literature, the collections
include books, journals, music scores, videos,
sound recordings, microfilm, and maps.
Walters Art Museum
Baltimore, MD William Noel
$307,500 Cataloging and digitizing 236 Islamic
illuminated manuscripts, which contain
53,000 folios that date from the ninth to the
nineteenth century. Images and catalog data
would be freely accessible via the museum’s
website and available through a portal main-
tained by Johns Hopkins University.
Washington County Historical Society
and Museum
Portland, OR Jennifer Kozik
$4,965 Purchasing storage furniture to rehouse
the historical society’s collections, includ-
ing Native American artifacts, agricultural
implements, furniture, logging tools, textiles,
and library and archival materials, related to
the history and culture of the Portland area.
Washington State Library
Olympia, WA Marlys Rudeen
$341,424 Digitization of 100,000 pages
of Washington State’s microfilmed news-
papers from 1880 to 1922, as part of the
National Newspaper Digital Program.
Women’s Studio Workshop
Rosendale, NY Ann E. Kalmbach
$5,000 Purchase of storage furniture and
preservation supplies to rehouse archives,
scrapbooks, photographs, posters, and other
records documenting the work of women
artists and the history of the Women’s Studio
Workshop since its founding in 1974.
Woodlawn Museum
Ellsworth, ME Rosamond S. Rea
$5,000 A preservation assessment of a rare and
nationally significant bed manufactured in 1827
in the Napoleonic style, including its original
bed-hangings, valance, curtains, and cornice
elements. Accompanying archival materials
contain bills of sale, an unused bolt of silk
fringe, original drawings and notes made by the
upholsterer on the fabrication and installation,
and photographs of the bed from 1880 to 1900.
Woodrow Wilson Presidential Libraries
Staunton, VA Eric James Vettel
$5,000 A preservation assessment of archival
materials relating to the life and presidency
of Woodrow Wilson, including the papers
of President Wilsons personal physician and
confidante, documents and photographs from
Wilsons military driver during battlefield tours,
and correspondence from the family of Wilsons
first wife. The purchase of archival supplies will
be used to rehouse documents and photographs.
Through the Division of Public Programs, NEH supports humanities
programs that reach large and diverse public audiences through
radio and television programs, interpretive exhibitions, reading and
film discussion series, lectures, conferences, and symposia.
*Federal Matching Funds **Emergency Grant
Humanities Projects in
Libraries and Archives
Grants support the use and interpretation of
collections in libraries and archives.
Abraham Lincoln Foundation
Philadelphia, PA James M. Mundy
$30,000** Love of Country Leads.
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and
Museum Foundation
Springfield, IL Richard E. Beard
$400,000 Implementation of a panel exhibition
about the life and times of Abraham Lincoln
that is traveling to forty sites, with a companion
publication, curricular materials, summer
workshops serving 200 teachers, and reading
and film discussion programs for the public.
American Library Association
Chicago, IL Susan E. Brandehoff
$179,618 Implementation of a traveling panel
exhibition, related public programming, training,
and companion digital and curricular materials
about the life of Benjamin Franklin and his
contributions to the founding of the United
States, to circulate to thirty sites nationwide.
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
New York, NY Susan F. Saidenberg
$400,000 The production of a six-section panel
exhibition, “Abraham Lincoln: A Man of
His Time, A Man for All Times,” to travel to
forty libraries and be accessible online along
with an exhibition brochure, a multimedia
resource kit and video, and programming for
the public at both the local and national levels.
Humanities Projects in Media
Grants support the planning, scripting, and
production of television and radio programs for
general audiences.
Catticus Corporation
Berkeley, CA Michael Schwarz
$800,000 Production of a two-hour his-
torical television documentary, website, and
DVD that examine the rich and complex
intermingling of Muslims, Christians, and
Jews in medieval Spain from the Muslim
conquest in 711 through the consolidation
of Christian power in the fifteenth century.
City Lore: NY Center for Urban Folk Culture
New York, NY Ric Burns
$70,000 Scripting of a two-hour documentary
film exploring the history of the American
whaling industry from the seventeenth
century through the late nineteenth century.
Educational Broadcasting Corporation
New York, NY Stephen Segaller
$30,000** Picturing America on Screen.
Film Arts Foundation
San Francisco, CA Matthew Gary Davis
$70,000 Scripting of three half-hour segments
and detailed treatments for seven additional seg-
ments for an animated television series featuring
teenage detectives who solve historical puzzles.
Filmmakers Collaborative, Inc.
Waltham, MA Kathryn P. Dietz
$70,000 Scripting of a ninety-minute
film about Johnny Cash, the iconic
country singer/songwriter.
Filmmakers Collaborative, Inc.
Waltham, MA Austin Hoyt
$70,000 Scripting of a sixty-minute documen-
tary film about the efforts of the American
Relief Administration to combat starvation
in the new Soviet Union from 1921–23.
Filmmakers Collaborative, Inc.
Waltham, MA Tracy Heather Strain
$75,000 Development of a ninety-minute
documentary, website, and curriculum
materials exploring the life, work, and times
of African-American playwright and activ-
ist Lorraine Hansberry (1930–65).
Washington, DC Jeff Bieber
$75,000 Development of a two-hour film that
would examine the history of the conservative
movement in twentieth-century America.
Washington, DC Jeff Bieber
$30,000 Production of a four-part film
series about Jewish immigration to North
America and about the integration of
Jews into the fabric of American life.
Minnesota Public Radio
St. Paul, MN Kate Moos
$79,554 Production of a one-hour radio
program, together with a companion
website, on Tatanka Iyotanka (Sitting
Bull), and development of six treatments
profiling significant figures in the history
of religious thought around the world.
National Childrens Book
and Literacy Alliance
Franklin, MA Mary Brigid Barrett
$25,000** Web portal for “Our
White House” initiative.
National Forensic League
Ripon, WI Mary L. Hagy
$30,000** Now Debate This.
New York Foundation for the Arts
New York, NY Oren Rudavsky
$53,500 Development of a two-hour
documentary exploring the modern ideol-
ogy of Zionism, an accompanying website,
a study guide, and a companion book.
New York Foundation for the Arts
New York, NY Daniel Anker
$695,500 Production of a ninety-minute
documentary film about the attempt to save
the icebound community of Nome, Alaska,
from a diphtheria epidemic in 1925.
Old Stone House of Brooklyn
Brooklyn, NY Karen Thorsen
$30,000 Planning of a ninety-minute television
documentary, multimedia museum exhibit,
study guides, and a website that explore
the life and writing of Thomas Paine.
Project Rebirth, Inc.
New York, NY Sara R. Isaacs
$30,000** Project Rebirth.
WGBH Educational Foundation
Boston, MA Mark Samels
$1,000,000 Production of a multiplatform media
project on the Freedom Riders, the hundreds
of civil rights activists who challenged segrega-
tion in interstate transport in the American
South during the spring and summer of 1961.
WGBH Educational Foundation
Boston, MA Margaret Drain
$100,000* Production of two one-hour
programs of a five-part television series and
a website that will explore key events in
American and Native American history.
WGBH Educational Foundation
Boston, MA Margaret Drain
$500,000 The distribution, onto a broad range
of media platforms, of the television biographies
of seven twentieth-century presidents—Franklin
Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson,
Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan,
and George Herbert Walker Bush—who
defined the modern American presidency.
WGBH Educational Foundation
Boston, MA Pierre Valette
$800,000 Production of three half-hour episodes
on the history and culture of India, Kenya,
and Chile for Postcards from Buster, a television
series for children six to eight years old; in
addition, support of material on six countries
for the Arthur website and the Arthur’s World
exhibit at the Boston Childrens Museum.
*Federal Matching Funds **Emergency Grant
WNYC Radio
New York, NY Sara Fishko
$100,000 Production of two one-hour radio
programs, ten shorter modules (eight to
fourteen minutes each) and digital compo-
nents on the history and culture of jazz in
New York during the 1950s and 1960s.
Women Make Movies, Inc.
New York, NY Michele Midori Fillion
$635,000 Production of a one-hour documen-
tary film and companion website focusing
on women reporters of World War II.
Humanities Projects in
Museums and Historical
Grants support the planning and implementa-
tion of exhibitions, publications, and other
programming in museums and historical
Aquila Theatre Company Inc.
New York, NY Peter Meineck
$292,585 Implementation of a series of
reading and performance discussion programs
in seven states and a website about how
the themes of classical Greek and Roman
drama continue to resonate today across a
variety of racial and ethnic subcultures.
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ Nancy L. Dallett
$39,999 Planning for an online encyclo-
pedia of Arizona history and culture.
Atlanta Historical Society
Atlanta, GA Michael Rose
$40,000 Planning of an exhibition that
examines the relationship of barbecue to
regional and national culture and how
themes of race, politics, class, religion, and
concepts of community and identity can
be recognized and celebrated with food.
Barrington Area Historical Society
Barrington, IL Michael Harkins
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Going Places.”
Bass Museum of Art
Miami Beach, FL Ruth Grim
$7,200* Implementation of a traveling
exhibition, two catalogs, a symposium,
and educational and public programming
exploring mid-century Miami’s history,
architecture, and decorative arts.
Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum
Austin, TX David Albert Denney
$25,000 Implementation of a large traveling
exhibition, a smaller format traveling ver-
sion, and educational and public programs
exploring immigration through the port of
Galveston, Texas, from 1845 to 1924.
Boston Childrens Museum
Boston, MA Leslie Swartz
$400,000* Implementation of an interactive,
trilingual traveling exhibition for children
exploring contemporary Chinese culture.
Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History
Bryan, TX Deborah F. Cowman
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Carnaval.
Butler County History Center
El Dorado, KS Deborah L. Amend
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Asian Games.
City of Dublin
Dublin, CA Elizabeth M. Isles
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Farm Life.”
City of Greeley Museums
Greeley, CO Christopher L. Dill
$1,000 Public programming to accom-
pany the traveling exhibition “Asian
Games: The Art of Conquest.”
City of Wapakoneta 175th Anniversary
Committee and Wapakoneta Area
Chamber of Commerce
Wapakoneta, OH Rachel D. Barber
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Heroes of the Sky.”
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland, OH Timothy Rub
$41,910 Planning of a traveling exhibition,
catalog, introductory film, symposium,
website, and public and educational programs
exploring relics and reliquaries from Late
Antiquity to the end of the Middle Ages.
Decatur Public Library Foundation
Decatur, IL Maria Dent
$1,000 Public programming to accompany
the traveling exhibition “Farm Life.”
Denver Art Museum
Denver, CO Timothy J. Standring
$75,000* Implementation of a travel-
ing exhibition, a catalog, a website, a
symposium, and other educational and
public programs exploring how French
Impressionists drew on the art of the past.
El Paso Museum of History
El Paso, TX Barbara Angus
$1,000 Public programming to accompany
the traveling exhibition “Going Places.
Elmhurst Historical Museum
Elmhurst, IL Leslie Goddard
$1,000 Public programming to accompany
the traveling exhibition “Going Places.
Jewish Museum of Maryland
Baltimore, MD Karen Falk
$40,000 Planning for a traveling exhibition,
a catalog, a website, and educational and
public programs examining Jewish foodways
as expressions of tradition and adaptation.
Journey through Hallowed Ground
Waterford, VA Beth Erickson
$30,000** Exhibition of the American Ideal.
Kansas African American Museum, Inc.
Wichita, KS Anita Knox
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Wrapped in Pride.”
Kansas City, Public Library-West
Wyandotte Branch
Kansas City, KS Sarah Ann Bohndorf
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Asian Games.
Lafayette Natural History Museum &
Planetarium Foundation
Lafayette, LA Deborah J Clifton
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Wrapped in Pride.”
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Los Angeles, CA Linda Komaroff
$40,000 Planning for a traveling exhibi-
tion, catalog, website, symposium, and
educational and public programs examining
pre-modern Islamic patterns of gift-giving.
Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art
Shawnee, OK Dane Pollei
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Grass Roots.”
Maine Humanities Council
Portland, ME Victoria B. Bonebakker
$399,508 Implementation of a reading and
discussion series with training workshops
using humanities literature to improve staff
understanding of patients at fifteen Veterans
Administration hospitals in ten states.
Martha’s Vineyard Historical Society
Edgartown, MA Keith P. Gorman
$39,903 Planning for a permanent
exhibition and related educational and
public programs exploring how the his-
tory and culture of Martha’s Vineyard
was shaped by its island location.
*Federal Matching Funds **Emergency Grant
Martha’s Vineyard Historical Society
Edgartown, MA Keith P. Gorman
$208,550 Implementation of a virtual exhibi-
tion for family audiences about the social and
economic history of New England whaling,
using as its centerpiece a shipboard journal
written by a child during a voyage in 1868–71.
Mexican Cultural Institute
Washington, DC Alejandra de la Paz
$30,000** Juan Quezada: From Paquime
to the Master Potters of Mata Ortiz.
Mid-America Arts Alliance
Kansas City, MO Mary K. McCabe
$1,500,000 Reconfiguration of four
NEH-funded exhibitions into smaller versions
and managing all the logistical details of their
travel to smaller museums over three years.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Boston, MA Ronni Baer
$75,000* Implementation of a traveling exhibi-
tion, a catalog, films, and related programs
on paintings, sculpture, and decorative arts
produced in Spain between 1598 and 1621.
Museum of Northern Arizona
Flagstaff, AZ Kelley A. Hays-Gilpin
$40,000 Planning for a traveling
exhibition on Hopi culture.
National Agricultural Center and Hall of Fame
Bonner Springs, KS Kathleen Ann Alexander
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Farm Life”
National Constitution Center
Philadelphia, PA Steve M. Frank
$271,910 Implementation of a traveling
panel exhibition about how Abraham
Lincoln used constitutional tools to preserve
the union and end slavery, which will tour
twenty-five public libraries in collaboration
with the American Library Association.
Newark Museum
Newark, NJ Christa Clarke
$40,000 Planning of the reinstallation of the
Newark Museum’s collection of African art.
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL Scott Manning Stevens
$399,990 Implementation of an interactive
website on the cultures and history of the
Indian tribes of the Midwest and on the
changes and issues they have faced over time.
New-York Historical Society
New York, NY Louise Mirrer
$75,000 Planning for a temporary exhibi-
tion, a catalog, a website on Abraham
Lincoln and his relationship to New York
City, and a traveling nine-panel exhibi-
tion that will circulate nationwide.
Norman Rockwell Museum
Stockbridge, MA Laurie Norton Moffatt
$30,000** “The Pleasures of Recognition:
Norman Rockwell’s Inspiration and Influences.”
Old Red Museum of Dallas County
History & Culture
Dallas, TX Jessica Jernigan
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Going Places”
Petroleum Museum
Midland, TX Katherine G. Shannon
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Going Places”
Please Touch Museum
Philadelphia, PA Kathryn Matthew
$20,000* Implementation of an exhibi-
tion interpreting Philadelphia’s 1876
Centennial Exhibition, to be installed
in a new museum building.
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle, WA Barbara Brotherton
$400,000 Implementation of a traveling
exhibit and a companion website on the art
and culture of the coastal Salish people.
Sedalia Area Chamber of Commerce
Sedalia, MO Annette Ray
$1,000 Public programming to accompany
the traveling exhibition “Farm Life.”
Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation
New York, NY Alexandra Munroe
$750,000 Implementation of a traveling exhibi-
tion, a catalog, a website, a symposium, and
related educational and public programs exam-
ining the impact of Asian art, literature, and
philosophy on American art from 1860 to 1970.
Texarkana Regional Arts
and Humanities Council
Texarkana, TX Brian Goesl
$1,000 Public programming to accom-
pany the traveling exhibition “Kent
Cloth: Wrapped in Pride.”
Texas A & M University at Kingsville
Kingsville, TX Hal Ham
$1,000 Public programming to accompany
the traveling exhibition “Going Places.
Trigg C. M. Russell Foundation, Inc.
Great Falls, MT Anne Morand
$100,000* Implementation of a permanent
exhibition with a website and public and
school programs about the history of humans’
interaction with bison and how the bison
became a symbol of Native American culture,
the American West, and our national identity.
Tunica Museum
Tunica, MS Richard Taylor
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Heroes of the Sky”
Uinta County Museum
Evanston, WY Barbara Allen Bogart
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Heroes of the Sky”
University of Maryland
Baltimore, MD Maurice Berger
$40,000 Planning for a traveling exhibition, a
catalog, a film festival, a website, and related
educational and public programs exploring
how visual images shaped and transformed
the fight for civil rights in the U.S.
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA Kathleen Ryan
$39,768 Planning for a traveling exhibition on
African healing practices and their relation-
ships to cultural values, past and present.
University of Richmond
Richmond, VA Elizabeth Schlatter
$1,000 NEH on the Road: “Wrapped in Pride”
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA Marsha Kinder
$74,997 Planning of interactive history
software, a website, a multimedia traveling
exhibition, and “database documentary”
television programs about Jewish American
immigration and cultural identity issues.
VA Sesquicentennial of the
American Civil War Commission
Richmond, VA Cheryl Jackson
$40,000 Planning for a traveling exhibi-
tion, a smaller mobile museum version,
and a low-security exhibit, on the Civil
War events in Virginia as representa-
tive of the larger national experience.
Virginia Historical Society
Richmond, VA Charles F. Bryan, Jr.
$50,000 Implementation of a traveling exhibi-
tion, a website, and educational and public
programs comparing and contrasting Civil War
generals Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant.
Virginia Historical Society
Richmond, VA Charles F. Bryan, Jr.
$25,000* Implementation of a traveling exhibi-
tion, a website, and educational and public
programs comparing and contrasting Civil War
generals Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant.
*Federal Matching Funds **Emergency Grant
Williams College
Williamstown, MA Deborah M. Rothschild
$30,000* Implementation of a traveling
exhibition with a catalog and a public sym-
posium about a remarkable American couple
living well in France in the 1920s and thirties,
who influenced the transatlantic exchange
of ideas about modern art and music.
Winterthur Museum
Winterthur, DE Wendy A. Cooper
$40,000 Planning of a traveling exhibi-
tion, catalog, interactive website, regional
travel guide, symposium, and public
and educational programs exploring the
diversity of furniture-making and owner-
ship in the region in the period.
Yeshiva University
New York, NY Gabriel M. Goldstein
$40,000 Planning of an exhibition and
website that focus on American Jews and their
post-World War II move from the cities to the
suburbs, where they adapted traditions and prac-
tices even as they adopted new modes of life.
Special Projects
Grants support a combination of programming
formats, such as reading and discussion series,
lectures, or websites for a regional or national
Frederick Community College
Frederick, MD Dean Andrew Herrin
$75,000* Implementation of a website,
conference, publications, guided tours, lecture
series, and educational materials exploring the
Civil War in the interior Mid-Atlantic region.
Nebraska Humanities Council
Lincoln, NE Sarah J. Hood
$35,000* Implementation of a series of
public programs in twelve rural communi-
ties in Kansas and Nebraska over three
years exploring critical changes in American
cultural and political life in the 1930s
through the lives of five historic figures.
Interpreting America’s
Historic Places
Grants support planning and implementation
projects that exploit the evocative power of his-
toric places to address themes and issues central
to American history and culture.
Aldo Leopold Foundation
Baraboo, WI Wellington Huffaker
$45,000 Planning to develop a new inter-
pretation of the Aldo Leopold Shack
and Farm, home of a key figure in the
twentieth-century conservation movement.
American Precision Museum
Windsor, VT Carrie Brown
$39,642 Planning of a major permanent exhibi-
tion on the rise of precision manufacturing and
its importance in American industrial history.
Billings Farm and Museum
Woodstock, VT David A. Donath
$40,000 Planning for reinstallation of a
permanent exhibition at Historic Billings
Farm and development of accompanying
public and educational programs and audio
tours interpreting Vermont’s rural heritage.
Delaware Division of Parks and Recreation
Dover, DE Elaine Brenchley
$40,000 Planning for expanded living-history
programs, self-guided audio tours, and wayside
signage interpreting the period from 1774
to 1792 within First State Heritage Park.
Fort Ross Interpretive Association
Jenner, CA Lyn Kalani
$114,049 Production of exhibits, displays,
a walking tour, a museum panel, and
a website tour for the Rotchev House
Museum, home of the last manager of the
Russian-America Company in California.
Greene County Historical Society,
Thomas Cole Site
Catskill, NY Elizabeth Bond Jacks
$225,000 Implementation of a permanent
interpretation of Thomas Cole’s studio,
including a film, docent tours, a website,
multimedia stations, publications, and public
and educational programs exploring how Cole
worked and his contribution to American art.
Hancock Shaker Village, Inc.
Pittsfield, MA Todd Burdick
$168,703 Implementation of a new
audio and podcast tour of the Hancock
Shaker Village’s 1,200-acre site.
Historic Hudson Valley
Tarrytown, NY Kathleen E. Johnson
$30,000** “Festivals of Sail and
Steam: The Hudson-Fulton &
Champlain Celebrations of 1909.”
Lower East Side Tenement Museum
New York, NY Renee Epps
$40,000 Planning an exhibit and programs inter-
preting the backyard as used by tenants from
1864 to 1905, exploring themes of urban sanita-
tion, technological change, and social reform,
and the uses of rear yards as communal spaces.
Mark Twain House
Hartford, CT Jeffrey L. Nichols
$30,000** Visitor and educational services.
New Bedford Whaling Museum
New Bedford, MA Madelyn Shaw
$50,000* Implementation of a permanent
core exhibition with an audio tour about
the human fascination with whales and
the history of whaling in New Bedford,
Massachusetts, within a global context.
Rokeby Museum
Ferrisburgh, VT Jane Williamson
$10,000* Implementation of a permanent
exhibition presenting new scholarship on
the history of the Underground Railroad
in Vermont and northern New England.
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH David H. Watters
$40,000 Planning of a permanent exhibition
of the city’s history for a new cultural center,
enhancements to the Black Heritage Trail, cre-
ation of a new Footsteps of Washington Trail,
and a website to include downloadable maps,
podcasts, and other pertinent tour materials.
Wistariahurst Museum / City of Holyoke
Holyoke, MA Kate Navarra Thibodeau
$399,950 Implementation of a citywide
project that tells the story of immigration to
Holyoke, Massachusetts, through separate
interpretive exhibitions at three museums,
complemented by public programming, heritage
tours, a teachers institute, and a website.
Bookshelf Cooperative
American Library Association
Chicago, IL Lainie Castle
$978,587 We the People Bookshelf:
Picturing America
American Library Association
Chicago, IL Lainie Castle
$743,463 We the People Bookshelf:
Created Equal
Through the Division of Research Programs, NEH assists scholars who are
engaged in examining ideas, making inquiries, and assembling evidence that leads
to a better understanding of human thought, societies, and cultures worldwide.
Fellowships and
Grants go to individuals to
support up to a year of
humanities research.
Thomas Adam
Arlington, TX
Robert C. Allen
Durham, NC
Joseph P. Amar
Notre Dame, IN
Barbara Watson Andaya
Honolulu, HI
Joel Herbert Anderson
Berkeley, CA
Lorraine V. Aragon
Carrboro, NC
Miriam L. Bailin
St. Louis, MO
Sotirios A. Barber
Chicago, IL
Omer Bartov
Cambridge, MA
Nicholas Andrew Basbanes
North Grafton, MA
Anthony F. Beavers
Evansville, IN
Jessica N. Berry
Atlanta, GA
June Meryle Beveridge
Washington, DC
Marguerite Anne Biesele
Austin, TX
Tracey L. Billado
South Orange, NJ
Christopher Jay Bonastia
Bronx, NY
George E. Boulukos
Carbondale, IL
Holly Brewer
Raleigh, NC
Gregory S. Brown
Las Vegas, NV
Philip C. Brown
Columbus, OH
Thomas Joseph Brown
Columbia, SC
Jurgen Buchenau
Charlotte, NC
Brigitte Buettner
Northampton, MA
James Marshall Burns
Binghamton, NY
Cullen J. Chandler
Williamsport, PA
Maria Clotilde
Saint Paul, MN
David Evan Chinitz
Skokie, IL
Lauren Reynolds Clay
Nashville, TN
Joan Clinefelter
Greeley, CO
Constance A. Cook
Bethlehem, PA
Elizabeth Heckendorn Cook
Santa Barbara, CA
Richard Arthur Courage
South Egremont, MA
Ramona Curry
Champaign, IL
Patricia O’Brien D’Antonio
Philadelphia, PA
Paul Robert DeHart
Cleveland, TN
Daniel Desormeaux
Lexington, KY
John Michael Doris
St. Louis, MO
John Michael Doris
St. Louis, MO
Anthony Richard Dutton
Columbus, OH
Stephen G. Engelmann
Chicago, IL
Ioannis D. Evrigenis
Cambridge, MA
Annegret Fauser
Chapel Hill, NC
Fred A. Feldman
Leyden, MA
Sarah Brown Ferrario
Gaithersburg, MD
John Foreman
Utica, NY
Robert J. Foster
Rochester, NY
Cathy Frierson
Durham, NH
Patrick Frierson
Seattle, WA
Thomas Chandler Fulton
New Haven, CT
Bryant Garrett
Wellington, ME
Kenneth M. George
Madison, WI
Tina Gianquitto
Boulder, CO
Mary S. Gibson
New York, NY
Ernest Eugene Giddens
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Michel Gobat
Iowa City, IA
Susan L. Goodman
Newark, DE
Christopher D. Grasso
Williamsburg, VA
Rachel L. Greenblatt
Cambridge, MA
James Paul Grehan
Portland, OR
Carl James Grindley
The Bronx, NY
Lowell Gudmundson
South Hadley, MA
Mortimer Martin Guiney
Paris, France
Li Guo
Notre Dame, IN
Steven Christopher Hahn
Northfield, MN
Leor Edward Halevi
Nashville, TN
Margaret P. Hannay
Westerlo, NY
Anna Harrison
Culver City, CA
Paul William Harvey
Colorado Springs, CO
Walter Hawthorne
East Lansing, MI
Roze Frances Hentschell
Fort Collins, CO
David Herman
Charlottesville, VA
Reinier Herman Hesselink
Cedar Falls, IA
Cecily Hilsdale
Evanston, IL
Gary Holton
Fairbanks, AK
Jason Houston
Norman, OK
Scott Harold Husby
Princeton, NJ
Lewis Hyde
Cambridge, MA
Larry Isaac
Brentwood, TN
Jonathan A. Jacobs
Hamilton, NY
Richard R. John
Naperville, IL
Lyman Johnson
Charlotte, NC
Eric C. Kansa
Berkeley, CA
Ethan Matt Kavaler
Toronto, Canada
Nadezhda Kavrus-Hoffmann
Glenmont, NY
Michael Kazin
Chevy Chase, MD
Noel J. Kinnamon
Mars Hill, NC
Boris Christian Kment
Ann Arbor, MI
Stephen Kotkin
Princeton, NJ
Thomas A. Kselman
Notre Dame, IN
Don Kulick
New York, NY
Catesby Morris Leigh
Washington, DC
Victoria Lindsay Levine
Colorado Springs, CO
Adele Lindenmeyr
Merion Station, PA
Katherine Clover Little
Bronx, NY
David C. Lloyd
Los Angeles, CA
Tim William Machan
Wauwatosa, WI
Peter W. Martens
New Haven, CT
A. Michael Matin
Black Mountain, NC
Janet Susan McIntosh
Waltham, MA
Honey Meconi
Rochester, NY
Gwenn Miller
Jamaica Plain, MA
Paul Brian Miller
Phoenix, AZ
Kristina Milnor
New York, NY
Lisa Mitchell
Philadelphia, PA
Christian Robert Moevs
South Bend, IN
Adnan Zillur Morshed
Washington, DC
Ann E. Moyer
Philadelphia, PA
Colleen Marie Murphy
College Station, TX
Alexander Nakhimovsky
Hamilton, NY
Laura Nenzi
Miami Springs, FL
Samuel Newlands
Notre Dame, IN
Peter Christopher Norberg
Philadelphia, PA
Beth E. Notar
Hartford, CT
Erik Stefan Ohlander
Fort Wayne, IN
Ian William Olivo Read
San Francisco, CA
Katherine M. Osburn
Cookeville, TN
John Anderson Palmer
Gainesville, FL
Amy Lynn Paugh
Mount Sidney, VA
Ellavina T. Perkins
Flagstaff, AZ
Christopher John Pincock
West Lafayette, IN
Janet L. Polasky
Portsmouth, NH
Jason Eliot Powell
Ardmore, PA
Gyan Prakash
Princeton, NJ
Bianca Premo
Miami, FL
Craig Russell Prentiss
Kansas City, MO
Anupama P. Rao
New York, NY
Henry S. Richardson
Washington, DC
David Robinson
Hamilton, NM
Tom Rockmore
Pittsburgh, PA
Bethany Lynn Rogers
Staten Island, NY
Carl Rollyson
Cape May Court House, NJ
Linda Marguerite Rupert
Greensboro, NC
Marina A. Rustow
Atlanta, GA
David H. Sacks
Portland, OR
Allison Schachter
Nashville, TN
Susan Schreibman
Flanders, NJ
Lisa Diane Schrenk
Albuquerque, NM
Anne Mary Schuchman
Rutherford, NJ
Andrew Schulz
Eugene, OR
Christine C. Shepardson
Knoxville, TN
Vera Shevzov
Northampton, MA
Rachel Singpurwalla
Washington, DC
Timothy Linwood Stinson
Raleigh, NC
Douglas W. Stott
Atlanta, GA
Lawrence H. Suid
Greenbelt, MD
Gayle Ann Sulik
Denton, TX
Steven Robert Swayne
Quechee, VT
C. Jan Swearingen
Bryan, TX
William Taubman
Amherst, MA
Amy Murrell Taylor
Albany, NY
James Edward Tobin
Oxford, OH
Deborah Gerber Tor
Scarsdale, NY
Stephen Andrew Toth
Phoenix, AZ
Eleanor Townsley
South Hadley, MA
Bryan Trabold
Norton, MA
Barry Trachtenberg
Albany, NY
Kiyoteru Tsutsui
Ann Arbor, MI
Conevery Bolton Valencius
Quincy, MA
Daniela Vallega-Neu
Turlock, CA
John Van Engen
Notre Dame, IN
Manuel Rogelio Vargas
San Francisco, CA
Stephen Michael Vinson
South Bend, IN
Rico Vitz
Jacksonville, FL
Kevin Alan Vose
Williamsburg, VA
Susan Stewart Waller
Saint Louis, MO
Carl Wennerlind
New York, NY
Wayne A. Wiegand
Tallahassee, FL
Crispin L. Williams
Lawrence, KS
Karen A. Winstead
Galloway, OH
Jacob Wisse
New York, NY
Vazira Zamindar
Providence, RI
Gang Zhou
Baton Rouge, LA
Peter Alfred Zusi
New York, NY
*Federal Matching Funds **Emergency Grant
Collaborative Research
Grants support up to three years of research
undertaken by a team of scholars and fellowship
programs at independent research institutions.
American Center of Oriental Research
Boston, MA Barbara A. Porter
$86,400 One six-month fellowship
a year for three years.
American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY James A. Secord
$70,000* Work on volumes 16, 17,
18, and 19 of an edition of the cor-
respondence of Charles Darwin.
American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY Saul Fisher
$50,000* Four fellowships a year for three years.
American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY Andzrej W. Tymowski
$14,000* Three fellowships a year
for three years.
American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY Andzrej W. Tymowski
$667* Three fellowships a year for three years.
American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY Andzrej W. Tymowski
$41,333* Three fellowships a year
for three years.
American Councils for
International Education
Washington, DC Jeanette S. Owen
$132,000 Two and one-quarter fellowships
a year for two years.
American Folklore Society
Columbus, OH Robert Y. Walser
$200,000 The third phase of a ten-volume
critical edition of the James Madison Carpenter
Collection, including preparation of materials
for volumes 2 and 8–10 and continuing music
transcription and editing work for other volumes.
American Institute of Indian Studies
Chicago, IL Ralph W. Nicholas
$106,800 Three or four fellowships per year.
American Musicological Society
Brunswick, ME Richard Crawford
$110,000 Preparation for publication of
volumes 19–24 and continued editorial work
on four other volumes for the Music of the
United States of America: A National Series.
American Musicological Society
Brunswick, ME Richard Crawford
$5,834 Publication of volumes 16–20, and con-
tinued editorial work on volumes 21–29 in Music
of the United States of America: A National Series.
American Musicological Society
Brunswick, ME Richard Crawford
$11,666 Publication of volumes 16–20, and con-
tinued editorial work on volumes 21–29 in Music
of the United States of America: A National Series.
American Philological Association
Philadelphia, PA Kathleen M. Coleman
$111,000 One twelve-month fellowship
a year for three years.
American Philological Association
Philadelphia, PA Kathleen M. Coleman
$13,160* One humanities fellowship
a year for each of three years.
American Research Center in Egypt
Atlanta, GA Gerry D. Scott
$164,633 One twelve-month fellowship
a year for three years.
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA Ralph A. Thaxton Jr.
$100,000 Research for a coauthored book
examining the famine in Anhui Province that
resulted from Mao’s Great Leap Forward.
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH Melvyn C. Goldstein
$150,000 Development of a website archive
of interviews with important Tibetan politi-
cians, including English transcriptions.
Catholic University of America
Washington, DC Timothy B. Noone
$34,000* Preparation of a critical edition
of Duns Scotus’s Reportatio Parisiensis
examinata I-A, distinctions 25–35.
Catholic University of America
Washington, DC Timothy B. Noone
$10,000* Preparation of a critical edition
of Duns Scotus’s Reportatio Parisiensis
examinata I-A, distinctions 25–35.
Catholic University of America
Washington, DC Timothy B. Noone
$1,000* Preparation of a critical edition
of Duns Scotus’s Reportatio Parisiensis
examinata I-A, distinctions 25–35.
Duke University
Durham, NC David R. Sorensen
$9,000* Publication of volumes
34–36 of the Collected Letters of
Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle.
Duke University
Durham, NC David R. Sorensen
$16,000* Publication of volumes
34–36 of the Collected Letters of
Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle.
Duke University
Durham, NC Caroline Bruzelius
$10,000** Becoming a capital in
medieval South Italy: Naples from
the ninth to the twelfth centuries.
Emory University
Atlanta, GA Lois More Overbeck
$130,000 Preparation and final editing of
volumes 2 and 3 of a four-volume edition
of selected letters of Samuel Beckett.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Washington, DC Gail Kern Paster
$157,200 Three fellowships per
year for three years.
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA Christopher Hamner
$200,000 Work on the online edition’s edito-
rial apparatus and finding aids, including
preparation of introductory material, a
biographical directory, and a timeline for the
papers of the War Department, 1784–1800.
George Washington University
Washington, DC Allida Black
$60,000* Completion and publication of volume
2, completion of volume 3, and editorial work
on volume 4 of the Eleanor Roosevelt papers.
George Washington University
Washington, DC Charlene N. Bickford
$12,500* Preparation for publication of
volumes 18–22 of the Correspondence
Series of the Documentary History of the
First Federal Congress and work on digital
conversion for online publication.
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA Richard Pipes
$30,000** Pipes Project.
Huntington Library
San Marino, CA Robert C. Ritchie
$468,000 Three twelve-month fellowships
a year for three years.
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency
Springfield, IL Daniel W. Stowell
$7,420 The digitization of Lincoln-related
documents from different repositories
for a freely accessible website.
*Federal Matching Funds **Emergency Grant
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency
Springfield, IL Daniel W. Stowell
$102,528* The digitization of Lincoln-related
documents from different repositories
for a freely accessible website.
Indiana University, Bloomington
Bloomington, IN Raymond J. DeMallie
$125,000 Preparation for publica-
tion of three volumes of Native
American oral-history narratives.
Indiana University, Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN André De Tienne
$15,349* Publication of volumes 9 and 11 of
the writings of Charles S. Peirce, and contin-
ued editorial work on volumes 10 and 12.
Institute for Advanced Study
Princeton, NJ Peter Goddard
$74,000* Three humanities fellow-
ships each year for three years.
Institute for Advanced Study
Princeton, NJ Patricia Crone
$47,000* Three fellowships a
year for three years.
Jewish Publication Society
Philadelphia, PA Ellen Frankel
$90,000 Completion of a volume of transla-
tions of writings by Jews in Judea and
the Diaspora from 300 BCE to 100 CE.
John Carter Brown Library
Providence, RI Ted Widmer
$106,800 Two fellowships a year for two years.
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD Philip D. Morgan
$17,000 A conference with international
participants in preparation of a book
on the history of countries and cultures
connected by the Atlantic Ocean.
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD Hilary Bok
$200,000 The writing of essays to be
compiled into a book addressing neuroscientific
contributions to our understanding of human
freedom and responsibility.
Philip Kelley
Winfield, KS
$25,000* Preparation of annotation of
letters (1851–1853) comprising volumes
17–19 of the correspondence of Robert
Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
nineteenth-century British poets.
Lepanto Foundation
Washington, DC Roberto de Mattei
$30,000** American Revolution and Italian
Revolution in Orestes Brownsons thought.
Massachusetts Historical Society
Boston, MA C. James Taylor
$134,000* Preparation and publication of
volumes 8 and 9 of the correspondence of the
Adams family and to begin work on volume 10.
Massachusetts Historical Society
Boston, MA C. James Taylor
$133,000* Preparation and publication of
volumes 8 and 9 of the correspondence of the
Adams family and to begin work on volume 10.
Massachusetts Historical Society
Boston, MA Conrad Edick Wright
$7,000* Two humanities fellowships
each year for three years.
Medici Archive Project
New York, NY Ippolita Morgese
$15,000 One three-year humanities fellowship.
Medici Archive Project
New York, NY Ippolita Morgese
$17,235** Medici Archive Project at the
Renaissance Society of America.
Medieval Academy of America
Cambridge, MA Paul E. Szarmach
$120,000 The first phase of the retrospective
online publication of thirty-eight scholarly print
editions of the Medieval Academy of America.
National Humanities Center
Research Triangle Park, NC Kent R. Mullikin
$81,000* Four fellowships per year
for three years.
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL Robert O. Gjerdingen
$200,000 Preparation for online free
access of the scores and musical sound
files of surviving manuscripts of eigh-
teenth-century solfeggi, or vocal exercises,
for voice and bass accompaniment.
Omohundro Institute of Early American
History and Culture
Williamsburg, VA Charles F. Hobson
$25,000* Work on a two-volume edition of the
law reports and papers of St. George Tucker.
Omohundro Institute of Early American
History and Culture
Williamsburg, VA Charles F. Hobson
$100,000 To complete annotations, glossary
entries, proofreading, introductory material,
and other editorial tasks for an edition of the
law papers of the influential early American
judge and legal scholar St. George Tucker
(1752–1827), best known for his edition of
Blackstone’s Commentaries.
Pennsylvania State University, Main Campus
University Park, PA Sandra W. Spanier
$200,000 Work on the first four volumes
(1908–39) of a twelve-volume scholarly
edition of Hemingway’s letters.
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ Barbara Bowen Oberg
$150,000* Scholarly work on volumes
34–39 of the multivolume edition of
the Thomas Jefferson papers.
Rice University
Houston, TX Lynda L. Crist
$7,000* Publication of volume 12
and completion of volume 13 of
the Papers of Jefferson Davis.
Rice University
Houston, TX Lynda L. Crist
$110,000 Preparation for publication of volumes
12, 13, and 14 of the Papers of Jefferson Davis.
Rutgers University, New Brunswick
New Brunswick, NJ Paul B. Israel
$110,000* Completion of volume 7 and
editorial work on volumes 8 and 9 of
the Papers of Thomas A. Edison.
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Carbondale, IL Prudence M. Rice
$3,000* Three seasons of fieldwork,
analysis, and interpretation at Nixtun-Ch’ich’,
Petén, in northern Guatemala.
St. Joseph’s University
Philadelphia, PA Bruce Wells
$175,000 Continuing work on the tran-
scription, computer encoding, translation,
and analysis of cuneiform clay tablets of
neo-Babylonian litigation documents.
Stanford University
Stanford, CA Clayborne Carson
$135,000* Publication of volumes 6 and
7 and work on volumes 8 and 9 of the
Papers of Martin Luther King Jr.
Stanford University
Stanford, CA Rega Wood
$250,000 Preparation for online and print
publication of a critical edition of the Latin texts
of the works of Richard Rufus of Cornwall, a
philosopher-theologian who taught at the univer-
sities of Paris and Oxford from 1235 to 1256.
Texas A & M Research Foundation
College Station, TX Gary Stringer
$13,000* Publication of John Donne’s
Satires, and editorial work on the Verse
Letters, and Songs and Sonnets.
*Federal Matching Funds
Texas A & M University, Main Campus
College Station, TX Gary Stringer
$160,000 Work on the Variorum Edition of
John Donne’s poetry and continued develop-
ment of the DigitalDonne electronic archive.
Ulysses S. Grant Association
Starkville, MS John F. Marszalek
$16,525* Publication of volumes 27 and
28, and completion of volumes 29–32
of the Papers of Ulysses S. Grant.
University of Akron
Akron, OH Timothy Matney
$90,000* Excavation, analysis, and inter-
pretation of urban planning and settlement
patterns of a Turkish site that was a provincial
capital of the Late Assyrian Empire.
University of California
Berkeley, CA Robert H. Hirst
$200,000 Completion of editorial work
on electronic and print publications of
the autobiography of Mark Twain, and
continued adding of Twain’s major works
to the Mark Twain Project Online.
University of California
Berkeley, CA Robert H. Hirst
$150,000* Completion of an electronic
online edition of Mark Twains letters
and editorial work and XML encoding of
Twains autobiographical writings.
University of California
Berkeley, CA Robert H. Hirst
$100,000 Completion of an electronic
online edition of Mark Twains letters
and editorial work and XML encoding of
Twains autobiographical writings.
University of California
Los Angeles, CA Ernestine S. Elster
$40,000 Preparation for publication of
a technical and interpretive work on the
Scaloria Cave, a Neolithic cult and burial
site in the Puglia region of southern Italy.
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA Elizabeth H. Witherell
$40,000* Publication of Henry David Thoreau’s
Excursions, Journals, and Correspondence.
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL McGuire Gibson
$200,000 Preparation for publication of
six volumes documenting and interpreting
the excavations at the Mesopotamian sites
of Nippur and Abu Salabikh in Iraq.
University of Missouri
St. Louis, MO Michael Basil Cosmopoulos
$200,000 Excavation, technical analysis,
and interpretation of archaeological
finds at Bronze-Age Iklaina on the
southern Peloponnesus.
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE Kenneth Price
$300,000 A comprehensive electronic edition
of Walt Whitmans Civil War writings.
University of North Dakota
Grand Forks, ND Sandra Donaldson
$200,000 Completion of a scholarly
print edition of the works of Elizabeth
Barrett Browning and continued work on
materials for electronic presentation.
University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, WA Peter H. Greenfield
$50,000* Preparation for publication of
county records of early English drama,
including the two-volume merged Cheshire
and updated Chester collection, the
Ecclesiastical London collection, and the
London: Inns of Court collection.
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY Russell A. Peck
$10,000* Preparation of multiple
volumes of a series of editions of
important Middle English texts.
University of South Carolina
Research Foundation
Columbia, SC Constance B. Schulz
$200,000 Transcription, editorial annota-
tion, completion of reference materials,
and digitization of the Pinckney family
collections for an online archive.
University of South Carolina
Research Foundation
Columbia, SC Don H. Doyle
$30,000* A conference and volume of
essays on the topic of secession in the U.S.,
Canada, Mexico, and other countries,
bringing together scholars in history, phi-
losophy, law, and the social sciences.
University of Texas
Austin, TX John Clarke
$150,000 Analysis, mapping, interpretation, and
preparation for publication of archaeological
finds at the Roman villa of Oplontis, includ-
ing a digital reconstruction of the building.
University of the State of New York
Albany, NY Charles T. Gehring
$50,000* Transcription, translation, and annota-
tion of seventeenth-century Dutch records of
the colonial government of New Netherland.
University of the State of New York
Albany, NY Charles T. Gehring
$20,000 Transcription, translation, and annota-
tion of seventeenth-century Dutch records of
the colonial government of New Netherland.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA Holly C. Shulman
$150,000 Work on the second stage of the
Dolley Madison Digital Edition project, includ-
ing completion of transcriptions, annotation
through 1846, and publication through 1844.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA Holly C. Shulman
$10,000* Completion of the Dolley Madison
Digital Edition and launch of The Women
of the Founding Era, extending documentary
editions of the Founding Fathers to the
women of the era in an electronic format.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA John C. A. Stagg
$70,000* Editorial work on the Papers of James
Madison, to include final preparation for pub-
lication of volume 6 in the presidential series,
preliminary work on volume 7 of the presiden-
tial series, continuing work on volume 9 in the
secretary of state series, and continuing work
on volumes 1 and 2 of the retirement series.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA Hoyt N. Duggan
$100,000 Continued development of the B criti-
cal edition and completion of an archetypal text,
as well as completion of documentary editions
of A and C manuscripts of Piers Plowman.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA Theodore J. Crackel
$200,000* Editorial work on volumes
18–22 of the Revolutionary War series
and volumes 14–20 of the presidential
series of the multivolume print edition
of the Papers of George Washington.
University of Washington
Seattle, WA Richard G. Salomon
$100,000 Preparation for publication of
scholarly editions, including translations
and extensive annotations of Gandhari texts
documenting the early history of Buddhism.
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI John Kaminski
$40,000* Publication of two volumes of
state debates about the ratification of the
Constitution, research on a third, and work
to place all previously published volumes
and supplementary documents online.
*Federal Matching Funds
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI John Kaminski
$110,000* Publication of two volumes of
state debates about the ratification of the
Constitution, research on a third, and work
to place all previously published volumes
and supplementary documents online.
University of Wisconsin
Whitewater, WI David E. Cartwright
$140,000 Translation of four works of
Schopenhauer to be published in two volumes.
University of Wisconsin
Whitewater, WI Jo Ellen Burkholder
$45,000 Survey and excavation at an
archaeological site with evidence of human
occupation from about 200 BCE through about
1400 CE in the Sihuas Valley of present day
Peru to illuminate the function of borderland
areas in the formation of the Andean state.
W. F. Albright Institute
of Archaeological Research
Jerusalem, Israel Seymour Gitin
$81,600 The equivalent to 1.5 full-time
fellowships per year for three years.
Yale University
New Haven, CT Frederick Lamp
$25,000* Library research, travel preparation,
and a planning conference prior to undertaking
field research in Guinea, West Africa, on the
masquerade character and performance piece
known among the Baga people as D’mba.
This is to be followed by a final conference to
present the results of the collaboration and
the plan for the book along with an exhibi-
tion at the Yale University Art Gallery.
Yale University
New Haven, CT Ellen R. Cohn
$150,000 Work toward the completion of
volumes 40 through 44 of the edition of the
Papers of Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790).
Yale University
New Haven, CT Ellen R. Cohn
$120,000* Publication of volumes 38 and 39,
completion of editorial work on volumes 40 and
41, beginning of editorial work on volumes 42
and 43 of the Papers of Benjamin Franklin.
Yale University
New Haven, CT Harry S. Stout
$35,935 To produce a comprehensive online dig-
ital archive of the writings of Jonathan Edwards.
Through Challenge Grants, NEH contributes to the nation’s
long-term investment in the humanities by providing funds for
construction, renovation, and acquisitions, as well as for endowments
that offer continuing support through their earnings.
*Federal Matching Funds **Emergency Grant
Challenge Grants
Grants secure long-term funding for humanities
programming and resources through building
endowments at institutions.
American Library Association
Chicago, IL Deborah Robertson
$31,825* Endowment for humanities scholars
to provide ongoing training and consulta-
tion for libraries’ programming staff.
American Musicological Society
Brunswick, ME Anne W. Robertson
$149,735* Endowment for publication
subventions and an award program in
musicology as well as fund-raising costs.
American Philological Association
Philadelphia, PA Adam D. Blistein
$200,000* Endowment for staff posi-
tions and other expenses in the American
office of the l’Année philologique, a bib-
liographic resource for classical studies,
and direct expenses for fund raising.
American Philosophical Society
Philadelphia, PA Martin L. Levitt
$150,000* Endowment for library technol-
ogy, including preservation, access and
outreach, and technology management.
American Research Institute in Turkey
Philadelphia, PA G. Kenneth Sams
$350,000* The relocation and expansion
of two American research libraries in
Turkey and an endowment for facilities
maintenance; a librarian’s salary; and equip-
ment and acquisitions; as well as bridge
funding for the expenses deriving from the
new facilities and fund-raising expenses.
Anchorage Museum Foundation
Anchorage, AK Patricia B. Wolf
$199,930* Endowment to support
a full-time conservator.
Arkansas State University, Main Campus
State University, AR Ruth Hawkins
$75,000* Restoration of two historic sites: the
1858 Lakeport Plantation near Lake Village and
the 1930s Mitchell-East Building in Tyronza.
Asian Art Museum
San Francisco, CA Donna K. Strahan
$475,000* Endowment for the museum’s
full-time Conservation Department
chair position.
Calvin College
Grand Rapids, MI Daniel H Bays
$292,000* Endowment for an Asian Studies
program, including faculty development,
visiting scholars, a lectureship, course
releases for faculty program administra-
tors, acquisitions, and office staffing.
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY Franklin W. Robinson
$56,100* Construction of a study center in
the university’s art museum and endowment
for educational programming and salary
for a half-time education coordinator.
Cyprus American Archaeological
Research Institute
Nicosia, ZZ Thomas W. Davis
$119,168* Construction of a library addition
to an American overseas research center and
endowment for operating expenses for the new
facility, including a librarian’s salary, as well
as bridge funding and development costs.
Edith Wharton Restoration, Inc.
Lenox, MA Stephanie W. Copeland
$30,000** Emergency fund-raising
campaign to save The Mount.
Emory University
Atlanta, GA Martine W. Brownley
$200,000* Endowment for junior/post-doctoral
fellowships, staff, and general programming
at Emory’s Center for Humanistic Inquiry.
Fayetteville Public Library Foundation
Fayetteville, AR Michele Raine
$10,000* Endowment for a humanities
coordinator, humanities programming,
and related collection development.
Fredericksburg Area Museum
and Cultural Center, Inc.
Fredericksburg, VA Edwin Whitfield Watson
$60,000* Endowment for staff coordina-
tors for school and public programs,
as well as website development and
stipends for humanities scholars.
Frick Collection
New York, NY Lynne Rutkin
$572,000* Endowment for a senior curator
of decorative arts as well as related humani-
ties programming and library resources.
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA Jack R. Censer
$150,000* Endowment for partial salaries for
a digital historian, a web designer, a computer
programmer, two graduate research assistants,
as well as software and equipment acquisitions.
Historic Cherry Hill
Albany, NY Liselle M. LaFrance
$10,000* Restoration of a 1787 house,
endowment for the curatorial and research
Department, and fund-raising expenses.
Humanities Texas
Austin, TX Michael L. Gillette
$222,019* The Byrne-Reed House: The
new headquarters of Humanities Texas.
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD Deborah Slingluff
$34,843* Endowment for a librarian,
acquisitions, and cataloging in support of
the Stulman Jewish Studies program.
Levine Museum of the New South
Charlotte, NC Emily F. Zimmern
$150,000* Endowment for research on post-Civil
War Southern history and expanded community
outreach through humanities programming.
Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities
New Orleans, LA Michael J. Sartisky
$350,000* Enhancement of an education center
through purchase of distance learning and
presentational technology; and endowment to
support ongoing expenses, such as upgrades,
licensing, and maintenance of equipment.
Maine Historical Society
Portland, ME Richard D’Abate
$72,000* Renovation and expansion of the
Maine Historical Society Research Library.
Mars Hill College
Mars Hill, NC Kathryn Newfont
$90,000* Endowment for the position of
director/archivist and for programming in
Southern Appalachian history and culture.
Messiah College
Grantham, PA Joseph Huffman
$40,000* Endowment to support
public humanities outreach, special
programs for schoolteachers in the
humanities, and a director’s salary.
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Houston, TX Bonnie Campbell
$10,000* Construction of a new
visitor and education center for the
Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens.
National Museum of Women in the Arts
Washington, DC Susan F. Sterling
$275,000* Endowment for scholarship
on women artists and the museum’s
Library and Research Center.
*Federal Matching Funds
National WWI Museum
Kansas City, MO Eli Paul
$150,000* Endowment for a historian/
education director, for educational pro-
gramming, and for related acquisitions.
National Yiddish Book Center
Amherst, MA Nancy Sherman
$10,000* Endowment for preservation and
international book rescue; public program-
ming; a translation series; and faculty
salaries and honoraria in a summer intern-
ship program for undergraduates.
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Kansas City, MO Deborah Emont Scott
$40,000* Endowment for the posi-
tion of curator of South and Southeast
Asian Art as well as related expenses
for research travel and conservation.
New York Public Library
New York, NY William Stingone
$39,000* Endowment for staff positions in the
library’s Manuscripts and Archives Division.
Old York Historical Society
York, ME Scott Stevens
$288,810* Renovation of a historic barn to
serve as a visitor center, and endowment
for humanities staff and programming.
Pilgrim Hall Museum
Plymouth, MA Peggy M. Baker
$182,450* Construction of a new addi-
tion, installation of air-conditioning and
climate control systems, and installation of
an elevator, new entry portico, and ramp.
Princeton Public Library Foundation
Princeton, NJ Leslie Burger
$150,000* Endowment for a new
humanities fellowship, public program-
ming, related acquisitions and technology,
as well as fund-raising expenses.
Rare Book School
Charlottesville, VA Terry Belanger
$250,000* Endowment for new programming,
staff salary enhancement, and scholarships as
well as direct fund-raising costs.
Rhode Island School of Design
Providence, RI Hope Alswang
$53,400* Renovation of and additions to
existing galleries on the three public floors of
the museum’s historic Eliza Radeke Building,
renovation that will allow the reinstallation and
reinterpretation of the permanent collection.
South Dakota Humanities Council
Brookings, SD Sherry K. DeBoer
$35,000* Endowment for humanities
programming in the new South Dakota
Center for the Book.
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, PA Constance Cain Hungerford
$200,000* Endowment for faculty positions
in the teaching of modern standard Arabic.
Trustees of Reservations
Beverly, MA Susan Edwards
$67,500* Endowment for a full-time
archivist and a part-time historic resources
manager as well as direct support for equip-
ment purchases and reproduction costs.
University of California Press
Berkeley, CA Lynne E. Withey
$37,319* New endowment for publications
in history, literature, and film studies, and
augmented endowment for publications in
music history and general humanities.
University of Delaware
Newark, DE Debra H. Norris
$100,000* Endowment for graduate
student summer research stipends, public
engagement institutes, and symposia in the
study of American material culture.
University of Georgia
Athens, GA William U. Eiland
$652,500* Construction and furnishings
for Study Centers in the Humanities, an
expanded facility for the museum’s fine
arts library and three research centers.
University of Kentucky Research Foundation
Lexington, KY Robert Joseph Rabel
$18,000* Endowment and bridge fund-
ing for programs, and endowment for a
faculty chair whose holder will serve as
director of a center for the humanities.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, MI Sharon Herbert
$184,754* The renovation of space and the
addition of air conditioning and fireproofing
as well as an endowment for staff salaries
within a university museum of archaeology.
University of New Orleans
New Orleans, LA J. Richard Gruber
$181,167* Restoration of a historic library
and construction of a new education
wing to complete the Ogden Museum of
Southern Art’s three-building complex.
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN Thomas F.X. Noble
$10,000* Endowment for two profes-
sorships, acquisitions, conferences, and
visiting lectures in Byzantine Studies.
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA Peter C. Mancall
$125,000* Endowment for seminar pro-
grams, graduate stipends, post-doctoral
fellowships, and a partnership program with
William and Mary Quarterly that joins the
University of Southern California and the
Huntington Library through two institutes:
the Early Modern Studies Institute and the
Institute on California and the West.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA Bernard D. Frischer
$330,000* Endowment for equipment, computer
hardware and software acquisitions, staff
salaries and training, as well as bridge funding.
Vermont Humanities Council
Montpelier, VT Peter A. Gilbert
$25,000* Purchase and renovation of a
new facility for the Vermont Humanities
Council, and endowment for programs.
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Richmond, VA Suzanne H. Freeman
$200,000* Endowment for the head
librarian, a reference librarian, acquisi-
tions, equipment, furnishings, and a
professional development and travel fund.
W. F. Albright Institute
of Archaeological Research
Jerusalem, ZZ Seymour Gitin
$162,126* Direct expenditures for renovation of
the hostel, library, archaeology labs, and related
facilities, and endowment for a maintenance
fund for the hostel and a research professorship
at an American overseas research center.
Washington Drama Society, Inc./Arena Stage
Washington, DC David Dower
$130,000* Endowment to enhance
humanities-related audience enrich-
ment and educational programming.
*Federal Matching Funds
Special Initiatives
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Williamsburg, VA James P. Horn
$10,000* Endowment for staffing, program-
ming, and digital technology acquisitions
in a program focused on the role of African
Americans in the Founding Era of the republic.
Duke University
Durham, NC Michael A. Gillespie
$107,701* Endowment for a visiting profes-
sorship, undergraduate seminars, lectures,
and an annual conference in a program
in American values and institutions.
Garnet Preservation Association
Missoula, MT Sherwood Moore
$50,000* Endowment for seasonal staff
salaries and training at the preserved
ghost town of Garnet, Montana.
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA Daniel Carpenter
$10,000* Endowment and bridge funding
for a visiting faculty position in American
Political Thought and Institutions, graduate
student fellowships, and an annual summer
institute for high school teachers.
Kenyon College
Gambier, OH Pamela K. Jensen
$10,000* Endowment for the director’s salary,
fellowships and other programming at a new
Center for the Study of American Democracy.
Montpelier Foundation
Orange, VA William F. Harris, II
$400,000* Endowment for staff and
humanities programming of the Center
for the Constitution at Montpelier.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Boston, MA Elliot Bostwick Davis
$750,000* Construction, reinstallation, and
interpretation of new galleries and period
rooms featuring American Colonial and Federal
art, and an endowment for conservation.
National Constitution Center
Philadelphia, PA Steve M. Frank
$290,000* Endowment for staffing and
related costs to support the Changing Exhibits
Program at the National Constitution Center.
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA William A. Blair
$300,000* Endowment for faculty and
postdoctoral fellowships, summer institutes
for schoolteachers and emerging scholars,
conferences, and programs in a center
devoted to the study of the Civil War era.
St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Foundation, Inc.
St. Mary’s City, MD Michael J. Cain
$200,000* Endowment for staff and cur-
ricular programming in the Center for
the Study of Democracy, in collabora-
tion with Historic St. Mary’s City.
Stenton, NSCDA/PA
Philadelphia, PA Dennis Pickeral
$10,000* Endowment for humanities
programs; partial funding for a project
coordinator; and scholarships and transpor-
tation costs for underserved students.
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Lincoln, NE Kenneth Price
$60,000* Endowment for staff and other costs
of managing the digital Walt Whitman Archive.
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN Michael P. Zuckert
$333,000* Endowment for a faculty
position in Constitutional Studies and
Religion, a visiting lecture series, seminars
for journalists, a postdoctoral teaching
fellowship, a dissertation fellowship, gradu-
ate student stipends and conferences.
Washington College
Chestertown, MD Adam Goodheart
$342,000* Purchase and renovation of a historic
house for use as a fellows’ residence, and endow-
ment for a program of research and writing
fellowships on the Founding Era and its legacy.
Through the Office of Digital Humanities, NEH supports efforts in the area
of digital scholarship. Digital technology has changed the way scholars
perform their work, allowing new questions to be raised and changing the
ways material can be searched, mined, displayed, taught, and analyzed. The
office also facilitates conversations with other funding bodies both in the
United States and abroad to work towards meeting these challenges.
Digital Humanities Grants
Grants fund humanities projects that use or
study the impact of digital technology.
American Association for State
and Local History
Nashville, TN Matthew S. Gibson
$25,000 The development of best practices
for the production of geographically based
online humanities encyclopedias.
Brown University
Providence, RI Julia Hammond Flanders
$196,000 A series of workshops for humani-
ties faculty and graduate students to explore
advanced uses of digital text encoding as an
essential method in humanities scholarship.
Brown University
Providence, RI Julia Hammond Flanders
$49,992 The advancement of humanities
text encoding and research by refining and
expanding the automated representation
of personal names and their contexts.
Center for Independent Documentary
Sharon, MA Michael Abraham Epstein
$50,000 Development of a multimedia,
historical, mobile walking tour of Boston.
Connecticut Humanities Council
Middletown, CT Bruce Fraser
$50,000 A unique electronic system bring-
ing together digitized records, images
and documents, Connecticut-focused
curricula, Connecticut history-centered
media resources, indexes of related
museum exhibitions and events, and
scholar-written essays and short entries.
Council on Library and Information Resources
Washington, DC Amy E. Friedlander
$28,599** Conference: Promoting
Digital Scholarship: Research Challenges
in the Humanities (Phase I & II).
Council on Library and Information Resources
Washington, DC Amy E. Friedlander
$16,064** Publication: Promoting
Digital Scholarship: Research Challenges
in the Humanities (Phase III).
CUNY Research Foundation,
NYC College of Technology
Brooklyn, NY Matthew Gold
$24,912 Development of a series of courses
at four partner institutions that would engage
students in online investigations of Walt
Whitman’s work in geographical context.
Haverford College
Haverford, PA Richard Freedman
$22,622 Development of an open-source
bilingual database and collaborative digital
forum to facilitate research and scholarly
exchange about Renaissance music.
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY John Bryant
$23,591 The development of the TextLab
scholarly editing tool to allow for analysis of
texts that exist in multiple versions or editions,
beginning with the Melville Electronic Library.
Lake Forest College
Lake Forest, IL Davis Schneiderman
$25,000 The development of the Virtual
Burnham Initiative (VBI), a multimedia
project that would examine the history and
legacy of Daniel H. Burnham’s and Edward
H. Bennett’s Plan of Chicago (1909).
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI William Hart-Davidson
$33,327 Development of a project that would
use new Internet tools and design practices to
study and discuss fifteenth-century bible scrolls.
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS Paul Frederick Jacobs
$50,000 Development of open source web tools
for accessing online digitized collections in the
humanities via a system that communicates
with multiple database types while protect-
ing the integrity of the original data sets.
New York University
New York, NY Robert Squillace
$49,351 The development of a collaborative
e-portfolio software tool intended to support
a liberal arts curriculum and built on the
Sakai Open Source Portfolio platform.
New York University
New York, NY Brian Hoffman
$49,657 Development of a set of networking
software tools to support a peer-to-peer review
structure for MediaCommons, a scholarly
publishing network in the digital humanities.
Ohio State University Research Foundation
Columbus, OH H. Lewis Ulman
$35,925 Development of strategies for integrat-
ing distributed electronic editions and digital
projects into library collections, with attention
to matters relating to acquisition, descrip-
tion, and preservation of these materials.
Plymouth State University
Plymouth, NH Casey Bisson
$49,975 Implementation and testing of
a prototype digital access and manage-
ment system to allow small and mid-sized
archives, libraries, and museums to provide
public access to digital collections.
State of Vermont Division
for Historic Preservation
Montpelier, VT Giovanna Peebles
$25,000 Development of a prototype
for an integrated Internet-based virtual
archaeology museum for Vermont.
Bob Stein
Brooklyn, NY
$24,292 Planning activities, including
two symposia, to consider the future of
scholarly humanities publishing within
the networked environment of the web.
SUNY Research Foundation,
College at Purchase
Purchase, NY M. Jon Rubin
$49,864 The development of a faculty
development model for international
online collaborative humanities education,
focusing initially on partnerships with uni-
versities in Russia, Ghana, and Canada.
University of Alaska
Fairbanks, AK Siri Tuttle
$50,000 The collection, digitization,
organization, and archival storage, as
well as dissemination among the Minto
Athabascan community, of recorded per-
formances of Alaskan Athabascan songs.
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ Davison Packard Koenig
$25,000 Electronic access to the world’s largest
collection of whole pottery vessels from the
American Southwest through digital renderings
of Arizona State University’s Pottery Vault
and relevant prehistoric archaeological sites
as well as interviews with anthropologists,
conservators, and Native-American potters.
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA Steven W. Hackel
$25,000 Development of an interactive
website that would use maps and other tools
to examine the historical development of
colonial California from 1769 to 1850.
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL Nadine Moeller
$50,000 The development of new digital
image-capturing techniques enabling research-
ers to process data from archaeological
excavations more accurately and efficiently
at the site of Tell Edfu, one of the last
well-preserved ancient cities in Egypt.
**Emergency Grant
University of Illinois
Champaign, IL S. Max Edelson
$24,997 The development of a database of
1,000 historical maps illustrating the trajectory
of colonization in the Americas. The database
will provide a searchable introduction to the
mapping of the western hemisphere in the
era of European expansion, ca. 1500–1800.
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL Orville Vernon Burton
$249,997 A total of nine institutes and one
joint conference for humanities scholars, to
be hosted by three different high-performance
computer centers: the National Center
for Supercomputing Applications, the
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, and
the San Diego Supercomputer Center.
University of Kentucky Research Foundation
Lexington, KY Abigail Firey
$49,133 The establishment of encoding
standards and digital access for multiple
versions of medieval Latin legal manuscripts,
including bibliographic information,
annotations, and English translations.
University of Maryland
College Park, MD Douglas Larue Reside
$48,316 The development of a prototype
interface for producing electronic editions of
the musical theater texts and related materials.
University of Maryland
College Park, MD Jennifer Golbeck
$14,050 The development of visualization
tools for assessing information contained in
electronic archival finding aids created with
Encoded Archival Description (EAD).
University of Maryland
College Park, MD Matthew Gary Kirschenbaum
$11,708 A series of planning meetings and
site visits aimed at developing archival tools
and best practices for preserving born-digital
documents produced by contemporary authors.
University of Massachusetts
Boston, MA Joanne Marie Riley
$24,748 The development and evaluation of a
social networking platform for the members of
the statewide Massachusetts Studies Project.
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE Andrew Wade Jewell
$49,577 The development of data-mining
and visualization tools to detail and
map relationships in communities of
writers and artists within specific geo-
graphic and temporal locations.
University of Richmond
Richmond, VA Andrew J. Torget
$19,942 A two-day workshop on issues relating
to visualization and historical processes and the
first steps toward the creation of new tools for
overcoming obstacles to data visualization work.
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA Holly Willis
$200,000 A four-week summer institute to
investigate scholarly research methods in
the digital age, to include thematic discus-
sion seminars and hands-on workshops
in collaboration with technologists.
University of Texas
Austin, TX Samuel E. Baker
$45,822 Development of a web-based col-
laborative commentary and annotation tool.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA Scot A. French
$49,827 Development of an interactive
web-based tool to integrate primary documents,
dynamic maps, and related information in the
study of history, with the prototype to be focused
on Thomas Jeffersons trip to England in 1786.
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
Charlottesville, VA Holly C. Shulman
$27,533** Workshop to examine the
digital needs of documentary editors.
Daniel Beraca Visel
Brooklyn, NY
$23,750 The development of an interoperable
portal within the web-authoring program,
“Sophie,” for locating and incorporating
multimedia sources from the Internet Archive.
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI Nardina Nameth Mein
$50,000 The development of a prototype
learning tool to incorporate digital humanities
collections housed in a university’s digital reposi-
tory, beginning with two collections housed in
the Wayne State University Library System.
Wheaton College
Norton, MA Mark David LeBlanc
$41,950 Development of a prototypical suite
of computational tools and statistical analyses
to explore the corpus of Old English litera-
ture using the genomic approach of tracing
information-rich patterns of letters as well as
that of literary analysis and interpretation.
Willamette University
Salem, OR Michael Spalti
$49,020 The creation of an open source
link between the digital resources available
through the commonly used asset management
system, CONTENTdm, with the multimedia
web-authoring application, Pachyderm.
Grants go to the state and territory humanities councils
for operating costs and special projects.
Grants for State Humanities
Alabama Humanities Foundation
1100 Ireland Way, Suite 101
Birmingham, AL 35205-7001
Alaska Humanities Forum
421 West 1st Avenue, Suite 300
Anchorage, AK 99501
Amerika Samoa Humanities Council
P. O. Box 5800
Pago Pago, AS 96799
Arizona Humanities Council
The Ellis-Shackelford House
1242 N. Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85004-1887
Arkansas Humanities Council
10800 Financial Centre Parkway
Suite 465
Little Rock, AR 72211
California Council for the Humanities
312 Sutter Street, Suite 601
San Francisco, CA 94108
Colorado Humanities
1490 Lafayette Street, Suite 101
Denver, CO 80218
Connecticut Humanities Council
37 Broad Street
Middletown, CT 06457
Delaware Humanities Forum
100 West 10th Street, Suite 1009
Wilmington, DE 19801
Florida Humanities Council
599 Second Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701-5005
Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades
P. O. Box 9023920
San Juan, PR 00902-3920
Georgia Humanities Council
50 Hurt Plaza, SE
Suite 595
Atlanta, GA 30303-2915
Guam Humanities Council
222 Chalan Santo Papa, Suite 106
Hagatna, GU 96910
(671) 472-4460
Christopher Bejado, Chairman
Kimberlee Kihleng, Executive Director
Hawai'i Council for the Humanities
First Hawai'ian Bank Building
3599 Wai’alae Avenue, Room 23
Honolulu, HI 96816
Humanities Council of Washington, DC
925 U Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Humanities Council SC
2711 Middleburg Drive, Suite 308
Columbia, SC 29204
Humanities Iowa
100 Oakdale Campus N310 OH
Iowa City, IA 52242-5000
Humanities Montana
311 Brantly Hall
Missoula, MT 59812-7848
Humanities Tennessee
306 Gay Street, Suite 306
Nashville, TN 37201
Humanities Texas
1410 Rio Grande Street
Austin, TX 78701-1506
Humanities Washington
Seattle, WA 98101-2825
Idaho Humanities Council
217 West State Street
Boise, ID 83702
Illinois Humanities Council
17 North State Street, Suite 1400
Chicago, IL 60602-3296
Indiana Humanities Council
1500 North Delaware Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202-2419
Kansas Humanities Council
112 SW Sixth Avenue, Suite 210
Topeka, KS 66603
Kentucky Humanities Council
206 East Maxwell Street
Lexington, KY 40508
Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities
938 Lafayette Street, Suite 300
New Orleans, LA 70113-1782
Maine Humanities Council
674 Brighton Avenue
Portland, ME 04102-101
Maryland Humanities Council
108 West Centre Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-4565
Mass Humanities
66 Bridge Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Michigan Humanities Council
119 Père Marquette Drive
Suite 3B
Lansing, MI 48912-1270
Minnesota Humanities Center
987 Ivy Avenue East
St. Paul, MN 55106-2046
Mississippi Humanities Council
3825 Ridgewood Road, Room 311
Jackson, MS 39211-6497
Missouri Humanities Council
543 Hanley Industrial Court, Suite 201
St. Louis, MO 63144-1905
Nebraska Humanities Council
215 Centennial Mall South, Suite 330
Lincoln, NE 68508-1836
Nevada Humanities
P. O. Box 8029
Reno, NV 89507
New Hampshire Humanities Council
19 Pillsbury Street
Concord, NH 03301
New Jersey Council for the Humanities
28 West State Street, 6th floor
Trenton, NJ 08608
New Mexico Humanities Council
MSC06 3570
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
New York Council for the Humanities
150 Broadway, Suite 1700
New York, NY 10038
North Carolina Humanities Council
122 North Elm Street, Suite 601
Greensboro, NC 27401
North Dakota Humanities Council
418 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 8
Bismarck, ND 58501-4086
Northern Mariana Islands Council
for the Humanities
P.O. Box 506437
Saipan, MP 96950
Ohio Humanities Council
471 E. Broad St., Suite 1620
Columbus, OH 43215-3857
Oklahoma Humanities Council
Festival Plaza
428 West California, Suite 270
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Oregon Council for the Humanities
813 SW Alder Street, Suite 702
Portland, OR 97205
Pennsylvania Humanities Council
Constitution Place
325 Chestnut Street, Suite 715
Philadelphia, PA 19106-2607
Rhode Island Council for the Humanities
385 Westminster Street, Suite 2
Providence, RI 02903
South Dakota Humanities Council
1215 Trail Ridge Road, Suite A
Brookings, SD 57006
Utah Humanities Council
202 West 300 North
Salt Lake City, UT 84103
Vermont Humanities Council
11 Loomis Street
Montpelier, VT 05602
Virgin Islands Humanities Council
#7 Kongens Gade
St. Thomas, VI 00802-6746
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
145 Ednam Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22903-4629
West Virginia Humanities Council
1310 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, WV 25301
Wisconsin Humanities Council
222 South Bedford Street, Suite F
Madison, WI 53703-368
Wyoming Humanities Council
1315 E. Lewis Street
Laramie, WY 82072-3459
Special Projects
Alabama Humanities Foundation
Birmingham, AL Robert C. Stewart
$10,000 To support speakers bureau presenta-
tions on Alabama history and culture, a
teachers institute on Alabama’s Black Belt,
the “New Harmonies” traveling exhibition,
and a special We the People grant initiative.
Alabama Humanities Foundation
Birmingham, AL Robert C. Stewart
$96,870 Speakers bureau presentations, a
teachers institute on the history and culture
of Alabama’s Gulf coast, the Museum on
Main Street exhibition “New Harmonies,
We the People” grants, and the development
of programming for “Picturing America.”
Alaska Humanities Forum
Anchorage, AK Gregory W. Kimura
$15,000 An exploration of Alaskan state-
hood by research and study, a partnership
with Alaska Public Radio to gather and
broadcast personal narratives, and an
interactive game to complement the Alaska
History and Cultural Studies curriculum.
Alaska Humanities Forum
Anchorage, AK Gregory W. Kimura
$10,000 To support radio programming,
institutes for teachers, and grants for local
projects, all related to important themes and
topics in Alaska’s history in anticipation of the
fiftieth anniversary of Alaska’s statehood.
Alaska Humanities Forum
Anchorage, AK Gregory W. Kimura
$60,360 Historically based projects and activities
that mark Alaska’s fiftieth anniversary as a state.
Amerika Samoa Humanities Council
Pago Pago, AS Niualama E. Taifane
$10,000 The first history text to collect archival
and other materials about Amerika Samoa.
Pre-publication, the public will be engaged
with the project through facilitated reading and
discussions. It will be launched with a teach-
ers institute for secondary history teachers.
Arizona Humanities Council
Phoenix, AZ Herbert J. Paine
$10,000 To support cultural heritage tour-
ism projects, planning for a tour in 2009 of
the traveling exhibit, “New Harmonies” on
American roots music, keynote speakers for the
annual book festival and the annual humanities
lecture, and issue forums on important topics
in the humanities in election year 2008.
Arizona Humanities Council
Phoenix, AZ Herbert J. Paine
$108,300 Cultural heritage tourism grants, tours
of the Smithsonian exhibits, “New Harmonies”
and “Journey Stories,” Motheread/Fatheread
Family Literacy Program, and activities to
support the Picturing America initiative.
Arkansas Humanities Council
Little Rock, AR Jeffrey R. Root
$10,000 To support the annual statewide
History Day in Arkansas, and to expand the
Arkansas Humanities Council’s program of
grants, training, and technical assistance to
local groups working to preserve, document,
and interpret African-American cemeter-
ies throughout the state of Arkansas.
Arkansas Humanities Council
Little Rock, AR Jeffery R. Root
$80,120 History Day in Arkansas and the
AHC’s long-standing African-American
cemetery project. A program officer will
be devoted to this project which preserves,
documents, and interprets not only
cemeteries, but the histories of the African-
American communities in Arkansas.
California Council for the Humanities
San Francisco, CA Ralph Lewin
$15,000 Phase III of its multiyear California
Stories initiative with a youth media pro-
gram and ten California Story Fund grants
to fund youth humanities programs.
California Council for the Humanities
San Francisco, CA Ralph Lewin
$10,000 To support programs for youth
and others that use the disciplines of the
humanities to examine and reveal contem-
porary issues and experiences of concern
to California youth, families, and others.
California Council for the Humanities
San Francisco, CA Ralph Lewin
$392,310 To support the California Immigration
website and related materials for teachers
and the general public; new media resources
for young filmmakers on topics related to
California Stories; for grants for young
people and community projects related
to California Stories; and for activities in
California related to Picturing America.
Colorado Humanities
Denver, CO Judith R. Casey
$115,040 A web-based resource for K–12
teachers, the inaugural Colorado tour
of the exhibition, “Between Fences,” a
regrant program, and activities to support
NEH’s Picturing America initiative.
Connecticut Humanities Council
Middletown, CT Bruce Fraser
$87,190 Online and media projects that will
attract young people, the key components of
which are Connecticut History Online—the
digitization of Connecticut historical materials,
a series of documentaries on Connecticut his-
tory, the Encyclopedia of Connecticut History
Online, and Picturing America programming.
Connecticut Humanities Council
Middletown, CT Bruce Fraser
$10,000 The Encyclopedia of Connecticut
History Online, an online resource for authorita-
tive information about Connecticut’s history
and heritage, for use by the public, students,
educators, researchers and journalists.
Delaware Humanities Forum
Wilmington, DE Marilyn P. Whittington
$62,020 To support Delaware-based activi-
ties related to Picturing America, including
a kick-off event in October 2008; a series of
discussions about Delaware’s past, present,
and future; a collection of existing images
of Delaware for an online archive and a
print publication; and special programs
in each of the state’s three counties.
Florida Humanities Council
St. Petersburg, FL Susan Lockwood
$218,070 Television documentaries, radio
programs and other humanities projects as part
of the special initiative, “Florida: A Sense of
Place,” which will examine Florida’s post-WWII
transformation and its impact on state identity.
Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades
San Juan, PR Juan M. Gonzalez Lamela
$10,000 Continued development of the
Puerto Rico Online Encyclopedia.
Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades
San Juan, PR Juan M Gonzalez-Lamela
$90,880 The development of new
content and interactive features for
Puerto Rico Online Encyclopedia.
Georgia Humanities Council
Atlanta, GA Jamil S. Zainaldin
$150,860 Reading and discussion pro-
grams, an exhibition, teachers institute,
the conference “Profiles in Leadership,
and planning meetings to prepare for the
sesquicentennial of the Civil War.
Georgia Humanities Council
Atlanta, GA Jamil S. Zainaldin
$10,000 Reading and discussion programs
in Georgia communities, the develop-
ment of resource and training materials to
accompany the tour of “Key Ingredients:
America By Food,” and additional con-
tent for the New Georgia Encyclopedia.
Guam Humanities Council
Hagatna, GU Kimberlee Kihleng
$55,760 An effort to inform and educate
the local Guam community about the many
issues surrounding the unprecedented U.S.
military buildup by means of convened
conversations throughout the island, carried
out in cooperation with the Mayor’s Council
and other community-based organiza-
tions and local military-based groups.
Guam Humanities Council
Hagatna, GU Shannon J. Murphy
$10,000 The research and content develop-
ment on the early American (1898–1941)
and post-World War II periods in Guam
for the online encyclopedia, Guampedia.
Hawai'i Council for the Humanities
Honolulu, HI Robert G. Buss
$15,000 A tour of the Smithsonian exhibi-
tion “Key Ingredients: America by Food” to
communities around the state, a publication on
cultural food traditions in Hawai'i, and reading
and discussion programs for local hospitals.
Hawai'i Council for the Humanities
Honolulu, HI Robert G. Buss
$66,090 “Talk Story” dialogs on local and
national culture, three teacher workshops
(Picturing America, The Individual in History,
and Teaching about Statehood in the Modern
History of Hawai'i), Literature and Medicine
reading and discussion programs, and activi-
ties for the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial.
Humanities Council of Washington, DC
Washington, DC Michon A. Boston
$15,000 An Emancipation Day event, “Soul
of the City,” a summer leadership develop-
ment seminar for high school students,
and four episodes of the educational cable
television series, Humanities Profiled.
Humanities Council of Washington, DC
Washington, DC Joy Ford Austin
$10,000 To support public programs dur-
ing DC Emancipation Week in April 2008,
a week-long institute for forty high school
students, three television programs, reading and
discussion programs for young people; the DC
Community Heritage Preservation Project, and
archival resources related to the programs of
the Humanities Council of Washington, DC.
Humanities Council of Washington, DC
Washington, DC Tyra Fennell
$59,410 To support the annual weeklong “Soul
of the City,” a program for young people;
television programming on topics related to
the city’s history and development; a read-
ing and discussion series called “Who is a
Washingtonian?”, community-based discus-
sions; the DC Community Heritage Preservation
Project; and development of the Humanities
Council’s Research Center of online resources.
Humanities Council SC
Columbia, SC Theresa J. Wallace
$93,730 The 13th annual SC Book Festival, the
Clemente Course for thirty disadvantaged and
often homeless Charleston residents, National
History Day, the Museum on Main Street
exhibition “Key Ingredients: America by Food,
the seventh annual SC Institute for Community
Scholars, and the development of complemen-
tary programming for Picturing America.
Humanities Council SC
Columbia, SC Theresa J. Wallace
$10,000 The twelfth annual SC Book Festival,
the Clemente Course, National History Day,
a tour of the exhibition “Key Ingredients:
America by Food,” and the South Carolina
Institute for Community Scholars.
Humanities Iowa
Iowa City, IA Christopher R. Rossi
$10,000 To support both grants and programs
conducted by Humanities Iowa that focus on the
heritage and contemporary concerns of Iowans,
especially in rural areas, with particular empha-
sis on projects that explore how cultural and
ethnic diversity informs and challenges collective
ideas of identity as Americans and Iowans.
Humanities Iowa
Iowa City, IA Christopher R. Rossi
$82,020 Council-conducted programs that exam-
ine the relevance of cultural and ethnic diversity
in Iowan life and the formation of civic identity
on the local, regional and national levels.
Humanities Montana
Missoula, MT Ken Egan, Jr.
$62,930 Humanities Montana’s core programs:
grants, speakers bureau, reading and discus-
sion programs, and the Montana Festival of
the Book. Picturing America programming
will be a special edition of the speakers
bureau, sending historians and art historians
to libraries to speak about the collection.
Humanities Montana
Missoula, MT Kim Anderson
$10,000 To support regrants, speakers bureau,
the OpenBook reading and discussion program,
and the Montana Festival of the Book.
Humanities Tennessee
Nashville, TN Robert Cheatham
$109,780 The 2008 Southern Festival of
Books, the statewide tour of the exhibi-
tion “Journey Stories,” a grant program,
and the development of a web-based
Tennessee Virtual Center for the Book.
Humanities Tennessee
Nashville, TN Kathryn A. Stephenson
$15,000 To support the digitization and
documentation of stories of land and place
in six communities across the state that will
allow these communities to develop and
share programs that explore community life;
web-based and live programming conducted by
the Council to support and expand community
programming, including a speakers bureau and a
special series at the Southern Festival of Books.
Humanities Texas
Austin, TX Michael L. Gillette
$266,050 The 2008 teachers institute, “From
Disunion to Empire: The United States,
1850–1900,” exhibits, a grant program, public
lectures, a cultural heritage and community
history initiative, and activities to support
the NEH’s Picturing American initiative.
Humanities Washington
Seattle, WA Ellen E. Terry
$112,630 An expanded grant-making
program that will fund projects to help
Washington State residents gain a deeper
understanding of American culture, institu-
tions, and our collective historical and
contemporary democratic principles.
Idaho Humanities Council
Boise, ID Rick Ardinger
$10,000 IHC will explore We the People
themes through speakers bureau presenta-
tions, summer teachers institutes, and
council-conducted programs ranging from
reading and discussion programming to
programs about American Root Music. It will
also make grants related to this initiative.
Idaho Humanities Council
Boise, ID Rick Ardinger
$67,310 Support for the nearly 100 topics in
IHC’s Speakers Bureau that explore We the
People themes, an interdisciplinary teacher
seminar focused on environmental literature,
the Museum on Main Street exhibition
“Between Fences,” reading and discussion
groups, special presentations, grants, and
Picturing America programming.
Illinois Humanities Council
Chicago, IL Kristina A. Valaitis
$10,000 To support a musical heritage initiative
focused on the “New Harmonies” traveling
exhibition and the Illinois Music Heritage
initiative, the speakers bureau, and a grant
program to support We the People themes.
Illinois Humanities Council
Chicago, IL Kristina A. Valaitis
$173,960 To support two traveling exhibitions,
“Between Fences” and “Journey Stories”; to
support the speakers bureau which emphasizes
programs related to the Abraham Lincoln
Bicentennial; to make grants on topics in
American history and culture; and to promote
Picturing America and to provide humanities
scholars for Picturing America presentations.
Indiana Humanities Council
Indianapolis, IN Nancy N. Conner
$112,950 Programs focused on the themes
of immigration and citizenship including a
public conference, a reading and discussion
program in libraries, a conference for K–12
teachers, online resources for teachers, and
programming related to Picturing America.
Indiana Humanities Council
Indianapolis, IN Nancy N. Conner
$10,000 To support a series of conversations on
topics in American history and culture in order
to strengthen civic engagement in Indiana, and to
create web-based packets of resources for teachers
that correspond to each of four high school his-
tory standards on the topics of the development
of the industrial United States, the emergence of
the modern United States, the modern United
States in prosperity and depression, and the
United States and World War II.
Kansas Humanities Council
Topeka, KS Julie L. Mulvihill
$10,000 To support projects initiated by Kansas
communities to create exhibits, oral histories and
heritage tourism activities about what it means
to be a resident of Kansas. A new digital shorts
component will allow Kansans to tell a visual
story. In addition, a special “Kansans Tell Their
Stories” traveling exhibition will be created.
Kansas Humanities Council
Topeka, KS Dan Carey-Whalen
$79,970 Grants for projects that tell the
Kansas story through a variety of media and
formats. The Kansas Humanities Council will
enlarge the scope of these successful projects
by including a Picturing America initiative,
“Kansans Tell Their Stories through Art.”
Kentucky Humanities Council
Lexington, KY Virginia G. Carter
$93,250 Humanities programming for at-risk
youth and their families through the Prime
Time reading and discussion program in at
least fifteen public libraries. Book series will
mirror the We the People Bookshelf theme,
Created Equal, and will increase its offer-
ings in Spanish. Chautauqua presentations
in the schools will include commemora-
tion of the Lincoln Bicentennial.
Kentucky Humanities Council
Lexington, KY Virginia G. Carter
$15,000 To support Prime Time Family Reading
programs held in libraries for at-risk youth
and their parents; the development of a new
Chautauqua program focused on the life and
times of Abraham Lincoln, together with new
Chautauqua programs for schools; and Kentucky
Humanities magazine, a twice-yearly publication
focusing on Kentucky history and culture.
Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities
New Orleans, LA Michael J. Sartisky
$10,000 To support reading and discus-
sion programs for adults, Louisiana Cultural
Vistas magazine, and grants to Louisiana’s
educational and cultural institutions, all
related to the theme, “Roots to Roots:
America and Louisiana’s Shared History.”
Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities
New Orleans, LA Michael J. Sartisky
$96,730 A regrant program, reading and
discussion programs and the quarterly
publication, Louisiana Cultural Vistas.
Maine Humanities Council
Portland, ME Victoria B. Bonebakker
$15,000 Adventures in American Literature,
an all-day public program on a significant piece
of American literature; the development of
new series for the New Books, New Readers
and Let’s Talk About It reading and discus-
sion programs; oral history workshops, and
a cultural heritage tour of the Kennebec and
Chaudière rivers, a 230-mile corridor span-
ning Maine and much of Québec Province.
Maine Humanities Council
Portland, ME Victoria B. Bonebakker
$66,610 Humanities projects including
public conferences on Abraham Lincoln
and Zora Neale Hurston, a new reading and
discussion series, Invisible New England, and
history camps for high school students.
Maryland Humanities Council
Baltimore, MD Phoebe Stein Davis
$106,550 Maryland History Day, the
Chautauqua program, Community
Conversations and regrants for public humani-
ties programs in American history and culture.
Maryland Humanities Council
Baltimore, MD Phoebe Stein Davis
$10,000 A special initiative on Martin Luther
King Jr. will emphasize the issue of race through
Chautauqua programming, the speakers bureau,
the grants program, and Maryland History Day.
Mass Humanities
Northampton, MA Pleun C. Bouricius
$114,640 A programmatic focus on “Liberty
and Justice for All” that includes grants, a
public symposium at Boston College on the
topic “One Nation, Under God: The Role
of Religion in American Public Life,” a film
and discussion series marking the 200th
anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade,
and Picturing America programming in public
libraries that will also be downloadable.
Michigan Humanities Council
Lansing, MI Cynthia M. Dimitrijevic
$10,000 “The Great Michigan Read,” a state-
wide literature and literacy initiative focused on
Ernest Hemingway’s short-stories collection, The
Nick Adams Stories. Activities include reading and
discussion groups, exhibits, a Hemingway film
festival, and a Michigan author homecoming.
Michigan Humanities Council
Lansing, MI Gregory L Parker
$149,450 To support a series of initiatives
related to Picturing America, including a
seminar for teachers, a speakers bureau,
partnerships with museums in Michigan, and a
documentary video program for high schools.
Minnesota Humanities Center
St. Paul, MN Matthew Brandt
$10,000 Conferences will consider the impact
of statehood on the Dakota and Ojibwe
peoples and the contributions of native
people to Minnesota and American history,
targeted grants will help develop reference
and curriculum guides for native language
courses, and a content-rich website will collect
Dakota and Ojibwe materials and resources.
Minnesota Humanities Center
St. Paul, MN Matthew Brandt
$102,240 To support programming related
to Minnesota’s sesquicentennial in 2008 with
particular emphasis on the original residents, the
Dakota and Ojibwe, and the newest residents,
Hmong, Somali and Latino peoples. Programs
include a website, public events and podcasts,
workshops and grants. Programming related
to Picturing America will also be supported.
Mississippi Humanities Council
Jackson, MS Barbara Carpenter
$15,000 Continuation of “Mississippi
Moments,” a series of four-minute radio
segments, development of an online Mississippi
timeline, and revision and updating of a 1992
publication, Ethnic Heritage in Mississippi.
Mississippi Humanities Council
Jackson, MS Barbara Carpenter
$81,540 Development of a web-based
Mississippi Timeline, “Mississippi Moments”
radio broadcasts, public programming to
accompany Picturing America displays
in local libraries, a teachers institute on
Mississippi writers and an updated version of
the publication, Ethnic Heritage in Mississippi.
Missouri Humanities Council
St. Louis, MO Michael Bouman
$108,400 To support the 2009 Chautauqua
whose theme is “That’s Entertainment;” Read
from the Start, the Council’s family reading
program; the Literature and Medicine program
on humanities and health care; the traveling
exhibition, “New Harmonies;” and a special
event and program on Thomas Hart Benton, a
Missouri native and one of the artists repre-
sented in NEH’s Picturing America initiative.
Missouri Humanities Council
St. Louis, MO Michael Bouman
$15,000 To support a focus on Missouri’s history
and future; programs to strengthen cultural orga-
nizations; the Read from the Start family reading
program; and programs to explore diversity and
to discover the meaning of “we” in We the People.
Missouri Humanities Council
St. Louis, MO Michael Bouman
$10,000 Consultancy and training
programs for Missouri museums and
libraries, outreach to new Americans and
underserved populations through the Read
from the Start reading program, and 2008
Chautauqua, “That’s Entertainment!”
Nebraska Humanities Council
Lincoln, NE Sarah J. Hood
$10,000 In partnership with the Kansas
Humanities Council and the state Library
Commission, Center for the Book, and
Department of Education: creation of
a new Chautauqua, materials from the
Resource Collection made available to
schools at a reduced fee, and the distribu-
tion of the “Between Fences” exhibit to
six communities and the state capitol.
Nebraska Humanities Council
Lincoln, NE Sarah J. Hood
$70,650 The statewide tour of the
Smithsonian exhibition “New Harmonies,
the Kansas-Nebraska Chautauqua, activi-
ties at the 2008 Nebraska Book Festival, a
Humanities Resource catalog, and the tour
of Picturing America images to six sites.
Nevada Humanities
Reno, NV Stephen R. Davis
$76,190 To support ongoing work of
scholars and editors for the Online Nevada
Encyclopedia; grants for projects in
American history and culture; and program-
ming related to Picturing America.
Nevada Humanities
Reno, NV Steve Davis
$7,945 Production of four Chautauqua
Policy Forums and a series of related
“Chautauqua Minutes” in partnership
with the Reno PBS affiliate, and grants for
public programs in American history.
Nevada Humanities
Reno, NV Steve Davis
$10,000 Continued development of the Online
Nevada Encyclopedia and a grant initiative to
develop humanities-based civic dialog programs.
New Hampshire Humanities Council
Concord, NH Deborah Watrous
$66,440 Humanities To Go, a statewide program
of lectures and living history presentations.
New Jersey Council for the Humanities
Trenton, NJ Jane Brailove Rutkoff
$136,130 Two two-semester Clemente
Courses in Camden and Somerset/
Brunswick exploring the nation’s found-
ing principles and their development over
time, and two K–12 teacher seminars.
New Jersey Council for the Humanities
Trenton, NJ Jane Brailove Rutkoff
$15,000 A college-level course, “American
Freedom: The History of an Ideal,” for
low-income individuals, a series of three-hour
seminars on American Heroes for K–12 teachers
and a week-long summer residential teachers
seminar which will examine the life and legacy
of George Washington in his command of
the Continental Army, his leadership at the
Constitutional Convention, and his presidency.
New Mexico Humanities Council
Albuquerque, NM Craig L. Newbill
$72,120 To support community projects on
the theme “What Does it Mean to be a New
Mexican,” as part of the council’s ongoing
planning for the centennial of statehood in
2012; to support National History Day in
New Mexico in 2009; and to plan activities
related to Picturing America in New Mexico.
New Mexico Humanities Council
Albuquerque, NM Craig L. Newbill
$15,000 To support programming in observance
of the New Mexico centennial in 2012, includ-
ing grants on the topic “What Does it Mean
to be a New Mexican?” statewide participa-
tion in National History Day for middle and
high school students, and an essay contest.
New York Council for the Humanities
New York, NY Jane B. McNamara
$235,310 Humanities programming
including a statewide conference, fellow-
ships, speakers programs, and reading and
discussion programs related to the 2009
Hudson-Fulton-Champlain quadricentennial.
North Carolina Humanities Council
Greensboro, NC Shelley Crisp
$152,150 Let’s Talk About It readings and
discussion program, the Road Scholars
speakers bureau, a teachers institute,
regrants, and the North Carolina tour
of the exhibition, “New Harmonies:
Celebrating American Roots Music.”
North Carolina Humanities Council
Greensboro, NC Shelley Crisp
$10,000 Ongoing programming including a
summer teachers institute that will explore
Southern plantation culture, statewide
regional conferences that address themes
in American history and culture, and the
new publication, Engage Your World.
North Dakota Humanities Council
Bismarck, ND Janet Daley Jury
$60,180 To support activities related to the
theme, “Telling our Journey Stories,” including
a public programming awards competition, book
and film discussions, speakers programs, grants
to support the traveling exhibition “Journey
Stories,” and audio tours and a state scholar in
support of Picturing America in North Dakota.
Northern Mariana Islands Council
for the Humanities
Saipan, MP Debra T. Cabrera
$49,930 The exploration of cultural, social, eco-
nomic and political issues; a focus on a major
immigrant group and contemporary life as seen
through the eyes of young adults; reading and
discussing three American literary classics;
and preserving and disseminating primary
historical resources important to the study of
the history of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Northern Mariana Islands Council
for the Humanities
Saipan, MP Debra T. Cabrera
$10,000 Democracy Considered, a series of
text-based community discussions, public
lectures on the fundamentals of democracy,
and a series of activities that explore the diverse
cultural traditions present in the commonwealth.
Ohio Humanities Council
Columbus, OH Gale E. Peterson
$179,630 To support the Ohio Chautauqua in
2008 and 2009 on the theme “Inventors and
Innovators;” planning for the sesquicenten-
nial of the Civil War; the heritage fellows
documentation project; public television
programs on Ohio’s historic places; regional
workshops on civic tourism; website for history
teachers; and programming for Picturing
America, including a teachers institute.
Ohio Humanities Council
Columbus, OH Gale E. Peterson
$10,000 The Ohio Chautauquas, “World War
II,” and “Inventors and Innovators” that will
be held in 2007 and 2008, summer teacher
institutes, the Gateway to History website, and
local media projects associated with the fall 2007
broadcast of Ken Burns’s documentary, The War.
Oklahoma Humanities Council
Oklahoma City, OK David Pettyjohn
$87,380 To support the 2008 Oklahoma
Conversation in the Humanities, an
annual lecture by a distinguished speaker
in the humanities; grants for projects in
American history and culture; and activi-
ties for Picturing America in Oklahoma.
Oregon Council for the Humanities
Portland, OR Cara Ungar-Gutierrez
$98,060 The program initiative “Borders and
Boundaries,” which will explore American
history and the principles of democracy
through lectures, a special issue of Oregon
Humanities magazine, and teachers institutes.
Pennsylvania Humanities Council
Philadelphia, PA Laurie Zierer
$10,000 To support the expansion of “Our
Stories, Our Future,” a statewide project,
by awarding grants, supporting speakers
and book groups all focused on stories from
America’s past that have importance for
today and the future in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Humanities Council
Philadelphia, PA Laurie Zierer
$171,060 Humanities grants that will fund
projects to explore diverse stories of the
American experience and creatively combine
the arts and humanities, book discussion
groups and Commonwealth Speakers, and
promotional and media activities that will
feature art topics and the Speaker’s Millennium
Lecturer Frank McCourt who will talk
about his experience as an immigrant.
Rhode Island Council for the Humanities
Providence, RI Mary-Kim Arnold
$15,000 To support regrants, a film series
in collaboration with RI PBS and the Office
of Library Information Studies, and speak-
ers programs about civic dialogs that help
us better understand the world around
us by means of American history.
Rhode Island Council for the Humanities
Providence, RI Sue Ellen M. Kroll
$64,370 The Rhode Island Humanities
Council’s public radio program, “Action
Speaks,” as it is enhanced, retooled, and mar-
keted to a larger—possibly national—audience.
South Dakota Humanities Council
Brookings, SD Sherry K. DeBoer
$10,000 To support the annual South
Dakota Festival of Books and the comple-
mentary programming. The Festival of
Books will explore significant events in
South Dakota and American history with
more than fifty authors and an audience in
Deadwood estimated to be over 6,000.
South Dakota Humanities Council
Brookings, SD Kelley K. Yseth
$78,960 To support the sixth annual Festival
of Books sponsored by the South Dakota
Humanities Council, including outreach
by three art historians to fifteen communi-
ties for programming related to Picturing
America and the connections, both artistic
and literary, to the history of South Dakota.
Utah Humanities Council
Salt Lake City, UT Cynthia Buckingham
$76,700 To support grant projects that explore
significant historical themes and events;
history topics of the council’s speakers bureau;
the participation of historians in the annual
book festival; Utah’s National History Day; a
collaboration with the Utah Division of State
History for a community history initiative;
weekly public radio broadcasts; a statewide
museum interpretation initiative for interpretive
exhibits; and Picturing America activities in col-
laboration with the Utah Museum of Fine Arts.
Utah Humanities Council
Salt Lake City, UT Cynthia Buckingham
$10,000 To support grants for community
projects exploring significant historical themes
and events, history topics for the council’s
speakers bureau, historians for the Great Salt
Lake Book Festival, the statewide History
Day, an oral history initiative, weekly public
radio programs, and a statewide initiative
for interpretive exhibits at museums.
Vermont Humanities Council
Montpelier, VT Larissa Vigue Picard
$10,000 The Vermont Humanities Council
will use talks, living history presentations,
lectures, reading and discussions series for
both the general public and low-literacy
groups, summer humanities camps for
at-risk middle school youth, and grants
to increase knowledge and understand-
ing of American and Vermont history.
Vermont Humanities Council
Montpelier, VT Larissa Vigue Picard
$60,040 Activities to complement the multi-
year Civil War Home Front project and the
quadricentennial of Samuel de Champlains
“discovery” of Lake Champlain, sixty pre-
sentations in the speakers bureau program,
twenty-five First Wednesday lectures, the
purchase of books for reading and discussion
programs, humanities camps for at-risk middle
school students, grants, and the fall conference.
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
Charlottesville, VA David Bearinger
$10,000 The study and public dissemination of
Virginia history and culture by means of media
and the Center for the Book, especially of those
peoples whose contributions have not been suf-
ficiently recognized. Support includes an award
of a residential fellowship in Virginia history.
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
Charlottesville, VA Andrew S. Chancey
$124,460 The study of Virginia and American
history and culture through grant making, radio
programming, and such public events as the
Virginia Festival of the Book that reach broad
public audiences.
West Virginia Humanities Council
Charleston, WV Mark Payne
$71,290 To support grants on American history
and culture; a lecture series in Charleston; and
programming connecting Picturing America
to the history of art in West Virginia.
West Virginia Humanities Council
Charleston, WV Mark Payne
$17,500 To support grants on American history
and culture; a lecture series in Charleston; and
programming connecting Picturing America
to the history of art in West Virginia.
Wisconsin Humanities Council
Madison, WI Jessica E. Becker
$10,000 Launching a new initiative, that
will support humanities-based conferences,
lectures, K–12 curriculum development, web
discussions, newspaper articles, and sessions
at the 2008 Wisconsin Book Festival on the
theme of the state’s conservation heritage.
Wisconsin Humanities Council
Madison, WI Jessica E. Becker
$106,090 To support a series of activities
related to the council’s initiative “Wisconsin:
Making it Home,” including events at the
2009 Wisconsin Book Festival; community
discussions on topics in the humanities, the
environment, and conservation; training for
discussion leaders; film-based discussion
programs, public lectures and discussions; tours
for K–12 teachers and development of curricular
resources; grants for community projects; and
Picturing America activities in Wisconsin.
Wyoming Humanities Council
Laramie, WY Jenny Ingram
$15,000 Statewide programming around
the Smithsonian’s Museum on Main Street
traveling exhibition, “Between Fences.
Project activities include a film discussion
series, book discussion series, speakers
forum, small grant initiative, and a public
television documentary exploring boundar-
ies and borders in Western American life.
Wyoming Humanities Council
Laramie, WY Jennifer A Ingram
$58,970 To support the addition of new
programs on the topic of community for
the council’s statewide speakers bureau; a
four-part film and discussion series on the
history of addiction in such eras as the Jazz
Age and Prohibition; grants for projects on
local history and heritage; a four-part book
discussion series on the interaction of humans
and their animals; and a special grant initia-
tive for Picturing America in Wyoming.
**Emergency Grant
The Jefferson Lecture
John Updike
Beverly Farms, MA
$10,000 2008 Jefferson Lecture:
“What Is American about
American art?”
Picturing America
American Library Association
Chicago, IL Lainie Castle
$2,275,576 Picturing America.
Chicago Architecture Foundation
Chicago, IL Jean Linsner
$28,109** Picturing America
demonstration workshop.
Home School Foundation
Purcellville, VA
William Anthony Estrada
$30,000** Picturing America
online course: Teaching
American History Through the
Picturing America Program.
Indiana University, Bloomington
Bloomington, IN Guy Maxedon
$29,973** Picturing America
teachers workshop.
National Academy of Design
New York, NY Kristine Widmer
$30,000** Picturing America
teacher training workshops.
National Head Start Association
Alexandria, VA Michael McGrady
$30,000** Children’s grant.
Newark Museum
Newark, NJ Ted Lind
$30,000** Picturing America
education initiative.
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia, PA Marla K. Shoemaker
$29,700** Picturing America
teacher seminar.
University of Georgia
Athens, GA
William Underwood Eiland
$30,000** Picturing America
teacher seminar.
Adams, Fred
Department of Philosophy
University of Delaware
Newark, DE
Adelson, Glenn
Biological Sciences and
Environmental Studies
Wellesley College
Wellesley, MA
Adovasio, James
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT
Alborn, Timothy L.
Department of History
CUNY Research Foundation,
Lehman College
Bronx, NY
Alcock, Susan
Department of Classics
Brown University
Providence, RI
Aldenderfer, Mark S.
Department of Anthropology
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ
Allen, Irene Shum
National Trust for
Historic Preservation
Washington, DC
Allen, William J.
Department of Art
Arkansas State University
State University, AR
Allitt, Patrick N.
Professor of History
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Allman, Jean M.
Department of History
Washington University
St. Louis, MO
Alvarez, Louis
Center for New American
Media, Inc.
New York, NY
Alvis, John E.
English Department
University of Dallas
Irving, TX
Amiras, Mira Z.
Middle East Studies Program
San Jose State University
San Jose, CA
Anderson, Catherine E.
Preventive Conservation
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Williamsburg, VA
Anderson, Susan
Museum Archives
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia, PA
Andrea, Alfred J.
Department of History
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT
Andrzejewski, Anna V.
Art History
University of Wisconsin Colleges
Madison, WI
Anklam, Cissy F.
Museum Concepts
Arlington, VA
Apley, Alice
RMC Research Corporation
Portsmouth, NH
Arnesen, Eric J.
Department of History
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL
Arnold, Bettina
Department of Anthropology
University of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI
Arnott, Julie
Preservation Services
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN
Arrington, Melvin S.
Department of Modern Languages
University of Mississippi
University, MS
Bach, Sue E.
Billings West High School
Billings, MT
Bachin, Robin
History Department
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL
Bailey Hainer, Brenda
Bibliographical Center for Research
Denver, CO
Ballenger, Grady W.
Louisiana Scholars’ College of NSU
Natchitoches, LA
Bamman, David
Perseus Project
Tufts University
Medford, MA
Bankoff, H. Arthur
Department of Anthropology
CUNY Research Foundation
Brooklyn, NY
Barfield, Thomas J.
Department of Anthropology
Boston University
Boston, MA
Barkan, Elliott R.
Department of History
California State University
San Bernardino, CA
Barrett, Robert W
English and Medieval Studies
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL
Bartley, Elizabeth A.
Center for Electronic
Reconstruction of Historical
Archaeological Sites
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH
Bashir, Shahzad
Department of Religious Studies
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Bashkow, Ira R.
Department of Anthropology
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Battigelli, Anna F.
Department of English
SUNY Research Foundation
Plattsburgh, NY
Bauerlein, Mark W.
Department of English
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Bayer, Daniel L.
Language Center, College of
Letters, Arts and Sciences
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
Bays, Daniel H
History Department
Calvin College
Grand Rapids, MI
Bean, Susan S.
South Asian, Oceanic, and
Africa Arts and Cultures
Peabody Essex Museum
Salem, MA
Becker, Robert A.
Department of History
Weber State University
Ogden, UT
Beito, David T.
Department of History
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL
Bell, Gregory R
Information Technology Division
Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA
Benditt, Theodore M.
Department of Philosophy
University of Alabama
Birmingham, AL
Bennett, Elizabeth Z.
Princeton University Library
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ
Bennett, Herman Lee
Department of History
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ
Beynon, Sharon
Independent Scholar
Morro Bay, CA
Bilderback, Beth
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC
Bissell, William
Lafayette College
Easton, PA
Blackwell, Stephen H.
Department of Modern Foreign
Languages and Literatures
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN
Bledsoe, Robert Terrell
Department of English
University of Texas
El Paso, TX
Blistein, Adam D.
American Philological Association
Philadelphia, PA
Blue, Carroll
African American Studies
University of Houston
Houston, TX
Blumenthal, Debra
Department of History
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA
Bohman, James F.
Department of Philosophy
St. Louis University
Saint Louis, MO
Bolger, Doreen
Baltimore Museum of Art
Baltimore, MD
Bond, Trevor J.
Terrell Library
Washington State University
Pullman, WA
Bonebakker, Victoria B.
Maine Humanities Council
Portland, ME
Bonner, Jr., Thomas
Department of English
Xavier University of Louisiana
New Orleans, LA
Boomgaarden, Wesley L.
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Bosse, Arno
Division of the Humanities
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL
Bouton, Terry
Department of History
University of Maryland
Baltimore, MD
Bowles, Brett
Department of French Studies
SUNY Research Foundation
Albany, NY
Boyer, Christopher Robert
Depts. of History and Latin
American and Latino Studies
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL
Bradley, Anthony G.
Department of English
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT
Braider, Christopher Sheehan
Department of French and Italian
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO
Braithwaite, John A
History Department
Weber State University
Ogden, UT
Brakman, Sarah Vaughan
Department of Philosophy
Villanova University
Villanova, PA
Brandt, Bettina
Department of French,
German, and Russian
Montclair State University
Upper Montclair, NJ
Branson, Susan Lynn
American Studies Program
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
Brattain, Michelle L.
Department of History
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA
Bray, Alida J.
History San Jose
San Jose, CA
Breitborde, Lawrence B.
Department of Anthropology
and Sociology
Knox College
Galesburg, IL
Brennan, Timothy A.
Department of Cultural Studies
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN
Brewer, David A.
English Department
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Brewin, Mark
Faculty of Communication
University of Tulsa
Tulsa, OK
Brigham, Ann
Department of Literature
and Languages
Roosevelt University
Chicago, IL
Britton, Marcia W.
Wyoming Humanities Council
Laramie, WY
Britz, Kevin M.
Center for Southwestern Studies
Fort Lewis College
Durango, CO
Brown, Lauren R.
Archives and Manuscripts
Department, Hornbake Library
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
Bruckner, Matilda Tomaryn
Department of Romance
Languages and Literatures
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, MA
Bruzewski, Molly Kay
Social Studies Department
Vassar Public Schools
Vassar, MI
Burchenal, Margaret K.
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Boston, MA
Burdette, Alan R.
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Burrows, Edwin G.
Department of History
CUNY Research Foundation
Brooklyn, NY
Burt, Elizabeth V.
School of Communication
University of Hartford
West Hartford, CT
Burt, Richard
Department of
Construction Science
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX
Butler, Anne M.
Department of History
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Callahan, Elizabeth
South Salem High School
Salem, OR
Cannato, Vincent J.
Department of History
University of Massachusetts
Boston, MA
Cannato, Vincent J.
Department of History
University of Massachusetts
Boston, MA
Cantara, Linda
Proposal Development Office
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
Carignan, Yvonne
McKeldin Library
University of Maryland
University College
College Park, MD
Carriero, John Peter
Department of Philosophy
University of California
Los Angeles, CA
Carriker, Robert C.
Department of History
Gonzaga University
Spokane, WA
Carrlee, Ellen
Alaska State Museum
Juneau, AK
Carroll, Valinda S.
William R. and Norma
B. Harvey Library
Hampton University
Hampton, VA
Carruthers, Elspeth
Department of History
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL
Carvalho, Joseph
Springfield Library and
Museums Association
Springfield, MA
Casper, Scott Evan
Department of History
University of Nevada
Reno, NV
Casserly, Brian
Math, Science, and Social
Sciences Division
North Seattle Community College
Seattle, WA
Censer, Jack R.
Office of the Dean of Humanities
and Social Sciences
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA
Chaffin, Scott
Salt Lake City, UT
Chang, Chun shu
Department of History
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Chen, Lingchei Letty
Department of Asian and Near
Eastern Languages and Literatures
Washington University
St. Louis, MO
Ching, Barbara A
English Department
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN
Choate, Mark I.
Department of History
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT
Chow, Eileen Cheng yin
East Asian Languages
and Civilizations
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
Christensen, Len
St. Francis High School
Mountain View, CA
Christensen, Pamela R
Peter White Public Library
Marquette, MI
Chu, Jonathan
Department of History
University of Massachusetts
Boston, MA
Chung, Su Kim
Department of Special
Collections, Lied Library
University of Nevada
Las Vegas, NV
Clark, Ellen Riojas
Bicultural Bilingual Studies
University of Texas
San Antonio, TX
Cleary, Richard Louis
School of Architecture
University of Texas
Austin, TX
Clift Pellow, Arlene L.
Department of English and
Mass Communication
North Carolina Central University
Durham, NC
Clowes, Edith W.
Department of Slavic
Languages and Literatures
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS
Codell, Julie F.
Art History and English
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Cohen, Daniel J.
Department of History
and Art History
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA
Cohen, Matthew
Department of English
Duke University
Durham, NC
Cohen, Ronald L.
Social Science Division
Bennington College
Bennington, VT
Cohen, Sharon C.
Department of History
Springbrook High School
Silver Spring, MD
Coldiron, Anne E. B.
Department of English
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL
Collins, Marsha S.
English and Comparative
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Conniff, Michael
Global Studies
San Jose State University
San Jose, CA
Contiguglia, Georgianna
Colorado Historical Society
Denver, CO
Cook, Russell J
Department of Communication
Loyola College in Maryland
Baltimore, MD
Cook, Jr., Theodore F.
Department of History
William Paterson University
Wayne, NJ
Cooper, Regina
Social Studies Teacher
Festus Senior High School
Festus, MO
Cooper, Thomas Ezekiel
Department of Slavic
Languages and Literatures
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Cope, Kevin L.
Department of English
Louisiana State University
and A&M College
Baton Rouge, LA
Corcoran, Eileen
Vermont Museum and
Gallery Alliance
Vergennes, VT
Cornelius, Steven H.
Department of Music
Boston University
Boston, MA
Corrales, Javier
Department of Political Science
Amherst College
Amherst, MA
Corrigan, John
Department of Religion
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL
Costello, David R.
History Department
Canisius College
Buffalo, NY
Costello, Gina
Special Collections
Digital Services
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA
Cottler, Susan
History Department
Westminster College
Salt Lake City, UT
Coughlan, Patricia A.
Social Studies
Glen Landing Middle School
Blackwood, NJ
Cox, Karen L.
History Department
University of North Carolina
Charlotte, NC
Craft, Meg L.
Walters Art Museum
Baltimore, MD
Crespino, Joseph
Department of History
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Crothers, George M.
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
Curtis, Susan
Department of History
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
Cutler, Anthony
Department of Art History
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA
Cutler, Robin R.
Independent Scholar
New York, NY
Cyrus, Cynthia
Blair School of Music
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Dahlstrom, Daniel O.
Department of Philosophy
Boston University
Boston, MA
Damrosch, David N.
Department of English and
Comparative Literature
Columbia University
New York, NY
Davis, David
National Production
Oregon Public Broadcasting
Portland, OR
Davis, Eric Meacham
Department of Political Science
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ
Davis, Michael T.
Department of Art
and Art History
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, MA
Deans Smith, Susan
Department of History
University of Texas
Austin, TX
Deeds, Susan M.
Department of History
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ
deLorenzo, David
Bancroft Library
University of California
Berkeley, CA
Demarest, Arthur A.
Department of Anthropology
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Denenberg, Thomas Andrew
Portland Museum of Art
Portland, ME
Dennis, William C
Independent Scholar
McLean, VA
Derbes, Anne
Art Department
Hood College
Frederick, MD
Doan, Ruth Alden
Department of History
Hollins University
Roanoke, VA
Dobney, Fredrick John
History Department
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI
Doherty, Brian
Arizona State University
Mesa, AZ
Dominguez, Frank A.
Department of Romance
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Donoghue, Kelly R.
Social Studies
New York City Museum School
New York City, NY
Dorman, Nicholas
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle, WA
Dorsey, Allison
Department of History
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, PA
Doss, Erika L.
Department of American Studies
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN
Ducey, Mary Ellen
University Archivist/
Special Collections
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE
Dudley, William C.
Department of Philosophy
Williams College
Williamstown, MA
Duque, Adriano
Department of Foreign
Languages and Literatures
Rider University
Lawrenceville, NJ
Earhart, Amy Elizabeth
Department of English
Texas A & M University
College Station, TX
Eckert, Maureen A.
Department of Philosophy
University of Massachusetts
North Dartmouth, MA
Edmondson, Laura
School of Theatre
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
Edmunds, Russell David
School of Arts and Humanities
University of Texas
Richardson, TX
Eickelman, Dale F.
Department of Anthropology
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
Ellington, Lucien
Education Department
University of Tennessee
Chattanooga, TN
Elliott, Thomas Robert
Institute for the Study of
the Ancient World
New York University
New York, NY
Engle, Lars D.
Department of English
University of Tulsa
Tulsa, OK
Englehart, Neil A.
Department of Political Science
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH
Englund, Robert Keith
Fowler Museum of
Cultural History
University of California
Los Angeles, CA
Enstad, Nan
Department of History
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI
Epps, Linda Caldwell
New Jersey Historical Society
Newark, NJ
Eriksen, Lisa
Education & Public Programs
California Historical Society
San Francisco, CA
Erndl, Kathleen M.
Department of Religion
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL
Fahs, Alice
Department of History
University of California
Irvine, CA
Farr, George
Independent Scholar
Washington, DC
Faust, Jennifer
Department of Philosophy
California State University
Los Angeles, CA
Favro, Diane G.
Fowler Museum of
Cultural History
University of California
Los Angeles, CA
Fay, Laurel E.
Independent Scholar
Staten Island, NY
Feintuch, Burt
Center for the Humanities
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH
Felch, Susan
Department of English
Calvin College
Grand Rapids, MI
Feller, Daniel
Department of History
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN
Fengler Stephany, Christie
Department of Art
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT
Ferguson, Shelley
Science and Arts Academy
Des Plains, IL
Ferraro, Thomas J.
Department of English
Duke University
Durham, NC
Ferris, Kathlene
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
Figdor, Carrie
Department of Philosophy
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Fink, Carole K.
Department of History
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Finke, Laurie Anne
Women’s and Gender Studies
Kenyon College
Gambier, OH
Finkel, Kenneth M.
Arts and Culture Service
WHYY, Inc.
Philadelphia, PA
Finkelstein, Gabriel W.
Department of History
University of Colorado
Denver, CO
Finley Croswhite, Stephanie
Department of History
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA
Fischbach, Michael R.
Department of History
Randolph Macon College
Ashland, VA
Fitch, Nancy
Department of History
California State University
Fullerton, CA
Flanagan, Brian
Hauenstein Center for
Presidential Studies
Grand Valley State University
Grand Rapids, MI
Flanagan, James G.
Department of Anthropology
and Sociology
University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS
Flanagan, Maureen A.
Department of History
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Flaster, Michael
Traveling Mind Productions, Inc.
La Jolla, CA
Flaten, Arne Robert
Department of Art History
Coastal Carolina University
Conway, SC
Flaumenhaft, Harvey M.
St. Johns College
Annapolis, MD
Florine, Jane Lynn
Department of Music
Chicago State University
Chicago, IL
Foertsch, Jacqueline Marie
Department of English
University of North Texas
Denton, TX
Foley, John Miles
Department of Classical Studies
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO
Foley, Stephen
Department of English
Brown University
Providence, RI
Forbes, Robert
Department of History
Yale University
New Haven, CT
Forsyth, Louise
Department of History
Poly Prep Country Day School
Brooklyn, NY
Fraker, Alan
The Montclair Kimberley
Montclair, NJ
Frangakis, Evelyn
Preservation Division
New York Public Library
New York, NY
Franz, Kathleen G.
History Department
American University
Washington, DC
Freeland, Cynthia A
Philosophy Department
University of Houston
Houston, TX
Freeze, Gregory L.
Department of History
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA
Freimarck, Fran
Pamunkey Regional Library
Goochland, VA
Friedland, Paul A.
Department of History
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, ME
Fuchs, Barbara
Department of Romance
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Furey, Constance M.
Department of Religious Studies
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Gaddis Rose, Marilyn
Department of
Comparative Literature
SUNY Research Foundation
Binghamton, NY
Galloway, Edward
University Library
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Gants, David Lee
Department of English
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL
Gardiner, Eileen
Italica Press
Independent Scholar
New York, NY
Gardner, Wanda P.
Le Claire Community Library
Le Claire, IA
Garfinkle, Steven J.
Department of History
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA
Geller, Phylis
Norman Star Media
Washington, DC
Genova, Pamela Antonia
Department of Modern
Languages, Literatures,
and Linguistics
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK
George, David S.
Department of Modern
Languages and Literatures
Lake Forest College
Lake Forest, IL
Gibson, Thomas Paul
Anthropology Department
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY
Gilbert, Peter A.
Vermont Humanities Council
Montpelier, VT
Gilje, Paul A.
Department of History
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK
Gill, Alyson Ann
Department of Art
Arkansas State University
State University, AR
Gillespie, Alyssa Wendy
Department of German
and Russian
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN
Gillette Jr., Howard F.
Department of History
Rutgers University
Camden, NJ
Gillette, Michael L.
Humanities Texas
Austin, TX
Glassberg, David
Department of History
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA
Glassman, Elizabeth
Terra Museum of American Art
Chicago, IL
Goddu, Teresa Alice
Department of English
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Gold, Barbara K.
Department of Classics
Hamilton College
Clinton, NY
Goldbaum, Howard S.
Donald W. Reynolds
School of Journalism
University of Nevada
Reno, NV
Golden, Patrick S.
Williamsburg Regional Library
Williamsburg, VA
Goldman, Anne Elizabeth
Department of English
Sonoma State University
Rohnert Park, CA
Goldsmith, Elizabeth
Department of Modern
Foreign Languages
Boston University
Boston, MA
Goldstein, Eric L.
Department of History
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Goodheart, Adam
C. V. Starr Center
Washington College
Chestertown, MD
Gordon, Eric J.
Department of Visual
and Media Arts
Emerson College
Boston, MA
Gordon, Jayne K.
Education and Public Programs
Massachusetts Historical Society
Boston, MA
Gorlinski, Virginia K.
School of Interdisciplinary Arts
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI
Gorman, Laura
St. Louis Art Museum
St. Louis, MO
Grabowski, John J.
Western Reserve Historical Society
Cleveland, OH
Grant, Lynn A.
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Gray, David B
Religious Studies
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA
Green, Jennifer R.
Department of History
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, MI
Greene, Harlan M.
College of Charleston
Charleston, SC
Greene, Sally
College of Education
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID
Greenwood, Janette T.
Department of History
Clark University
Worcester, MA
Grieve, Patricia E.
Department of Spanish
and Portuguese
Columbia University
New York, NY
Griswold, Wendy
Department of Sociology
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
Groft, Tammis K.
Albany Institute of
History and Art
Albany, NY
Grosby, Steven
Department of Philosophy
and Religion
Clemson University
Clemson, SC
Gutwirth, Jacqueline
Department of History
Bronx Cummunity College
Bronx, NY
Habel, Dorothy Metzger
School of Art
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN
Habinek, Thomas N.
Department of Classics
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
Hale, Grace E.
Department of History
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Halevi, Leor Edward
Department of History
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Hall, John Anthony
Department of Sociology
McGill University
Montréal, Canada
Hanchett, Thomas W.
Levine Museum of the New South
Charlotte, NC
Hanley, Ryan Patrick
Department of Political Science
Marquette University
Milwaukee, WI
Hanley, Theresa E.
Museum of History and Art
Ontario, CA
Hanson, Karen
Department of Philosophy
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Hardcastle, Gary L.
Department of Philosophy
Bloomsburg University
of Pennsylvania
Bloomsburg, PA
Harker, Brian Cameron
Department of Music
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT
Harkins, Anthony
History Department
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY
Harris, Douglas
Department of Political Science
Loyola College in Maryland
Baltimore, MD
Harris, Jane G.
Department of Slavic
Languages and Literatures
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Harsin, Steve
Ironworld Discovery Center
Chisholm, MN
Haverkamp, Eva Anita
Department of History
Rice University
Houston, TX
Headley, Janet A.
Department of Fine Arts
Loyola College in Maryland
Baltimore, MD
Hecht, Richard D.
Department of Religious Studies
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA
Hegtvedt, Karen A.
Department of Sociology
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Hein, Laura E.
Department of History
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
Hellie, Richard
Department of History
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL
Henderson, Timothy J.
Department of History
Auburn University at Montgomery
Montgomery, AL
Henry, Charles
Council on Library and
Information Resources
Washington, DC
Herbert, Sharon
Kelsey Museum
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Herrada, Julie
Special Collections Library
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Herskovitz, Robert
Conservation Department
Minnesota Historical Society
St. Paul, MN
Hill, Jonathan D.
Department of Anthropology
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL
Hilton, Dale
Distance Learning
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland, OH
Hodson, Sara S.
Huntington Library
San Marino, CA
Hoerig, Karl A.
Nohwike’ Bagowa, the White
Mountain Apache Cultural
Center and Museum
Tucson, AZ
Holcomb, Melanie
Department of Medieval Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, NY
Holladay, Joan A.
Art and Art HIstory
University of Texas
Austin, TX
Holliday, Peter James
Department of Art
California State University
Long Beach, CA
Holmes, Lorna
Department of Classics
Hillsdale College
Hillsdale, MI
Honey, David B.
Department of Asian and
Near Eastern Languages
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT
Hopkins, Steven P.
Department of Religion
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, PA
Hornor, Elizabeth
Michael C. Carlos Museum
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Horwitz, Howard
Department of English
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT
Hotchkiss, Valerie
Rare Book and
Manuscript Library
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL
Houck, Jeanne
Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum
New York, NY
Houtchens, Bobbi C.
Secondary School
San Bernardino, CA
Howe, John M.
Department of History
Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center
Lubbock, TX
Howland, Jacob A.
Department of Philosophy
University of Tulsa
Tulsa, OK
Huffman, Joseph
School of the Humanities
Messiah College
Grantham, PA
Hunt, Louis
James Madison College
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Hunter, Jane H.
Department of History
Lewis and Clark College
Portland, OR
Hutchison, Jane C.
Department of Art History
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI
Imber, Jonathan B.
Department of Sociology
Wellesley College
Wellesley, MA
Inglot, Joanna
Department of Art History
Macalester College
St. Paul, MN
Isern, Thomas D.
Department of History
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND
Iverson, Peter J.
Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Jackson, Virginia W.
Department of English
Tufts University
Medford, MA
Jaffee, David P.
Department of History
CUNY Research
Foundation, City College
New York, NY
Jasanoff, Maya
Center for European Studies
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
Jenco, Leigh
Political Theory Project
Brown University
Providence, RI
Jenkens Jr., A. Lawrence
Department of Fine Arts
University of New Orleans
New Orleans, LA
Jensen, Pamela K.
Department of Political Science
Kenyon College
Gambier, OH
Jensen, Richard
Department of History
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL
Jessup, Wendy C.
Independent Scholar
Arlington, VA
Jockers, Matthew L
Academic Computing
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Johnson, Diane C.
Department of Art History
College of Charleston
Charleston, SC
Johnston, Robert M.
Department of Modern Languages
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ
Jonaitis, Aldona
University of Alaska Museum
Fairbanks, AK
Jones, Jason B.
Department of English
Central Connecticut
State University
New Britain, CT
Jones, Lloyd
School of Communications
Howard University
Washington, DC
Jones, Sumie A.
Department of
Comparative Literature
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Jussawalla, Feroza F.
Department of English
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
Kamm, Lewis
Foreign Literature and Languages
University of Massachusetts
North Dartmouth, MA
Kamp, Kathryn
Department of Anthropology
Grinnell College
Grinnell, IA
Karp, Ivan
Graduate Institute of
the Liberal Arts
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Kasmir, Sharryn
Department of Anthropology
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY
Kaye, Howard L.
Franklin and Marshall College
Lancaster, PA
Kearns, Michael Shannon
Department of English
University of Southern Indiana
Evansville, IN
Keesling, Catherine Marie
Department of Classics
Georgetown University
Washington, DC
Kemp, Lisa
Social Studies Department
Redwood High School
Larkspur, CA
Kendall, Ritchie D.
Department of English and
Comparative Literature
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Kennedy, Janet
Department of Art History
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Kens, Paul
Department of Political Science
Texas State University
San Marcos, TX
Kenton, Karen A.
National Programming
Washington, DC
Kerby Fulton, Kathryn
Department of English
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN
Kiernan, Kevin
Department of English
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
Kimble, James Jerry
Department of Communication
Seton Hall University
South Orange, NJ
Kincaid, John
Department of
Government and Law
Lafayette College
Easton, PA
King, Duane
Southwest Museum, Autry Center
Los Angeles, CA
King, Julia A.
Department of Anthropology
St. Mary’s College of Maryland
St. Mary’s City, MD
Kinsey, Joni L.
School of Art and Art History
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Kintigh, Keith
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Kirkpatrick, Diane
Department of History of Art
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Kiskis, Michael J.
Department of English
Elmira College
Elmira, NY
Klawans, Jonathan
Department of Religion
Boston University
Boston, MA
Klein, Janice B.
Mitchell Museum of the
American Indian
Evanston, IL
Klein, Julie Thompson
Interdisciplinary Studies Program
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI
Kleiner, David
Independent Scholar
Jenkintown, PA
Kline, Katy
Bowdoin College Museum of Art
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, ME
Klopott, R. Beth
Independent Scholar
Delmar, NY
Koloski, Laurie S.
Department of History
College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, VA
Komito, David R.
Division of Distance Education
Eastern Oregon University
La Grande, OR
Kornbluh, Mark L.
History Department
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Koven, Seth David
Department of History
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ
Koverman, Jill S.
University of South Carolina
McKissick Museum
Columbia, SC
Kramer, Karen S.
New York Foundation for the Arts
New York, NY
Kramer, Kate
Social Studies/Gifted
and Talented
Mitchell Public Schools 17 2
Mitchell, SD
Kreamer, Christine M.
National Museum of African Art,
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC
Kreilkamp, Ivan
Department of English
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Kreyche, Michael
Libraries and Media Services
Kent State University
Main Campus
Kent, OH
Krive, Sarah Anne
Independent Scholar
Greensboro, NC
Kruckenberg, Molly
Research Center
Montana Historical Society
Helena, MT
Kuklick, Bruce
Department of History
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Kurotani, Sawa
University of Redlands
Redlands, CA
Kusmer, Kenneth L.
Department of History
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA
Kyvig, David E.
Department of History
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL
Labio, Catherine
Comparative Literature
Yale University
New Haven, CT
Lamson, Stephanie
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Landau, Norma B.
Department of History
University of California
Davis, CA
Lang, Katherine Howe
Department of History
University of Wisconsin
Eau Claire, WI
Larson, Judy L.
Reynolds Art Gallery
Santa Barbara, CA
Larson, Ted
Social Studies Department
Lincoln Southwest High School
Lincoln, NE
Lawley, Elizabeth Lane
Information Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, NY
Lawrence, Jane F.
Student Affairs
University of California
Merced, CA
Lee, Daniel
Digital Publishing
Yale University Press
New Haven, CT
Lee, Steven P.
Hobart and William
Smith Colleges
Geneva, NY
Lees, Lynn H.
Department of History
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Lefferts Jr., H. Leedom
Department of Anthropology
Drew University
Madison, NJ
Lesiak, Christine
Nebraska ETV Network
Lincoln, NE
Leslie, Thomas W.
Iowa State University
Ames, IA
Lesser, Eli
National Constitution Center
Philadelphia, PA
Lester, Carole N.
Instruction and Academic
Community College
Humanities Association
Newark, NJ
Lester, Connie L.
History Department
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL
Leventhal, Fred M.
Department of History
Boston University
Boston, MA
Levine, Alan
School of Public Affairs
American University
Washington, DC
Levitt, Martin L.
American Philosophical Society
Philadelphia, PA
Lewis, Charlene Boyer
Department of History
Kalamazoo College
Kalamazoo, MI
Lewis, Theodore J.
Department of Near
Eastern Studies
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Lieberman, Robert
Political Science
Columbia University
New York, NY
Lindau, Juan
Colorado College
Colorado Springs, CO
Lindemann, Mary
Department of History
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL
Linduff, Katheryn
Department of the History
of Art and Architecture
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Lippincott, Louise W.
Department of Fine Arts
Carnegie Museum of Art
Pittsburgh, PA
Littlefield, Daniel C.
Department of History
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC
Littlefield, Valinda
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC
Liulevicius, Vejas Gabriel
Department of History
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN
Lockard, Craig A.
Social Change and Development
University of Wisconsin
Green Bay, WI
Lofton, Kathryn
Department of Religious Studies
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Lombardi, Marilyn
Renaissance Computing Institute
Duke University
Durham, NC
Long, Stephen H.
Collections and Education
Lower East Side
Tenement Museum
New York, NY
Loomis, Jacqueline Peterson
Department of History
Washington State
University Vancouver
Vancouver, WA
Lopez, Adelaida
Spanish Literature Studies
Occidental College
Los Angeles, CA
Lowood, Henry E.
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Lubick, Amy
National Archives and
Records Administration
Washington, DC
Lucas, Beverly
Antiquarian and Landmarks
Society, Inc.
Hartford, CT
Lucas Jr., George R.
Department of Leadership,
Ethics and Law
United States Naval Academy
Annapolis, MD
Lynch, Lisa
Department of Media Studies
Catholic University of America
Washington, DC
Macbeth, Danielle M.
Department of Philosophy
Haverford College
Haverford, PA
Mackie, Christopher
Research in Information
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
New York, NY
Madison, Robert D.
United States Naval Academy
Annapolis, MD
Magee, Jeffrey
School of Music
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL
Mahon, James
Department of Philosophy
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA
Malone France, Katherine
National Trust for
Historic Preservation
Washington, DC
Maloney, Edward J.
Center for New Designs in
Learning and Scholarship
Georgetown University
Washington, DC
Mandell, Daniel Richard
Department of History
Truman State University
Kirksville, MO
Mann, Kristin
Department of History
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Mann, Ralph
Department of History
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO
Marcus, Kenneth Hearne
University of La Verne
La Verne, CA
Marshall, Donald
Humanities Division
Pepperdine University
Malibu, CA
Marshall, Jeffrey D.
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT
Martin, Nancy M.
Department of Religious Studies
Chapman University
Orange, CA
Marty, Paul F.
College of Information
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL
Marvin, Roberta
International Programs
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
McCann, Bryan Daniel
Department of History
Georgetown University
Washington, DC
McCarty, Willard
Center for Computing
in the Humanities
King’s College
London, United Kingdom
McChesney, Robert D.
Department of New
Eastern Languages
New York University
New York, NY
McClymer, John F.
Department of History
Assumption College
Worcester, MA
McDaniel, June
Department of Religious Studies
College of Charleston
Charleston, SC
McDonald, James H.
College of Humanities
and Social Sciences
Southern Utah University
Cedar City, UT
McDonald, Jarom
Humanities Technology and
Research Support Center
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT
McFarland, Colleen
McIntyre Library
Eau Claire, WI
McGrath, Janet R.
Independent Scholar
College Park, MD
McGuinness, Aims
History Department
University of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI
McInerney, Daniel J.
Department of History
Utah State University
Logan, UT
McIsaac, Peter
German Department
Duke University
Durham, NC
McKay, Thomas R.
Independent Scholar
Hampton, IL
McKelvy, William R
Department of English
Washington University
St. Louis, MO
McKittrick, Meredith K.
Department of History
Georgetown University
Washington, DC
McKnight, David
Schoenberg Center for
Electronic Text and Image
Van Pelt Library
Philadelphia, PA
McLeod, Susan M.
Chippewa Valley Museum
Eau Claire, WI
McPherson, Tara L.
School of Cinematic Arts
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
McRae, Linda
Cataloging Cultural
Objects Project
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL
Meagher, Timothy J.
History Department
Catholic University of America
Washington, DC
Mear, Cecile
Works on Paper
Cincinnati Art Museum
Cincinnati, OH
Medema, Steven George
Department of Economics
University of Colorado
Denver, CO
Meister, Pamela
Upcountry History Museum
Greenville, SC
Melish, Joanne
Department of History
Rhode Island Historical Society
Providence, RI
Melosh, Barbara
Department of English
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA
Meyer, Marion L.
Middlemarch Films, Inc.
New York, NY
Michalowski, Piotr
Department of Near
Eastern Studies
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Miller, James A.
American Studies
George Washington University
Washington, DC
Miller, Patricia
Illinois Heritage Association
Champaign, IL
Miller Antonio, Sari
Department of Anthropology
California State University,
Stanislaus Foundation
Turlock, CA
Mimno, David
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA
Minks, Gina L. B.
Amigos Library Services, Inc.
Dallas, TX
Molinaro, Mary H.
University of Kentucky
Research Foundation
Lexington, KY
Montgomery, Charles H.
Department of History
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
Moran Cruz, Jo Ann H.
Department of History
Georgetown University
Washington, DC
Morgan, David W.
National Center for Preservation
Technology and Training
National Park Service
Washington, DC
Morrison, Robert Gordon
Religion Department
Whitman College
Walla Walla, WA
Morrissey, Bob
Department of History
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN
Morrissey, Katherine G.
Department of History
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ
Moulton, Gary E.
Department of History
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE
Moyer, Ian Strachan
History Department
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Mravinec, Kristin
Greater Southwest
Historical Museum
Ardmore, OK
Mullen, Megan
Department of Communication
University of Wisconsin
Kenosha, WI
Murphy, Sue
Independent Scholar
Belfast, ME
Murphy, Teresa A.
American Studies Department
George Washington University
Washington, DC
Murray, Janet H.
School of Literature,
Communication, and Culture
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA
Myers, Peter C.
Department of Political Science
University of Wisconsin
Eau Claire, WI
Najjaj, April
Department of History
Greensboro College
Greensboro, NC
Near, Susan R.
Montana Historical Society
Helena, MT
Neary, John
Department of English
St. Norbert College
De Pere, WI
Neely, Mark E.
Department of History
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA
Neff, Emily Ballew
American Painting and Sculpture
Museum of Fine Arts
Houston, TX
Nelson, James
Philosophy Department
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Nelson, Michael L
Computer Science Department
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA
Nevitt Jr., Hugh Rodney
Department of Art
University of Houston
Houston, TX
Newby Alexander, Cassandra L.
Department of History
Norfolk State University
Norfolk, VA
Newell, Margaret Ellen
Department of History
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Newlin, Keith
English Department
University of North Carolina
Wilmington, NC
Nordberg, Erik Charles
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI
Norman, Lesley
Jump Start Productions
New York, NY
North, William Linden
Department of History
Carleton College
Northfield, MN
Nottage, James H.
Eiteljorg Museum of American
Indian and Western Art
Indianapolis, IN
Novak, William
Department of History
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL
Nowviskie, Bethany
University of Virginia Library
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Nylan, Michael
Department of Asian Studies
University of California
Berkeley, CA
O’Hara, Matthew David
Department of History
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA
O’Hara, Patricia A.
Department of English
Franklin and Marshall College
Lancaster, PA
Ohnuki Tierney, Emiko
Department of Anthropology
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI
Orzech, Charles Daniel
Department of Religious Studies
University of North Carolina
Greensboro, NC
Ostrum, Meg
Interpretive Planning Consultant
Montpelier, VT
Oswald, Alison L.
National Museum of
American History
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC
Overman, Andrew J.
Macalester College
St. Paul, MN
Owensby, Brian
History Department
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Paquette, Robert L.
Department of History
Hamilton College
Clinton, NY
Pasley, Jeffrey L.
Department of History
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO
Patterson, Stuart
Liberal Arts
Shimer College
Chicago, IL
Pauly, John J.
College of Communication
Marquette University
Milwaukee, WI
Pavelko, Kathleen
WITF, Inc.
Harrisburg, PA
Pearce, Colin D.
Social Sciences
University of South Carolina
Beauford, SC
Pearson, Clare
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL
Pearson, Michelle Line
Social Studies and Language Arts
Hulstrom Options School
Denver, CO
Pedersen, Vernon
History Department
University of Great Falls
Great Falls, MT
Peletz, Michael
Department of Anthropology
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Perez, Hilary
Department of Cultural Resources
State Library of North Carolina
Raleigh, NC
Perushek, Diane
Office of the Chancellor
University of Hawai’i, Manoa
Honolulu, HI
Phillips, Richard
Department of Special and
Area Studies Collections
University of Florida Libraries
Gainesville, FL
Phippen, William L.
Collections and Conservation
Peabody Essex Museum
Salem, MA
Pickering, Robert B.
Buffalo Bill Historical Center
Cody, WY
Pinder, Kymberly Norma
Department of Art History,
Theory, and Criticism
School of the Art
Institute of Chicago
Chicago, IL
Pleck, Elizabeth
Department of History
University of Illinois
Champaign, IL
Pollack, Beth
Department of Languages
and Linguistics
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM
Poole, Deborah A.
Department of Anthropology
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Porter, David L.
Department of English
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Powell, Barbara
Concord Free Public Library
Concord, MA
Powell, Katrina Mary
Department of English
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University
Blacksburg, VA
Pretzer, William S.
Museum of Cultural
and Natural History
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, MI
Pridgen, Pamela J.
Library of Hattiesburg,
Petal and Forrest County
Hattiesburg, MS
Primer, Ben
Rare Books and Special
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ
Proctor, Robert E.
Department of Italian
Connecticut College
New London, CT
Qian, Nanxiu
Chao Center for Asian Studies
Rice University
Houston, TX
Quinlan, Sean M.
Department of History
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID
Rabil Jr., Albert
Independent Scholar
Chapel Hill, NC
Rabineau, Phyllis G.
Education and Interpretation
Chicago Historical Society
Chicago, IL
Radcliffe, Elizabeth S.
Department of Philosophy
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA
Rainville, Lynn
Department of Anthropology
Sweet Briar College
Sweet Briar, VA
Ranger, Joshua
Area Research Center
University of Wisconsin
Oshkosh, WI
Rasch, William
Department of Germanic Studies
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Rasmussen, Eric
Department of English
University of Nevada
Reno, NV
Ratte, Christopher J.
Department of Classical Studies
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Rea, Michael Cannon
Department of Philosophy
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN
Reidy, Joseph
Department of History
Howard University
Washington, DC
Reis, Elizabeth
Women’s and Gender Studies
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR
Rice, Kym S.
Museum Studies Program
George Washington University
Washington, DC
Richard, Carl J.
Department of History
University of Louisiana
Lafayette, LA
Richards, Patricia Lyn
Department of Modern
Languages and Literatures
Kenyon College
Gambier, OH
Rickert, GailAnn
Department of Classics
Gettysburg College
Gettysburg, PA
Riddle, Norma Myers
Archives of Appalachia
East Tennessee State University
Johnson City, TN
Riley, Joanne Marie
Joseph P. Healey Library
University of Massachusetts
Boston, MA
Riley, Thomas
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND
Robertson, Holly
University Libraries
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Robin, Cynthia
Department of Anthropology
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
Robinson, Cynthia
Museum Studies
Tufts University
Medford, MA
Rodrigue, John Charles
History Department
Stonehill College
North Easton, MA
Roe, Benjamin K
RoeDeo Productions LLC
Harpers Ferry, WV
Roland, Perry
Digital Library Production Service
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Ronda, Bruce A.
Department of English
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO
Rooks, Noliwe
Program in African
American Studies
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ
Roosa, Mark S.
Pepperdine University
Malibu, CA
Ross, Charles S.
Department of English
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
Roupp, Heidi
Aspen Public Schools
Aspen, CO
Rouse, John S.
Department of Theatre
University of California
La Jolla, CA
Royalty Jr., Robert Malcolm
Department of Religion
Wabash College
Crawfordsville, IN
Rubin, Anne S.
Department of History
University of Maryland
Baltimore, MD
Rueda, Ana
Department Hispanic Studies
University of Kentucky
Research Foundation
Lexington, KY
Rutkoff, Peter
Department of History
Kenyon College
Gambier, OH
Ryan, Susan M.
Department of English
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY
Sagraves, Barbara
Baker Library
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
Sasaki Uemura, Wesley
Asian Studies Program
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT
Saxonhouse, Arlene W.
Department of Political Science
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Schaper, Louise Levy
Fayetteville Public
Library Foundation
Fayetteville, AR
Scharnhorst, Gary
Department of English
Language and Literature
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
Schatzberg, Eric
Department of the
History of Science
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI
Schmitz, David F.
Department of History
Whitman College
Walla Walla, WA
Schrader, Abby
Department of History
Franklin and Marshall College
Lancaster, PA
Schulzinger, Robert D.
International Affairs
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO
Schwartz, Glenn
Department of Near
Eastern Studies
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Scott, Deborah Emont
Nelson Atkins Museum of Art
Kansas City, MO
Seaman, David M.
Information Management
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
Seed, Patricia
Department of History
University of California
Irvine, CA
Seetoo, Tina Mason
Georgia Archives
Morrow, GA
Sessions, Jennifer
Department of History
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Sharkey, Heather
Department of Asian and
Middle Eastern Studies
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Sheehan, Colleen A.
Department of Political Science
Villanova University
Villanova, PA
Sheppard, W. Anthony
Music Department
Williams College
Williamstown, MA
Sherman, Gail
Department of English
Reed College
Portland, OR
Shifflett, Crandall A.
Department of History
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University
Blacksburg, VA
Shopes, Linda
Independent Scholar
Carlisle, PA
Shosted, Ryan K
Department of Linguistics
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL
Siegel, Susanna
Department of Philosophy
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
Silay, Kemal
Department of Central
Eurasian Studies
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Silvestrini, Blanca G.
History Department
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT
Simpson, Elizabeth
Center for Studies in
the Decorative Arts,
Design, and Culture
Bard Graduate Center
New York, NY
Simpson, Marianna Shreve
Independent Scholar
Baltimore, MD
Singh, Amardeep
Department of English
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA
Sinke, Suzanne M.
Department of History
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL
Sisman, Elaine R.
Department of Music
Columbia University
New York, NY
Skemp, Sheila L.
Department of History
University of Mississippi
University, MS
Smith, Erin
School of General Studies
University of Texas
Richardson, TX
Smith, Greg M.
Department of Communication
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA
Smith, Leonard Vinson
Department of History
Oberlin College
Oberlin, OH
Smith, MacKenzie
MIT Libraries
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Libraries
Cambridge, MA
Smith, Robin A.
Department of Philosophy
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX
Smith, Steven D.
Wellesley College
Wellesley, MA
Smith Hefner, Nancy J.
Department of Anthropology
Boston University
Boston, MA
Snarr, C. Melissa
Divinity School and Graduate
Department of Religion
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Snyder Grenier, Ellen M.
Morris Museum, Inc.
Morristown, NJ
Solberg, Mary Melinda
Religion Department
Gustavus Adolphus College
St. Peter, MN
Soll, Jacob Shandor
Department of History
Rutgers University, Camden
Camden, NJ
Spiro, Lisa
Digital Media Center
Rice University
Houston, TX
Staber, Deborah W.
L.C. Bates Museum
Hinckley, ME
Stanbury, Sarah
Department of English
College of the Holy Cross
Worcester, MA
Standring, Timothy J.
European and American Art
Denver Art Museum
Denver, CO
Staples, Thornton
Community Strategy
and Outreach
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Stein, Michael Ashley
Law School
College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, VA
Stephens, Scott
English Department
Grady High School
Atlanta, GA
Stern, Michael J.
Department of German
and Scandinavian
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR
Stevens, Richard G.
American University
Washington, DC
Stewart, Roberta
Department of Classics
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
Stewart, Virginia R.
Department of History
Lake Forest College
Lake Forest, IL
Stone, Barbara S.
German Language and Literature
Shimer College
Chicago, IL
Storey, William
History Department
Millsaps College
Jackson, MS
Stott, William Merrell
American Studies and English
University of Texas
Austin, TX
Stradling, David
Department of History
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH
Struve, Lynn A.
Department of History
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Stutzbach, Alisa Rata
Hamon Arts Library
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX
Sully, Perian
Collection Information
and New Media
Judah L. Magnes Museum
Berkeley, CA
Sutton, Donald Sinclair
Department of History
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA
Swanson, Dwight William
Appalshop, Inc.
Whitesburg, KY
Tabor Hann, Kellie
Independent Scholar
Middletown, RI
Tai, Emily Sohmer
Department of History
CUNY Research
Foundation, Queensborough
Community College
Bayside, NY
Talbert, Richard J. A.
Department of History
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Talisse, Robert
Department of Philosophy
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Taraba, Suzy
Special Collections and
Archives, Olin Library
Wesleyan University
Middletown, CT
Taranto, Barbara
New York Public Library
New York, NY
Taylor, C. James
The Adams Papers
Massachusetts Historical Society
Boston, MA
Thomae, Dawn Sher
Anthropology Collections
Milwaukee Public Museum
Milwaukee, WI
Thomas, Brook
School of Humanities
University of California
Irvine, CA
Thomas, Karen
Film Odyssey, Inc.
Washington, DC
Thornton, III, J. Mills
Department of History
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Tice, Patricia M.
Genesee Country Village
and Museum
Mumford, NY
Titon, Jeffrey T.
Department of Music
Brown University
Providence, RI
Tomor, Michael A.
El Paso Museum of Art
El Paso, TX
Toomey, Michael
East Tennessee Historical Society
Knoxville, TN
Trofanenko, Brenda M.
College of Education
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL
Trotter, Joe William
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA
Turvey, Malcolm
Film History Program
Sarah Lawrence College
Bronxville, NY
Uhler, Sharron G.
Education and Archives
Johnson County
Community College
Overland Park, KS
Vaillant, Derek W.
Department of
Communication Studies
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Valenti, Peter L.
Department of English
and Foreign Languages
Fayetteville State University
Fayetteville, NC
Van Camp, Julie C.
Department of Philosophy
California State University
Long Beach, CA
Van Horne, John C.
Library Company of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA
Vann, Theresa
Hill Museum and
Manuscript Library
St. Johns University
Collegeville, MN
Vaughan, III, Robert C.
Virginia Foundation for
the Humanities
Charlottesville, VA
Vaught, David J.
Department of History
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX
Vendler, Helen H.
Department of English
and American Literature
and Language
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
Visona, Monica B.
Department of Art
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
Vlastos, Stephen
Department of History
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Vogt, Jay
South Dakota Historical Society
Pierre, SD
Voskuil, Lynn M.
Department of English
University of Houston
Houston, TX
Wahl, Rebecca
Social Studies
St. Croix Preparatory Academy
Stillwater, MN
Walch, Timothy G.
Herbert Hoover Presidential
Library and Museum
Iowa City, IA
Wald, Gayle F.
Department of English
George Washington University
Washington, DC
Walker, Cheryl Lawson
English Department
Scripps College
Claremont, CA
Walker, Timothy D.
Department of History
University of Massachusetts
North Dartmouth, MA
Wallach, William K.
Bentley Historical Library
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Walling, Karl
Department of Policy and Strategy
U.S. Naval War College
Newport, RI
Walsh, John Anthony
School of Library and
Information Science
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Walters, Lori C.
Institute for Simulation
and Training
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL
Warburton, Eileen
Boston Public Library Trustees
Boston, MA
Ware, Rudolph
Department of History
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
Ware, Susan
Independent Scholar
Cambridge, MA
Waters, Timothy
Social Science Department
Rolling Meadows High School
Rolling Meadows, IL
Watson, Maida I.
Department of Modern Languages
Florida International University
Miami, FL
Weible, Robert M.
Pennsylvania Historical and
Museum Commission
Harrisburg, PA
Weis, Tracey
Department of History
Millersville University
Millersville, PA
Welsch, Robert L.
Department of Anthropology
Field Museum of Natural History
Chicago, IL
Wendrich, Willemina Z.
Near East Languages and Culture
Fowler Museum of
Cultural History
University of California
Los Angeles, CA
West III, James L. W.
Department of English
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA
Wheary, Dale
Historical Collections
and Programs
Maymont Foundation
Richmond, VA
White, Deborah Elise
Department of English
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Whittington, E. Michael
Monterey Museum of
Art Association
Monterey, CA
Williams, Simon J. C.
Department of Theater and Dance
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA
Wilson, Ara
Department of Anthropology
Duke University
Durham, NC
Wilson, Blake M.
Music Department
Dickinson College
Carlisle, PA
Wilson, Douglas L.
Lincoln Studies Center
Knox College
Galesburg, IL
Wilson, Kathryn
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Wilson, Mary C.
Department of History
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA
Wilson, Samuel M.
Department of Anthropology
University of Texas
Austin, TX
Wintz, Cary D.
Department of History
Texas Southern University
Houston, TX
Witchey, Holly R.
Department of New Media
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland, OH
Witmore, Michael Lawrence
Department of English
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA
Witwer, David Scott
Department of History
Lycoming College
Williamsport, PA
Woestman, Kelly A.
Department of History
Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg, KS
Wolf, Arthur H.
Wolf Consulting
Las Vegas, NV
Wollaeger, Mark A.
Department of English
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Woods, Thomas A.
Making Sense of Place, Inc.
Oconomowoc, WI
Woodward, Kathleen M.
Walter Chapin Simpson
Center for the Humanities
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Worobec, Christine D.
Department of History
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL
Wulfman, Clifford E.
Modern Culture and Media
Brown University
Providence, RI
Yasutomo, Dennis
Government and East
Asian Studies
Smith College
Northampton, MA
Youens, Susan Lee
Department of Music
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN
Young, Robert
Independent Scholar
Laramie, WY
Youngs, William T.
Department of History
Eastern Washington University
Cheney, WA
Zafrin, Vika
School of Theology
Boston University
Boston, MA
Zaret, David R.
Departments of Sociology
and History
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Zecher, Carla
Center for Renaissance Studies
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL
Zimmerman, Andrew
Department of History
George Washington University
Washington, DC
Zuckerman, Michael
Department of History
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Zuckert, Catherine H.
Department of Political Science
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN
Zutshi, Chitralekha
Department of History
College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, VA
Herman Belz
College Park, Maryland
Jewel Spears Brooker
St. Petersburg, Florida
Josiah Bunting III
The Plains, Virginia
Jamsheed K. Choksy
Greenwood, Indiana
Celeste Colgan
Denver, Colorado
Dawn Ho Delbanco
New York, New York
Jane Marie Doggett
White Sulfur Springs, Montana
Jean Bethke Elshtain
Chicago, Illinois
Dario Fernández-Morera
Evanston, Illinois
Gary D. Glenn
DeKalb, Illinois
Allen C. Guelzo
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Mary Habeck
Washington, D.C.
Craig Haffner
Los Angeles, California
David Hertz
Bloomington, Indiana
James Davison Hunter
Charlottesville, Virginia
Tamar Jacoby
New York, New York
Harvey Klehr
Atlanta, Georgia
Iris Love
Lincoln, Vermont
Robert Martin
Corinth, Texas
Wilfred McClay
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Lawrence Okamura
Columbia, Missouri
Manfredi Piccolomini
New York, New York
Ricardo Quinones
Claremont, California
Marvin Scott
Indianapolis, Indiana
Marguerite Sullivan
Washington, D.C.
Carol M. Swain
Nashville, Tennessee
Stephan Thernstrom
Lexington, Massachusetts
Kenneth R. Weinstein
Washington, D.C.
Jay Winik
Chevy Chase, Maryland
Bruce Cole
Deputy Chairman
Thomas Lindsay
Assistant Chairman for
Planning and Operations
Jeffrey Thomas
Assistant Chairman for Partnership
and National Affairs
Carole Watson
Assistant Chairman for Programs
Adam Wolfson
General Counsel
Michael McDonald
Chief of Staff and Counselor
to the Chairman
Andrew Hazlett
Senior Adviser to the Chairman
Mindy Berry
Director of Publications
David Skinner
Director of Communications
Brian Lee
Inspector General
Sheldon Bernstein
Division of Education Programs
William Craig Rice
Division of Preservation and Access
Nadina Gardner
Division of Public Programs
Thomas Phelps
Division of Research
Acting Director
Ann Meyer
Federal/State Partnership
Edythe Manza
Office of Challenge Grants
Stephen M. Ross
Office of Digital Humanities
Director and
Chief Information Officer
Brett Bobley
*Reflects 1.56 percent across- the-board rescission under P.L. 110-161.
Fiscal Year 2008 Appropriation
(in thousands of dollars)
Program/Fund Appropriation
We the People $15,001
Digital Humanities 1,969
Federal/State Partnership 31,712
Education Programs 12,601
Preservation and Access 18,380
Public Programs 12,709
Research Programs 13,003
Program Development 356
Subtotal 105,731
Challenge Grants 9,331
Treasury Funds 4,953
Subtotal 14,284
Administration 24,692
TOTAL $144,707*